
villains and mechanoid threats
villains and mechanoid threats

the brotherhood of makuta
The Makuta species were created by the Great Spirit Mata Nui to aid him in protecting and maintaining the Matoran Universe. Specifically, their job was to create Rahi beasts that would play useful roles in the operation of the universe. This they did by mixing viruses with liquid protodermis, creating every known creature that walks, flies, or swims.
Originally, the members of the Brotherhood of Makuta were bio-mechanical - a combination of organic tissue and mechanical parts, much like Toa or Matoran. But over time, the Makuta evolved. Their muscle and tissue turned to pure energy, which they housed in protosteel armour. Although the energy could dissipate if outside of a body too long, the change made the Makuta much more difficult to physically harm.
Mata Nui had gifted the Makuta with a number of powers, including the control of the shadow element. Although shadow is a dangerous element, Mata Nui knew there would need to be some Rahi who dwelled in darkness, and the Makuta would need to be able to master that darkness to control them. He also made the Makuta shapeshifters, again to make them better able to master the Rahi they created.
After the Matoran Civil War, the Makuta's roles changed. Their leader, Miserix, decided that one Makuta should be assigned to oversee each region of the Matoran Universe. The intent was to make sure no more disruptions of the Matoran labours would occur.
The Makuta became active in stopping threats to the peace, such as the Barraki's rebellion.
However, it was after that rebellion that the Makuta named Teridax began thinking about seizing power. Putting his plan into motion, he eventually led an attack on Mata Nui that resulted in the Great Spirit falling into an unending sleep. Efforts by him to seize power in Metru Nui and quickly achieve domination of the universe were frustrated by Toa. Despite this, the Makuta remained the major threat to peace and security in this universe.
Although they were incredibly powerful, Makuta did have weaknesses. Being creatures of shadow, they were vulnerable to light. If their armour was cracked or damaged, their essence leaked out. They had to then find a new body within a few weeks or cease to exist. In addition, there was what was called the "curse of the Makuta" - their own ambition and lust for power sometimes caused them to make mistakes or underestimate their opponents.
Most Makuta specialised in certain things. Chirox and Mutran, for example, continued to refine their abilities to create Rahi, Icarax focused on mastering combat, Vamprah honed his skills as a hunter, and so on.
The Brotherhood's main fortress was located on the island of Destral. The island was capable of being teleported to various locations as needed by the Makuta. It was guarded by Rahkshi, Visorak and Exo-Toa. The fortress of Destral was largely destroyed by an Order of Mata Nui attack.
Only two Makuta have ever been barred from the Brotherhood. The first was Miserix, who was overthrown by Teridax and later reappeared to try to stop the Brotherhood's plans. The second was Spiriah, who was blamed for the failed experiment that resulted in the savage and uncontrollable Skakdi. Spiriah was part of the team that freed Miserix from the island of Artidax.
There are very few Makuta currently still active in the universe. Since Teridax seized complete control, he has seen little need to allow potential rivals to live. The Makuta who do survive are used to mass produce Kraata so that Teridax's Rahkshi armies remain strong.
Makuta is also a title; given by Matoran to its members.

Teridax in Matoran form
Teridax in his true form
Master of shadows; former lieutenant of the Makuta; spirit of destruction; leader of the Brotherhood of Makuta; and sworn enemy of the Toa.
One hundred thousand years ago Teridax was "created" by the Great Spirit Mata Nui as a member of the Brotherhood of Makuta, whose job was to create and alter Rahi as needed; the Brotherhood soon also took on the job of protecting Mata Nui's chosen people, the Matoran. Teridax was put specifically in charge of the city of Metru Nui and its surrounding region by the leader of the Brotherhood, Miserix.
At one point eighty thousand years ago, the Brotherhood had discovered through the traitor Takadox that a military alliance called the League of Six Kingdoms was plotting no less than the overthrow of Mata Nui himself. The Brotherhood, allied with Mata Nui's champions, the Toa, and Teridax led a preemptive strike against the League and their leaders, six warlords titled "Barraki." The operation was a complete success, and all six Barraki were captured, but as Teridax was about to execute them a stranger named Botar appeared. He and Teridax argued over the fate of the Barraki until Botar finally teleported away, taking the Barraki to the Pit with him.
Though Teridax would occasionally wonder about the stranger and what he had done with the Barraki, he would more often consider the League's ultimate goal, and concluded that a Barraki was ultimately unworthy to replace the Great Spirit. However, he then began thinking about taking over the Matoran Universe himself.
Spurred on by this thought, Teridax (and eventually the rest of the Brotherhood) became jealous of the high regard that Mata Nui was given by the Matoran and began brooding on ways to overthrow Mata Nui, and with the information gleaned from Tren Krom by Mutran, he was able to formulate the Plan. Eventually, Teridax revealed to the other Makuta his plan, which was to put Mata Nui to sleep, intending to take his place in the minds of the Matoran as their savior.
Miserix alone went against this, but no other Makuta supported him. After a short brawl, Teridax claimed leadership of the Brotherhood and ordered Miserix executed, though the execution never took place and Miserix was instead imprisoned on an island far to the south by Krika. Teridax then set his plan into motion. Thereafter, he worked with the Energised Protodermis Entity to create dangerous Rahi mutation. In addition, he mounted an operation to raid the island of Artakha to steal the Kanohi Avohkii, the Mask of Light.
Rebellion of the Hagah
At some point, six Toa were selected to be Teridax's personal bodyguards; these Toa became known as the Toa Hagah. Discovering this treachery, however, the Toa turned on him. They succeeded in temporarily defeating the Makuta and retrieving the Avohkii, but only at the cost of being turned into Rahaga by Teridax's lieutenant, Roodaka.
Siege on Metru Nui
Centuries later, the Makuta reappeared, this time posing as Turaga Dume and ruling Metru Nui. Reduced in stature due to his earlier defeat, he was forced to rely on Dark Hunters to achieve his ends. He ordered many of the city's Toa to go on dangerous missions, from which they did not return. He also sent Nidhiki and Krekka to capture Lhikan, Toa of Fire and leader of the Mangai.
His plan was simple and frightening. He would have the city's Matoran placed into spheres which would render them comatose and erase their memories. Using the Kanohi Vahi, the Mask of Time, he would cause this to happen rapidly - years for the Matoran, but only days for the Makuta himself. Then he would awaken them and be hailed as their rescuer.
At first, all went well. The Matoran were put to sleep. Teridax drained the energy of the city's power plant, and absorbed Nidhiki, Krekka, and the Rahi bird Nivawk, regaining his full power (and killing the three of them in the process). Mata Nui lapsed into unconsciousness. But the Toa Metru intervened, with Vakama keeping the Vahi from Teridax. In the ensuing fight, Lhikan, now a Turaga, was killed by Teridax. The six Toa then combined their powers and imprisoned Teridax behind solid protodermis branded with a Toa Seal.
His body was trapped, but not his mind. He reached out and summoned Roodaka, Sidorak, and the Visorak Hordes to Metru Nui. While the hordes attacked and captured the city's Rahi, Roodaka worked on a way to free the Makuta. She eventually achieved this end by absorbing a portion of the elemental energy of the six Toa. Doing so brought her close to death, but she was rescued at the last moment by Teridax.
Free again, Teridax made an attempt to seize the Vahi, but was opposed by both the Shadowed One and Toa Vakama. This clash led to the outbreak of the Dark Hunter-Makuta War. Vakama was successful in keeping the Vahi away from the Makuta. After the Toa Metru transported the Matoran to the island of Mata Nui, Teridax became a constant menace to them. Operating out of one of his numerous lairs, this one called Mangaia, he used infected Kanohi Masks to take over Rahi and harass the Matoran. In fact, he was not trying to destroy them. He was simply trying to keep them from ever returning to Metru Nui, for he knew if they ever did Mata Nui might reawaken.
Arrival of the new Toa
The tide began to turn with the arrival of six Toa: Tahu, Pohatu, Gali, Kopaka, Onua, and Lewa. They opposed Teridax, defeated his mind-controlled Rahi, his Manas guardians, and the Shadow Toa he sent against them. Then they triumphed over the master of shadows, the Makuta Teridax himself, apparently saving the Matoran. But the Makuta was not defeated, merely weakened. He bought time by unleashing the Bohrok on Mata Nui while he regained his strength. But whatever plans he might have been making were changed by Takua's discovery of the Kanohi Avohkii, the Mask of Light. Knowing the coming of a Toa of Light might mean his doom, Teridax sent his Rahkshi to try and retrieve the mask. They were defeated by the Toa Nuva.
Teridax versus the Toa of Light
The Makuta eventually challenged Takanuva, the Toa of Light, and in the resulting combat the two were merged into a combined entity called Takutanuva. With Takanuva's mind dominating the entity, Takutanuva opened the gateway that led to Metru Nui. In an act of great self-sacrifice, Takutanuva surrendered part of his life force to revive Jaller, who had been killed by a Rahkshi. Thus weakened, he could no longer support the gateway, which came crashing down even as the entity split back into its two halves. Takanuva was revived by the power of light, but of Teridax there was no sign. He was presumed dead by the Toa Nuva.
Search for the Mask of Life
However, Teridax had survived. His species had long ago evolved past the point of needing physical bodies, and instead consisted of energy inside armour. With his armour shattered, his energy was unleashed in the form of gaseous Antidermis. He then used his powers to telepathically influence the Piraka to search for the Kanohi Ignika, the Mask of Life, on the island of Voya Nui south of Mata Nui. And allowed his essence to be used in Zamor Spheres to enslave the Matoran population of that island. During a battle between Axonn and Brutaka, the vat containing the antidermis was shattered, leaving Teridax without a body once more.
Undeterred, Teridax continued his pursuit of the Mask of Life, first possessing the body of Toa Matoro and later the shell of Maxilos. He has told Matoro that he does want the life of Mata Nui saved, but it is doubtful that is the full truth.
He remains an enormous threat to the entire universe.
One of the most powerful entities in the Bionicle universe, Teridax wields the energies of darkness. He is an incredibly skilled shape-shifter and mimic, has strong telepathic powers, can summon a mighty vortex, and possesses all of the powers of the various Rahkshi. He also has the ability to create Kraata, slug-like creatures made from his own substance. In his large, armoured forms, he has physical strength exceeding that of a Toa.
When weakened, he tends to rely more on surrogates to fight in his battles. His knowledge of the universe exceeds both that of the Toa and Turaga, allowing him to use things like the Bohrok against them. In the past, Teridax has been seen to use his mental powers to create Shadow Toa from the darkness inside the Toa; trigger sandstorms, tidal waves, and volcanic eruptions; transform his body into a vortex; and appear as everything from a Matoran to an armoured, winged giant. He has been defeated at least three times, but never for long.
Teridax wears the Kanohi Kraahkan, the Great Mask of Shadows, and carried the Staff of Darkness which channelled his power. The Kraahkan has since been lost beneath the sea around Metru Nui. The whereabouts of the staff are unknown.
Alternate Universes
alternate universes
In the Melding universe, Makuta Teridax was created as a warrior of light for the Great Beings, he and his brothers having the purpose of eliminating the powers of darkness present on Spherus Magna. As stated by him, his role was to aid the Toa and villagers and create new life forms, as well as to teach said life forms the value of the Three Virtues. After Mazeka and Vultraz arrived in this universe, Macku chose Teridax to guide them to the fortress of the Great Beings.
After arriving at the fortress, Mazeka was offered the privilege of allowing one being from the Melding universe to return with him to his universe in exchange for Vultraz; the being Mazeka selected was Teridax. After arriving back in the Matoran Universe, on the Southern Continent, the two eventually came upon a ridge overlooking a deserted Ba-Matoran village , where they discussed how, had he been in his situation, the alternate Teridax may have been just as ruthless as his counterpart. The Teridax of the main universe then created a maelstrom which blew the pair down to the village. Through the mouths of the dead Visorak scattered around the village, the Makuta spoke to them, saying that a weaker version of himself could never defeat him.
The alternate Teridax stated that he was stronger because he resisted the temptations his counterpart could not. As a response, and to end the threat posed by another Makuta, the Teridax of the Matoran Universe teleported three Shadow Takanuva to the village.

Miserix is a Makuta and the original leader of the Brotherhood of Makuta until he was overthrown by Teridax. He was imprisoned on Artidax and freed by an Order of Mata Nui strike team (consisting of numerous past villains), then assisted the Toa Hagah in their search for Teridax.
Miserix was created on one of the Southern Islands by Mata Nui 100,000 years ago. He became the leader of the Makuta's organization, the Brotherhood of Makuta, whose task was to create bio-mechanical Rahi to populate the Matoran Universe. Five thousand years later, he had learned the Matoran could not afford the trading prices offered by the Vortixx.
He approached Chirox and Mutran and had them decide on which one would accompany Icarax and Pridak in this task. At the time that Pridak left the Brotherhood to start the League of Six Kingdoms, Miserix hired Takadox, one of the leaders of the League, to spy for him.
Later, the Makuta attended a meeting with the six leaders of the League. The warlords demanded that the Brotherhood continue to make new Rahi and anything else they might need. After the meeting ended, Miserix ordered his lieutenant, Makuta Teridax, to watch the Barraki. Teridax obeyed, later leading the attack that dismantled the League of Six Kingdoms.
500 years later, the Matoran Civil War sparked on Metru Nui. Again, Miserix turned to Teridax and ordered him to stop the war. After the war, Miserix gave Makuta Mutran the mission to visit Tren Krom, believing that such a being of great power could not go unchecked in the universe without knowing its intent or potential danger. Some time later, Teridax rebelled against Miserix after learning a way to rule the universe with Mata Nui asleep. Miserix was overthrown and Makuta Krika imprisoned him on Artidax. He was reported to have died "in a Rahi creation accident."
Miserix was later freed by Brutaka's team, although not before absorbing Makuta Spiriah into his body. Miserix then destroyed the volcano imprisoning him, grew wings, and fled along with Brutaka's team, heading north to Daxia. He soon left the island to Stelt to spread his message, apparently changing his armor color to green in the process. He caught the Makuta of Stelt and threatened to destroy him if he didn't reveal the location of Teridax. After the Makuta pointed Miserix to the right way, Miserix then absorbed him. Miserix then caught a trader and ordered him to inform everybody that Miserix is looking for Teridax. He then came to Metru Nui and rescued the Toa Hagah and Zaktan from molten Protodermis. Miserix then decided to join them on their mission to destroy Teridax.
After a while, the team then discovered two long-dead bodies within the Core Processor. Miserix concluded that their armor was not made out of Protodermis, and, as a result, they all figured out that the two were not from the Matoran Universe. Suddenly, a portal opened from within the chamber and the team prepared for battle as silhouettes appeared from within. It had turned out to be Helryx, Keetongu, Axonn, and Brutaka who were brought there. Just as the assembled group began to converse about what to do, Teridax revealed himself and destroyed Brutaka's Kanohi Olmak to prevent any escape, then apparently killed Zaktan with a sonic hum that destroyed the globe of water he was in.
Miserix could be extremely quick to anger, and ill-tempered. He is extremely intelligent, and very cautious. During his imprisonment, he knew that the other Makuta had shunned their inner light, and proceeded to do so, thinking that he would not allow them to have an advantage over him. His hatred of Teridax is great enough to have him allying with the Toa and Matoran to destroy Teridax.
Like other Makuta, Miserix possesses powerful Shadow elemental powers, and the 42 Kraata powers. He is a powerful Makuta that is feared by even other Makuta.
Miserix wielded the Great Mask of Mutation, thus allowing him to cause mutation on any being or creature it is directed at, and that mutation can only be reversed by him. His weapons mainly involved his powerful firestaff as well as his bladed claws and tail. He has a penchant for shapeshifting into fearsome reptilian forms.

Antroz was the leader of the Makuta in Karda Nui and one of the Brotherhood's most skilled tactical commanders. He was smart enough not to make the common Makuta mistake of underestimating his foes, and even fought with some sense of honour (a rarity among his species). He led three other Makuta - Vamprah, Chirox, and Mutran - in attacks on the villages of the Matoran of Light. Their goal was to convert the Matoran into shadow Matoran, thus making it impossible for any more Toa of Light to come into being. They had defeated all but one village when the Toa Nuva arrived in Karda Nui and began to actively oppose them. Antroz's armour was damaged during a battle with Kopaka, but he was able to patch it sufficiently to return to the fight.
When the Toa discovered three powerful vehicles inside the Codrex, Antroz stole one, the Jetrax T6, and battled Lewa Nuva and Pohatu Nuva in the air. Kopaka Nuva eventually seized control of the craft. Antroz later perished in the energy storm unleashed when Mata Nui awoke.
As a member of Miserix's Brotherhood, Antroz was originally assigned to watch over the Island of Xia.
Powers and Equipment
Antroz wore the Kanohi Jutlin, the Mask of Corruption, which could rot any object. He was capable of flight and had claws and poisonous fangs. He also carried a Tridax pod filled with shadow leeches. Due to exposure to the explosion of light that accompanied Mata Nui's return to life, he lost his sight and had to rely on a shadow Matoran, Radiak, to navigate.

The silent hunter of the Makuta, Vamprah loved to stalk Matoran and use his mask to turn them into shadow versions of themselves. Often, he would allow his prey temporarily escape, just to prolong the pleasure of the hunt. While capable of speech, Vamprah believed that a good hunter never makes unnecessary noise. Vamprah was the first Makuta to discover the portal into Karda Nui. Following the battles in the skies of Karda Nui, Vamprah was defeated by Tahu Nuva down in the swamp. He later teamed with Gorast to challenge Icarax, teaming with her to kill the renegade Makuta.
Bitil refused to aid Vamprah to escape Karda Nui when the energy storm erupted. Vamprah perished in the storm, typically without saying a word.
As a member of Miserix's Brotherhood, Vamprah was originally assigned to watch over the Island of Odina.
Powers and Equipment
Vamprah wore the Kanohi Avsa, the Mask of Hunger, which was capable of draining energy or light from a target over distance. He used knife-sharp wings and claws in combat and also carried a Tridax pod filled with shadow leeches. He was blinded by the light explosion in Karda Nui and had to rely on a shadow Matoran to provide him with a means of seeing the world around him.

A brilliant Makuta, Chirox's Rahi creations tended to be creatures who were not helpful or benevolent but destructive. Chirox was the one who discovered that the Makuta had evolved from organic to energy, and that they could now possess other bodies in this form.
Chirox battled the Toa Nuva both in the sky and in the swamp, while also clashing with Mutran, his long-time rival among the Makuta. He was also the first to voice the suspicion that Teridax had sent the Makuta to Karda Nui not to achieve a vital mission, but as a way of getting rid of them. During Takanuva's attempt to rescue the shadow Matoran, Chirox mounted an attack on the Toa of Light. He was badly beaten by Takanuva and had his armour pierced by a laser burst. Wounded, he had to retreat. Chirox was later killed by the energy storm that struck Karda Nui.
As a member of Miserix's Brotherhood, Chirox was originally assigned to watch over multiple Islands of the Matoran Universe. Including Keetongu's home island and the island of Visorak.
Powers and Equipment
Chirox wore the Kanohi Shelek, the Mask of Silence, which could rob an opponent of the senses of speech and hearing. He carried a pair of hook blades and a Tridax pod filled with shadow leeches. He was blinded by the explosion of light in Karda Nui and had to rely on a shadow Matoran to provide him with sight.

Although Bitil had some skill at creating insect Rahi, his true desire was to be a warrior like Icarax or Gorast. Although he was never as good as they, he was aggressive, daring, and ruthless. He followed Teridax because he saw a chance to rule a universe. Yet, despite having every advantage, he was outfought by the Toa Nuva in Karda Nui, who successfully used their wits against his greatest power. Although Bitil was trapped in his insectoid form, he did not suffer as bad a mutation as Krika and Gorast did (seeing what happened to them, he got out of the swamp before it could do too much to him). Heavily armed with blades and spiked armour, he still preferred to rely on his Ghost Blaster whenever possible. It was far easier to defeat a foe who could not fight back. When the energy storm erupted in Karda Nui, Bitil refused to help Antroz or any of others escaped. He tried and failed to escape the storm, finally being disintegrated by it.
As a member of Miserix's Brotherhood, Bitil was originally assigned to watch over the Islands of the Southern region.
Powers and Equipment
Bitil's greatest source of power was his Kanohi Mohtrek, the Mask of Duplication. It allowed Bitil to summon versions of himself from the past to fight alongside them. There were restrictions, however. The past versions could only stay in the present for as long as Bitil could maintain concentration. When they returned to the past, they would remember nothing of the future. And if a past self was killed in the present, Bitil himself would cease to exist.

The Makuta named Krika was always a reluctant part of Teridax's great plan. When he pondered the future, he saw nothing but destruction. Either the Toa would win and the Brotherhood would be wiped out, or the Makuta would win - but he doubted that would lead to happiness. Deep down, he felt that, somehow, rule by the Brotherhood would lead to nothing but fear and death. Still, he didn't believe there was much he could do against the might of Teridax and his loyal followers. So when Teridax ordered him to Karda Nui, he went; when Antroz placed him in command of the Makuta in the swamp, he accepted.
As the mission continued, his doubts grew. He kidnapped Gali and tried to convince her to flee Karda Nui, believing that if the Toa Nuva were to split up, they could not achieve their destiny and wake up Mata Nui. Later, he joined with Icarax in an attempt to frustrate Terodax's plans by destroying the Codrex and killing the Toa inside.
Upon discovering that an energy storm would consume all of Karda Nui when Mata Nui awakened, Krika tried to warn the other Makuta. Gorast refused to believe his story, branded him a traitor to the Brotherhood, and killed him.
As a member of Miserix's Brotherhood, Krika was originally assigned to watch over the territories of the Northern Continent. Including the Island of Zakaz.
Powers and Equipment
Krika was trapped in an insectoid form by the power of the swamp waters. He was able to change his density so that he could pass through solid matter, but if he did not absorb energy from other beings or the world around him, he would become permanently ghostly. He carried a Nynrah Ghost Blaster and wore the Kanohi Crast, the Mask of Repulsion. This mask could repel anything Krika chose, even the ground, allowing him to fly.

Of all the Makuta, Gorast was the most fiercely loyal to Teridax and his plan. To her, nothing was more important than its success - not her life, not the lives of the other Makuta, not the universe itself. She was truly fearless and nothing could shake her faith in her leader. Any Makuta who dared to betray the glorious cause for which she fought could expect no mercy. During the final battle, she killed both Krika and Icarax as punishment for their traitorous actions.
Gorast had purposely chosen one of the most dangerous and difficult areas to rule, the section of the Southern Continent that included the fearsome Tren Krom Peninsula. She alone had dared to challenge the acid falls and done battle with the monstrous creations of Tren Krom himself. Gorast demanded total obedience from those in their domain, and there was only one punishment for those who failed to comply: death. As a result, Mutran and Chirox found they could often find volunteers for their experiments from her region, as the inhabitants would do anything to get away from her. (This stopped when Gorast destroyed Chirox's lab on Destral and threatened to do the same to him.)
Trapped in her insectoid form, Gorast had to drain light from other living things in order to survive. While she could feed off the light of swamp Rahi, the meals were too small to sustain her for long. That was why she targeted the Toa, either by direct attack or by trying to lure them into her clutches.
Gorast was killed when the energy storm swept over Karda Nui. Shocked at the turn of events, she made no attempt even to try to escape, simply sat in the mud and waited for the end.
As a member of Miserix's Brotherhood, Gorast was originally assigned to watch over the peninsula of the Matoran Universe. Otherwise known as the Tren Krom Peninsula. Including Tren Krom's island.
Powers and Equipment
Gorast had four arms ending in claws and carried a Nynrah Ghost Blaster. She wore the Kanohi Felnas, the Mask of Disruption, which could make the powers of others run wild.

Icarax was an arrogant, aggressive Makuta and member of the Brotherhood of Makuta. He was originally assigned to watch over the region of Karzahni.
A rebellious Makuta with designs on leadership of the Brotherhood, Icarax is also the most highly skilled of his species in combat. Shortly after the fall of Mata Nui, Icarax lost faith in Teridax's leadership and attempted to conquer the universe through force. Teridax confronted him and beat him after a battle that lasted for days. While Teridax was in Mahri Nui, he telepathically ordered Icarax to retrieve the Mask of Shadows and the Staff of Artakha. The quest for the latter brought Icarax into conflict with the Toa Nuva and resulted in the destruction of Karzahni's realm. Icarax was summoned by Antroz to Karda Nui to battle the Toa Nuva. He almost immediately found himself in combat with the Toa Ignika, a living being that embodied the power of the Mask of Life. Ignika devolved Icarax back into being a bio-mechanical being, a process that was quite painful for the Makuta.
Icarax later talked Krika into helping him attack the Codrex in an effort to frustrate Teridax's ultimate plan. Vamprah, Mutran, and Gorast attacked him in retaliation. He was killed when his teleport ability went wild and he was transported to a million different places at once.
Approximately 100,000 years ago, Icarax was created out of Antidermis by the Great Spirit Mata Nui. Like the other members of his species, he promptly became a member of the Brotherhood of Makuta, an organization devoted to carrying out the will of Mata Nui, maintaining order in the universe, and creating numerous species of Rahi to aid the Matoran.
Shortly after the construction of the fortress of Destral, Miserix sent Mutran, Icarax, and his assistant, Pridak, to Xia, for the purpose of forcing the Vortixx to charge lower prices for their goods. After several days of negotiation, Icarax lost his temper and proceeded to destroy several buildings. As a result, the Vortixx hastily agreed to the Brotherhood's demands.
Icarax was later present during a meeting with the League of Six Kingdoms, shortly after the League's formation. Subsequent to the Metru Nui civil war, Icarax was assigned by Miserix to watch over the island realm of Karzahni. Years later, when Teridax revealed his Great Plan to overthrow Mata Nui, Icarax remained silent. Ultimately, however, he sided with Teridax, and assisted Gorast in executing the various Makuta that had disagreed with Teridax's proposition. As a warning to other Makuta, they then placed the deceased Makuta's Kanohi in the Convocation Chamber.
Icarax, like the other Makuta, eventually evolved beyond the need of a physical body, attaining a form which consisted of Antidermis contained within mechanical armour. The Nynrah Ghosts were quickly summoned to Destral by Teridax, and helped modify the Makuta's armour to accommodate for the new gaseous form.
After the Great Cataclysm and the Metru Nui Matoran's immediate evacuation of the city, Icarax lost faith in Teridax's leadership and decided to conquer the Matoran Universe using brute force. With this in mind, he composed a small army of Manas crabs and used them to attack the Northern Continent, managing the conquest of several villages. Makuta quickly learned of Icarax's rebellious actions, however, and confronted him. In the ensuing duel, Icarax savagely attacked Teridax in a battle that lasted for days, exhausting himself in the process. Teridax then proceeded to take control of the armies of Manas, order them to attack his foe, and use every ability at his disposal to counter-attack and easily defeat Icarax. Teridax did, however, permit his opponent to live, as he still had a use for Icarax's talents and found Icarax's warlike personality amusing.
While Teridax was on Voya Nui, he telepathically communicated with Icarax and ordered him to retrieve the Kanohi Kraahkan from the Silver Sea. Icarax retrieved the mask, narrowly avoiding a confrontation with Takanuva in the process, and began wearing it until Teridax should return to claim it.
Staff of Artakha
Teridax later instructed Icarax to retrieve the legendary Staff of Artakha from Xia. Icarax proceeded to do so, but while departing the island, he was challenged by the Toa Nuva of Earth, Onua. Icarax easily defeated the Toa of Earth, who later informed the other Toa Nuva of Icarax's intentions and whereabouts.
While on the island, Icarax also learned of a weapon order placed by a group unknown to Xia. His suspicions were aroused, but he did not investigate the order at the time.
Icarax then traveled to Karzahni and, because they needed the Staff, the Toa Nuva followed and confronted him. Icarax quickly defeated all the Toa Nuva in battle, with the exception of Gali, who swept him away with a Nova Blast of Water, destroying Karzahni's realm in the process. Icarax survived, however, and later managed to travel to Mahri Nui, where he handed over the Staff to Teridax.
Icarax then returned to Xia to investigate the mysterious weapon order he had learned of earlier. Following the shipment to an island just off of the coast of the Southern Continent, he encountered and ambushed the beings who had placed the order: two Order of Mata Nui agents known as Botar and Trinuma. During the battle that followed, Icarax dispatched Botar with his powers of Magnetism and severely injured Trinuma, though the latter managed to escape.
Icarax then journeyed to Metru Nui, where he attacked Takanuva with a Shadow Leech originally intended for the Po-Matoran Ahkmou, thus transforming the Toa of Light into a Toa of both Light and Shadow. In the days subsequent to the attack, Icarax went to the Brotherhood's headquarters, where he proceeded to claim Teridax's throne for himself.
Invasion of Karda Nui
Sometime later, when Vican arrived at Destral, bringing word of Antroz's request for help, Icarax interrogated the Matoran and then set him free to carry a return message to Antroz: if Icarax was to go to Karda Nui, Antroz should not control his actions. Antroz presumably accepted the terms, and Icarax traveled to Karda Nui, arriving soon after the Phantoka Toa Nuva had destroyed the Shadow Leech Hive.
Upon Icarax's arrival, Antroz requested him to destroy the Toa Ignika, and the five Makuta, including Mutran, then set off to attack the single remaining village of Av-Matoran. Upon arrival, however, they discovered that the Toa Nuva and Av-Matoran had, in fact, already departed the area and were currently at the Makuta's deserted headquarters, retrieving the third Keystone.
Eventually, the group of Makuta found and confronted the Toa, and in the following battle, Icarax attacked the Toa Ignika, who defended itself by devolving Icarax into his original, bio-mechanical form. As Icarax's armor was specifically designed for a gaseous form, the physical change was extremely painful to him, and he attempted to retreat to the Swamp of Secrets along with the other Makuta, but was captured by the Toa Ignika.
While being guarded by the Ignika, Icarax informed the "Toa" of its doomsday countdown, mocking it concerning its lack of knowledge and the Toa Code. The Ignika, too inexperienced to be capable of distinguishing lies from truth, took Icarax's words seriously and left the Makuta in order to inform the Toa Nuva of what it had learned. Left alone, Icarax then made his way down to the swamp, where he discovered Makuta Krika hovering near the energy field which surrounded the Codrex. Icarax, despite his dislike of Krika, managed to persuade him that Mata Nui must not be reawakened, and that the two Makuta must use their powers to destroy the Codrex and, consequently, the Toa inside it.
Krika accepted the plan that Icarax suggested, which called for Krika to turn intangible, thus allowing him to penetrate through the Codrex's energy field and deactivate it. Krika succeeded in doing so without being killed in the process, and Icarax then began to crush the ancient, now-undefended structure using his powers of Gravity.
As he slowly began to crush the Codrex, Icarax was attacked by Gorast and Vamprah. Icarax battled and easily defended himself from the two Makuta, until Mutran arrived at the scene. Gorast, noting Mutran's arrival, requested him to send a babble of thoughts into Icarax's mind, effectively distracting him. Gorast then taunted Icarax by informing him that the Toa were close to fulfilling of their destiny. Taken by surprise, Icarax decided that he had to confront the Toa and halt them before they could carry out their mission. As he began to teleport away from the scene, however, Gorast grabbed him and activated her Kanohi Felnas, sending Icarax's teleportation power out of control.
Vamprah then hit him with a blast of raw energy, which combined with the malfunctioning powers of teleportation to scatter Icarax's atoms across the universe, instantly killing him.
Powers and Equipment
Icarax wore the Kanohi Kraahkan, the Mask of Shadows. He was armed with a rotating shadow sword, a shield, and a Tridax pod filled with Shadow Leeches.

A skilled designer of Rahi, Mutran would play a significant role in the creation of Makuta Teridax's plans. He was sent by Miserix to meet with Tren Krom, the ancient entity who oversaw the universe prior to the coming of Mata Nui. Where there, he saw into Tren Krom's mind while that being was reading his and learned much of the nature of the Great Spirit and the universe. This knowledge made the Makuta realise it would be possible to one day overthrow Mata Nui and seize power. Mutran worked with his rival, Chirox, to create the Shadow Leeches and Tridax pods. In Karda Nui, Mutran monitored their creation and guarded the hive where they came into being. This hive was later destroyed by the Toa Nuva, forcing Mutran to relocate to the swamp.
While working in his new location, Mutran produced a winged Rahi called a Klakk. The Klakk escaped, and it was later discovered that its sonic scream could shatter the psychic shield that blocked light from entering a shadow Matoran. Using the Klakk's power, Takanuva was able to cure himself and the shadow Matoran. Mutran aided Gorast and Vamprah in their successful attack on Icarax. When the energy storm struck Karda Nui, Mutran tried to get close and study it. He was incinerated by a bolt of power from the heart of the storm. Vican was Mutran's shadow Matoran assistant. He was the first to be cured by the Klakk and left with the Av-Matoran to travel to Metru Nui.
As a member of the Brotherhood, Mutran was originally assigned to watch over the Southern Continent and the former region of Voya Nui.
History of Mutran (Pre-Karda Nui)
Sometime long before the Great Cataclysm, Mutran was sent on a diplomatic mission to Xia. When he left, he accidentally left behind his "favorite sentient rock", which he had brought with him. When he realized he had forgotten it, he figured it would not be a problem and so did not return to retrieve it. The rock eventually began eating Vortixx and grew into the famous sentient-living mountain.
Later, after the defeat of the League of Six Kingdoms, Mutran and another Makuta, Gorast, were sent to one of Kalmah's fortresses for clean-up duty. While there, Mutran discovered a carving telling how Kalmah had noticed something odd about some of Mutran's Rahi, the Blade Burrowers. It appeared that the tunnels they dug were not random, but in fact were all of the same pattern, a map. Mutran had no idea what the Burrowers were mapping or why, and was disturbed by it.
When Teridax rebelled against Makuta Miserix, Mutran joined him because, having seen Tren Krom's mind and knowledge, he knew the Plan could work.
The Invasion of Karda Nui
Approximately 1,000 years after the Great Cataclysm, Antroz, Chirox, Vamprah, and Mutran were assigned to invade Karda Nui and turn the Av-Matoran there into Shadow Matoran. Along with his Matoran assistant, Vican, Mutran was responsible for breeding the Shadow Leeches, mutated Kraata used to turn ordinary Matoran into Shadow Matoran.
Mutran was ordering Vican to kick a failed experiment out of a window and working on the third batch of a group of experimental Shadow Leeches which is supposed to have a greater light capacity when Vamprah interrupted him. He then proceeded to the main lair of the Makuta in Karda Nui, where he and Chirox were ordered by Antroz to create a creature for Vican to ride on in order to summon Makuta Icarax to Karda Nui.
Later, when the Toa Nuva discovered the location of the Shadow Leech Hive, Mutran attempted to drive the invaders away by casting Lewa, Pohatu, Tanma, Photok, and the Toa Ignika into a vision, causing them to think the hive were long tunnels and the Ignika was a monstrous creature. Mutran then fought against Kopaka and Solek. During the fight, he knocked Solek unconscious and then battled against Kopaka using his mind powers, causing the Toa to hesitate, doubt and fear his own Ice powers. The Makuta increased his mental assault until the Toa collapsed onto the ground. After a moment of jeering, the Makuta prepared to fire a bolt of Shadow to finish the Toa when Solek ran to the Toa and created a shield of Light, reflecting the attack.
Kopaka, who had faked his defeat, quickly rose and bound the Makuta in ice and snow. However, the other three Makuta then entered the hive immediately following Mutran's defeat and quickly defeated the Toa and Matoran. Later, after he was freed, Mutran and Antroz attempted to turn Lewa into a Toa Nuva of Shadow. However, Pohatu managed to save the Toa and the others and destroyed the Shadow Leech Hive using the Kakama Nuva, Mask of Speed. Angered by the destruction of his creations, Mutran blamed Kirop for leading the Toa to the hive, and attempted to punish him, but was stopped by Antroz.
Icarax arrived shortly afterwards, and all five Makuta assaulted the final standing Av-Matoran village, where they believe the Toa and Matoran were hiding in. To their dismay, the Toa and Matoran were actually in the lair of the Makuta retrieving a Keystone, and they began a raging battle soon afterwards. During the battle, Mutran unleashed an enormous blast of Shadow, and then ordered the other Makuta to retreat down to the Swamp of Secrets. As he was retreating, the Toa surrounded him and forced him to tell them where the other Makuta were heading.
The Final Battle
After the Toa Phantoka left to aid their friends in the Swamp of Secrets, Mutran also rejoined the other Makuta in the swamp. Mutran didn't participate in the battle with the Toa Nuva but was at his new lab. He decided that it was too exposed so he created a Klakk to guard it but the klakk flew away. Later, he was ordered by Antroz to find him a Shadow Matoran and aid Gorast in fighting Icarax. He completed both of the orders although he was more reluctant in fighting Icarax. Mutran distracted him with a blast of white noise to his mind while Gorast and Vamprah plotted and destroyed Icarax. He was fascinated by the Energy Storm that hit, he even thought he found a way to control it, but he got too close to it and was incinerated by a bolt of lightning, with not even a wisp of smoke to mark his passing.
Mutran was brilliant, sadistic, and insane. Although he and Chirox used to be good friends, they later grew competitive and hateful of each other, and each thought that their Rahi were better than those of the other.
Powers and Equipment
Mutran wore the Kanohi Shelek, the Great Mask of Silence, which could cause a target to temporarily lose the ability to hear or speak. His weapons included a Shadow Blade and Shadow Spear.
Mutran had the power of flight as well as access to all 42 Kraata powers. He also wielded elemental control of Shadow. Mutran was amongst the Makuta to invade Karda Nui, but unlike the other Makuta there, he was not blinded by the light that caused the revival of Mata Nui because he was not nearby when the event occurred.
Kojol was a Makuta and member of the Brotherhood of Makuta. He was assigned to oversee the realm of Artakha, and specialized in creating air and sea Rahi.
Kojol was brought into being roughly 100,000 years ago by Mata Nui. His initial purpose was to create numerous Rahi to populate the Matoran Universe. He specialised in creating air and sea Rahi, like the Proto Drake.
After the Metru Nui civil war he was assigned to oversee the island of Artakha.
1,500 years before the Great Cataclysm, he led a strike force of Rahkshi and Visorak into Artakha and stole the Kanohi Avohkii, so that the Brotherhood of Makuta could ensure no Toa of Light ever came to be. Kojol was killed when, in response to the Brotherhood's attack, Artakha asked the Order of Mata Nui to destroy all maps with Artakha on them and erase their memories of his region there. The Order of Mata Nui then tampered with his metal-eating virus so that the virus would destroy Protosteel and his essence of the Makuta was incinerated in a furnace on Xia. How exactly his essence ended up in the furnace is unknown.
Kojol was a highly secretive character. He never revealed some areas of his knowledge, even around his fellow Makuta. An example of this would be Kojol never mentioning the location of Artakha.
Powers and Equipment
Kojol, like all other Makuta, had access to the 42 Rahkshi powers, as well as the ability to shapeshift and the natural power of Shadow. However, it is unknown what his Kanohi was, or if he carried any weapons.
Tridax is a Makuta and a member of the Brotherhood of Makuta.
Tridax was created 100,000 years ago on an island in the Southern Islands. His body was molded by Mata Nui, using the Makuta Pool, into the living bodies of the Makuta species. His mission, like the rest of his species, was to create bio-mechanical Rahi and plant life to populate the Matoran Universe. During 75,000 to 70,000 years ago, Tridax was assigned a Toa Hagah squadron, which was either corrupted or killed following the Brotherhood's corruption.
During sometime between Tridax's creation and 30,000 years ago, Tridax and the Makuta species expelled the remnants of Light within themselves, making themselves beings of only Shadow. During this time, the species also evolved from a physical body to energy, and their armour was modified by the Nynrah Ghosts (Matoran species of the island of Nynrah).
Like the other Makuta, Tridax was sadistic, vicious, and narcissistic.
As a member of the Brotherhood, Tridax was originally assigned to watch over the Island of Nynrah.
Creating the Shadow Leeches
Sometime between 1,001 and 1 year ago, Tridax and two fellow Makuta, Chirox and Mutran, began experimenting on Kraata. They ultimately engineered the Shadow Leech, a creature that could sap the light from its victim and transform him or her into a being of shadow. These Shadow Leeches were held in Tridax Pods, which were named after him.
Soon after the creation of the leeches, Tridax formulated an idea. He took into possession a Kanohi Olmak, which he realized could transport himself to not only within the Matoran Universe, but alternate realities of the universe. Therefore, he captured and brought back the Toa Takanuva of each reality, capturing them in stasis tubes in a sub-basement of Destral's fortress. He then unleashed a Shadow Leech to devour the light of each Takanuva to create an army of Shadow Toa. He believed that this would also make him the most powerful member of the Makuta after Teridax completed The Plan. However, this was a rather lengthy process.
Soon after putting this plan to action, eight Makuta left to invade Karda Nui. During their absence, Tridax was put in command of Destral with orders that, if Destral was attacked, he must teleport the island to Metru Nui and seize the city.
Order/Brotherhood War
Tridax interrogated Vezon, who had arrived during the Order of Mata Nui/Brotherhood War. Tridax was about to execute Vezon when Destral began to shake. He then ignored Vezon to carry out his orders of teleporting Destral near Metru Nui, since the island was in danger, although the battle had torn a hole in the wall and caused Vezon to become free of his chains.
Yet instead of carrying out his orders, Tridax went underground to the basement where he held his Shadow Toa army of Toa Takanuva. There, he turned on Vezon and pinned him to the wall with a Shadow blast, revealing his plans to him--unleash the transformed Toa of Shadow on the attacking Order members, and finish the transformation of the rest. Tridax did not have time to finish his monologuing when he noticed his hands had begun disintegrating as the work of two Order members, Mazeka and Tobduk using an armor-disintegrating Virus. The Virus destroyed Tridax's armor leaving him as Antidermis. He attempted to use his mental powers in some way, but was then incinerated by Tobduk's staff.
Powers and Equipment
Tridax possessed the standard Makuta powers. These included the ability to create Kraata, and Rahkshi, as well as the 42 Kraata powers, the element of Shadow, the ability to create a Shadow Hand, and shape-shifting.
In the form he used when interrogating Vezon, Tridax wore purple and crimson armour, carried a spear laced with Acid, and wore armoured gauntlets. He also used a "wickedly sharp blade" when he was about to execute Vezon, but was unable to. Since he teleported to other realities for the Toa Takanuva of that universe, he wore at some times a Great Olmak, a Kanohi mask allowing him to teleport to anywhere in the Matoran Universe or through alternate realities.

Spiriah was a member of the Makuta species and thus a member of the Brotherhood of Makuta. He was assigned to Zakaz, but went rogue in a failed experiment there. He later became a member of an Order of Mata Nui strike team led by Brutaka. He was killed by Miserix, who absorbed Spiriah's body into his own.
After the Matoran Civil War, Miserix assigned the Makuta regions to watch over, and Spiriah was assigned Zakaz. Later, Teridax called a Convocation to assemble the Makuta on Destral, in which Spiriah was present. He witnessed Teridax present his Plan and fight Miserix, but when Teridax left it to the Makuta to decide who they supported, Spiriah and the majority of them supported him. Following the Convocation, Teridax became leader, and Miserix was overthrown and sentenced to death.
Spiriah and Krika were left to execute Miserix, hauling him out of the Destral fortress. Spiriah admitted to him that he lacked the will to kill him, so Krika told him he would take care of it. Spiriah knew Krika imprisoned Miserix on the volcanic island of Artidax, but did not report to the other Makuta. The Brotherhood would later claim that Miserix had died in a Rahi creation accident.
Sometime following Teridax's rise to power, Spiriah and his brethren evolved from organic tissue to an energy form, as well as expel the minute amount of Light they possessed within themselves. As a result, the Nynrah Ghosts were summoned and modified his Protosteel armour to compensate.
During this time, Spiriah also began experiments using Makuta viruses to transform the Skakdi, the native people of Zakaz, into a potential Brotherhood army. He left the island under the protection of the Visorak. He returned later to find the changes had corrupted the Skakdi, making them savage and started a civil war. As a result of his failure, he went rogue.
The Brotherhood claimed that Spiriah was acting independently, but the Order of Mata Nui suspected that he was under orders all along. The Brotherhood deemed the island off limits to all. In addition, "Tracker", a Dark Hunter, also began looking for him for Brotherhood information, although he would never find him.
Even before being classified as a rogue, Spiriah was known as a failure in the ranks of the Brotherhood; he lacked the qualities necessary to be a competent leader, and he was even more deficient when it came to making Rahi. Because of this, he wanted to aspire to something higher, but never could. However, he saw his ineptitude as the result of victimization by his fellow Brotherhood members, and harboured a deep resentment toward them. He also hated Skakdi, because he felt the race had not known what to do with the "gifts" he had given them.
Powers and Equipment
Spiriah wore a red and black Great Kanohi Jutlin, the Mask of Corruption, which allowed him to rot and break down inanimate objects. He shape-shifted and allowed the mask to include poisonous fangs and teeth, as well as gaining wings. In addition to shapeshifting he also possessed the other forty-one Makuta powers.
It is unknown if he carried any tools prior to his imprisonment by the Order of Mata Nui; during his mission with Brutaka, he obtained a Midak Skyblaster from a shipment of weapons delivered by the Order, as well as sharp claws.
powers of the makuta
Powers of the Makuta
The Makuta had many powers but in their bodiless energy form they can use only psychic powers, such as illusion or telepathy. All powers are accessible to them only when their bodies are sheltered in their armour. Some of these, including shapeshifting, are not available to the mutated Makuta in Karda Nui due to their mutation by the swamp water. The complete list of powers includes:
Accuracy - Can strike the smallest target at a great distance or in any environment or condition.
Adaptation - Instantly adapts to take maximum advantage of any condition or situation.
Anger - Has the power to turn anyone, even Toa, against one another in anger.
Chain Lightning - Controls devastating bolts of chain lightning that leapt between multiple targets.
Chameleon - Has the ability to become completely invisible in any environment.
Confusion - Extended proximity can reduce anyone even a Toa Nuva to mindless babbling.
Cyclone - Has the power to create and control powerful cyclones at will.
Darkness - Has the power to consume all light (apart from Takanuva's light) in a large area.
Density Control - Complete control over own density, able to turn intangible or protosteel hard.
Disintegration - Has the power to reduce even protodermis to dust.
Dodge - Impossible to physically strike, no matter how swiftly or powerfully.
Elasticity - Can stretch incredible lengths in the blink of an eye.
Electricity - Powerful electrical field can be controlled to surround or stun distant objects or creatures.
Fear - Has the power to bring fear to the hearts of even the Toa Nuva.
Fire Resistance - Strong enough to withstand the heat of Tahu Nuva's magma swords.
Gravity - Uses gravity control to crush any object in visual range.
Heat Vision - Powerful long-range heat vision can ignite any object within sight.
Hunger - Able to drain the strength of another and temporarily add it to its own.
Ice Resistance - Impervious even to the cold of Kopaka Nuva's ice blade.
illusion - Can create and control multiple realistic illusions.
Insect Control - Powerful enough to control and command an entire hive of Nui-Rama.
Invulnerability - Invulnerable to physical harm from most attacks.
Laser Vision - Fires powerful eye-beams that can burn through solid protodermis.
Magnetism - Possesses magnetic powers strong enough to tear a slab of protodermis in two.
Mind Reading - Powerful enough to invade the mind of a Turaga or Toa Nuva.
Molecular Disruption - Has the power to utterly disintegrate any inorganic object with a touch.
Plant Control - Has total control over any plants in the area.
Plasma - Has the power to instantly melt any object into vapour.
Poison - Dangerously toxic even to a Toa Nuva.
Power Scream - Power scream shatters stone and can be heard all across the island.
Quick Healing - Quickly heals any physical or elemental blow.
Rahi Control - Has absolute control over every living Rahi in the near area.
Shapeshifting - Has total control over its own shape, although its mass cannot change.
Shattering - Has the power to create explosions in the immediate area.
Silence - Aura of silence is powerful enough to temporarily deafen a Toa Nuva.
Sleep - Has the power to instantly put an entire village into deep sleep.
Slowness - Able to rob even a Toa Nuva of all speed as long as it remains nearby.
Sonics - Blasts distant objects with powerful waves of sonic force.
Stasis Field - Has the power to freeze a creature in near-permanent stasis through eye contact.
Teleportation - Has the power to teleport itself through any wall or other structure.
Vacuum - Has the power to create gale-force winds or instantly reverse their flow.
Weather Control - Can manifest powerful, dangerous thunder-storms and blizzards at will.
History of the Brotherhood of Makuta
The history of the Brotherhood begins roughly 100,000 years ago with the creation of the Makuta species. The Makuta were beings of Shadow that were created on one of the Southern Islands. There, the Makuta Pool was located, where Mata Nui moulded its liquid into the Makuta's living bodies. From that day forth, the Makuta species formed the Brotherhood of Makuta: an organisation that would create and alter bio-mechanical Rahi to populate the Matoran Universe. This organisation was led by Makuta Miserix and his lieutenant, Makuta Teridax and was protected by guardians of Exo-Toa, Rahkshi and Rahi.
League of Six Kingdoms
League of Six Kingdoms
Soon, the Brotherhood became more involved in their universe. This started as early as several thousand years after the Brotherhood's formation, when Makuta Icarax, Mutran and Pridak, embarked on a diplomatic mission to lower the prices for exports in Xia, on the behalf of Matoran settlements. Also, roughly 87,000 years ago, the Brotherhood forged an alliance with the League of Six Kingdoms to provide war Rahi for their warlords, the Barraki.
The Brotherhood's opinion, especially the Makuta's, of the League was not favorable. This began when the League conquered the known universe. Soon after, they revealed to the Makuta they planned to divide the universe into sixths for each Barraki to rule at a Barraki tower. Although the Makuta did not like this strategy, the League forced the Brotherhood to continue with their alliance through constant intimidation, claiming they could invade Destral. Yet the primary reason for the alliance's existence was not that- it was the League were the ones chosen to hold order in Mata Nui's universe.
This alliance held until 80,000 years ago, when the Brotherhood discovered through a spy in the Barraki, Takadox, that the League planned to overthrow Mata Nui. This prompted not only a muster of all armies they possessed, but outside help from the Toa, which was an unlikely alliance, since the Brotherhood believed that Toa were substantially less powerful and important than they were. Under the leadership of Makuta Teridax, this army went to the Barraki Fortress, where they captured the Barraki. The treacherous warlords were not executed by Exo-Toa as planned, but instead transported by Botar to the Pit. This confused Teridax, who then began to consider the possibility that if the League could have rebelled, the Brotherhood could surely do the same, yet this time be victorious. This began the formulation of "The Plan".
Without the Barraki, the League's armies were sent to be imprisoned on their home islands or enslaved into the Brotherhood. Gorast and Mutran were sent to Kalmah's fortress to discover any thing of use to the Brotherhood, where Gorast hunted a remnant of his army and Mutran discovered his still-alive Blade Burrowers.
Overthrow of Miserix
Overthrow of Miserix
500 years later, the Great Disturbance occurred and Teridax was once again called upon to put an end to it by Miserix. The second-in-command of the Brotherhood saw this as an opportunity to test the Brotherhood's potential at imposing order, and he imprisoned the armies of the war in the Archives and unleashed the exhibits upon them. This became known as the Archives Massacre. The aftermath did not have the result Teridax intended, for Matoran everywhere distrusted the Brotherhood from then on. Also, Miserix did not want this event occurring again, so he assigned each Makuta a region to watch over. Teridax was assigned Metru Nui and, above the city, he built his base, Mangaia, which meant "guardian" in Matoran.
At this time, the Brotherhood sent Makuta Mutran to an unnamed island where a being named Tren Krom was fused to. The objective was to ascertain him as a possible threat to the Brotherhood. When he arrived, Mutran believed he was going to die when Tren Krom explored his consciousness. Mutran fell unconscious and awoke on the beach, realising he had now possessed Tren Krom's knowledge of the universe. Knowing of Teridax's plan to overthrow the Great Spirit, he informed Teridax of his discovery upon his return.
With his Plan complete, Teridax called a Convocation. He stated his Plan to the Makuta, although Miserix had realised this was a ploy to take command and began a conflict with Teridax. After a stalemate, Teridax asked the Makuta to whom they would pledge their loyalty to, with the majority siding with him. With this, Teridax took command of the Brotherhood and sentenced Miserix to death, with Spiriah and Krika to carry out his orders. Spiriah did not have the will to kill Miserix and left Krika to take out his task. He revealed to Spiriah that he mercifully imprisoned him on Artidax. Over the next year, Icarax and Gorast killed the minority who sided with Miserix and those who raised objections toward the Plan.
Later, either by coercion or reputation, they grew in power, becoming personal bodyguards of Mata Nui and "protectors" of the Matoran and Metru Nui. Their servants and armies included the likes of the Toa Hagah, Visorak, Fohrok, Dark Hunters, and Exo-Toa. However, this degree of power was not enough to satisfy them; they wanted to rule over everything.
With their armies, the Brotherhood would conquer foreign lands, killing or enslaving the natives. They realised the threat of the Mask of Light and stole it on a mission. They were all but unstoppable. This was not until Teridax's Toa Hagah team quickly found that the Brotherhood they served was corrupt and sought the Mask. They battled many Visorak, Fohrok and Dark Hunters and stole the Avokhii. However, Roodaka came before they could make their hasty escape. After a short fight, the Hagah were now Rahaga, a fiendish mutation of Rahkshi and Toa Hagah. They were imprisoned, defeated and humiliated, but they still had the mask, hiding it away for another generation to find.
The Great Cataclysm
The Great Cataclysm
The Brotherhood was envious of Mata Nui's power and responsibility. The Great Spirit seemed to hoard all the royalty, the Matoran giving him "undeserved" respect. Teridax, Mata Nui's former "brother", was especially passionate. The Brotherhood quickly formulated a plan: they would attack Mata Nui by ambush. Teridax attacked Mata Nui, who then succumbed to his injuries by falling into a coma. During this time, Teridax was masquerading as Dume, the Turaga ruler of the city. He tried to make the Matoran forget their virtues, Mata Nui, and have them turn against the Toa Metru. When some of the population became restless, he forced all the Matoran into memory-erasing Matoran spheres. Two Dark Hunters, Nidhiki and Krekka, had also infiltrated the city. The pair interfered with the Toa, but also the Brotherhood. During the climax of the battle over Metru Nui, Makuta Teridax absorbed the two hunters into his body. Toa Metru Vakama used the Vahi Mask of Time in the battle, damaging Teridax, but Lhikan died saving Vakama from a blast in the process. Teridax offered Vakama a position in the Brotherhood, but he violently refused. The Toa combined their powers, sealing Teridax in a block of solid protodermis. Both sides were left to rebuild after their respective Pyrrhic victories.
However, Teridax was not helpless. He telepathically summoned Sidorak and Roodaka, rulers of the Visorak. They were to come with their armies to the city and they did. Roodaka freed Teridax from his prison. While the Visorak were battling the new Toa Hordika, Teridax kept information on them, but also sought the Vahi, which had fallen into the sea.
The deaths of Nidhiki and Krekka long before were not ignored, however. The Shadowed One, leader of the Dark Hunters, came to Metru Nui an angry being. He confronted Teridax and declared war on the Brotherhood. The Toa took advantage of the fighting and struck the Brotherhood whenever they could. However, the Brotherhood's master plan was still in effect: since the Matoran of Metru Nui escaped and met up with a team of Toa- Toa that weren't easily eliminated -Mata Nui would eventually be allowed to reawaken... and then a reign of darkness would be released such as no Matoran has ever imagined, even in their worst nightmare. It is unknown whether this plan took into consideration the possible existence of such an organisation such as the Order of Mata Nui.
Karda Nui
Karda Nui
Towards the completion of The Plan, Teridax sent seven of the Brotherhood's high-ranking Makuta to capture the universe core and transform the Av-Matoran residing there into Shadow Matoran. However, none of them knew that, when The Plan was complete, the Energy Storms would incinerate everything in Karda Nui, including the Makuta. By their deaths, Teridax was able to insure that he had no competition as ruler of the universe. Teridax then destroyed Destral and killed all the remaining Makuta except Miserix.
Former Roster
Members of the Brotherhood were either of a single race (also called Makuta) or their servants and mutants. Makuta had long ago evolved past the point where they needed physical bodies. As a result, they existed as masses of energy that merely inhabit and animate nonliving armour. Makuta armour was made out of the hardest metal known, Protosteel. The armour was created by the Nynrah Ghosts (Iron Matoran breeds and villagers), after the Makuta evolved into antidermis.
Former Servants
Rahi Nui
Sidorak - Deceased
Fohrok - Fake Bohrok breeds created by the Fe-Matoran for the Brotherhood.
Shadow Matoran
Shadow Toa
Alternate Takanuvas captured & darkened by Tridax
Shadow Leeches
Mana Ko
Nivawk - Deceased
Any creature wearing an Infected Kanohi.
Corrupt Toa have served as part of their armies.
Traitors and Rebels

kanohi infected rahi
Learning of the Toa Mata's purpose on Mata Nui, Teridax challenged the heroes through a series of Kanohi-infected Rahi; mind controlled into rampaging beasts and creatures under his influence. However, the cause of these infected masks was also done by a slug-like creature called a Kraata. Making these masks powerful and dangerous in order to control a Rahi or a Toa.

muaka (controlled by teridax)
When the Toa Mata arrived, Teridax concentrated his attacks on them. Utilising his Rahi to the fullest extent, the Makuta tested the Toa’s skill to determine if they truly were the heroes that legend had foretold.
Once Lewa had recovered a Kanohi, he was ambushed by infected Nui-Rama, which knocked him out of the air into the waiting jaws of a Muaka. Onua dispatched the creature and rescued Lewa. When the Toa Mata reunited, Teridax took advantage of the meeting and had more Rahi attack them, including a Muaka. Gali threw the Muaka that attacked her at Kopaka, who froze it solid.

tarakava (controlled by teridax)
​While Gali was exploring the waters of Mata Nui, another infected Tarakava attacked her. She managed to trick the Tarakava into a cave and then covered the entrance with rocks to block its exit. After Gali had retrieved her Miru from the cliffs, more Tarakava attacked her, in conjunction with Nui-Jaga. Tahu dispatched the scorpions, while Gali took on the lizards.

nui-jaga (controlled by teridax)
Lewa once encountered a Nui-Jaga while searching for Kanohi. The Rahi, under the control of Teridax, attempted to impede his progress, but was defeated by Lewa’s Air powers. Gali also battled against a group of Nui-Jaga while she recovered a mask of her own and was rescued by Tahu. This scorpion managed to temporarily blind Pohatu with its poison, but was eventually defeated when the Toa of Stone, with the help of Takua, collapsed the cave it was in.

nui-rama (controlled by teridax)
Under Makuta Teridax’s control through the use of Infected Kanohi, Toa Mata Kopaka encountered one of these creatures soon after his arrival on Mata Nui. Nuju explained about the creature, along with Kopaka’s duty to awaken the Great Spirit. Pohatu and Onua encountered a pair of Nui-Rama. Lewa was ambushed by Nui-Rama after recovering a mask of his own; these Nui-Rama knocked him down to the waiting jaws of a Muaka and then flew off, though Lewa was later rescued by Onua.

manas (controlled by teridax)
The Manas were creatures Teridax chose to guard his lair, the Mangaia. During the Toa Mata’s journey to confront Teridax, they were attacked by a pair of Manas, but were unable to defeat them alone. They merged their identities and formed the Toa Kaita, and discovered that the Manas were strengthened by heating towers that Teridax had built on the road to his lair; when the towers were destroyed, the beasts were weakened, allowing the Toa Kaita to defeat them more easily.

the bohrok
Insectlike mechanoids who "menaced" the island of Mata Nui. Each BOHROK was controlled by small, organic mask creatures called a Krana. The Bohrok also sleep in nests that extends far below the island of Mata Nui, waiting for the signal to hatch. Their mission: clean Mata Nui until it has been returned to the barren rock that it once was. The Bohrok are ruled by two swarm queens, the BAHRAG, and assisted by small robots called BOHROK VA.
Unleashed by Teridax, their rampage was stopped when the Toa Nuva defeated and imprisoned the Bahrag. (It was later discovered that many Matoran of Light in Karda Nui can evolve into Bohrok by their own choice or at a certain point of their lives. Changing from bio-mechanical beings to completely mechanical machines and losing their individual wills.)
Each Bohrok swarm contained a Krana that provided additional power as well as a direction to the machine. The Krana, in turn, were in mental contact with the Bahrag, who were the ultimate authority over the swarms. The Bohrok nests extended below Mata Nui that even reaches across to Metru Nui below ground.
They were six known breeds of Bohrok: Gahlok, Kohrak, Lehvak, Nuhvok, Pahrak, and Tahnok.

Bohrok of Fire, whose shields could melt any substance. Dangerous and unpredictable, the Tahnok were the most aggressive of all the Bohrok swarms. They were part of the initial attack on Ta-Koro and a subsequent one on Po-Koro. Later, a swarm of Tahnok (minus their Krana) was led by Tahu Nuva against the Bohrok-Kal. They were sent into space due to Nuhvok-Kal's negation of gravity and remain in orbit. The rest of the Tahnok returned to their nests after the coming of the Bohrok-Kal.

One of the six breeds of Bohrok, insectlike mechanoids controlled by Krana who menaced the island of Mata Nui. The Gahlok were tied to the element of Water, and their water shields could draw moisture from any source and redirect it at an opponent. The Gahlok were known for being sly and tricky, rarely reacting the same way twice to a given situation. Although most often seen in Ga-Wahi, their most successful strike was the flooding of Onu-Koro. The Gahlok returned to their nests after the coming of the Bohrok-Kal but have since re-emerged.

Bohrok of Air, the Lehvak were tied to the swampy terrain of Le-Koro and their acid shields were powerful enough to dissolve any substance. The Lehvak normally operated in small groups and rarely worked with other Bohrok. They were responsible for the destruction of Le-Koro and the capture of most of the Le-Matoran. They were most often active in Le-Wahi. The Lehvak returned to their nests after the coming of the Bohrok-Kal.

The Kohrak were tied to the element of ice, and their ice shields could freeze anything, even open flames. The Kohrak's bodies gave off such intense cold that other Bohrok avoided their company. The Kohrak were part of the initial attack on Ta-Koro which was repulsed by Tahu and his team of Toa. They spent much of their time on the lava plains and in the valleys of Ta-Wahi. The Kohrak returned to their nests after the coming of the Bohrok-Kal.

Bohrok of Earth. The Nuhvok were tied to the element of earth, and their earth shields could weaken structures from below, causing them to collapse. Nuhvok were accomplished tunnellers and could see in the dark but had weak eyesight in daylight. The Nuhvok returned to their nests after the coming of the Bohrok-Kal.

The Pahrak were tied to the element of stone and their stone shields could cause violent seismic disruptions. The Pahrak came dangerous close to destroying Ga-Koro, stopped once by Hahli and Macku's efforts and once by the Toa's defeat of the Bahrag. The Pahrak returned to their nests after the coming of the Bohrok-Kal.
krana masks
krana masks
Living creatures that reside in and operate Bohrok mechanoids. There were eight types of Krana: Krana Bo, Krana Ca, Krana Ja, Krana Su, Krana Vu, Krana Xa, Krana Yo, and Krana Za.
Each provided the Bohrok with a different power or ability. The first Krana were created by the Great Beings by exposing the remains from the process used to create Matoran into Energised Protodermis. (What did not become Krana became a Zyglak Rahi creature.) Later, Krana were created by the Bahrag by introducing an unknown form of matter into Energised Protodermis.
Krana were unable to function independently, and relied on a telepathic link to the Bahrag. When that link was cut off by the Bahrag's defeat and imprisonment, the Krana ceased to be a threat. If a Krana was removed from a Bohrok, the mechanoid ceased to function properly.
Bohrok were capable of ejecting their Krana onto the face of an opponent. Once the Krana was attached, the target's mind fell under the sway of the Bohrok swarm. Toa Tahu, Toa Lewa, Turaga Matau, and almost the entire population of Le-Koro experienced this harrowing ordeal.
During the battle with the Bohrok, the Toa collected the eight forms of Krana from each species. Once they were fitted into niches in the floor of an underground chamber, six passages opened up revealing the way to the Exo-Toa armour. The Toa used that armour in their final battle with the Bahrag.
Matoran also collected Krana from Bohrok as a means to render the mechanoids helpless. Most of these Krana wound up buried in a pit. Having survived thousands of years of dormancy, it is likely the Krana simply willed themselves back into a suspended state to await rescue.
Krana Mask Powers
Eight Krana masks that served as controlling brains for the Bohrok.
Krana Bo (pronunciation: KRAH-nah BOH) - The Krana Bo gifted a Bohrok with the ability to see in the dark.
Krana Ca (pronunciation: KRAH-nah KAH) - Krana that can give a Bohrok the power to shield itself and others from attack.
Krana Ja (pronunciation: KRAH-nah JAH) - Krana that gives a Bohrok the power to detect distant obstacles in the swarm's path.
Krana Su (pronunciation: KRAH-nah SOO) - The Krana Su that gave a Bohrok the power of enhanced strength.
Krana Vu (pronunciation: KRAH-nah VOO) - A Krana that gave a Bohrok the ability to fly short distances.
Krana Xa (pronunciation: KRAH-na ZAH) - This Krana was used only by swarm commanders and gave them the ability to form complex strategic plans.
Krana Yo - (pronunciation: KRAH-na YOH) The Krana Yo gave a Bohrok the power to tunnel through any substance on the island of Mata Nui.
Krana Za - (pronunciation: KRAH-nah ZAH) The Krana Za made it possible for a Bohrok to communicate telepathically with others in the swarm.

the bahrag
Cahdok and Gahdok, the twin queens of the Bohrok swarms. The Bahrag directed the rampages of the Bohrok, unaware that there were Matoran living on the surface of Mata Nui.
They possessed the elemental powers of the six Bohrok, plus the ability to create lifelike illusions. They created and were in contact with the Krana that inhabited each Bohrok. The Bahrag were defeated by the Toa Nuva and imprisoned in a cage of solid protodermis. The Bahrag were later the subject of a failed rescue attempt by the Bohrok-Kal.
The Toa Nuva recently released the Bahrag as part of their preparations for awakening the Great Spirit Mata Nui.

bohrok va
Miniature mechanised assistants and couriers for the Bohrok swarms. The Bohrok Va travelled back and forth from the Bahrag nest to the Bohrok in the field, carrying Krana to those Bohrok who had lost theirs. The Va were also capable of hurling Krana at opponents - if the Krana affixed to the target's face, that being would become a servant of the swarm.
Bohrok Va were present throughout Mata Nui during the Bohrok invasion and frequently clashed with Matoran, but rarely with the Toa.
When the Toa defeated the Bahrag, and thus the Bohrok swarms, the Matoran believed the Bohrok Va had been rendered harmless. They allowed both the Bohrok and the Bohrok Va into the villages to repair some of the damage done by the swarms.
But the Matoran had made a potentially fatal mistake. Since the Bohrok Va were not guided by Krana like the Bohrok, the defeat of the Bahrag did not lessen their threat. They immediately began rendering aid to the Bohrok-Kal, assisting them in infiltrating the villages to steal the Nuva Symbols.
They are six breeds of Bohrok Va. They are: Tahnok Va, Gahlok Va, Kohrak Va, Nuhvok Va, Lehvak Va, and Pahrak Va.

tahnok va
One of the six Borhok Va, Tahnok Va were connected to the fire element. They used their firestaffs to defend themselves in combat and to light their way through the dark Bohrok tunnels. Upon realising the Tahnok Va were not living creatures, the Ta-Matoran diverted a lava stream into the path of some of the couriers and melted them.

gahlok va
One of the six Borhok Va, Gahlok Va was connected to the water element. Their primary tools were twin hooks which could be used to climb slippery surfaces or defend themselves in combat. Although not fleet swimmers, they had incredible endurance, enabling them to travel long distances without stopping.

lehvak va
One of the six Bohrok Va, Lehvak Va were connected to swamp terrain. Unlike other Bohrok Va, who prided themselves on stealth, Lehvak Va were loud and aggressive creatures. They were more than willing to use their katana to defend themselves. Of all Bohrok Va, Lehvak Va stuck closest to their swarm.

kohrak va
One of the six Bohrok Va, Kohrak Va were connected to the element of ice. They relied on stealth and camouflage, hiding in snowdrifts to keep an eye on the movements of Toa and Matoran.
When cornered, they used their claws to defend themselves.

nuhvok va
One of the six Bohrok Va, Nuhvok Va were connected to the element of earth. They were gifted with the ability to see in the dark and were adequate tunnellers. When threatened, they used their claws to defend themselves.

pahrak va
One of the six Bohrok Va, Pahrak Va was connected to the element of stone. Slow-moving, this Bohrok Va proved the easiest for the Matoran to capture. It used stone hammers to defend itself.

Six mutated Bohrok who challenged the Toa Nuva in an effort to free the Bahrag, and so unleash the swarms against the island of Mata Nui a second time. Their stated mission was to free the Bohrok queens so that the swarms could be active again. It later became clear that the Kal had been created by the Bahrag for just this purpose.
How the Bohrok-Kal were created has never been determined, though it is believed by some that the Bahrag discovered a means of distilling energy from a mutagenic substance, possibly Visorak venom or some variation of that. The energy was then used to bathe both the Bohrok and their Krana, resulting in a number of mutations.
The Bohrok-Kal rapidly proved to be quite different from the Bohrok. They had different powers. Their Krana-Kal were capable of communication with other species and were not mentally linked to the Bahrag as the Bohrok Krana were.
Knowing the Toa Nuva would attempt to prevent their rescue of the Bahrag, the Bohrok-Kal infiltrated the Matoran villages and stole the Nuva Symbols. By doing so, they robbed the Toa Nuva of their elemental powers, severely weakening them. The Kal then began searching the island for the location of the Bahrag.
The Toa Nuva tried desperately to stop the Kal, doing everything from gathering the Kanohi Nuva masks to forming themselves into Wairuha Nuva. Meanwhile, the Bohrok-Kal had discovered where the Bahrag were imprisoned. The prison was guarded by Exo-Toa running on automatic, but these were easily defeated by the Bohrok-Kal.
Faced with no choice, Tahu Nuva called upon the most powerful in his possession, the Vahi, or Mask of Time.
He used its power to slow down time around the Kal and prevent them from freeing the Bahrag. The Nuva symbols proved to be the Kal's undoing. Through force of will, the Toa Nuva were able to trigger the power stored in the symbols and cause it to flow into the Kal.
This resulted in an overload as the Kal absorbed more power than they could control. They were defeated and have not been a threat since that time.
Each Bohrok-Kal contained a Krana-Kal, which provided additional power and controlled the mechanoid. The six Bohrok-Kal are: Gahlok-Kal, Tahnok-Kal, Kohrak-Kal, Lehvak-Kal, Nuhvok-Kal, and Pahrak-Kal. They were defeated by the Toa Nuva.

One of the six mutant Bohrok who made up the Bohrok-Kal. Tahnok-Kal's tool was an Electricity Shield, able to be used both for defence and to hurl lightning bolts. After being fed Toa power via the the Toa Nuva Symbols, Tahnok-Kal was overloaded with electricity and its moving parts fused together.

One of the six mutant Bohrok who made up the Bohrok-Kal. Gahlok-Kal's tool was a Magnetic Shield, which could be used for defence or offence. After being being fed Toa power via the Toa Nuva Symbols, Gahlok-Kal's power went wild and drew every metallic object in the room toward it. Its robotic body was crushed in the ensuing collision.

One of the six mutant Bohrok who made up the Bohrok-Kal. Lehvak-Kal's tool was a Vacuum Shield which could draw in all the air from a given area, causing a destructive implosion. It could then release that air in a single blast with the power to smash through solid rock. Lehvak-Kal lost control of its power after being fed Toa power through the Toa Nuva's symbols and blasted itself into orbit.

One of the six mutant Bohrok who made up the Bohrok-Kal. Kohrak-Kal's tool was a Sonic Shield capable of creating a sound barrier that could repel most forms of attack. It could also cause objects to vibrate until they shattered. After being fed Toa power via the Toa Nuva's Symbols, Kohrok-Kal was shaken apart by its own energies.

One of the six mutant Bohrok who made up the Bohrok-Kal. Nuhvok-Kal's tool is a Gravity Shield, capable of negating or increasing gravity around a target. After being fed Toa power via the Toa Nuva Symbols, Nuhvok-Kal's power turned back upon itself and transformed the Bohrok-Kal into a black hole.

One of the six mutant Bohrok who made up the Bohrok-Kal. Pahrak-Kal's tool is a Plasma Shield, capable of superheating any substance until it becomes plasmoid. It could also be used defensively to melt incoming projectiles. After being fed Toa power via the Toa Nuva Symbols, Pahrak-Kal superheated, melted through the floor, and vanished, possibly falling all the way through to the core of the planet.
krana-kal masks
krana-kal masks
Living creatures that reside in and operate Bohrok-Kal mechanoids. As with the Krana, there were eight types of Krana-Kal: Krana Bo-Kal, Krana Ca-Kal, Krana Ja-Kal, Krana Su-Kal, Krana Vu-Kal, Krana Xa-Kal, Krana Yo-Kal, and Krana Za-Kal.
Each provided the Bohrok-Kal with a different power or ability. Unlike the Krana, the Krana-Kal could function independently of the Bahrag's influence and communicate with members of other species. If a Krana-Kal was removed from a Bohrok-Kal, the mechanoid ceased to function properly. At least some of the Krana-Kal escaped the destruction of the Bohrok-Kal.
Krana-Kal Mask Powers
Eight Krana-Kal masks that served as controlling brains for the Bohrok-Kal.
Krana Su-Kal (pronunciation: KRAH-nah SOO-KAHL) - A Krana-Kal Mask that gives a Bohrok-Kal enhanced strength and resistance to heat and cold.
Krana Xa-Kal (pronunciation: KRAH-nah ZAH-KAHL ) - This Krana-Kal was the most important of them all. It gave its Bohrok-Kal the power to free the Bahrag from their prison, in conjunction with the activation of the Nuva Cube.
Krana Bo-Kal (pronunciation: KRAH-nah BOH-KAHL) - The Krana Bo-Kal granted the power of X-ray vision. A Bohrok-kal with this creature could see in the dark and through most substances. Only the walls of caves and tunnels beneath Mata Nui.
Krana Ca-Kal (pronunciation: KRAH-nah KAH-KAHL) - A Bohrok-Kal with this creature could sense the minds of the Bahrag and thus locate them no matter where they were.
Krana Vu-Kal (pronunciation: KRAH-nah VOO-KAHL) - A Bohrok-Kal with this creature could move across the ground or through the air at high speed.
Krana Ja-Kal (pronunciation: KRAH-nah JAH-KAHL) - This Krana-Kal its Bohrok-Kal a radar sense, enabling it to detect distant obstacles. It also magnified the senses of the Bohrok-Kal, particularly smell and hearing.
Krana Yo-Kal - (pronunciation: KRAH-na YO-KAHL) - This Krana-Kal its Bohrok-Kal the ability to sense stress points in the earth, making for more efficient tunnelling. It also sense underground movement.
Krana Za-Kal - (pronunciation: KRAH-nah ZAH-KAHL) - This Krana-Kal was capable of communicating telepathically with other Krana-Kal, as well as reading minds and sensing strong emotion in the area.

Powerful and destructive armoured beings created by Makuta Teridax to do his bidding. A Rahkshi consists of a suit of armour that houses a Kraata, wormlike creature that controls the being's movements and actions. Without a Kraata, Rahkshi armour is unable to move or act.
Rahkshi are created by exposing Kraata to energised protodermis. Over time, the protodermis evolves the Kraata into a suit of Rahkshi armour. A second Kraata then crawls into the head of the armour and activates it. Since Kraata are created by the Makuta, Rahkshi have been nicknamed the "sons of Makuta".
There are 42 known types of Rahkshi, differentiated by their powers and the colour of their armour. Most Rahkshi on Metru Nui were "wild Rahkshi", beings operating without orders from the Makuta and acting like pure beasts. They lived in tunnels underneath the city, occasionally venturing out and battling Vahki. Some of these Rahkshi ended up on display in the Archives.
When the search began for the Toa of Light on Mata Nui, Teridax unleashed six Rahkshi against the Toa Nuva and Matoran: Guurahk, Kurahk, Lerahk, Panrahk, Turahk, and Vorahk. So powerful were they that even the Makuta expressed reluctance about setting them free. All six were defeated by the Toa Nuva and Takanuva, and their parts were used to build the Ussanui; Toa Takanuva's flying vehicle.

One of the six Rahkshi dispatched by Teridax to capture the Herald of the Seventh Toa. Turahk's job was to fill the Toa Nuva with fear so that they would forget their duty to Mata Nui. Using its staff, it could cause a foe to break into a terror-filled run or freeze in fear. Turahk killed Jaller by overwhelming him with fear, but the Matoran was later brought back to life by Takutanuva. Turahk was defeated by Takanuva, the Toa of Light.

One of the six Rahkshi dispatched by Teridax to capture the Herald of the Seventh Toa and recover the Mask of Light. Guurahk's staff emitted a powerful cone of energy capable of disintegrating anything it struck. This Rahkshi's special talent was the ability to divine the weakest point in any object or foe and target it. Along with Lerahk and Panrahk, Guurahk destroyed the village of Ta-Koro. These three Rahkshi were later trapped in a prison of glass, thanks to the combined powers of Lewa Nuva and Tahu Nuva.

One of the six Rahkshi dispatched by Teridax to stop the Herald of the Seventh Toa and recover the Kanohi Avohkii, the Mask of Light. Lerahk's staff was capable of poisoning anything it touched, from the ground to other beings. Along with Guurahk and Panrahk, Lerahk was responsible for the destruction of the village of Ta-Koro. During an ensuing battle with Tahu Nuva, Lerahk scratched the Toa of Fire's mask, poisoning its foe. It took the combined power of the other five Toa Nuva to heal Tahu. Lerahk was trapped in a prison of glass due to the efforts of Tahu Nuva and Lewa Nuva.

One of the six Rahkshi dispatched by Teridax to capture the Herald of the Seventh Toa and recover the Mask of Light. Kurahk's power, directed through its staff, caused his targets to grow enraged and often turn on each other. Along with Turahk and Vorahk, Kurahk was responsible for the destruction of the village of Onu-Koro. Kurahk was trapped in an ice prison due to the efforts of Onua Nuva, Pohatu Nuva, Tahu Nuva, and Kopaka Nuva.

One of the six Rahkshi dispatched by Teridax to capture the Herald of the Seventh Toa and recover the Mask of Light. Vorahk's staff could be used to absorb the power of an enemy and transfer it temporarily to Vorahk. The staff had to be in physical contact with the target to do this. Vorahk was partially responsible for the destruction of Onu-Koro.

One of the six Rahkshi dispatched by Teridax to capture the Herald of the Seventh Toa and recover the Mask of Light. Panrahk was able to use its staff to make any object fly into tiny fragments. This Rahkshi's energies were so potent that small explosions would go off wherever it walked. Along with Guurahk and Lerahk, Panrahk was responsible for the destruction of the village of Ta-Koro. Panrahk was trapped in a prison of glass through the efforts of Tahu Nuva and Lewa Nuva.

Wormlike, sentient portions of the Makuta's substance, created by Teridax as the basis for Rahkshi. Although the Makuta species could in theory create an infinite number of Kraata, bringing them into being seems to diminish his energy temporarily. Kraata moves like snakes and are capable of spreading infection to any inanimate object they touch, most often Kanohi masks. A Kraata exposed to energised protodermis will evolve over time into Rahkshi armour.
Another Kraata must then occupy the armour to activate and control it. Kraata come in a variety of colours, with the colours indicating the power of the individual Kraata. The Rahkshi created from those Kraata will have identical powers.
Kraata go through six stages of development, with the evolution the result of time and experience.
A select few Kraata evolve to a seventh stage (Shadow Kraata). Although there were Rahkshi on Metru Nui, Kraata were not a major factor there. The sole exception was Toa Nokama's realisation that the Rahkshi she had encountered had to be the Rahi known as Krahka in disguise because the armour lacked a controlling Kraata.
The creatures were, however, a significant problem on Mata Nui, sent forth by Teridax to infect masks and bring Rahi and Matoran under his sway. Many of these Kraata were trapped by the Turaga and placed into stasis tubes hidden in a Po-Wahi cave. The Turaga chose not to kill the Kraata they encountered, believing that their energy would simply revert to Teridax. Kraata were also in control of the six Rahkshi whom attacked Mata Nui. Takanuva's vehicle, the Ussanui, was constructed from the parts of these Rahkshi and powered by a Kraata. Their presence enabled the craft to detect the Makuta's location and bring the Toa of Light right to it.
Kraata Colours and Powers
A Kraata's power can be identified by its mix of colours. These powers can be used by the Rahkshi formed from the individual Kraata.
Reddish Gold / Bright Red - Fear
Lemon Metallic / Bright Yellowish Green - Poison
Dark Grey / Metallic Grey - Hunger
Sand Yellow Metallic / Brick Yellow - Shattering
Sand Blue Metallic / Medium Blue - Disintegration
Light Grey Metallic / White - Anger
Lemon Metallic / Dark Grey Metallic - Weather Control
Bright Yellow Green / Bright Yellow - Elasticity
Black / Bright Orange - Heat Vision
Dark Green / Bright Yellow - illusion
Lemon Metallic / Bright Red - Teleport
Lemon Metallic / Sand Blue Metallic - Quick Healing
Lemon Metallic / Dark Green - Laser Vision
Dark Grey Metallic / Lemon Metallic - Gravity
Bright Blue / Bright Red - Electricity
Black / Bright Yellow - Sonics
Bright Yellow / Bright Yellow Green - Vacuum
Dark Grey / Sand Blue Metallic - Plasma
Bright Orange / Black - Magnetism
Black / Bright Red - Fire Resistance
Bright Yellow / Dark Green - Ice Resistance
Bright Red / Lemon Metallic - Mind Reading
Dark Grey / Bright Yellow Green - Shape-shifting
Reddish Gold / Bright Yellow - Darkness
Reddish Gold / Black - Plant Control
Sand Yellow Metallic / Reddish Gold - Molecular Disruption (inorganic)
Sand Blue Metallic / Lemon Metallic - Chain Lightning
Sand Blue Metallic / Light Grey Metallic - Cyclone
Dark Green / Lemon Metallic - Density Control
Sand Yellow Metallic / Bright Yellow - Chameleon
Bright Red / Bright Blue - Accuracy
Sand Yellow Metallic / Black - Rahi Control
Bright Yellow / Black - Insect Control
Sand Blue Metallic / Dark Grey - Stasis Field
Black /Sand Blue Yellow Metallic - Limited Invulnerability
Bright Red / Black - Power Scream
Bright Yellow / Sand Yellow Metallic - Dodge
Bright Yellow Green / Dark Grey - Silence
Bright Yellow / Reddish Gold - Adaptation
Light Grey Metallic / Sand Blue Metallic - Slow
Black / Reddish Gold - Confusion
Reddish Gold / Sand Yellow Metallic - Sleep
Shadow Kraata
Rare seventh stage of the Kraata, shadow Kraata are identified by their purple colouring as opposed to their shape (as they can appear in the shape of any of the previous six stages).
Shadow Kraata are capable of infecting Kanohi masks from a distance.
rahkshi powers
Rahkshi Powers
A Rahkshi's power can be identified by colour of its armour. This chart contains all known Rahkshi, although it is possible that others may exist which have not yet been encountered.
Different Breeds of Rahkshi, Armour Colour, and Power:
Gold - Weather Control
Tan - Elasticity
Yellow - Heat Vision
Tan-Blue - illusion
Blue-Green - Teleport
Black-Brown - Quick Healing
Red-Orange - Laser Vision
Blue-Silver - Gravity
Blue-White - Electricity
Yellow-Green - Sonics
Orange-Black - Vacuum
Tan-Red - Plasma
Black-Gold - Magnetism
Aquamarine - Fire Resistance
Red-Yellow - Ice Resistance
Light Purple - Mind Reading
Blue-Gold - Shape-shifting
Black-Red - Darkness
Green-Brown - Plant Control
Light Blue - Molecular Disruption (inorganic)
Silver - Chain Lightning
Black-White - Cyclone
Black-Green - Density Control
Red-Gold - Chameleon
Blue-Purple - Accuracy
Magenta - Rahi Control
Orange - Insect Control
Blue-Black - Stasis Field
Grey - Limited invulnerability
Purple - Power Scream
Red-Silver - Dodge
Grey-Black - Silence
Black-Purple - Adaptation
Blue-Yellow - Slow
Grey-Green - Confusion
Maroon - Sleep
Red (Turahk) - Fear
Black (Vorahk) - Weakness
White (Kurahk) - Anger
Blue (Guurahk) - Disintegration
Green (Lerahk) - Poison
Brown (Panrahk) - Shattering

An intelligent plant creature created by Teridax as part of his plan to capture the Matoran of Metru Nui. The Morbuzakh was actually the Makuta's second attempt at such a creation, the first being the Karzahni (a plant creature named after him as a mockery). When the Karzahni proved to be too ambitious and wilful, Teridax banished it and made the Morbuzakh.
The purpose of this creature was to drive the Matoran away from the outskirts of the city and toward the Coliseum, making it easier for them to be rounded up by the Vahki. The Morbuzakh also captured a number of Matoran for the Makuta. Its primary tools were its vines, which were so long they could reach anywhere in the city. The massive king root of the Morbuzakh was hidden inside the Great Furnace in Ta-Metru.
The Morbuzakh thrived on heat and flame. It was able to spread via seeds, which clung to the ceilings of furnaces and foundries throughout the Metru. When these seeds struck a solid object, they sprouted and the vines immediately wrapped themselves around whatever was nearest. The Toa Metru were almost smothered by these baby vines.
Using the power of the Great Disks, the Toa Metru were able to defeat the Morbuzakh even as it brought the Great Furnace down around itself. The king root and all its vines crumbled to dust. No further sign of it has ever been seen.
While it lived, the Morbuzakh was able to communicate by telepathy with other species and to gather information about the world outside through its vines. Shortly before its death, it claimed that its ultimate purpose was to conquer the city and enslave the Matoran. It is doubtful Teridax would have reacted well to this change of plan.

Mechanical order enforcement units who patrolled Metru Nui. There were six models of Vahki: Bordakh, Keerakh, Nuurakh, Rorzakh, Vorzakh, and Zadakh. They were put into operation after the failure of the KRAHLI experiment. Vahki received recharges of power in their hives, located throughout Metru Nui.
The primary purpose of a Vahki was to mainatian order. This involved anything from containing a Rahi rampage, to pursuing a lawbreaker, to making sure Matoran worked when they were scheduled to do so. Vahki communicated by speaking the Matoran language at an extremely high speed. Turaga Dume's chambers contained technology that could slow the speech down enough to be understood.
Vahki were capable of three modes of transport: flight, walking on two legs, and walking on four legs using their tools as forelegs. They were equipped with stun staffs, nonlethal devices that acted on the mind rather than the body of the target. The point was to correct behaviour without damaging valuable workers.
When the Metru Nui power plant was destroyed by the Makuta, a power surge struck the hives and destroyed most of the Vahki. Those that survived were altered for the worse.
Their stun staffs had become incredibly destructive. In addition, their fundamental mission had been warped. They now believed that living things created disorder, and that therefore the way to maintain order was to eliminate anything that lived.
The Vahki were used by Makuta Teridax (posing as Turaga Dume) to capture Matoran, guard the Prison of the Dark Hunters, and battle the Toa Metru. After their transformation, small squads of Vahki continued to patrol the city, often clashing with Visorak. Eventually, they were all destroyed by the horde.

Vahki model assigned to Ta-Metru on Metru Nui. These mechanoids were extremely swift and enormously patient, preferring to lurk in ambush than initiate direct confrontation. Their staffs of command allowed them to fill a Matoran's mind with a single overriding directive. The Toa Metru battled Nuurakh on their initial journey from Metru Nui to Mata Nui.

Vahki model assigned to Ga-Metru on Metru Nui. These mechanoids were cunning and enjoyed to chase for the sake of chasing. Their staffs of loyalty made a target so enthused about maintaining order, he would turn in his friends to the Vahki if necessary. Toa Nokama and Toa Matau clashed with the Bordakh while trying to recover the Ga-Metru Great Disk.

Vahki model assigned to Le-Metru on Metru Nui. These mechanoids were known for being destructive, preferring to smash through an obstacle rather than going around or over it. Their staffs of erasing allowed them to temporarily eliminate higher mental functions in their targets. A group of Vorzakh destroyed a chute in an effort to capture Toa Matau. Along with the other Vahki, most Vorzakh were destroyed in the Great Cataclysm. Those who survived fell in combat with the Visorak.

Vahki model assigned to Ko-Metru on Metru Nui. These mechanoids were known for their uncanny ability to predict where a target would run, allowing them to get there first. They were rarely seen by Ko-Matoran except for those who had broken the law and been apprehended. Keerakh carried staffs of confusion, which could scramble a target's sense of time and place and leave him disoriented. Toa Nuju and Toa Whenua battled the Keerakh on top of a Knowledge Tower during their search for the Great Disks.

Vahki model assigned to Onu-Metru on Metru Nui. These mechanoids were relentless, willing to continue a pursuit even to their own destruction. Their staffs of presence allowed them to see and hear whatever their target saw or heard. The Rorzakh used this power on Toa Whenua and to lead him, Nuju, and Onewa into a trap in the Prison of the Dark Hunters. The Toa Metru also battled Rorzakh in the Coliseum after being branded traitors by the Makuta in his disguise as Dume.

Vahki model assigned to Po-Metru on Metru Nui. These mechanoids were huge, strong, fast and fearless, and usually quick to plunge into a fight. Their staffs of suggestion left a target susceptible to influence for the duration of the effect. The Toa Metru battled Zadakh in the Canyon of Unending Whispers. Along with the other Vahki, most Zadakh were destroyed in the Great Cataclysm, and the rest were annihilated by the Visorak.

the dark hunters
A shadowy band of mercenaries and bounty hunters whose existence has been rumoured for centuries. They are said to be as powerful as Toa but far less moral, willing to take any job if the reward is great enough. In the past, Dark Hunters have been paid with everything from skillfully crafted tools to secrets to political power.
No one outside of the organisation knows exactly how many Dark Hunters there are. They are allegedly led by a charismatic and powerful individual known only as "the Shadowed One". A being said to be respected even by the Makuta themselves.
When a request for Dark Hunter assistance comes in, the Shadowed One decides how many Dark Hunters he will dispatch and who they will be. Often, he pairs up agents who on the surface seem like poor teams, such as NIDHIKI and KREKKA. In the end, they are inevitably successful, for all Dark Hunters know the price of failure.
The Dark Hunters have a history of conflict with Toa and Metru Nui. Early in the reign of Dume, the Shadowed One wished to establish a base in the city, but Dume refused. This resulted in a huge struggle between the Toa, led by Lhikan, and the Dark Hunters. During this conflict, Toa Nidhiki attempted to betray the city and eventually defected to the enemy.
The Toa eventually won the fight, leaving the Shadowed One embittered and determined to grind Metru Nui to dust beneath his heel.
As an organisation, the Dark Hunters were at one time allied with the Brotherhood of Makuta. In addition, both Roodaka and Sidorak were frequent employers of Dark Hunters, using them to spy on each other. Later, Teridax himself, in the guise of Turaga Dume, would call for Dark Hunters to be sent to Metru Nui to capture Toa Lhikan. He also used Dark Hunters to capture or eliminate some of Lhikan's fellow Toa.
The Dark Hunters later clashed with the Brotherhood when Teridax caused the deaths of Nidhiki and Krekka. That conflict continues to this day.
The Dark Hunters jealously hide their secrets and enforce their own rules. Summoning a Dark Hunter for no reason or refusing to pay them can result in truly hideous consequences. The worst offence of all is causing the death of a Dark Hunter, either directly or indirectly, a crime that risks attracting the direct attention of the Shadowed One.
Known current and former Dark Hunters include the Shadowed One, Nidhiki, Krekka, Lariska, Sentrakh, Phantom, Silence, Devastator, Triglax, Hakann, Thok, Vezok, Zaktan, Avak, Reidak, Airwatcher, Amphibax, Ancient, Charger, Conjurer, Darkness, Dweller, Eliminator, Firedracax, Gatherer, Gladiator, Guardian, Hordika Dragons, Kraata-Kal, Lurker, Mimic, Minion, Poison, Primal, Prototype, Ravager, Savage, Seeker, Shadow Stealer, Spinner, Subterranean, Tracker, Tyrant, Vengeance, The Recorder, and Vanisher.

the shadowed one
"The Shadowed One", leader of the Dark Hunters.
"The Shadowed One" originated on the same island as fellow hunter and another member of his species, "Ancient". They started the Dark Hunters as a result of rejecting their island's moral values. At one point, "The Shadowed One" appointed "Ancient" and Sentrakh as his personal bodyguards.
"The Shadowed One" was responsible for the start of the Toa\Dark Hunter War.
Time Trap
After Nidhiki and Krekka were sent to Metru Nui and didn't return, "The Shadowed One" went to Metru Nui with Voporak and Sentrakh. Voporak, soon after their arrival, stole the Kanohi Vahi from Vakama and gave it to "The Shadowed One."
He later discovered that Teridax had absorbed and killed his Dark Hunters, and battled him for supremacy. However, during the fight, he was thrown into Voporak's aging shield, resulting in him ageing over 3,000 years in moments. He survived this encounter and still existed in the time of the Toa Nuva, having sworn revenge on the Brotherhood and causing a war that had raged for at least 1,000 years and resulted in the mass deaths of Toa everywhere.
He actually intended to kill Zaktan some time ago with his eyebeam power. However, something went horribly wrong, and Zaktan was transformed into his current Protodites condition.
"The Shadowed One" faced a difficult decision during the invasion of Karda Nui: to either keep all of his Dark Hunters fighting against the Brotherhood of Makuta or send half of them to go after the Mask of Life, leaving the other half vulnerable to attack. At some point, he sent several Dark Hunters toward Voya Nui. It is unknown what became of them.
Destiny War
He formed an alliance with the Order of Mata Nui and had blockaded Xia to prevent them from making weapons for the Brotherhood. He wanted to destroy them but Helryx ordered him not to.
While inspecting the destroyed factories, he found a Vortixx who was hiding something, and trapped him in crystalline protodermis, until he found out that he was hiding something in a chest. He opened the chest, and what he found inside was the Makuta viruses that Kojol brought to Xia, but lost. "Ancient" found him, and "The Shadowed One" told him about what he had found. He had also killed the Vortixx hiding it, and then killed "Ancient" with his disintegration beams, since they possessed the knowledge that he had the viruses.
"The Shadowed One" then confronted Barraki Kalmah, Ehlek and Mantax in Xia's main factory. The Barraki suggested an alliance between the two factions, for which "The Shadowed One" demanded something in return. However, when he found out that the Barraki knew of the virus he had obtained and apparently knew how it was used, "The Shadowed One" eventually decided to take the alliance into consideration. At length he agreed to talk with the Barraki's leader, Pridak in Karzahni.
Reign of Shadows
"The Shadowed One" never met Pridak. However, as something struck Xia, many Vortixx were killed. At that point, "The Shadowed One" had disappeared.
He has since moved to Spherus Magna. After his exiting, he began the formation of a new army, out of the remnants of the Dark Hunters, as well as Spherus Magna inhabitants.
Powers and Equipment
"The Shadowed One" had the ability to fire eyebeams that would atomically disintegrate anything upon contact. He carried a staff which could create crystalline protodermis around any target. Mounted on this staff was a Rhotuka Launcher that fired madness Rhotuka, which could cause chaos or insanity in a being's mind.
Alternate Universes
alternate universes
Dark Mirror
Some time after the takeover of Metru Nui by the Toa Empire, a small force invaded Odina, but "The Shadowed One" managed to escape with the help of Toa Naho. He then went into hiding. His staff, however, was somehow claimed, and later placed in the Archives as a trophy.
The Kingdom
"The Shadowed One" was one of the survivors of Mata Nui's death in The Kingdom Alternate Universe. After they all moved to the island of Mata Nui, "The Shadowed One" became a part of a ruling council of the newly founded Kingdom of the Great Spirit.

Former Toa of Air and member of the Mangai, betrayer of Metru Nui, and vicious Dark Hunter.
Nothing is known about his pre-Toa Mangai days other than that he lived on the Northern Continent as a Le-Matoran.
Nidhiki was one of 10 Toa summoned by Toa Lhikan to help defend Metru Nui against the Kanohi Dragon. He remained in the city for many years afterward, helping to defend it against Rahi and occasionally venturing to other islands. But over time, he began to feel dissatisfied with his role. Turaga Dume and the Matoran were not, after all, as powerful as he and the other Toa - so why should the Toa serve their interests? Powerful beings should serve only themselves, and lesser beings should obey them, he decided.
When the Dark Hunters attempted to create a base in the city, Dume opposed them and the Toa mobilised to defend Metru Nui. Nidhiki secretly made contact with the enemy and offered to betray the city into their hands. Before he could so, Lhikan discovered his treachery. The Dark Hunters were defeated and Nidhiki went with them when they departed.
On the island of Odina, Nidhiki attempted to become accustomed to life as a Dark Hunter, but found he missed the glory that came with being a Toa. He schemed with Roodaka to escape the island, but she betrayed him and used her Rhotuka Spinner to mutate him into an insectoid form. In this shape, he knew he would never be accepted on any Matoran-held island.
Nidhiki found that he was not fully trusted by the Dark Hunters (since no one trusts a traitor). As a result, he was teamed with Krekka, a strong, dumb brute who was nevertheless scrupulously honest and devoted to carrying out orders. Krekka would make sure Nidhiki did not turn their missions into occasions for personal profit. Nidhiki was also told that he would be held responsible if any harm came to Krekka. He went along with this because he felt certain he could get around Krekka at some point if he had to, and because he hoped to use his place in the Dark Hunters to someday take over the entire organisation.
After many adventures together, Nidhiki and Krekka were sent to Metru Nui to aid Makuta Teridax in his plans to capture the Matoran. They began by capturing Toa Lhikan, an act Nidhiki found particularly satisfying. They then intimidated Ahkmou into helping him get the six Great Disks. When that plan was frustrated by the Toa Metru, they attempted to hunt down the new heroes. They battled the Toa in an airship, in Po-Metru, and outside of the coliseum, without success.
Finally, Teridax used his powers to absorb Nidhiki, Krekka, and the flying Rahi called a Nivawk, into his own body, enhancing his power. Nidhiki was killed by the process. In addition to his natural cunning, Nidhiki was capable of spitting force bolts at opponents and of flight. As a Toa, he wore the Kanohi Volitak, the Great Mask of Stealth.
Alternate Universes
alternate universes
Dark Mirror
In an alternate Universe visited by Takanuva, Nidhiki and Lhikan confronted Tuyet about the Nui Stone. Nidhiki then joined Tuyet, killed Lhikan and began to brainwash other Toa, making them believe the only way to rule was to control.

Dark Hunter who inhabits a shadow state between living and death. His strange condition is the result of experiments performed on him by the Shadowed One, and he remains that being's most loyal servant. Sentrakh possesses the natural powers of illusion casting, darkness, molecular transmutation, and mind wipe (however its nature of power is temporary). His Rhotuka Spinner can cause a target to temporarily dematerialise. Sentrakh battled Toa Vakama in Metru Nui and saved the Shadowed One's life after his losing battle with the Makuta.
Sentrakh could not remember who he was, what his past was, or how he got his powers. None of the Dark Hunters do either, except for the one responsible for Sentrakh's current state: "The Shadowed One." "The Shadowed One" used him in an experiment to make Dark Hunters that were more loyal and obedient. He succeeded, with the neither-dead-nor-alive state being a useful side effect of the experiment, but the process destroyed Sentrakh's memory, so "The Shadowed One" had to completely re-teach him absolutely everything, which was why he didn't do it to all of the Dark Hunters.
In the past, "The Shadowed One" used Sentrakh to punish Dark Hunters which failed in their tasks. It is said that the island of the Dark Hunters was haunted by the ghosts of those victims.
Sentrakh traveled to Metru Nui with "The Shadowed One" to look for the Kanohi Vahi but was defeated in battle by Toa Metru Vakama. He survived, and was later chosen to be in a team with the mission to find the Piraka on Voya Nui.
After Teridax's death, Sentrakh and the other Dark Hunters exited the Matoran Universe onto Spherus Magna.
Abilities and traits
Sentrakh possesses the natural powers of illusion casting, darkness, molecular transmutation, and mind wipe. He can also launch a Rhotuka Spinner that causes its target to temporarily dematerialise.

Former servant of the Brotherhood of Makuta who was cast out for failing to securely guard the Avohkii, the Mask of Light. Currently employed by the Dark Hunters, he is dedicated to finding the Rahaga and getting the mask back. His primary weapon is his staff, which weakens an opponent physically and delivers seismic shocks.
"Seeker" was assigned by the Brotherhood of Makuta to guard the Kanohi Avohkii after Makuta Kojol returned from the successful Raid on Artakha with the mask. Over time, he gained a desire to own the mask himself, but was beaten to stealing it by the Toa Hagah. Cast out of the Brotherhood for his failure to guard it, he began a mission to seek out the Rahaga to reclaim the Mask of Light. However, he was unsuccessful in this endeavor, as the Rahaga managed to hide the mask in Metru Nui and assured that the Toa Hordika retrieved the mask during the Great Rescue.
Ignorant of the fact that Takanuva wears the Avohkii and the Rahaga were restored to Toa Hagah, "Seeker" continued to hope that he will be able to find the Rahaga and the Mask of Light during his missions for the Dark Hunters. However, "The Shadowed One" believed that, should "Seeker" ever get hold of the Avohkii, he would try to leave the Dark Hunters, which would require him to be killed. Therefore, "The Shadowed One" made sure that information about the movements of the Rahaga were kept secret from Seeker and that he is never assigned tasks on Metru Nui. He evacuated Odina with the other Dark Hunters and stayed in Xia.
After Teridax's death he evacuated the Matoran Universe to Spherus Magna.
Abilities and traits
"Seeker" is always eager to perform missions that take him to places he has never been before, in the interests of finding the Rahaga and the Mask of Light.
"Seeker's" primary weapon is his staff, which can weaken an opponent and deliver seismic shocks, and then sending an earth tremor, knocking the already-dazed foe out.

shadow stealer
A former member of the Hand of Artahka, the band of heroes who predated the first Toa. After that group's time passed and they were replaced by the Toa, he turned to the Dark Hunters seeking adventure. The relationship was a stormy one, because the Dark Hunters' goals and his own were so vastly different. After his first mission, he decided to strike out on his own. He is currently making his way back to the Dark Hunter base on Odina, defeating Toa and Dark Hunters as he goes. "Shadow Stealer" is able to absorb shadows and convert them into energy. He can also disappear into shadow and reappear somewhere else.
"The Shadowed One" originally sent him to the ends of the Matoran Universe to complete a mission of several years, but "Shadow Stealer" finished in days and then slowly made his way back, fighting Toa and Dark Hunters on the way. "The Shadowed One" seemed to plan to challenge him once he returned. It is unknown if he returned before Teridax's death and if he and "The Shadowed One" clashed.
Abilities and traits
"Shadow Stealer" could absorb shadow and convert it to energy. He could also teleport using shadows as exit and entry points.

Partner of Nidhiki and one of the three Dark Hunters sent to Metru Nui at the request of Makuta Teridax. Krekka was originally part of a guardian/servant class on the island of Stelt where Sidorak resides. Extremely strong and powerful but not very bright, Krekka earned a living by convincing intruders to go away, often in very painful ways. Unfortunately, he made the mistake of tying to do this to an emissary of the Brotherhood of Makuta (which turned out to be the female Makuta named Gorast). Exactly what happened next is not clear, but some believe the encounter was responsible both for Krekka deciding to leave home and for the loss of one of his eyes.
For a number years, Krekka journeyed from island to island, usually getting into trouble and brawling his way out of it. This attracted the attention of the Dark Hunters, and Krekka was recruited into their organisation. By order of the Shadowed One, he was partnered with Nidhiki. It was an uneasy partnership at best, with Nidhiki being much smarter and more cunning than his bestial companion. But the Shadowed One had good reason for the decision he made. Nidhiki had betrayed the Toa in the past, and no one truly trusts a traitor. Krekka, on the other hand, would stick to a mission no matter what and make sure that Nidhiki did not stray too far from their objectives.
For insurance, it was made extremely clear to Nidhiki that if anything happened to Krekka, the Dark Hunters would hold him responsible. Nidhiki and Krekka were sent to Metru Nui to aid the Makuta, Teridax, in his plan to seize the Great Disks and capture all the Matoran in the city. Among their deeds were the capture of Toa Lhikan and the recruitment of Ahkmou to help them get the Great Disks. They clashed repeatedly with the Toa Metru during and after this time. Both Dark Hunters were drawn into Teridax's substance and became part of his new body. Krekka was killed by the process.
In addition to his enormous strength, Krekka carried a Kanoka Disk Launcher and was capable of launching energy webs at his foes. He could also shift into an aerodynamic mode for flight. He was able to survive falls from great heights. Unlike Nidhiki, Krekka was not a Toa in the past.
Because he died in this fashion, Krekka couldn't be revived on the Red Star.
Personalities and traits
Krekka was unintelligent, but made up for his stupidity with sheer brute strength which was his greatest attribute. He excelled in combat, and was smart enough to leave the planning to those who knew what they were doing. His trainer, Nidhiki, was extremely annoyed with him, and was reluctantly teamed up with him during the mission to sabotage Zamor spheres.
Krekka could fire energy nets. He also had a shoulder-mounted Kanoka Disk Launcher.

"Devastator" was an extremely large Dark Hunter.
"Devastator" was rumoured to have originated in Karzahni, where he emerged from a fiery crevice. He was later recruited into the Dark Hunters.
4,000 years before the Great Cataclysm, "Devastator" was dispatched with Triglax and "Gladiator" to retrieve the Nui Stone. At this time, the Nui Stone was located on an island home to Toa Tuyet, who had taken the stone with her when she was recruited into the Toa Mangai to fight the Kanohi Dragon.
500 years later, the Dark Hunter team arrived in Metru Nui. By this time, Tuyet had framed them for the murders of two Matoran in what she claimed a countdown. This forced the remaining two Toa Mangai in the city at the time, Lhikan and Nidhiki, to confront the Dark Hunter trio. Nidhiki fought "Devastator" and defeated him, and Lhikan then imprisoned them. When Tuyet's deception was exposed, "Devastator" and his team were released to Odina.
Recently, "The Shadowed One" dispatched "Devastator" to an island off Odina to collect a late payment. The status of the mission, or the island itself, is unknown.
After Teridax's death, "Devastator" exited the Matoran Universe and is now living on Spherus Magna.
Personalities and traits
"Devastator" was boisterous and claimed to have the strength of five Toa, breath fire, cause earthquakes, turn into lava, and even resurrect the dead to back his reputation.
Powers and Equipment
"Devastator" had the ability to turn into sand, allowing him to disappear into the ground and strike with rock-hard attacks. In addition, he possessed telekinetic powers to mentally throw objects at his opponents.

A winged Dark Hunter who patrols the mountainous northern regions of Odina. More powerful than he is intelligent, he has been known to attack rocks, trees, and even other Dark Hunters. His chest mounted launcher projects energy webs and his staff fires acid.
"Airwatcher" once lived on a unknown homeland. There, he encountered two Dark Hunters and attacked them. After "Airwatcher" killed one of the Hunters, the other was able to capture him and bring him to Odina. There, "The Shadowed One" convinced him his recruitment into the Dark Hunters would surpass the alternative. "Airwatcher" was then dispatched to the northern mountains of Odina to patrol.
Recently, the Toa Nuva journeyed to Odina. "Airwatcher" fired his energy webs at Lewa, who scouted ahead. He proceeded to fire a stream of acid at him, but missed, and then fired additional energy webs at the Toa. Tahu deflected them with his Hau Nuva. "Airwatcher" was defeated by Kopaka, who iced his wings, and Onua, who used his Pakari Nuva to knock him unconscious. He and the other Dark Hunters fled to Xia after Odina was overrun by Rahkshi.
He later evacuated the Matoran Universe and is currently living on Spherus Magna.
Abilities and traits
"Airwatcher"'s exceedingly limited intelligence compromised his ability to conduct missions. He was known to attack trees, rocks, and other Dark Hunters that entered the region he was present in. "Airwatcher" was trained to not attack "The Shadowed One" and Sentrakh, however, and therefore the Dark Hunter leader hides items of importance and value there.
"Airwatcher"'s battle strategy was to attack from above. His pair of wings enabled him to fly short distances. His chest held a launcher that projected energy webs to bind its target, giving him an opportunity to capture or attack the victim. "Airwatcher" also wielded a staff that could fire Acid and disintegrate foes.

Amphibious Dark Hunter whose primary occupation is raiding Brotherhood of Makuta vessels and the coastlines of Matoran-held islands. His weapons are sharp claws on one hand and a spiny whip in place of the other hand. He is a skilled swimmer, runner, and tree-climber. He was, at one time, a member of Ehlek's army, and is rumoured to have lost his hand in a futile attempt to search for, and rescue, his leader after the failed rebellion against Mata Nui.
Amphibax once served in Ehlek's army during the reign of the League of Six Kingdoms 95,000 to 80,000 years ago. After the Barraki were captured and the League disassembled, he attempted a search for, and rescue, Ehlek only to lose his hand. He then became an undersea wanderer. He was later recruited into the Dark Hunters, "The Shadowed One" believing he was exiled from an undersea land.
Amphibax specialised in aquatic missions, attacks on Brotherhood of Makuta vessels, and raids on Matoran-inhabited island coastlines. Recently, he was assigned the mission of overseeing the events on Voya Nui concerning the rogue Piraka from the coast. He was not aware the Barraki were imprisoned in The Pit directly below him. He has since returned to Odina following Voya Nui's return to the Southern Continent. He and the rest of the Dark Hunters fled to Xia after Odina was overrun by Rahkshi.
After Teridax's death, he and the surviving Dark Hunters evacuated Xia and he is now living on Spherus Magna.
Abilities and traits
Amphibax was calculating and intelligent, but was not opposed to actions of savagery. He used his reputation as a weapon, as rumours of his presence halted local sea traffic. Amphibax wielded sharp claws on one hand and replaced his severed hand with a spiny whip. He was a skilled swimmer with the ability to survive at great depths without the need of air for a long interval of time. On land, he was adept at running and climbing trees. He also had heightened senses of hearing and sight.

A mutated Kane-Ra bull who serves as a Dark Hunter. Charger is known for his instinctive dislike of other animals. He carries two sharp blades and an axe capable of absorbing elemental energy and hurling it back at a foe.
"Charger" was once a Kane-Ra Bull, and by unknown means was transformed into a sentient being capable of speech and thought. He was recruited into the Dark Hunters, where "The Shadowed One" dispatched him on missions requiring him to fight no less than six foes at a time. "Charger" would always defeat his opponents, despite their supposed advantages over him.
Recently, "Charger" was dispatched to track down Matoran labourers who escaped from Odina. He and the other Dark Hunters fled to Xia after Odina was overrun by Rahkshi.
After Teridax's death he evacuated Xia and is now living on Spherus Magna.
Abilities and traits
"Charger", despite an increase of intelligence since being transformed, was not a strategic thinker. For example, if he was to steal an object from a fortress, he would bring the fortress down and retrieve the object from the rubble. As such, "Charger" was not stealthy, but "The Shadowed One" was willing to keep him alive and in the organisation as long his approach works out.
"Charger" was also violent toward Rahi, especially Muaka and possessed a foul smell. He also possessed the same 'brave and bold to the point of being unstoppable and well near suicidal' mentality that all Kane Ra bulls possess. If he were faced with a wall, he'd go through it. And if he had to cross a canyon, he'd try to jump it.
"Charger" wielded an axe that absorbed an opponent's elemental energy and hurled it back at them. The axe was supposedly taken from one of his Toa victims. He was also armed with sharp blades on his arms.

Former Warrior-King of a southern island who joined the Dark Hunters. He relies on sophisticated technology to make it appear that he has "magical" powers, "Conjurer" has powerful telekinetic abilities, a staff of disintegration, and Rhotuka Spinners that can temporarily steal the power of an opponent and channel it into himself. He is currently in a coma after trying to absorb the power of a Brotherhood of Makuta member.
"Conjurer" was a member of the Shadowed One's species and a native of his homeland. He was involved in the Ancient War; however, as the war was drawing to a close, his appetite for conquest had been whetted and he left the island for a realm to call his own. He settled a southern island inhabited by Matoran. By using sophisticated technology, he made it appear that he held supernatural powers and became a warrior-king on the island. However, his subjects were unable to conquer and expand his empire, as Matoran made notoriously poor conquering armies; thus, he accepted an opportunity for recruitment into the Dark Hunters.
Since then, "Conjurer" has plotted to overthrow "The Shadowed One". However, he is unaware that "The Shadowed One" is knowledgeable of his plot. "Conjurer" continued to carry out his missions and maintain his reputation as in connection with forces beyond comprehension. He recently attempted to use his Rhotuka to absorb a Makuta's power, but this attempt backfired and sent him into a coma. It is unknown if he died due to his comatose state or if he overcame his state and evacuated the Matoran Universe. If this happened, he is now living on Spherus Magna.
Abilities and traits
"Conjurer", for an unknown reason, hated water. This was most likely because "The Order of Mata Nui" was led by a Toa of Water. He sought and appreciated power and the ability to reign over others. "Conjurer" would often go out of his way on missions to carry them out dramatically, leaving witnesses stunned to withhold his fraudulent reputation as a mysterious loner.
"Conjurer" possessed strong telekinetic abilities and wielded a staff that held the power to disintegrate its target ("Conjurer", however, claimed the staff's power was his own). He was armed with a Rhotuka that could temporarily steal an opponent's power and be absorbed.
It is likely that hostilities left over from the Ancient War played a factor in "Conjurer's" rebelliousness toward "the Shadowed One". Also, "Conjurer's" lack of a tail is probably the result of "the Shadowed One's" punishment for the former's insubordination.

Dark Hunter capable of spitting a paralysing venom at his enemies. He bears a special hatred for Matoran, as they hunted his species to near extinction. Interestingly, Poison's only vulnerability is to his own venom.
When the Dark Hunters first encountered him, "Poison" was found attacking a Matoran settlement and was fought off by the local Toa. It was only later when the Hunters brought "Poison" to their base where they discovered that he had not been using his venom. Nidhiki then taught him how to use his powers and discovered that "Poison" does not have any weaknesses other than his own venom. After Teridax's death he immigrated to the newly formed Spherus Magna.
Abilities and traits
As his name suggests, he had a storage of paralysing venom which was fatal if a victim was not treated within half an hour. Apart from his venom, "Poison" also had a tail that delivered a powerful stun.

Amnesiac Dark Hunter known for his destructive nature and stinger tail. His sword and shield are said to automatically increase in strength to match any foe he encounters. Efforts to determine who he really is or where he comes from have so far proved unsuccessful.
"Ravager" was first found on an unknown island wandering along the coastline of an island. From there, he was brought to the Dark Hunter's base where he suddenly escaped his handlers and destroyed roughly a third of the island. For some unknown reason, he was never dismissed from the Dark Hunter's service.
"The Shadowed One" attempted multiple times to recover his memories so that he can recruit more of Ravager's species. When Teridax died he and the other Dark Hunters evacuated the Matoran Universe and he is now living on Spherus Magna.
Abilities and traits
Apart from his enormous strength, "Ravager" also wields a sword and a shield. They have the power to become more powerful in order to match their foes and obstacle(s) with out. They seem to have a consciousness because they automatically increase their strength without command from "Ravager" and without any sorts of electronics or gadgets behind the mechanism.

Mutated Onu-Matoran from Metru Nui who joined the Dark Hunters following the conclusion of the Toa-Dark Hunter War. "Subterranean" is capable of disassembling objects with touch and immobilising enemies with his glance. He wears armour designed to deaden sound, as his hearing is painfully acute.
Toa/Dark Hunter War
Many centuries ago, when the Toa/Dark Hunter War was still raging on, an Onu-Matoran was helping to build a new section of the Archives under Ga-Metru when the tunnel ceiling collapsed. What exactly happened to the Matoran is shrouded in mystery, but it is possible that there were mutagenic chemicals in a Ga-Metru laboratory above the dig site, which poured all of its contents onto him when it caved in and mutated him into his current state.
Dark Hunter
After escaping from the tunnel, his new form scared his friends, and in grief he left the city with the Dark Hunters, as they were expelled from the city after the war. He is currently trying to arrange an alliance between the Hunters and a tribe of Frostelus on the grounds that he is one of the few creatures uglier than they are. After Teridax's death he evacuated the Matoran Universe and is now living on Spherus Magna.
Abilities and traits
"Subterranean" could disassemble objects by touching them, and could immobilise enemies just by looking at them. His major weakness was sound, as even the slightest whisper was painful to him; he wore special armour that dampened sound to compensate. Still, "The Shadowed One" stated that he tries to avoid a Toa of Sonics (possibly Krakua), who has the potential to kill him, as much as possible.

Dark Hunter who made a failed attempt to overthrow the Shadowed One. He was later set up for a defeat by Toa and vanished beneath the waves, but rumours persist that he is still alive. "Tyrant" is capable of absorbing heat and releasing it in a massive blast. He is immune to effects of extreme heat or cold.
"Tyrant" was a member of the Shadowed One's species and a native of his homeland. He was involved in the Ancient War; however, as the war was drawing to a close, his appetite for conquest had been whetted and he left the island for a realm to call his own. He conquered one of the Southern Islands where he ruled through brutality and fear. He agreed to join with the Dark Hunters during the war with the Toa, though he viewed himself as only an ally of the Hunters and not a member.
Because "Tyrant" kept trying to undermine "The Shadowed One's" authority, he was ordered to take a band of Hunters to face a team of Toa led by Lhikan - only the other Hunters were ordered to abandon "Tyrant" as soon as the fight started. "Tyrant" was badly beaten by the Toa and fell into the sea, swearing revenge on "The Shadowed One" and the Toa. He has not been seen since.
Abilities and traits
"Tyrant" could absorb heat, making his body extremely hot, and could then release it as a massive blast or levitate using superheated Air, he was also immune to extreme temperatures.

One of the most powerful of the Dark Hunters, Darkness's job is to keep watch over the organisation's leader, the Shadowed One, and kill him should he ever show any sign of weakness.
"Darkness" was "The Shadowed One's" "shadow", lurking nearby to await the day, if it ever came, that "The Shadowed One" showed weakness. If so, he would have descended upon him and assumed leadership of the Dark Hunters. To carry out this task, "Darkness" followed him constantly. Whenever he left Odina, "Darkness" managed to follow him. In the times he did leave him, it was only to keep his skills sharp through disciplining of disobedient Dark Hunters through combat.
"Darkness" did this 5,000 years ago, when he interfered with the attempt of a coup against "The Shadowed One" illustrated by Zaktan, Vezok, Reidak, Hakann, and Thok. Recently, "Darkness" was known to follow "The Shadowed One" to Xia. Although "The Shadowed One" had a desire to kill those who knew of his discovery of three vials of Makuta Virus, he did not kill "Darkness", who was concerned only with that of him showing weakness and wouldn't discuss the matter or act on it. When "The Shadowed One" had a throne constructed for him, "Darkness" witnessed him talk with Kalmah, Ehlek, and Mantax from a rafter above.
After Teridax's death he evacuated the Matoran Universe and is currently living on Spherus Magna.
Alternate Universes
alternate universes
Dark Mirror
In the Toa Empire, 3,500 years ago, "Darkness" survived when the Toa Empire targeted the Dark Hunters as a threat to Mata Nui. He became a member of Pohatu's resistance team against the Empire, and summoned the remaining Hunters in Metru Nui, "Guardian" and "Primal", to aid in their rebellion against Tuyet at the Coliseum. In the battle, "Darkness" was able to enter through cracks into the Coliseum with Takanuva following to the Hall of Masks chamber. However, Tuyet was in the room, and used her Water elemental powers to summon a wall of water that swept "Darkness" away.
Powers and tools
"Darkness" wielded dual claws on each hand, and could slip through tight spaces, although "The Shadowed One" suspected that those were not his only powers and considered him one of the most powerful Dark Hunters.

Dark Hunter assigned to monitor events on Metru Nui. His powers include the ability to read minds, screen his own mind from telepathy, and drive a target mad with nightmares.
"Dweller" was once recruited into the Dark Hunters as an assassin, using his mental powers to kill his victims. 1,001 years ago, he was permanently assigned in Metru Nui to monitor the city. He hid within the Archives, sending occasional reports on events by Rahi to "The Shadowed One".
The Dweller Report
250 years ago, "Dweller" had discovered a troop of stray Visorak were arriving in Metru Nui prior to his latest report. At this time, there were eight inhabitants of the city, the Rahaga, Keetongu, and Turaga Dume. "Dweller" left for the Coliseum, where he used his powers to trigger a nightmare about the Visorak to Norik. There, he waited until Keetongu, then Dume and the Rahaga, left the Coliseum to confront the Visorak. "Dweller" followed, believing "The Shadowed One" would want to know about the death of the eight and the Brotherhood's conquest of Metru Nui would leave the city open for a future Dark Hunter invasion.
When he arrived, "Dweller" witnessed the battle unfold. He was surprised to see they had survived and killed the Visorak troop, and was torn on the outcome. However, he soon realised Metru Nui and its inhabitants would be conquered sooner or later, and he was willing to wait. He returned to the Archives, but the next night returned to give Norik another nightmare of "The Shadowed One" conquering the city- a nightmare "Dweller" hoped would become a reality.
"Dweller" witnessed the return of the Matoran to Metru Nui. After the Toa Nuva left Metru Nui, leaving Toa Takanuva as its only guardian, "Dweller" sent another report to "The Shadowed One". The response was that it be time for him to take a more active role to prepare the city for seizure, and was given new orders to monitor Takanuva and kill him at his weakest moment.
He intended to do this using a mental probe, which Takanuva discovered and tracked to its source. On his way, he was attacked by a Shadow Leech and was unable to act upon "Dweller", but, by this time, Brutaka, Helryx, and Krakua had arrived to rescue the unconscious Toa of Light. Brutaka, impervious to "Dweller"'s mental powers, then went after him, captured him, and imprisoned him on Daxia. He survived the destruction of Daxia when Teridax destroyed the island.
When Teridax was killed, "Dweller" left the Matoran Universe, migrating to Spherus Magna.
Abilities and traits
"Dweller" was incredibly patient and loyal to his mission and to "The Shadowed One", whom he believed would someday conquer Metru Nui. He was stealthy and often toyed with those he spied upon.
"Dweller" could probe the thoughts of others or drive them mad through nightmares. He could also affect others' perceptions to keep them from noticing him, and he was able to spend over a thousand years undetected. He also wielded claws.

Dark Hunter charged with killing any members of that organisation who fail in their missions, then carrying out the missions himself. Along with Nidhiki and Krekka, he was dispatched to Metru Nui to help Makuta Teridax in his efforts to seize control of the city. Eliminator's task was to track down and destroy the Toa guardians of Metru Nui, which he did very successfully. "Eliminator" is nearly invisible in low-light conditions and can harness and combine the powers of up to four Kanoka Disks and then fire the energies from his claws.
1,001 years ago, Makuta Teridax hired "Eliminator", Nidhiki, and Krekka to serve him in Metru Nui. Under the disguise of Turaga Dume, Teridax sent members of the Toa Mangai out on missions outside of the island metropolis where "Eliminator" could kill them. One of these false missions included two Toa Mangai and current Chronicler, Kodan, to close the Coastal Gates. "Eliminator" killed these three and left one of the Toa's Kanohi Kakama behind. In the end, "Eliminator" killed Naho, four Toa of Ice, a Toa of Earth, a Toa of Stone, a Toa of Plantlife, and Kodan himself.
"Eliminator" was later re-purposed as a back-up in the event of another Dark Hunter failing his mission. His purpose was to hunt and kill the Dark Hunter, then take over the mission and carry it out to its conclusion. As such, he is despised by other Dark Hunters. This hatred went to the extent that "The Shadowed One" had "Eliminator" never return to Odina, fearing a Dark Hunter alliance may arise to eliminate him. Recently, "Eliminator" journeyed to another island to await a Dark Hunter fail his mission.
After Teridax's death, he left the Matoran Universe and is now living on Spherus Magna.
Powers and tools
"Eliminator" had four Kanoka mounted on his back, and he could harness and combine the powers of them and fire them from his hands. He could also hurl these Kanoka from back-mounted launchers. He was agile and stealthy, as shadows seemed to cling to him and made him invisible in low-light conditions.

A Matoran transformed by energised protodermis into an armoured warrior with a hatred for Visorak, Firedracax joined the Dark Hunters for a chance to kill the spider creatures. His shield is unbreakable and his Rhotuka Spinner absorbs thermal energy from the air and redirects it at a target in a burst of heat and flame.
As a Matoran, Firedracax lived on an island that was conquered by the Visorak. In trying to escape from the spiders, he and his friends fell into Energized Protodermis. His friends were destroyed, but he emerged as an armored warrior. From then on, he had a deep hatred for Visorak, and continued to hunt them, even after they became scattered and leaderless. He joined the Dark Hunters and was frequently assigned missions involving Visorak.
After Teridax destroyed Odina, he temporarily lived on Xia until Teridax died. He then exited the Matoran Universe onto Spherus Magna.
Powers and tools
As a Ta-Matoran, Firedracax possessed inaccessible Elemental Fire powers; this manifested in the form of a natural resistance to heat and fire. Although Firedracax lost this power when he was mutated, he gained the ability and willpower to generate Rhotuka; these spinners had Fire-based powers.
Firedracax had an unbreakable shield and a fiery spear. He also had a Rhotuka launcher that launched spinners that could absorb thermal energy in the air and direct it as a blast of flame.

A Matoran transformed by the Shadowed One to be an armoured colossus in service to the Dark Hunters. "Gatherer" has no need for food or sleep and carries a wide array of weapons. He also a psychic connection to Rahi who dwell underground and can command them to do his bidding.
"Gatherer" once lived on an unknown island as a Matoran leader. Interfering with a Dark Hunter mission, he was detained and brought to Odina. There, "The Shadowed One" forcibly inducted him into the Dark Hunters. One of his latest missions was to find out about a "mysterious third player" whose power was said to rival both the Dark Hunters and the Brotherhood of Makuta.
Personalities and traits
"Gatherer" was once a fair and brave as a Matoran leader, but these virtues were stripped from him after his conscription into the Dark Hunters. With every opponent he defeated, "Gatherer" took a piece of the foe's armour and added it to his own. He had no need for food or sleep, and could psychically command subterranean Rahi to do his bidding.
After Teridax's death he evacuated the Matoran Universe to Spherus Magna.
Powers and Equipment
"Gatherer" also had a wide array of weapons, including blades, an energy cannon, a Kanoka Disk Launcher, and "mind scramble" Rhotuka Spinners.

A native of Sidorak and Krekka's home island, "Gladiator" was a warrior in the arena before being freed from prison by a Dark Hunter. He was recruited into that organisation and put his brute strength, sharp claws, and incredible resistance to damage to work for them.
When Sidorak tried to join the Dark Hunters, he had to fight "Gladiator" as a test. "Gladiator" revealed that despite his great size, his true strength was his incredible speed and agility, and easily dispatched Sidorak, causing him to be dragged off and cast away instead of being allowed to join.
"Gladiator" lived on Stelt and was an entertainment fighter. He was brutally strong and had a passion for war, making him a crowd favourite. It was said that he once lost control during a fierce battle and went on a rampage. This happened when about half a dozen of Krekka's Species were sent to bring him down, but he killed them all. It took half of the guards to finally get him back under control, and for that reason he was recruited to be a Dark Hunter.
He was later sent back to Stelt to investigate rumours that Sidorak's species were trying to reform the Visorak hordes.
After Teridax's death, he evacuated the Matoran Universe and is now living on Spherus Magna.
Powers and tools
He carried two big claws, and two smaller ones. He has brute strength backed by his vicious claws and an incredible resistance to damage, besides his speed and agility.

Dark Hunter whose job it is to eliminate any others who might be captured before they can talk. His Rhotuka Spinners contain powers tied to stone and earth. After working for the group for some time, Guardian became part of a rag-tag group consisting of Tahu and others, when Teridax took control of the Matoran Universe. Frustrated by the team's poor odds, Guardian sought to escape the universe, but met a grim fate when Teridax opened the ground and consumed him.
"Guardian" came from a war-torn island, and when a friend betrayed his tribe to their enemies, he was caught in a crossfire of Rhotuka Spinners and left for dead. The Dark Hunters saw him as useful and nursed him back to health. He served the Dark Hunters for years, presumably, tracking down and assassinating captured Dark Hunters. Eventually in 1001 years AGC (After the Great Cataclysm), Teridax took over the universe and "Guardian" found himself in the rebellion force.
Reign of Shadows
He was in Karzahni at the time of his death, in a team consisting of himself, Tahu, Kopeke, Johmak, Krahka, and Lariska. "Guardian" began to have his doubts about Tahu's plan to "smash everything and hope to be somewhere else when it all goes boom" and decided to go out on his own and see if he could find a way out of the universe.
However, as he did so, Teridax decided to personally kill "Guardian" since he was in control of the Matoran Universe at the time. The Makuta had the earth open and swallow "Guardian" whole, crushing and killing him. Guardian was then transported and revived on the Red Star alongside other deceased beings. However, the return function malfunctioned and Guardian is now trapped in the Red Star.
Powers and tools
"Guardian" had sharp claws and a staff that could launch earth and stone related Rhotuka.
Alternate Universes
alternate universes
Dark Mirror
In the Toa Empire Alternate Universe, "Guardian" is one of three Dark Hunters that are part of a resistance group attempting to eliminate Tuyet. During the battle, "Guardian" teamed up with Nuju to fight a Toa of Magnetism. He later died during the battle, but managed to take six other Toa with him.

hordika dragons
Eight Dark Hunters transformed by Visorak venom into lizard-like beasts. In addition to their natural strength and agility, they have an electric charge that flows through their claws. The Shadowed One uses them primarily as debt collectors.
When some Visorak appeared on Odina, "The Shadowed One" had them captured and began experimenting with their Hordika venom. He exposed eight Dark Hunters to the venom, and they mutated into reptilian Hordika Dragons. The Hordika Dragons were violent and savage, but lacked discipline.
At one point, their bestial Rahi sides would take over and they would be little more than particularly savage creatures, but until that day, "The Shadowed One" habitually sent them to collect money owed to the Hunters from those who refused to pay.
After Teridax's death the Hordika Dragons left for Spherus Magna along with everyone else.
Powers and abilities
Each Hordika Dragon had enhanced animal strength, agility, and tracking ability, and could electrify their claws to shock anyone they touched, they also appeared to have Rhotuka spinners but their power is unknown.

Dark Hunter who began life as a Kraata before being mutated by the Makuta into his current armoured form. Kraata-Kal has power over water, fire, and shadow, and carries a double-bladed flame sword and a Kanoka Disk Launcher.
Normal Kraata were created from a Makuta's essence and could control Rahkshi armor. But Kraata-Kal was exposed to the energies that turned the six Bohrok into Bohrok-Kal and came out with the ability to control Fire, Water, and Shadow. Kraata-Kal's armor was far more powerful than standard Rahkshi armor. When a commotion occurred, he escaped and was recruited by the Dark Hunters. He was sent as part of a team meant to capture the Piraka, although he failed to do so.
He later evacuated the Matoran Universe and is now living on Spherus Magna.
Abilities and traits
Besides his elemental powers, Kraata-Kal had a double-bladed flame sword and a Kanoka Disk Launcher. Kraata-Kal was too ambitious for his own good, and "The Shadowed One" had to "discipline" him for putting his own profit ahead of the mission.

Banished from his home island for the crime of murder, "Lurker" accepted the offer to join the Dark Hunters. Modifications left him with claws, stingers, and built-in blades. He is a natural fighter and climber with a well-honed survival instinct.
"Lurker" once lived on his homeland before he was banished after he was convicted of murder. From there, he sought work that would have normally gone to the Dark Hunters, so "The Shadowed One" recruited him rather than have competition. Upon his recruitment, he was offered his choice of armaments, to which "Lurker" chose primitive weapons. "Lurker" later conducted a mission to investigate the rumors of Makuta Teridax's death.
He later exited the Matoran Universe and is now living on Spherus Magna.
Abilities and traits
"Lurker" was a survivalist, gaining skills of climbing, hunting, and fighting, and was known to have taught Toa to "look at the sky", just when he would ambush them.
After joining the Dark Hunters, "Lurker" opted to be equipped with stingers, claws, and blades to go with his skills. He also donned two Kanohi masks mounted on his upper arms to make him look like the winner of a battle.

Dark Hunter capable of duplicating any physical feat he sees perfectly and without practice.
"Mimic" is an example of a creature drafted into the Dark Hunters. "Mimic" spent most of his life with a companion from their native island. Their island had suffered some natural disaster long ago, so they lived together, working to survive. One day, "Mimic" learned of his power, a useful talent that let him "mimic" any feat he saw. Shortly after this, his companion disappeared.
Desperate, "Mimic" searched for her for a long time until he was approached by "The Shadowed One", who told him that if he joined the Dark Hunters, "The Shadowed One" would do everything he could to find her. "Mimic" agreed quickly. He served ever since. "The Shadowed One" always kept him away from Odina to prevent him from discovering his companion captive within the dungeons of the island. He later evacuated the Matoran Universe onto Spherus Magna.
Abilities and traits
"Mimic" had what "The Shadowed One" calls "photographic reflexes" - if he watched any creature doing any kind of physical feat, he could replicate it, perfectly, instantly, and without practice. Show him a skilled marksman, and he would become a master marksman. Let him watch skilled swordplay for even a few moments and he would become a master of the sword.

Mute former enforcer for the Brotherhood of Makuta who now works for the Dark Hunters. His claws are long and razor-sharp and his armour is impenetrable.
"Minion" was once a Rahi captured and experimented upon by the Brotherhood of Makuta. During one of these experiments, he became sapient and listened upon several Brotherhood discussions. 1,300 years ago, he escaped during the rebellion of Makuta Teridax's Toa Hagah team. "Minion" made his way to Odina, where "The Shadowed One" recruited him and realized the information he held. Despite his attempts at extracting this information, "The Shadowed One" had been unable to get "Minion" to even speak, so he kept him on Odina as a guard.
Recently, the Toa Nuva invaded the northern region of Odina to retrieve the Staff of Artakha, they encountered "Minion", whom only Tahu recognised. Before they could decide what to do about the sentry, Kopaka had flash-frozen him. However he survived and when Teridax died, he immigrated to Spherus Magna.
Abilities and traits
"Minion" has impenetrable armor and razor-sharp claws. He possesses tracking skills that detect nearby Brotherhood of Makuta members.

Dark Hunter who relies on strength and speed to complete his missions, using his paralysis device only in emergencies. Primal belongs to a species largely wiped out by the Visorak. He has proven to be a difficult operative due to his refusal to accept missions that don't involve the possibility of getting a trophy from the hunt.
"Primal" was once part of a tribe whose land was destroyed by the Visorak. He later led a small team of survivors against the spider-like Rahi. "The Shadowed One" later recruited the band and then betrayed the position of the rest of them to the Visorak.
"Primal" was a difficult being. He refused all offers of bio-mechanical implants, except a paralysis device implanted under his skin. Like "Gatherer", he loved to collect trophies from his hunts. After a short time, he began to refuse missions which did not guarantee good trophies. He also had such a strong sense of justice, it caused him to hunt the Hunters and the clients rather than the prey on occaison. "The Shadowed One" tolerated him only because of his effectiveness.
He later left the Matoran Universe and is currently living on Spherus Magna.
Abilities and traits
"Primal" relied mostly on his speed, strength, knowledge, and his spear. He only used his paralysis device as backup. He was active at the time of the Matoran's return to Metru Nui and was one of the only Dark Hunters who acts on his own. As he in the words of the Shadowed One, "objects to the attitudes and behaviour of many of the other Hunters and tends to express his displeasure with his spear.' The Shadowed One only tolerated him because he was extremely effective.
Alternate Universes
alternate universes
Dark Mirror
In the Toa Empire Alternate Universe, "Primal" is one of three Dark Hunters that are part of a resistance group attempting to eliminate Tuyet. During the battle, "Primal" killed Tahu, but was drowned on dry land by Gali's Water powers.

Dark Hunter created when a Toa of Fire and a Toa of Earth were merged by the power of the Spear of Fusion. Driven mad by the experience, Prototype was recruited into the Dark Hunters organisation. He is extremely strong and virtually invulnerable.
"Prototype" was formerly made of two beings, a Toa of Earth, and a Toa of Fire. It was created when a Dark Hunter once had the Spear of Fusion, and fired it at two Toa as they were merging together into a Toa Kaita-like form. The result fused them permanently and drove them mad, and the new being went on a rampage and disappeared. Centuries later, he was found injured in a swamp; he was nursed back to health by the Dark Hunters and recruited, given the codename "Prototype".
"Prototype" served as a guard for "The Shadowed One"'s fortress. However, Vezok easily tricked the slow-witted Hunter into deserting his post by telling him that Zaktan was a traitor, and that "Prototype" needed to go to the other end of the island to warn "The Shadowed One" (who was, in fact, inside the fortress "Prototype" was supposed to be guarding). It is not known whether "Prototype" was allowed to keep his position after this mistake.
After Teridax's death, "Prototype" evacuated the Matoran Universe onto Spherus Magna.
Personality and Traits
After the fusion, any organic part of "Prototype" had decomposed to the point that he was mostly machine. He was incredibly powerful, but also quite stupid. His life force was tied to his armour, but after so long it was almost impenetrable. "Prototype" was sometimes used as a practice target for rookie Hunters; if they survived a fight with him, then they could handle their missions. "Prototype" almost killed Zaktan in the Piraka Rebellion, but Vezok tricked him into abandoning his post.
Abilities and traits
After being fused and mutated, "Prototype" retained his control of the elements of Earth and Fire. He was equipped with a pair of tri-taloned claws on both hands.

Insane Toa Hordika who has been recruited into the Dark Hunters organisation. He possesses a highly developed tracking sense and a Rhotuka Spinner that can paralyse his enemies. His tri-claw has the power to liquefy solid matter.
"Savage" was once a Toa of Earth who was detained by the Visorak. After being mutated into a Toa Hordika by Hordika Venom, he escaped to his teammates. However, they didn't recognize him and attacked him, believing him to be a monster. As a result his anger and despair grew out of control.
This accelerated his feral side to take control, losing his speech and self-control until he heavily injured his team. He was later found by the Dark Hunters, and "The Shadowed One" convinced him his allies had forsaken him and to join the Dark Hunters. Since he occasionally became mad from his insanity as a Toa Hordika, he was locked in a cell and damage he committed was taken from his profits.
After the Battle of Bara Magna, in which the Great Spirit Robot was heavily damaged, "Savage" migrated to the newly-reformed planet of Spherus Magna.
Abilities and traits
"Savage" felt constant anger and insanity after his transformation to the point where he had to be jailed for everyone's protection at times.
"Savage" wielded a Tri-Claw that could liquidise solid matter, and his Rhotuka could paralyse victims.

Former Toa of Air who defected to the Dark Hunters. Spinner's eyes cause vertigo in a target and his Rhotuka Spinners can also affect an enemy's sense of balance. The combined power of his spinners can throw a target into a coma, but doing that weakens Spinner as well. The atmosphere around Spinner tends to be heavy and poisonous, making it difficult for him to sneak up on anyone.
"Spinner" was a Le-Matoran who was transformed into a Toa on an unnamed island. In a fight between them and some mutant Rahkshi, "Spinner" was thrown into a nearly bottomless pit. He blamed his fellow team members for this action without definite proof. The Dark Hunters found him near death, revived him and somehow altered him to his current form.
After Teridax's death, he evacuated the Matoran Universe and found himself on Spherus Magna.
Abilities and traits
"Spinner" no longer had his power over air after becoming a Dark Hunter, but all air around him became heavy and poisonous. He could cause vertigo in a target by looking at them or make them lose their sense of balance with a Rhotuka spinner from one of his twin slicers, combining the two slicers made a Rhotuka that could send targets into a coma, but this took so much energy that "Spinner" would be put out of action for a while as well.
"Spinner" only wanted missions involving Toa, but "The Shadowed One" insisted that he would take the missions that were given to him.

Dark Hunter who, along with his pet bull, is extremely skilled at hunting down quarry. His most notable accomplishment was finding Roodaka after her apparent "death" at the hands of the Toa Hordika.
Although his story was not exactly clear, "Tracker" had a great hatred for Visorak. He blamed both them and Roodaka for his state, and for that reason, he became a Dark Hunter.
"Tracker" was sent on a mission to track down Roodaka after she had "died" at the hands of the Toa Hordika. It required 3 Dark Hunters to stop him from killing her, and she was "persuaded" to go to the Dark Hunter's base to discuss her future. "Tracker" was hunting Spiriah, a member of the Brotherhood of Makuta. Little did they know he was already dead.
After Teridax's death, he evacuated the Matoran Universe and is currently living on Spherus Magna.
Abilities and traits
As the name states, "Tracker" and his pet bull were skilled at tracking down targets. Give him the slightest scent or an object just once, and "Tracker" and his bull would be off, finding the being no matter where it hid.
Apart from his tracking skills, "Tracker" also had tremendous strength, and his bull's horns had the power to dissolve solid matter.

Dark Hunter suspected of being a double agent for the Brotherhood of Makuta. "Vanisher" was capable of appearing and disappearing at will via dimensional transport, as well as diverting energies hurled against him into other dimensions.
In an attempt to keep "Vanisher" under control, "The Shadowed One" assigned more loyal members to accompany him and keep him under control, though they all died while with him. Ordinarily, he would have been executed for his behaviour, but he worked efficiently, so "The Shadowed One" let him live, even though there was evidence that he worked for the Brotherhood of Makuta. Suspecting this, "The Shadowed One" assigned a Dark Hunter to watch "Vanisher", then another Dark Hunter to watch both "Vanisher" and the one already assigned to spy on him.
Following Teridax's death, "Vanisher" evacuated the Matoran Universe onto Spherus Magna.
Abilities and traits
"Vanisher" had the power to open interdimensional gates through which he could walk, travelling great distances in the blink of an eye, and appearing to vanish to the observer. He also had the power to open "pocket dimensions" in order to trap attacks. He could keep these for as long as he wished, and then release the energy contained. Many times he had defeated enemies with nothing but their own power.
"Vanisher" was a wilful Dark Hunter; he was independent, powerful, often disobeyed orders, and exacted harsh punishment on those who tried to enforce rules upon him.

"Vengeance" was a Dark Hunter recruited by "The Shadowed One". He has evacuated the Matoran Universe and is currently living on Spherus Magna.
At some point in his life, "Vengeance" was recruited as a Dark Hunter.
He later fought in the final battle of the Toa/Dark Hunter War alone against Toa Lhikan. The Toa defeated and trapped him, but he escaped years later. He then sought revenge on Lhikan, only to learn that the Toa had already been killed by Teridax. Frustrated at being cheated of his revenge, the Dark Hunter transferred his rage to Teridax and swore to someday end his existence.
After the Great Spirit Robot was destroyed by Mata Nui, he evacuated the Matoran Universe and is currently living on Spherus Magna.
Abilities and traits
"Vengeance's" weapons and powers included an extremely powerful shield capable of deflecting virtually any attack, wings for flight, and twin horns that could deflect mental assaults. His Rhotuka spinners were capable of taking on solid form for a split second at a time and slicing through even the hardest metals
Triglax was a member of the Dark Hunters. He was somewhat unreliable, since he had an unfortunate tendency to take objects that he was sent to retrieve for himself. His appearance and powers are unknown.
At one point, he disguised himself as a Toa of Sonics. Under the alias "Grey", he met Varian and Norik and led them to a village, where they were attacked by Dark Hunters. After the battle, Varian saw that "Grey" was kidnapped, and she and Norik went to get him back. They caught up with the hunters, but ended up being captured.
Back at the Odina base, Varian was told to choose between the Toa of Sonics and Norik, though she chose the latter. Varian was then placed into stasis as a trophy. She soon learned that this Toa was Triglax.
"The Shadowed One" once ordered Lariska to punish Triglax for returning only two pieces of equipment when his contract specified three. Lariska looked forward to this confrontation, for she found Triglax very obnoxious.
Powers and abilities
Triglax's full extent of powers is unknown. It has been confirmed that he had the powers to shapeshift.
Female Dark Hunter.
Little is known about Lariska's early life or where she originally came from, but it can safely be assumed it was from a land where every day was a battle for survival. Tough and cynical, Lariska is a skilled hand-to-hand fighter and an expert with many weapons, but prefers throwing daggers. Lariska joined the Dark Hunters some 10,000 years ago. After the capture of Hakann and Thok, she defeated Hakann in a training match. During the Toa-Dark Hunter War, she brokered the deal with Toa Nidhiki that led to his betrayal of the Toa. At some point in between those two events, Lariska angered the Shadowed One and lost her arm as punishment. It was replaced by one that was completely mechanical. Lariska remains active, but her current whereabouts and mission are unknown.
Toa/Dark Hunter War
During the Toa/Dark Hunter War on Metru Nui, it was Lariska who gave Nidhiki the opportunity to turn his back against his fellow Toa and Lhikan. Nidhiki ended up agreeing and joined the Dark Hunters. She also was Hakann's first challenger upon his initiation to the Dark Hunters. He managed to bring her down and was surprised to find her back up and with a knife to his throat the second he turned his back thinking he had beaten her. One of her missions was mentioned in BIONICLE Adventures 10: Time Trap, a job of executing a Toa of Gravity and a Turaga, though the Turaga fled.
Lariska had trained with Levitation Kanoka Disks to simulate zero gravity, to prepare for the fight against the Gravity powers of the Toa. She killed the Toa, and received payment for the job, which was given to "The Shadowed One". She substituted as head of the Dark Hunters while "The Shadowed One" went with Sentrakh to Metru Nui to find out who killed two of his operatives, Nidhiki and Krekka.
Federation of Fear
She was tasked with the job of keeping an eye on Brutaka and his team while they looked for Makuta Miserix by the Order of Mata Nui. After a brief conversation between the team and Miserix, which Spiriah was killed, Lariska was the first to recognise that the chains were containing Miserix, and proceeded to find a weak link in them on order of Brutaka.
After shattering the chains, the Klakk that were circling the chamber attacked the team, and Vezon and Lariska tried to fend them off. Miserix used his power scream ability to the knock the Klakk unconscious, along with Vezon and Lariska. After freeing himself from the volcano, Brutaka dragged the semi-conscious Vezon and Lariska onto Miserix's back, along with a newly-stunned Roodaka and allowed Miserix to take them north. Her current location is unknown.
Reign of Shadows
When Teridax took over the universe, Lariska joined the rebellion against him. She wound up in Karzahni with Tahu, Kopeke, "Guardian", Johmak and Krahka. She witnessed "Guardian" leaving the team and promptly being killed and the team was then discovered by Exo-Toa. She later escaped the Matoran Universe after Teridax was killed and is now living on Spherus Magna.
Abilities and traits
Lariska was known to carry two Protosteel daggers, which were sometimes prepared with poison on the tips, which she threw at her enemies. Her left arm was completely mechanical due to 'punishment' from "The Shadowed One", but she could still perform astounding acrobatic maneuvers. She hated to rest, preferring to move around and had been known to spontaneously start doing somersaults and back flips. But she could be very quiet when hunting and had acute senses, which were able to detect Nidhiki, even though he was using a Volitak.
Former Nynrah Ghost (Nynrah Matoran/Fe-Matoran) and Dark Hunter.
A member of the Dark Hunters with one of the more bizarre origin stories. He was originally a humble crafter from an island far from Metru Nui where there no Toa. His people felt the need for a hero, and so he was chosen for a "rebuilding project". After numerous experiments, including exposure to energised protodermis variant, "Phantom" emerged with increased strength, the power of limited flight, dramatically improved eyesight, and the ability to turn invisible.
His career as a hero was short-lived. Frightened and ashamed of what they had done, the locals shunned him. Disheartened and without purpose, he was easily recruited into the Dark Hunters. However, his conscience has so far made him of limited use on missions.
Abilities and traits
Phantom has incredible strength, limited flight, improved eyesight and the ability to become invisible at will. Phantom does not behave like most members of the organisation as he still has good values and morals, making him only partially useful to "The Shadowed One".
A Dark Hunter who is believed to have been mutated by Roodaka into his current form. Silence's speciality is the abduction of Toa, Turaga, and Brotherhood of Makuta members or anyone else who could possibly pose a threat to the Dark Hunters. He is capable of creating a field around himself that deadens all sound. He carries a double-edged blade mounted on his forearm and a Kanoka disk Launcher equipped with freeze disks.
"Silence" can move like a shadow, slipping into even the most heavily guarded fortresses and vigilantly protected islands and emerging with his victims just as easily. Even when he was on Odina, no one knew just where he was for sure.
He and the other Dark Hunters fled to Xia after Odina was overrun by Rahkshi.
Abilities and traits
"Silence" had the natural ability to create a field around himself that completely deadened all sound, allowing him to move silently. The field extended just less than a metre around his body, an exact field radius of three feet, allowing him to grab and subdue targets without their screams being heard. His armour was also surprisingly heavy for one whom favours stealth.
the recorder
"The Recorder" was a creature that recorded everything "The Shadowed One" said and did.
It is unknown where "The Recorder" originated, but he was recruited by the Dark Hunters and hired as "The Shadowed One's" personal chronicler.
At one point, in "The Shadowed One's" chamber, "The Recorder" commented that "The Shadowed One" was only second to that of Teridax. As a punishment, he was thrown across the room, but he survived the impact.
When the Matoran Universe was destroyed, the Recorder evacuated onto Spherus Magna.

A huge and powerful servant of the Dark Hunters and former clan leader of Sidorak's species. He came from an island populated by a highly competitive and prideful species. Anytime any of them succeeded in building something, their neighbours would grow jealous and destroy it. This resulted in a land made barren and​ a culture that bordered on anarchy.
Voporak might have remained there forever had an emissary of the Brotherhood of Makuta not arrived, seeking a being of power. Seeing that Voporak dominated his region, the Brotherhood selected him for an experiment in mutation. Combining energised protodemis, the Rhotuka Spinner of Roodaka, and possibly other more dangerous ingredients, they succeeded in transforming Voporak into a being sensitive to shifts in time. Believing it inevitable that one day the Kanohi Vahi, the Mask of Time, would be created, the Brotherhood now had a servant capable of tracking it and capturing it.
Voporak once lived on the island of Stelt as a clan leader. When the Brotherhood of Makuta selected him for experiments, Sidorak betrayed him to the organization in an effort to gain favour. By using substances like Roodaka's Rhotuka and Energized Protodermis, Voporak became an entity sensitive to shifts in the time-space continuum, allowing him to detect and locate the Kanohi Vahi if it was ever brought into existence. To learn discipline, the Brotherhood transferred Voporak to the Dark Hunters, although this caused him to switch loyalties.
1,001 years ago, Voporak had detected use of the Vahi when Toa Metru Vakama had used it in a conflict against Makuta Teridax. He journeyed to Metru Nui in search of the mask, where he found Vakama, who had attempted to retrieve the mask but lost consciousness when he was weakened by a water spout. He then achieved his task of claiming the mask, and gave it to "The Shadowed One", who had recently arrived in pursuit of the Toa Metru, whom he believed were responsible for the death of Nidhiki and Krekka.
Voporak was later distracted from stopping Vakama and Teridax, who had allied together, from retrieving the Vahi for themselves. Teridax had summoned every Rahkshi in the area, sending them at Voporak. This only served as a temporary distraction, as the Rahkshi were killed by his temporal force field, and the Dark Hunter set out again and entered a conflict, as The Shadowed One realised it was Teridax who killed his two Hunters. In the course of this battle, Teridax suffocated Voporak with a vacuum, making him fall unconscious, and threw "The Shadowed One" into Voporak, causing him to age 3,000 years in a matter of seconds. In the end, the Vahi was claimed by Vakama.
Voporak's hunt for the Vahi continued. 1,000 years later, Toa Nuva Tahu had used the Vahi against the Bohrok-Kal. Teaming up with Ancient, Voporak headed to Mata Nui. However, they arrived to find the Matoran had returned to Metru Nui, and the Vahi was with Vakama, now a Turaga, in the Coliseum, so Ancient left Voporak to carry out his mission. In Metru Nui, the city was now in the hands of the Order of Mata Nui, but he smashed a hole in the Coliseum and went underground to the chamber where it was held. Killing a group of armed Ta-Matoran, Voporak claimed the Vahi and came out to find Vakama, who was heading toward the chamber. As he escaped, a four-armed Order of Mata Nui member attempting an attack, but Voporak killed him with his temporal force field to age the enemy until he was too old to live and died. Voporak then left Metru Nui.
A while later he evacuated the Matoran Universe with the Vahi and is now on Spherus Magna.
Powers and abilities
Voporak gave off a temporal force field that aged any attack used against him. His touch could age a target unless he willed it otherwise. This power would not work on the Vahi. He also had Rhotuka spinners that temporarily knocked targets out of sync with time, leaving them a second or two behind the rest of the world. He could also sense fluctuations in the fabric of time. Only one weakness was ever exploited against Voporak, which was taking away air so he could not breathe. Teridax thought of this approach during his battle with The Shadowed One.

servants of the makuta
The Brotherhood of Makuta has many servants. Among them is Ahkmou, an embittered Po-Matoran; and Roodaka and Sidorak, leaders of the Visorak Horde and lieutenants to the Makuta.

Ahkmou was a Po-Matoran, one of the six Matoran who knew the location of a Great Disk, servant of Teridax and Onewa's long-time rival. Makuta believed him to be the destined Toa Metru of Stone, but in fact, Onewa was.
Matoran carver originally from Po-Metru. His rivalry with Onewa led him into a deal with the Dark Hunter Nidhiki to obtain the six Great Disks. Frustrated in this and captured by Toa Onewa, he reluctantly joined the Toa Metru in their efforts to find the disks and defeat the Morbuzakh plant. Ahkmou was one of the six Matoran initially rescued from the Coliseum by the Toa Metru. During the voyage to Mata Nui, Ahkmou's sphere was lost. It lay on the bottom of an underground river until found by Teridax. By that time, evidence had been discovered by the Toa Metru that Ahkmou may have been destined to become a Toa of Stone. However, that evidence proved to be false. Ahkmou later reappeared on Mata Nui as a trader, selling Kohlii Balls infected with Teridax's virus.
Metru Nui
Ahkmou was originally a carver in Po-Metru. He often carried a level 3 Kanoka disk with the regeneration power, perfect for repairing mistakes made when carving. He was skilled at many things in his work but master of none; and he never forgot all of the times he had fallen short to Onewa, another Po-Matoran crafter. This rivalry led Ahkmou into bitterness and resentment.
Ahkmou came to be one of six Matoran (Nuhrii, Orkahm, Vhisola, Tehutti, Ehrye, and he) who each knew the hidden location of one of the six Great Kanoka Disks. This attracted the attention of the Dark Hunters Nidhiki and Krekka, who had recently arrived on Metru Nui.
The cunning Nidhiki used Ahkmou’s rivalry with Onewa to convince him to help him obtain all of the Great Disks. He promised the Po-Matoran that he would be well-paid and that the Dark Hunter would not disturb Ahkmou any longer once he had completed the task. To help him in his mission, Nidhiki gave Ahkmou the names of the other five Matoran who knew where the Great Disks could be found, and Ahkmou sent a variety of false messages to the other five Matoran that led each of them into traps set up by Nidhiki.
Meanwhile, shortly after another six Matoran had been transformed into the Toa Metru, Toa Vakama received a vision showing him that the six Great Disks were needed to defeat the Morbuzakh, and the names of the Matoran who knew their locations. This prompted the Toa Metru to set out and find the Matoran, who had each mysteriously disappeared due to Ahkmou’s actions. After Vhisola, Nuhrii, and Tehutti were rescued by Nokama, Vakama, and Whenua, Nidhiki grew impatient with Ahkmou and introduced him to Krekka, his hulking brute of a partner, as a threat to complete his task without fail.
To play the part of a Matoran in peril, Ahkmou had Toa Onewa find him “trapped” on top of a large sculpture in the Po-Metru Sculpture Fields. Onewa was aware that Ahkmou was not in any real danger, as Ahkmou often climbed sculptures like that one for fun. When Onewa showed suspicion, Ahkmou tried to flee to Chute Station 445, the busiest transport hub in Po-Metru, as a carved message left by Nidhiki on top of the sculpture had suggested. Onewa saw the message as well and caught Ahkmou at the chute station before he could escape in the chute system. It was when Onewa caught a glimpse of Nidhiki, watching from the shadows, that he began to understand. Ahkmou reluctantly agreed to side with Onewa.
Having found all six of the missing Matoran, the Toa Metru met at the Great Temple. Vakama suspected that one of the Matoran set the others up, and after discussing all the clues they had noticed, they realized it was most likely Ahkmou. Because all six of the Matoran were still needed, they agreed to keep that suspicion quiet for the moment. Ahkmou accompanied Vakama, Onewa, and Nuhrii in finding the Ta-Metru Great Disk in the Fire Pits and the Po-Metru Great Disk in the Sculpture Fields, but did not participate in their retrieval. Ahkmou had informed Onewa that the Po-Metru Great Disk was on top of the “mountain in balance” sculpture in the Po-Metru Sculpture Fields.
Once the Toa Metru had collected all of the Great Disks, they went with the Matoran to Ta-Metru to face the King Root of the Morbuzakh in the Great Furnace in Ta-Metru. Along the way, they walked through an abandoned building with a ceiling lined with Morbuzakh seeds. After narrowly escaping the building after the seeds started dropping on them and sprouting, Ahkmou tried to run. At this point, Onewa realised that Ahkmou was definitely the traitor and confronted him about it. When the group reached the hallway leading into the Great Furnace, the Toa Metru entered while the Matoran were told to stay behind. When the Toa Metru were nearly defeated when Morbuzakh vines attacked and shot hundreds of thorns at them, Ahkmou formed a Matoran Nui with Nuhrii, Orkahm, Vhisola, Tehutti and Ehrye to help the Toa Metru escape into the main chamber.
After the Matoran split again, Ahkmou went off on his own to pursue his own destiny. Shortly after this, he was captured by the Vahki and put in a silver sphere. It was there that he fell into a deep sleep and would lose his memory due to his prolonged stay in the sphere. His sphere was presumably carried by Vahki transport to a large storage area beneath the Coliseum along with all of the other Matoran of Metru Nui.
Just after the Great Cataclysm struck Metru Nui, the Toa Metru rescued him in his sphere from beneath the Akilini field of the Coliseum to take him on their voyage to Mata Nui. They fastened his sphere to the bottom of the Lhikan, a Vahki Transport they travelled in and their makeshift sea vessel, to keep it afloat. While travelling through the subterranean rivers leading to Mata Nui, the Toa Metru lost his sphere to the riverbed when a massive wave from Mavrah’s Rahi rocked the vessel and loosened his sphere. Teridax later found his sphere resting on the bottom of the river and awakened him with his own power. Teridax told Ahkmou everything about Metru Nui, and told him lies that convinced him that the Toa Metru and Matoran had abandoned him.
Mata Nui
Teridax sent Ahkmou to Mata Nui to secretly work for him as a trader in Po-Koro. Ahkmou came into the Po-Koro community as a latecomer, but none of the other Matoran ever questioned his sudden appearance, as it was at the period of time where all of their memories would still turn out to be fuzzy. Ahkmou’s body had shrunk along with all of the other Matoran as a result of being in his sphere for too long. When Turaga Onewa realised what Ahkmou knew, he sternly told Ahkmou not to reveal any of Metru Nui’s secrets to any of the Matoran.
Once in Po-Koro, Ahkmou attempted to make a living by selling “lucky Ghekula” to superstitious Matoran. Turaga Onewa put a stop to this. Ahkmou later sold Kolhii balls infected with Makuta’s influence, called Comets, to the Po-Matoran of Po-Koro. The Comets spread an illness among the Po-Matoran, and much of the Po-Koro population fell ill.
Thanks to Takua the Chronicler, however, the source of the infected Kolhii balls was discovered in a Nui-Jaga nest inside a quarry. Toa Pohatu destroyed the infected Kolhii balls within the nest, and the remaining ones were dumped in the sea. Ahkmou abandoned his Comet-selling business at this point, apparently wishing to try his hand at fishing (according to the sign he left on his kiosk in Po-Koro.)
After some time, Ahkmou returned to Po-Koro. At this point, Turaga Onewa knew that Ahkmou was allied with Makuta. The Bohrok swarm must have scared Ahkmou into abandoning his service to Teridax, for after that time, he did not try to enact any more schemes.
After the Toa Nuva defeated the Bohrok-Kal, Ahkmou’s body changed to a larger, more agile shape along with all the other Matoran using the Turaga’s knowledge of reconstruction. Ahkmou continued to work as a shopkeeper in Po-Koro, and did not try any more heists.
After Teridax's apparent death, he, along with the other Mata Nui Matoran, went back to Metru Nui. Makuta Icarax was supposed to hit Ahkmou with a Shadow Leech, but instead, the leech hit Takanuva.
After Teridax took over the Matoran Universe, Ahkmou was made the "Turaga" of Metru Nui. During his rule, he forced the Po-Matoran to create statues of Teridax and banned any unauthorised art. After Teridax's death he evacuated the Matoran Universe and is currently living on Spherus Magna, and he is trying to ingratiate himself with the Glatorian.
Ahkmou's appearance in Metru Nui was light brown on his torso and feet, and grey on his legs, arms, and hands. He also wore a light brown powerless Noble Kanohi Rau, and had blue eyes. After being forced into a Matoran sphere, his body and arms became tan, his feet became light brown, his Rau became black, and his eyes became orange. When he was rebuilt by the Turaga, his colours stayed the same.
Shifty and devious, Ahkmou always sided with whomever he thought would get him ahead. Involved in a number of schemes and power-grabs by those on the evil side, he had a certain wit or "knack" for not being caught. He egotistically thought himself to be more important than anyone else.
Powers and Tools
As a Po-Matoran, Ahkmou had minor physical strength. He also had a Kanoka disk launcher, like all the other Metru Matoran in Metru Nui.
Alternate Universes
alternate universes
Dark Mirror
In the Parallel Universe, Ahkmou was a member of the resistance against Tuyet. During the battle, Ahkmou assisted Krakua in killing Gali, but was then frozen by Kopaka and smashed by Onua.

King of the Visorak Horde, servant to Makuta Teridax, and Lieutenant to the Brotherhood.
In his early life, Sidorak was a minor power in a land filled with conflict. He rapidly discovered that by claiming credit for victories won by those beneath him, he could advance in the eyes of his leaders. If a commander objected to the credit being stolen, Sidorak would simply dispatch him on a dangerous mission from which he would not return.
This talent for treachery attracted the attention of the Makuta. Sidorak was made one of that powerful being's lieutenants, along with Roodaka. He immediately saw the advantage that might be gained if he and Roodaka formed an alliance, but she refused to agree. Instead, the two ended up competing for the Makuta Teridax's favour, with Roodaka doing her best to hamper Sidorak. When the Toa Hagah turned on the Makuta and their Brotherhood, and Roodaka transformed them into Rahaga, Sidorak claimed credit for the idea. Teridax rewarded his cleverness by making him King of the Visorak, while Roodaka became Viceroy. Sidorak grew into the job, becoming a respected leader of the horde and carrying them to many victories. He continued to hope that he and Roodaka could join forces at some point, a wish that may have blinded him to her true intentions.
Sidorak led a successful invasion of Metru Nui during which the Toa Metru were captured and turned into Toa Hordika. Roodaka talked him out of having them immediately executed because she wished to use their powers to free Teridax. Sidorak later approved of Roodaka's decision to name Vakama field commander of the horde. Following an ill-advised attack on Keetongu, Sidorak was killed by the Rahi while Roodaka looked on, refusing to help.
Due to the impact, Sidorak's body was damaged beyond repair, preventing his revival on the Red Star.
Powers and tools
Sidorak's primary power was his strength. Although not at the level of Keetongu, he was far stronger than a Toa. He was also an excellent strategist and tactician, having masterminded a number of Visorak campaigns. He was skilled at manipulation, so much so, in fact, that it never occurred to him that he might be manipulated in turn.
Sidorak carried a herding blade which could be used to communicate orders to the Visorak in the field. He also carried a Rhotuka Launcher with an obedience spinner which would force whoever it struck to obey his commands.
Sidorak was not a king who hid in a fortress - he preferred to be out leading his Visorak into battle. Deep down, though, he knew that he had not really earned the position he held, and it made him try that much harder to be successful and ruthless conqueror. He came across most of the time as confident, strong, and in control. He had done a good job at hiding from the Visorak any doubts he may have had about his leadership. Unfortunately, he had not managed to hide them from Roodaka.

Former Viceroy of the Visorak, Lieutenant to Makuta Teridax, and current freelance operative.
Little is known of Roodaka's past. She is a native of the island of Xia, a land where ruthlessness and the ability to deceive were required to survive, two traits she had in abundance. She committed her first betrayal while participating in a rite of passage with a companion, which involved successfully scaling a living mountain. When her partner's foot became caught, Roodaka abandoned him to die while she completed the climb.
How she met Teridax and Sidorak are stories that have yet to be told. But later years found her partnered with Sidorak as lieutenants to Makuta Teridax, a job she thoroughly enjoyed. Both of these powerful beings attempted to gain favour in the eyes of their employer, with neither succeeding at truly outdoing the other. After the Toa Hagah attacked the Brotherhood of Makuta, Roodaka ambushed them and used her Rhotuka Spinner to transform them into bestial Rahaga. Sidorak claimed credit for this idea and was rewarded with command of the Visorak Horde, with Roodaka as his Viceroy. Together, they led the horde to many victories in many lands. Sidorak hoped to cement an alliance with Roodaka and so gain influence in her native land. Roodaka, on the other hand, schemed to eliminate Sidorak and rule by the side of Teridax.
Both got their opportunity when Teridax was defeated and imprisoned by the Toa Metru. Responding to his mental summons, they led the horde to Metru Nui. Once there, Roodaka began scheming how to win favour with Teridax by freeing him from the protodermis prison into which the Toa Metru had placed him. As part of her plan, she had the Toa transformed into Toa Hordika and lured Vakama into taking over as commander of the Visorak Horde. During an attack by the Hordika, Roodaka struck out at the powerful Rahi Keetongu, angering him. She then left Sidorak to deal with the maddened creature, who slew the horde king in battle. Disgusted by her role in Sidorak's death, the Visorak lost faith and so were quick to desert when Vakama gave them permission to leave the city. Roodaka challenged the Hordika as a means of gathering the elemental energy needed to free Teridax.
It appeared as if she had been fatally struck, but in truth the Makuta saved her at the last moment.
She returned to Xia, from which she began working for both sides in the Dark Hunter-Makuta War. It was during this period that she encountered Zaktan at a former Brotherhood fortress and directed him to a secret chamber that contained inscriptions related to Teridax's overall plan. It is believed that Roodaka herself has never seen this information.
Federation of Fear
After being captured by the Order of Mata Nui, Roodaka was assigned to a strike team led by Brutaka. They then went on a mission to locate and free Makuta Miserix. After being freed, Roodaka attempted to persuade Miserix to turn on Brutaka and side with her. Miserix replied with a roar that sent Roodaka into a wall. Brutaka then took Roodaka, Vezon, and Lariska onto Miserix's back and flew off towards the north. When they arrived on Daxia, Roodaka was imprisoned.
Later, when Botar's replacement sent the message to Hydraxon, he "deposited" Roodaka into the Pit.
After Teridax's defeat at the hands of Mata Nui, Roodaka migrated to Spherus Magna.
Powers and tools
Roodaka is immensely strong and capable of harnessing her body's natural shadow energy and unleashing it in a devastating blast. Her catcher claw can snatch Kanoka Disks out of the air so she can fling them back at their foe.
Roodaka also carries a Rhotuka Launcher. Her spinner is capable of causing instantaneous, permanent mutation in whoever it strikes. She also at one time carried a shard of the solid protodermis that had imprisoned Teridax.
Roodaka is cunning, cruel, and thoroughly evil. A grand strategic thinker, she sees all other beings as pawns in her game. The only entity that she only admires is Teridax, and her time on Metru Nui was spent devising a means of rescuing him from his prison. Roodaka can be subtle, scheming, and capable of brilliantly complex plans one moment, and irrational and violent the next. Her favoured approach to problems is to work on the weak spot of an opponent and twist them until they are willing to do her. Roodaka enjoyed the loyalty of the Boggarak who made up her personal guard, but many of the other Visorak feared and hated her.
Alternate Universes
alternate universes
Dark Mirror
After Naho betrayed the empire, Toa Tuyet ordered Roodaka to mutate her into a monstrous beast, to be an "interesting exhibit in the Archives," for helping "The Shadowed One" escape.
The Kingdom
Soon after the Matoran Universe evacuated to Mata Nui, Roodaka became part of Turaga Takanuva's ruling council. She later had a discussion with Takanuva about a recent Rahkshi attack.

Vultraz is a former Ta-Matoran from a village on the Tren Krom Peninsula. He became a Shadow Matoran and a servant of the Brotherhood of Makuta. He also piloted the Skyfighter.
Vultraz once lived on the Tren Krom Peninsula. Here, he gained the status of a criminal. At one point during this time, he killed Mazeka's mentor in order to steal tablets documenting the myths of the universe, causing Mazeka to pursue him and bring him to justice.
Five years before the awakening of Mata Nui, Vultraz discovered a lava-gem in the hands of a Matoran village, who believed it appeased the volcano nearby. After using a device to trigger an explosion from the volcano, destroying the village and killing its inhabitants, he took possession of the gem. However, afterwards, Vultraz encountered Mazeka and they clashed once more.
During their conflict though, Vultraz initially held the upper hand against Mazeka, but the Ko-Matoran soon sent him over a cliff lined with razor crystals, falling seemingly to his death. However, Vultraz survived, and was rescued by Rahi under Makuta Gorast's control. Gorast told Vultraz that the Rahi had altered his armor to make him appear unrecognisable to anyone, and that Mazeka had spread word of his death. This made him now useful to carry out a mission for her in finding a De-Matoran named Krakua, and proceeded to tell Vultraz what to do with him.
Now a Brotherhood of Makuta servant to Gorast, he headed to De-Koro on the Tren Krom Peninsula. There, he used a device amplifying sound to beyond what De-Matoran could withstand, knocking them all unconscious. Unfortunately for him, Mazeka had arrived to protect Krakua from the sound and sent him away to safety while he clashed with Vultraz to hold him off.
In this fight, Mazeka realised the Ta-Matoran was Vultraz, who knocked Mazeka's Kanohi off his head. Before killing him, Vultraz decided to spare Mazeka, as he beat him and Mazeka would have to live with the fact that he was alive because of him. With that, Vultraz ran off into the jungles outside of De-Koro to pursue Krakua and kill him, not realizing Jerbraz, who was accompanying Mazeka, had already sent him into Order custody.
For the five years until Mata Nui awakened, Vultraz served Gorast as a spy against any Matoran who had the potential to rebel against the Brotherhood. When the Shadow Leeches were invented, he was the second Matoran transformed into a Shadow Matoran, and on a mission, discovered a western entrance into the cavern of Karda Nui.
Vultraz saw that it could benefit him somehow, and therefore kept the information secret from the Brotherhood. Gorast eventually discovered his treachery, and punished him by sending him through a wall in Mutran's laboratory on Destral. Gorast would have killed Vultraz, if it were not for Icarax, who saw use in the Matoran and enlisted him as a servant.
During the Makuta invasion of Karda Nui, Icarax dispatched a weak telepathic summonings to Vultraz, ordering him to the Core and to bring the tablets he stole from Mazeka's mentor, which also had a theory on the origin of the Makuta.
From the weak message, he knew the Makuta was injured heavily, so he first tracked down the place where he had hidden his stolen tablets and verified its information. From there, he proceeded to Stelt, where he had a rogue Nynrah Ghost modify his Skyfighter. Armed with a Midak Skyblaster, the vehicle was outfitted to launch spheres of Shadow instead of the standard spheres of Light. He used the vehicle to raid an island off Stelt, killing two Matoran and injuring twelve.
Vultraz headed for Karda Nui, and following Icarax's mental telepathy, banked to the left where he saw Mazeka, who had discovered how to enter Karda Nui through Tobduk. Unable to resist, he made a power dive at Mazeka, both firing their skyblasters as a head-on collision was inevitable. Before they collided however, a portal opened and they landed inside a parallel universe. Vultraz escaped his Skyfighter just before he saw what looked like a lake transforming his vehicle into sheer energy.
Vultraz and Mazeka then saw a Toa of Water emerge and a Ga-Matoran. The Matoran revealed herself as Toa Macku, who told them they were on the planet of Spherus Magna and that the Toa with her was her villager. She greeted them as heroes of the Melding. Vultraz urged Mazeka to stay saying, "Give me a month and I will be ruler." Vultraz and Mazeka were then given to Teridax, who then turned them over to the Great Beings. The Great Beings then decided that they would keep Vultraz, who was captured by Vamprah and Chirox for future examination.
Powers and traits
As a Ta-Matoran, Vultraz possessed inaccessible Elemental Fire powers; this manifested in the form of a natural resistance to heat and fire. When he was transformed into a Shadow Matoran, Vultraz lost his Fire powers completely, instead gaining access to his moral darkness. He is able to channel his darkness into Shadow blasts
Vultraz is an excellent engineer and after making his skyfighter, he armed it with stolen weaponry. His specialty is to capture Matoran for the Brotherhood, but usually he thought it was just fine to kill them instead, having been responsible for many of their deaths already.

Spiderlike Rahi creatures who operate as a horde under the command of Sidorak and Roodaka. The Visorak invaded Metru Nui following the initial departure of the Toa Metru for Mata Nui. Their primary focus seemed to be the capture and either containment or mutation of Rahi.
The Visorak hordes were created by Makuta Chirox during an unknown time on an island south of Nynrah. Wanting to see them in action, he used them to attack Tobduk's village, and renamed the island Visorak in honour of them. Sometime after 80,000 years ago, the Heart of the Visorak, a golden crystal, was created and used to summon the Visorak from any distance, and were conquered by Makuta Gorast for the Brotherhood of Makuta's service. The Visorak became known as a majority of the Brotherhood's forces.
The Visorak were well organised, cunning, efficient, and highly skilled at the job of hunting. They had been active in a number of different places before coming to Metru Nui, who had driven herds of Rahi before them. Almost all of the Rahi who were in Metru Nui had arrived there as a result of fleeing the hordes.
Although intelligent creatures, Visorak were unable to understand or speak the Matoran language, with one exception (the Black Visorak known as the Oohnorak). Their relationship with Sidorak was a simple and straightforward one: they gave him their loyalty in return for his providing them with constant opportunities to hunt. The horde was led temporarily by Toa Hordika Vakama, as part of a plot by Roodaka to overthrow Sidorak.
Following Sidorak's death, the Visorak horde was ordered out of Metru Nui by Vakama and scattered. The horde was later reassembled by the Brotherhood of Makuta and continues to serve the Brotherhood to this day.
There were six known Visorak breeds: Vohtarak, Oohnorak, Suukorak, Boggarak, Roporak, and Keelerak.

One of the six breeds of Visorak who invaded Metru Nui. Vohtarak had a natural resistance to fire and heat. Their preferred method of attack was to charge wildly while launching multiple spinners. They were also capable of making "berserker charges", during which their outer shells became virtually invulnerable. Vohtarak Rhotuka spinners caused a burning sensation in a target, so intense that it would distract him from any other action.

One of the six breeds of Visorak who invaded Metru Nui. The ends of a Keelerak's legs are razor sharp, and they have been known to leap high in the air and whirl at high speed, becoming Visorak "buzzsaws". Keelerak Rhotuka spinners have an acid venom that can melt any substance.

One of the six breeds of Visorak who invaded Metru Nui. Although not strong swimmers, the Boggarak were capable of "skating" atop the water, speedily darting to and fro toward their prey. Their Rhotuka spinners had two powers. When use underwater, they caused the target to swell up and float helplessly to the surface. When used on land, they completely dehydrated the target, reducing it to a pile of dust. Boggarak were also capable of emitting a sonic hum that could transmute solid matter. Roodaka's personal guard was made up of Boggarak. These Visorak also decimated a squad of Vahki.

One of the six breeds of Visorak who invaded Metru Nui. Roporak have the power to blend in with their surroundings, becoming virtually invisible. This makes them excellent spies for the horde. Their Rhotuka spinners can disrupt the function of living creatures, causing an abrupt "power outage" effect. Of all Visorak, Roporak are capable of launching their spinners the farthest distance.

One of the six breeds of Visorak who invaded Metru Nui. Suukorak have a natural resistance to cold and the ability to slow their life processes down to almost zero, making it extremely difficult for others to detect their presence. Suukorak Rhotuka spinners create an electrical field around a target. The field surrounds and moves with the target, gradually shrinking as time goes on. It is impossible to escape the field without sustaining a shock, so a prisoner's only hope is that the field dissipates before it contracts completely.

One of the six breeds of Visorak who invaded Metru Nui. Oohnorak have limited telepathic abilities and are skilled mimics, allowing them to trap a foe by speaking in the voice of a trusted friend. The Oohnorak used this trick to get Toa Matau to open a hangar door and let them in. Oohnorak Rhotuka spinners are capable of numbing a target, making an escape extremely difficult.
natural tools of the visorak
natural tools of the visorak
The Visorak has four natural tools:
Webbing - Visorak produced webbing from internal glands and spun it using their mouths. It was strong enough to support a large number of the creatures as they moved from place to place. It could also be used to form a thick cocoon strong enough to hold the most powerful Rahi.
Pincers - All Visorak had strong, sharp pincers that could inflict a painful bite.
Venom - Visorak venom was mutagenic, capable of transforming Rahi or other targets into horrifying versions of their former selves. The most common venom delivery system was barbs in the cocoons. Visorak venom turned the Toa Metru into Toa Hordika, as well as causing many other mutations among the Rahi. The only known cure for the effects of Visorak venom was the counteragent abilities of Keetongu.
Rhotuka Spinners - Visorak have natural Rhotuka Launchers and can generate wheels of energy by willpower. All Visorak have a default spinner power that can stun and paralyse an opponent, in addition to their other powers.
other visorak species
Other Visorak Species

A powerful species related to the Visorak used as guards by the hordes. Kahgahrak ranged in height from 6 feet to 12 feet, and in width from 9 feet to 18 feet. Their colouring also varied. The Kahgahrak's Rhotuka Spinners had the power to envelop a foe in a zone of shadow. Their target would be unable to see or communicate with the world outside and would remain trapped unless another Kahgahrak opened a gap in the zone. This power also meant that Kahgahrak were the only creatures who could release the dreaded Zivon from its domain of darkness, not to mention send it back there. A Kahgahrak was responsible for the Zivon, Tahtorak, and the Krahka all being transported to the realm of shadow. Kahgahrak have, in the past, also been fitted with projectile launchers for use in sieges.
When the Kahgarak and the other Visorak were summoned to the island of Artidax by Heart of the Visorak, they were killed by a volcanic eruption.
When Teridax took over the Matoran Universe, he recreated the breed along with the other Visorak. After his death, all Visorak became a feral race.

A massive 30 feet tall Rahi created by the Brotherhood of Makuta that lived in the Zone of Darkness and can only be summoned by the Kahgarak's Rhotuka Spinner. The Zivon were Visorak Breeds who assist the Visorak hordes in battle. Its head resembles that of a Visorak, but its claws are crablike and its stinger that of a Nui Jaga. When fighting something of its own size, it will seize the enemy in its claws and then sting repeatedly. Its hard shell protects it from most damage. The Zivon is also capable of shooting webbing from its legs to entangle a foe.
The Zivon has four natural Rhotuka Launchers as part of its anatomy. Its spinners target the senses of a foe, rendering him temporarily blind, deaf, or mute, or robbing him of his sense of touch. Although they are quite effective, the Zivon was rarely seen to use them, preferring physical combat. The Zivon lived in a dimension of darkness which could be accessed only by the Rhotuka Spinners of a Kahgahrak. Though technically an ally of the Visorak, its appearance was not welcomed by the hordes. The Zivon considered the spider creatures to be a delicacy and had been known to consume a large portion of the horde in celebration following a victory.
This creature made one appearance in Metru Nui, summoned by order of Sidorak. It fought the Tahtorak and the Krahka before being sent into the darkness again by a Kahgahrak spinner, along with both of its opponents. Whether it still survives inside that realm of shadows is unknown.

Name adopted by six ex-Dark Hunters who broke away from that organisation and attempted to steal the Kanohi Ignika, the Mask Of Life. It is a Matoran term meaning "thief and murderer". The Piraka were Thok, Hakann, Zaktan, Vezok, Reidak, and Avak, with Vezon unofficially considered a seventh Piraka.
Shortly after Teridax was defeated by Toa Takanuva, rumours began to circulate about his “death.”
Six Skakdi Dark Hunters - Hakann, Vezok, Zaktan, Avak, Reidak, and Thok - decided to run off and investigate on their own, abandoning the Dark Hunters and instead calling themselves “Piraka,” the Matoran word meaning "Thieves and Murderers". In Makuta's lair, they discovered both his crushed, uninhabited armour and a strange weapon called the Spear of Fusion.
Hakann accidentally fired this weapon at Vezok when it was in reverse, splitting him into two beings; one still considered Vezok while Thok called the other a Vezon, the Matoran word for "Double". The other newly created being then took the name "Vezon".
Just afterward, all seven mysteriously gained knowledge of the powerful Kanohi Ignika, the Mask of Life, hidden somewhere on the island of Voya Nui. All became dead set on finding the mask and claiming it, and the original group of six agreed to work together - though each planned to betray the others and claim the mask for himself. Vezon, on the other hand, abandoned the team and disappeared right after two giant Mana-Ko Rahi attacked. In the rush to get to the island he used an old Toa Canister to get to Voya Nui, taking the Spear of Fusion with him.
Upon arrival on Voya Nui, the Piraka pretended to be Toa to gain the help of the native Matoran, Hakann and Avak even going so far as "fighting off" a lava-rock monster that they themselves created and secretly controlled. Having gained the trust of the Matoran - except for six who had their doubts - the Piraka contaminated them with antidermis and put them to work building their stronghold and draining the volcano, Mount Valmai, where the mask is supposed to be hidden.
In the meantime, Zaktan used the knowledge he gained near Makuta's armour to build a device that collected a kind of virus known as Antidermis. The Piraka then used Zamor Spheres filled with this virus to fully enslave the Matoran; however, the six suspicious ones managed to escape and began to work against the Piraka.

Leader of the six Piraka who invaded the island of Voya Nui in search of the Kanohi Ignika, the Mask of Life. Little is known about Zaktan's past. It is believed he was working as a slave in a protodermis mine when recruited into the Dark Hunters. Secretive and antisocial, he made few friends in his new organisation. After several thousand years working as a Dark Hunter, he led an unsuccessful revolt against the Shadowed One. Captured, Zaktan was sentenced to death by the Shadowed One. But that being's devastating eyebeams did not kill Zaktan - for some mysterious reason, his body was converted from solid matter to a mass of microscopic Protodites, each of whom contained a portion of Zaktan's consciousness.
During the Dark Hunter-Makuta War, Zaktan discovered a secret chamber in a Brotherhood of Makuta fortress that revealed the Brotherhood's true plans. Armed with this knowledge, Zaktan intended to seize greater power for himself. His chance came when he and five other Dark Hunters broke ranks and formed a new group called Piraka. Believing Teridax to be dead, they looted his lair on Mata Nui. During that time, they were subtly influenced by Teridax to go to Voya Nui and seize the Mask of Life. Of them all, only Zaktan had an idea of what was happening and why.
The Piraka easily took control of Voya Nui, with Zaktan creating Zamor Spheres filled with antidermis to enslave the Matoran population. His team clashed with the Toa Nuva, the Toa Inika, Axonn, and renegade members within their own squad before finally making their way to the chamber of life. There they were defeated by a beast created from the fusion of Vezok and Reidak. When last seen, the Piraka were still on Voya Nui, plotting to try again for the mask and unaware that their bodies were being affected by exposure to mutagenic seawater.
Zaktan has elemental air power, which he can only use in combination with another Piraka. He possesses laser vision and can change his shape at will, with different parts of his form able to function independently; he can also fly. His favoured weapon is a three-bladed sword made of protodites.

One of the six Piraka who travelled to Voya Nui in an attempt to steal the Mask of Life. Hakann was recruited into the Dark Hunters organisation after being captured by "Ancient" while attempting to rob a Toa fortress. Treacherous and dishonest, Hakann betrayed the Dark Hunters during the Toa-Dark Hunter War to save himself. When he and the others broke away from the group and travelled to Mangaia to loot Teridax's lair on the island of Mata Nui below ground, it was Hakann's error with the Spear of Fusion that resulted in the creation of Vezon.
Later, on the island of Voya Nui, Hakann made an unsuccessful bid to rebel against Zaktan and joined with Thok to steal the power of Brutaka. Defeated by the Toa Inika, he rejoined the other Piraka in a failed attempt to steal the Mask of Life. When last seen, he was with the rest of his band of thieves on Voya Nui, still scheming how to get the Kanohi Ignika, and unaware that his body was being affected by an earlier exposure to mutagenic seawater. He possesses the elemental powers of fire, heat vision, and the ability to perform mental attacks. He carries a Zamor Sphere Launcher and a lava launcher.

One of the six Piraka who travelled to Voya Nui in an attempt to steal the Mask of Life. Vezok was originally recruited into the Dark Hunters by "Ancient" after he stole the Makoki Stone from a Toa fortress. Later, he was part of an ill-fated attempt to overthrow the Shadowed One and helped release the Kanohi Dragon on the city of Metru Nui. He joined with Zaktan, Avak, Thok, Reidak, and Hakann to loot the lair of Teridax where Takanuva had fought him there. And it was there that the power of Teridax implanted the idea in all six of seeking out the Mask of Life. It was during this adventure that an accidental use of the Spear of Fusion resulted in Vezok splitting into two beings, himself and Vezon. As a result of the division, Vezok lost his ability to think strategically and came to rely on brute force in combat.
On Voya Nui, Vezok struck the final blow in the initial battle against the Toa Nuva, felling Onua Nuva. Later, he was the first Piraka to meet and fight the Toa Inika. When last seen, he was with the other Piraka on Voya Nui, still scheming to get the Kanohi Ignika, unaware that his body was being affected by an earlier exposure to mutagenic seawater. He is also determined to somehow reabsorb Vezon into his body. Vezok possesses the elemental power of Water as well as impact vision. His body is resistant to the corrosive effects of some types of water. He also has the power to temporarily duplicate the natural abilities of others, allowing him to combine and use those powers himself. He carries a Zamor Sphere Launcher and a combination harpoon and buzzsaw, which can hurl water daggers at an enemy.

One of the six Piraka who travelled to Voya Nui in an attempt to steal the Mask of Life. Avak was originally employed as a jailer on the island of Zakaz, where he used his powers to imprison Dark Hunters, among others. He was recruited into the Dark Hunters organisation shortly after that. Avak possesses the elemental power of Stone, X-ray and telescopic vision, and the ability to create the perfect prison for any target out of thin air using only his mind. He carries a Zamor Sphere Launcher and a seismic pickaxe/jackhammer. Avak is a skilled inventor who designed the Zamor Sphere Launchers for his fellow Piraka. He was ambushed and defeated by Dalu and later joined with the other Piraka to battle the Toa Nuva and the Toa Inika. When last seen, he was with the Piraka on Voya Nui still scheming to get the Kanohi Ignika, unaware that his body was being affected by an earlier exposure to mutagenic seawater.
One of the six Piraka who travelled to Voya Nui in an attempt to steal the Mask of Life. Thok was originally recruited into the Dark Hunters after attempting to steal the weapons of three of its members. He later joined in Zaktan's unsuccessful rebellion against the Shadowed One and broke ranks with the Dark Hunters to become a Piraka. He travelled with the others to Voya Nui in search of the Kanohi Ignika, planning all the time to betray them and seize it for himself. He is an expert at manipulating others and then abandoning them when things go wrong. Along with Hakann, Thok stole the power of Brutaka and fought the Toa Inika and the other Piraka, only to be defeated. When last seen, he and the other Piraka were still on Voya Nui, and unaware their bodies were changing as a result of exposure to mutagenic seawater.
Thok carries an ice peg gun, possesses spellbinder vision that can disorient opponents, and has the power to bring inanimate objects to life under his control. He also has elemental ice power, but it can only be used in conjunction with the powers of another Piraka.

One of the six Piraka who attempted to steal the Kanohi Ignika. Reidak joined the Dark Hunters after a dispute on the island of Zakaz resulted in the destruction of one of the few settlements still standing there. He possesses the elemental power of Earth, thermal and infrared vision, and the ability to adapt to defeats so that the same method cannot be used to beat him twice. Reidak carries a Zamor Sphere Launcher and a combination buzzsaw and drill, which can turn the ground into quicksand on contact. Known more for his brawn than his brains, Reidak was part of the failed effort to overthrow the Shadowed One, the expedition to free the Kanohi Dragon, and the Toa-Dark Hunter War. He later joined with five other ex-Dark Hunters to form a loose alliance under the name Piraka. During a raid on an abandoned lair of Makuta Teridax on Mata Nui, Reidak attempted to seize the Kanohi Kraahkan, only to be lashed with dark energy. Reidak journeyed with the other Piraka to the island of Voya Nui to steal the Ignika, only to encounter the Toa Nuva. Reidak fought Lewa Nuva and broke one of his Air Katana. He was later defeated (temporarily) by Lewa, Onua Nuva, and Pohatu Nuva.
Reidak also did battle with the Toa Inika, Vezon and Fenrakk, Irnakk, and ultra-powered versions of Hakann and Thok. Vezon used the Spear of Fusion to merge Reidak and Vezok into one monstrous being to fight the other Piraka. When last seen, Reidak was with the other Piraka, still scheming how to get the Kanohi Ignika, and unaware that his body was being affected by an earlier exposure to mutagenic seawater.

The unwilling Piraka guardian of the Kanohi Ignika, Vezon was created when Hakann accidentally fired the Spear of Fusion at Vezok while the weapon was set in reverse, splitting the target into two beings - Vezok and Vezon (whose name is the Matoran word for "double"). Vezon promptly betrayed the other Piraka, stole the spear, and made his way to Voya Nui in search of the Mask of Life. He was able to make it to the Chamber of Life and actually touch the Kanohi mask, but at that moment he was cursed by its power. The Mask of Life fused to his head, evolved a spider into the monstrous Fenrakk, and then fused Vezon to Fenrakk. He was then condemned to remain there and guard the mask, with the knowledge that as long as he possessed it, he could not die.
Vezon defeated the Piraka and was himself defeated by the Toa Inika. He later attempted to pursue the Toa to Mahri Nui and was defeated a second time. Vezon was last seen being carried off by the murderous Zyglak.
Vezon was gifted by the Ignika with two powers: a limited ability to see into the future, and the ability to absorb kinetic energy so that any blow struck against him would make him stronger. He was also granted immortality as long as he possessed the mask. Vezon lost all of these powers when the mask was taken from him.
History of the Piraka
a losing battle for the toa nuva
a losing battle for the toa nuva
When the Toa Nuva showed up on Voya Nui, the two groups immediately got in a fight. Though it was a fierce battle, the Piraka ended up the victors and Zaktan ordered the Toa's masks and tools taken and the Toa themselves thrown into the volcano. But when the volcano erupted, the Piraka didn't want to risk their lives and instead left the Toa in the lava's path; the Toa were able to awake in time to escape with their lives (and their tools).
Relations of the Piraka and Brutaka
Relations of the Piraka and Brutaka
Relations between the Piraka - which were turbulent at the best of times - rapidly began to deteriorate. Hakann caught Zaktan secretly making deals with a giant stranger, Brutaka, who wanted the virus; Hakann then decided to take the Zamor Spheres so he could gain the giant's help for himself.
Thok and Avak began to suspect that the Mask of Life was actually in the island's "green belt" that strangely thrived in the island's harsh terrain, and they turned on Zaktan. Eventually, it became an all-out brawl between the Piraka (minus Vezok); which only looked worse when the Toa Nuva and rebel Matoran invaded their stronghold, reclaimed their masks, and, as Toa Kopaka put it, "We heard you were trying to kill each other. We are here to offer our help in that long overdue endeavor." Zaktan then offered all of the Zamor Spheres to Brutaka in exchange for stopping the Toa Nuva, which he accepted. While the Toa Nuva were taken captive by Brutaka, the Piraka began to interrogate the Matoran.
Mutiny and arrival of the toa inika
Mutiny and arrival of the toa inika
Worried about Zaktan's powerful new ally; Hakann, Avak, Reidak, and Thok begin scheming against him. Meanwhile, the Matoran escaped, and in searching for them Vezok encounters a second team of Toa that recently arrived, the Toa Inika. Later, two of these Toa sneak into the stronghold but are caught by all six Piraka and Brutaka, only to have the rest of the team show up just as the fight starts. While the Toa gain an advantage, Hakann used a very special Zamor Sphere to try and steal Brutaka's power, cutting out his "allies" in the plan, but Thok intervenes and gets half the power for himself. The two use their enhanced powers to subdue the other Piraka and the Toa. After Hakann and Thok leave, having forced Brutaka to reveal the location of the Mask of Life, the Piraka and Inika strike an uneasy alliance to de-power the two.
Meanwhile, Hakann and Thok have started fighting each other. Hakann creates a blast with his heat vision that blows up half the island, which allows the Toa and Piraka to track him. The other Piraka attack Hakann, while the Inika engage Thok. The Piraka are defeated, except for Zaktan, who shifts out of the way as Hewkii fires the Zamor at Hakann and Thok. The Toa collapsed as a result of the Piraka's blast, but the sphere does its job. When the Inika woke up, the Piraka have headed down the tunnel to the Mask of Life.
Trials and tribulations
Trials and tribulations
On the path to the Mask of Life, the Piraka are horrified to discover monster of myth Irnakk, who quickly stops each Piraka with their worst fear brought to life - except for Zaktan, who is briefly absorbed into Irnakk's own mind (though he soon restored him saying:"You tasted stale, so I spat you out"). When Zaktan stood up to Irnakk, citing all the horrors he has had to endure from being a mass of protodites instead of a whole being, Irnakk was satisfied that he has conquered fear and uses it as a weapon, and allows the Piraka to pass.
After making their way through a number of other traps and tests, they entered the Mask of Life chamber ahead of the Toa Inika. Inside, they are surprised to find Vezon, who had reached the mask but is now cursed to be its guardian. Avak easily imprisons Vezon, only to find that the mask was imprisoned with him, fused to the back of Vezon's head. Vezon offers to negotiate on the condition that Vezok is killed - something the other Piraka are only too happy to do, but Vezok realises that Vezon couldn't give up the mask even if he wanted to. Vezon then uses the Spear of Fusion to merge Vezok and Reidak into one being, commanding it to attack the others. By the time the Toa Inika arrive in the chamber, the merged being has soundly defeated the others, and when Vezon splits it apart into Vezok and Reidak again, they pass out as well.
While the Toa Inika fight Vezon, the Piraka recover but decide to stay out of the battle. Once the Toa win, the Piraka attempt to take the mask from them, but it flies away and quick action by the Toa allows them to get a head start in following it. Racing back to the island's surface, the Piraka plan to ambush the Toa Inika, only to see them joined by both the freed Toa Nuva and their ally, Brutaka's ex-partner Axonn, and a very dangerous looking Botar. Not wanting to pick a fight with twelve Toa and Brutaka's equal and a tall savage, they decided to lay low and wait for an opportune moment to strike.
While all this was happening, the leader of the Dark Hunters, the Shadowed One, was displeased with their betrayal, and thanks to Hakann (who betrayed the Piraka to him) he knew where they were. He sent Sentrakh to find and capture or kill the Piraka; and another team of Hunters, including Kraata-Kal, was being assembled. The Shadowed One had also sent Amphibax to monitor events from the seas surrounding the island.
Unknown to the Piraka, the waters below Voya Nui are mutagenic, and they were unknowingly exposed to this mutagen during their journey through the tunnel...
They were mutated into snake like beings with their own heads. They then killed all of the Zyglak in the Stone Cord and fought the Toa Mahri in which they were winning until an electrical attack stopped them. When the Toa Mahri asked where they were Axonn simply stated they had been taken care of. In fact, they had actually been taken for interrogation by the Order of Mata Nui. Though Zaktan was not likely to give up the information he held, The Order interrogated and would somehow pry it from his mind if they had to. The Piraka were imprisoned on Daxia. When Daxia was destroyed, they survived and were fused with each other and other species when they were thrown in Energized Protodermis.

Six powerful rulers who attempted to overthrow Mata Nui and were condemned to the Pit for their crimes. The Barraki were originally allied in the League of Six Kingdoms and ruled a significant portion of the Matoran Universe.
The Barraki were once rulers of six kingdoms and formed a league and controlled vast territories with their armies.
Desiring more, they attempted a revolution 80,000 years ago, but were defeated by an army led by Makuta Teridax. Before they could be executed, they were spirited away to the Pit by Botar.
There they remained until the Pit was shattered by the Great Cataclysm. The Barraki escaped but found that they were at the bottom of a strange ocean. Since only one of the six breathed water naturally, it appeared they were doomed. But the mutagenic seawater of the region affected all the Barraki, severely mutating them and making it possible for all to survive at great depths.
No longer able to breathe air, they carved out what empires they could beneath the waves and dreamed of revenge against Mata Nui and the Brotherhood of Makuta. After the appearance of Mahri Nui in their midst, they periodically hunted Matoran for the fun of it.
All of that changed when the Kanohi Ignika, the Mask of Life, drifted down into the pit. The Barraki knew its power could transform back to the perfect physical specimens they once were and make it possible for them to reclaim their kingdoms on the surface.
They seized the mask, but then lost it after entrusting it to Nocturn. The Barraki were then tricked by the Toa Mahri into warring among themselves, while the Toa took advantage of the opportunity to search for the mask themselves.
The Barraki have since realised their error and have banded together once again to battle the Toa Mahri for possession of the Ignika.
The six Barraki are Pridak, Ehlek, Kalmah, Takadox, Carapar, and Mantax.

One of the six Barraki who menaced Mahri Nui.
As a member of the League of Six Kingdoms, Kalmah had a reputation as an ice-cold calculator without any feelings or emotions. When he had a goal, he would achieve it regardless of how many of his subjects got hurt or killed in the process. Originally, he had not wanted to join the league, unwilling to have others dictating any part of his actions. But when Takadox allied with Pridak, he was forced to join or risk having his empire cut off from the rest of the world. Kalmah joined in the rebellion against Mata Nui and was banished to the Pit with the other Barraki upon its failure. After their subsequent escape (and his mutation by seawater into his current squidlike appearance),
Kalmah discovered a cavern filled with small, organic squid and an assortment of eggs. He rapidly learned that the squid were born hungry and were vampiric in nature, draining the life force from anything they attached themselves to. Seeing their possible use as a weapon, he prevented his allies from devouring them and began overseeing their breeding. By abusing and starving the creatures, he insured they would always be vicious and ready to attack. He designed launchers for use with the creatures and provided them to the other Barraki, in return for a larger realm undersea. (A clash over just how much bigger Kalmah's territory should be resulted in a battle between him and Pridak and the loss of sight in one of Kalmah's three eyes.)
After the Kanohi Ignika appeared in the region, Kalmah joined in the hunt for that artifact. When the Toa Mahri arrived seeking it as well, Kalmah struck a deal with Jaller to let the Toa have the mask in return for using it to restore the Barraki to what they once were and for the death of Pridak. It is not known whether Jaller will hold up his end of this deal. Kalmah possesses one powerful tentacle and carries a Squid Launcher. Tentacles on the back of his head allow him to sense movement behind him. He leads an army of giant squid, one of which was responsible for the disappearance of Brutaka.
Kalmah possesses a powerful tentacle and carries a Squid Launcher.

One of the six Barraki who menaced Mahri Nui. It was Pridak who first devised the idea of an alliance between the leaders of the six most powerful empires in the universe. This became the infamous League of Six Kingdoms, with Pridak dominating the northeastern region, including the island of Xia. Later, Pridak led the league's efforts to overthrow Mata Nui. Pridak was defiant even in the face of defeat by the Brotherhood of Makuta and would have welcomed execution as the only honourable outcome of failure. Instead, he and his allies were transported to the Pit by Botar. Freed by a massive earthquake, Pridak and the others escaped into a vast ocean. But the mutagenic properties of the seawater transformed them, making them water-breathers, but also changing them into monstrous forms. Unable to reclaim his kingdom, Pridak contented himself with creating a new one under the sea and assembling an army of Takea Sharks.
When Mahri Nui sank, crushing the Barraki fortress, it was Pridak who prevented Ehlek from attacking and destroying the Matoran (believing they might be of some use at some point). This was not the first time he settled disputes with the other Barraki or their allies. In the ensuing years, he ruined one of Kalmah's eyes in battle and bit off Nocturn's arm. When the Mask of Life appeared underwater, Pridak captured Defilak, Sarda, and Idris in an effort to discover its location. He believed he had killed Sarda, unaware the Matoran had been saved by Toa Lesovikk. He later got his claws on the Ignika, ignoring its legendary curse. Pridak believed no curse could be worse than what the Barraki were already enduring.
When the Toa Mahri arrived in the Pit, Pridak at first mistook for other villains. But that did not stop him from leading an army against Matoro and Teridax (disguised in the Maxilos Robot). When Ehlek's legions launched a surprise attack against him, he turned his sharks against his former ally, launching an all-out undersea war.
Pridak's teeth are powerful enough to bite through protosteel. He carries a Shark Tooth Blade and a Squid Launcher.

One of the six Barraki who menace the residents of Mahri Nui. Takadox was the first to join with Pridak in the formation of the League of Six Kingdoms, immediately seeing an advantage in having strong allies. He joined his eastern kingdom to Pridak's northwestern one, essentially forcing Kalmah (based in the northeast) to join or have his kingdom cut off. Takadox was the least visible of all the Barraki, generally staying in his fortress and using his hypnotic power to make his lieutenants carry out his will. The commands he made them deliver were so harsh that they became targets of hatred throughout the empire, resulting in many of them being slain by Takadox's subjects.
Takadox had serious doubts about the League's ability to overthrow Mata Nui, but joined in the rebellion anyway (for fear of being excluded from power if it succeeded). When it failed, he was banished along with the other Barraki to the Pit. After the Great Cataclysm shattered the prison, Takadox killed Hydraxon, the jailer. He escaped into the sea and was mutated by the water into an insectoid form. Disturbed by his new appearance and reluctant to be part of any more Barraki schemes, Takadox retreated to a cavern where he spent most of the next 1,000 years. Anything he needed was provided either by his underwater insect army or by Carapar, who he frequently entranced. When the Kanohi Ignika drifted into the region, Takadox decided to end his seclusion and join in the hunt for it. (He was briefly sidetracked by an attempt to hypnotise a 300-foot-long venom eel.)
He allied with Pridak against Matoro and Teridax in the guise of the Maxilos Robot, and later against Ehlek when he believed that Barraki had betrayed the group. With open warfare now raging between the various Barraki, the Toa Mahri, and the Matoran of Mahri Nui, Takadox is busy working out a way he can profit from the carnage.
Powers and Equipment
Takadox possesses a hypnotic power and carries long daggers and a Squid Launcher.

One of the six Barraki who menace the residents of Mahri Nui. Ehlek was originally a member of the League of Six Kingdoms and dominated a number of western island chains that included the island of Zakaz. He was one of the harsher and more brutal dictators, which may have been because he was not a native land-dweller. Ehlek's native domain was beneath the waters surrounding Zakaz and he had to wear a complicated apparatus to breathe. This left him feeling vulnerable and led him to be extremely strict with any potential rebellion against his rule. Ehlek joined in the league's efforts to rebel against Mata Nui, and he and his army were defeated by the Brotherhood of Makuta (that army included Amphibax).
He was condemned to the Pit by Botar and spent most of the next 80,000 years there. Then, some 1,000 years ago, a massive earthquake shattered the walls of his prison. He escaped, only to find himself in a strange ocean. Of all six Barraki, he was the least affected by the mutagenic seawater, being already a water-breather. His form did change radically, however, resulting in his growing a series of electrified spines. With his air breathing equipment destroyed, he was unable to return to the lands he had once ruled.
Assembling a new army of venom eels, Ehlek took control of the northern reaches of this new world and built a massive fortress. That fortress was destroyed when the city of Mahri Nui sank beneath the waves and crushed it. Since that time, Ehlek has nursed a deep hatred of Matoran. When the Kanohi Ignika appeared underwater, Ehlek led his army against Mahri Nui, only to be stopped by order of Pridak. He was later suspected by Pridak of being responsible for the subsequent disappearance of the Mask of Life. Ehlek was then tricked by Toa Mahri Hewkii into believing Pridak had betrayed him and led his army into battle against his former leader.
An interesting side note is that Ehlek's native species was tampered with by the Order of Mata Nui in an effort to create a race that could successfully battle the Brotherhood of Makuta.
Powers and Equipment
Ehlek carries a Squid Launcher and his sharp spines can give off an electric charge.

One of the six Barraki who menace the residents of Mahri Nui. Mantax was originally a member of the League of Six Kingdoms and ruled the central region of their empire. From the start, he was highly secretive in nature and rarely shared information on conditions in his realm. He even brokered separate trade deals with Metru Nui and Xia without informing the other league members. Mantax joined the league in an attempt to rebel against Mata Nui, and he and his army were defeated by the Brotherhood of Makuta. He was condemned to the Pit by Botar and spent most of the next 80,000 years there.
Then, some 1,000 years ago, a massive earthquake shattered the walls of his prison. He escaped with the others, but was mutated by the seawater into the form he has now. No longer able to breathe air, he was trapped beneath the waves. This did nothing to change his loner attitude. He spent half his time buried in the sea floor, waiting for prey to swim by, and the other half no one knew where. In fact, Mantax was exploring his former prison, searching for proof that the Barraki had been betrayed from within.
When the Mask of Life appeared underwater, Mantax joined with the other Barraki in an attempt to claim it. He later battled with Toa Mahri Hahli, who finally succeeded in deceiving him into believing the other Barraki had betrayed him. Mantax invited Hahli to become his lieutenant and she accepted, leading an army of manta rays toward Mahri Nui.
Powers and Equipment
When buried in sand, only Mantax's eyes and head spikes are visible. These spikes are coated with a paralysing venom. His right hand is a massive pincer, and his left holds a Squid Launcher.

One of the six Barraki who menace the residents of Mahri Nui. Carapar was originally a member of the League of Six Kingdoms and ruled the southernmost empire in that alliance. He was known more for his brawn than his brains, and his army was the least disciplined of the League's six legions. But no one could deny his record of success, which included conquering entire civilisations through a combination of sheer might and the occasional bit of trickery. Carapar joined in the League's efforts to rebel against Mata Nui, and he and his army were defeated by the Brotherhood of Makuta. He was condemned to the Pit by Botar and spent most of the next 80,000 years there. Then, some 1,000 years ago, a massive earthquake shattered the walls of his prison.
He escaped, only to find himself in a strange ocean. Carapar would have drowned had it not been for the mutagenic effects of the seawater, which transformed him into a water-breathing, crablike being. He was now able to survive, but could not escape from this new Pit since he could no longer live on land.
Assembling a new army of Keras crabs and Pit War Tortoises, Carapar staked a claim to a portion of this underwater world. Although he controlled an area rich in resources, his power was sufficient to keep any other Barraki from trying to take land away from him. When the Kanohi Ignika appeared underwater, Carapar and his army occupied the fields of air in an attempt to force the Matoran to hand it over. He later joined with Kalmah in an uneasy alliance with Toa Mahri Jaller to get the Mask of Life, which he believed could reverse his mutation and make him an air-breather again.
Powers and Equipment
Carapar possesses monstrous claws (though one has now been detached in order for him to hold a Squid Launcher) and a thick armoured shell.
History of the Barraki
league of six kingdoms
league of six kingdoms
The League of Six Kingdoms was originally created by Mata Nui as a more effective way to keep the peace, but they turned on him and attempted to seize power for themselves. During their time as warlords, the Barraki conquered many lands, and made an alliance with Xia. The six Barraki each led their own army, but the overall commander was Pridak's. Smaller units were called legions. One such type of legion was a Matoran Rear Guard Unit, which consisted of 53 Matoran. The only reference to one was one destroyed by Pridak's command. Battle leaders were also present throughout Barraki armies.
At its height, the League had command of almost the entire Matoran Universe (except for Metru Nui, Artakha and the far Southern Islands), headed from their capital at Xia. They were not as powerful as the Brotherhood, but were stronger than the Toa and Dark Hunters.
The League's ultimate goal was no less than the overthrow of the Great Spirit Mata Nui himself. However, on the eve of their major offensive 80,000 years ago, the Brotherhood of Makuta launched a preemptive strike, allied with the Toa and spearheaded by Teridax.
The League armies were quickly decimated and the Barraki captured. Makuta was about to publicly execute them (despite the Toa's objections) when a stranger named Botar intervened and teleported himself and the Barraki away. Unknown to the world, the Barraki were banished to an isolated cavern called The Pit. Makuta often pondered the Barraki's ambitions afterwards, and his own plan to seize control was partly inspired by their attempt.
the pit
the pit
One thousand years ago, in the Great Cataclysm, the dome surrounding the Pit caved in, tearing down the barrier between The Pit and the waters of the outside ocean. While The Pit quickly flooded, a mutagenic agent in the water mutated the prisoners into freakish sea beasts and allowed them to survive. The Barraki were able to escape to the surrounding region, but no farther, essentially expanding The Pit into the sea. They have also formed new armies of the native sea life. Sometime later, the floating island of Voya Nui entered the region, and a portion of land including a Matoran settlement (called Mahri Nui) sank into The Pit, crushing a fortress Ehlek had built. The Barraki have since terrorised the Matoran, and none have gotten a clear look at their attackers and returned to tell the tale.
This hiding in the shadows ended when a squid noticed a Kanohi Mask of great power sinking down to Mahri Nui and reported it to its master, Kalmah. Word soon spread to the rest of the Barraki, Takadox had Carapar kidnap the Matoran who claimed the mask, Kyrehx, and hypnotized her into telling all she knew. From her account, he recognized the mask as the legendary Ignika Mask of Life. He then had Carapar return her to the city as part of some scheme, and also had him stop Ehlek, who had used the mask as an excuse to launch an all-out assault on the Matoran.
Meanwhile, Pridak captured a scouting patrol and demanded the mask from them, revealing to them - particularly their leader, Defilak - who the Barraki were and what they had attempted. Kalmah and Mantax started following the mask's current holder, Dekar. Unfortunately, they were too late to stop Dekar from trying to destroy the mask - even more unfortunately, the mask itself took action to stop Dekar.
A Venom Eel, enlarged to giant proportions by the Ignika, emerged and began attacking everything in sight. As Pridak's captives took the opportunity to escape, Takadox attempted to hypnotize the beast into obeying. Ehlek and Carapar used the distraction to start snooping in Pridak's lair, finding a new arrival to The Pit: a being named Brutaka. Once he realized the Mask of Life was in the region, he demanded that the Barraki take him to it, though he warned that six Toa would be coming after it soon. As Takadox failed to entrance the Venom Eel and was knocked away, Pridak caught Mantax leaving the scene, claiming he was trying to find help for Kalmah. They were soon joined by Ehlek and Carapar, who were playing along with Brutaka's demands.
Adding Kalmah to their group, the six confronted Dekar, and Brutaka tried to get the mask from him by claiming he was part of a group loyal to Mata Nui. But Dekar didn't accept his claims, and neither did the Barraki, they decided to have him dragged off by a giant Squid. After that was taken care of, the Barraki walked in and took the mask, which began to glow so brightly that all of Mahri Nui was blinded.
When the glow subsided, the Barraki found themselves scattered around the cave, and Pridak more feral than usual, clinging to the mask, and attacking anyone who dared get to close. After Takadox calmed the Barraki leader down with his hypnotism powers, the group went to greet the newest arrivals to the pit, the Toa Mahri. The Barraki assumed the Toa were condemned to the Pit as they were, and Toa Hahli played along on behalf of the group, letting the Barraki think they were potential allies.
But while the Barraki considered working with the Toa, they still kept them under the guard of their loyal sea Rahi. Meanwhile, Pridak informed the rest of the Barraki that the Ignika was slowly cracking and leaking power, and that when it shattered, they could bathe in it's energies and return to their original forms. In the meantime, the Barraki decided that since they could not trust each other with the mask, they should give it to Ehlek's lieutenant Nocturn, since they believed he wasn't smart enough to use it.
Just afterward, Kalmah and Carapar found the Toa in the process of escaping their guards. The two Barraki tried to stop them, but unfortunately Toa Kongu summoned an ancient sea beast. The two fled into the black water, leaving the Toa behind. Kongu's summoned horror went to do battle with the giant venom eel.
Back at Razor Whale's Teeth, Nocturn had grown tired of the Ignika. After tossing it aside, he discovered he had been given the power to kill anything he touched. Nocturn took the mask and decided to find Pridak in order to "shake his hand", not noticing a Gadunka growing due to the mask's power.
Carapar and Kalmah headed to Kalmah's cave, where they found Mantax and Takadox feasting on Kalmah's squids while Pridak tortured Ehlek to find out where Nocturn had taken the Ignika. Kalmah reported the Toa's escape, and reasoned that they must have taken the mask. Pridak then ordered the Barraki to split up and find them.
Nocturn, meanwhile, had encountered Hydraxon, seemingly back from the dead and determined to recover all the escaped prisoners. After defeating Nocturn, Hydraxon took the Ignika but decided that the mask was too dangerous to exist, so he took aim at it with his Cordak Blaster and fired.
Later, Mantax encountered Toa Hahli, who fed his suspicion that another Barraki might be betraying him. Toa Jaller and Toa Kongu were willing to cut a deal, but Kalmah and Carapar gave the condition that they had to kill Pridak first. Most of all, Toa Hewkii provoked a fight between Ehlek's eels and Pridak's sharks, sparking a full-scale war between the two of them. And while the entire ocean had become a battlefield for the Barraki armies, Mantax's rays were last seen headed straight for Mahri Nui - with Hahli in the lead. Mantax stole the Ignika and told the Toa to have the Barraki meet him in the Pillars of Salt. By then, Barraki Mantax had discovered evidence of betrayal within the group.
When he eventually retrieved the Mask of Life, he used it as a bargaining chip to force the traitor to reveal himself. Takadox gave himself away by trying to kill Mantax at the first opportunity, but the Toa Mahri had reclaimed the mask and the other Barraki allowed Takadox to live until they were dealt with. Unfortunately, one Toa got away with the mask and the other five simply vanished, leaving the Barraki again trapped without hope.
Soon after Teridax took control of the Matoran Universe and exiled Mata Nui's spirit into the Kanohi Ignika, two of the Barraki, Takadox and Carapar, were captured and imprisoned by the Order of Mata Nui. The two were subsequently conscripted into a strike team led by Brutaka, along with Lariska, Brutaka, Roodaka, and Spiriah. Takadox was left behind on Artidax but later escaped on a boat used by the Toa Mahri, and on Tren Krom's island Carapar was disintegrated.
During Teridax's reign of the Matoran Universe, the Barraki teamed up with "The Shadowed One" to march on Metru Nui and conquer it for themselves after the Dark Hunter leader would infect Makuta with viruses that he had procured. When "The Shadowed One" failed to arrive, Pridak chose to march anyway. The Barraki were unable to reach Metru Nui before Teridax's death, and they and their armies instead left the Matoran Universe for the newly reformed Spherus Magna. Along with restoring the planet to life, Mata Nui also reversed the mutation effects on those who had been affected by the mutagen in The Pit, including the Barraki.
Servants of the Barraki

Hulking, tentacled prisoner of the Pit whose disappearance while in possession of the Kanohi Ignika set off a conflict among the Barraki. Nocturn was originally exiled to the Pit for destroying his home island. After the Great Cataclysm shattered the cells, he fled into the black water with the other inmates. Being already amphibious, he had no problem surviving in the depths, and in fact proved to be immune to the mutagenic effects of the seawater. He became a sometime lieutenant to Ehlek and lost an arm in a clash with Pridak (the arm eventually grew back minus its tentacle). His dim intellect made him a bit unreliable in combat, but he did have a fierce loyalty to Ehlek (when he remembered who Ehlek was). After the Barraki got possession of the Ignika, it was decided it should be kept in a neutral spot so that no one warlord controlled it.
They left it with Nocturn, along with a Squid Launcher and instructions to guard the mask and not leave its resting place. Nocturn promptly discovered that touching the mask had cursed him so that his slightest touch killed. Puzzled by this, he took the mask and wandered off to try and find Ehlek. When the Barraki checked back and found him, suspicions were born that one of them had taken the mask. Meanwhile, Nocturn battled Hydraxon, who defeated him and took the Ignika with the intent of destroying it.Nocturn has four arms, one of which is a tentacle, bulbous red eyes, and a spiked head.
Powers and Equipment
Lean, muscular, and extremely powerful, Nocturn is able to single-handedly defeat giant squid and Razor whales. In addition to his Squid Launcher, he carries sharp-bladed weapons.

pit war Tortoise
Pit War Tortoises were ancient marine tortoises found in the Pit. They were a part of Carapar's army, and the fiercest one served as Carapar's steed. Carapar also mounted each Tortoise with two Squid Launchers. These creatures were said to live for over 100,000 years.
They later migrated to Spherus Magna.

mantax fish
The Mantax Fish were a species of Rahi that lived under Mantax's control. They were also part of his undersea army.
Other servants of the Barraki​
Amphibax - Former soldier of Ehlek's Army; now member of the Dark Hunters
Various Matoran
Takea Sharks
Underwater Insects

The Frostelus
the frostelus
A savage species somewhere between Rahi and a Toa, Frostelus dwell inside floating "homes" that resemble icebergs. Highly territorial, a tribe of these beings once wiped out a Toa tower, killing all but one of the Toa inside. They were most recently spotted near Metru Nui and Takanuva has clashed with Frostelus scouts on more than one occasion.
Norik and Iruini of Makuta Teridax's Toa Hagah ran into some on their travels, defeating them with a combo move in which Iruini's spear created a cyclone with which Norik fills with lava from his own spear, creating a lava tornado.
The Frostelus are extremely protective of their territories; once, a group of Frostelus launched an attack on a nearby Toa fortress which was guarding the Makoki Stone. The attack eventually led to the deaths of all the Toa except for Lhikan.
Alternate Universes
alternate universes
The Kingdom
In the Kingdom universe, the Frostelus lived with Ko-Matoran in the region that was once Ko-Wahi.

Legendary ruler of a domain much feared by Matoran in the dim past. According to ancient tales, in the time before the Great Spirit, Matoran laboured in darkness. Those Matoran whom excelled at their work were sent to the island of Artakha and therefore allowed to work in the light. Those who worked poorly were sent to another place, one ruled by Karzahni, from which they never returned. The name "Karzahni" eventually became a term Matoran used to scare each other, with each new tale about him becoming more and more exaggerated and frightening.
Jaller and his team of Matoran found themselves in the realm of Karzahni while journeying to Voya Nui and clashed with the ruler. Karzahni carried a flaming chain and wore a mask that looked like four masks melded together. He had the power to make an enemy see a vision of an alternate future, normally a nightmarish one.
The six Matoran escaped, but not before Karzahni stole their masks from them (these were later recovered by the Toa Nuva). During this encounter, Karzahni learned of the existence of Mata Nui and the Makuta and decided to try to seize power for himself.
He journeyed to Mahri Nui, where he clashed with Teridax and Toa Lesovikk and was defeated by them. His realm has since been destroyed and his Matoran prisoners freed.

karzahni plant
An intelligent plant creature created by Teridax with the help of the Energised Protodermis Entity. He named his creation Karzahni after the legendary ruler of a dread domain in ancient Matoran history. From the first, Karzahni proved to be too wilful and ambitious to suit the Makuta's needs, so eventually the master of shadows exiled his creation into the tunnels that linked Metru Nui to Mata Nui.
There Karzahni brooded and planned its revenge on its creator. When the Toa Metru defeated Teridax, Karzahni shifted his hatred to them. After Nokama was mortally wounded by the Rahi Nui, Karzahni struck a bargain with the Toa Metru: if they would retrieve for it a sample of Energised Protodermis from Teridax's lair, it would cure Nokama. Karzahni wanted the energised Protodermis because it believed that the liquid would transform it into a far more powerful being.
The Toa Metru completed the quest and returned to Karzahni. Once there, Nuju revealed that he had deduced the plant creature was dying, the result of a fatal flaw the Makuta had bred into all of his creations.
Forced to keep his bargain by Vakama, Karzahni cured Nokama and took the vial of energised Protodermis from the Toa. But when it poured the contents onto itself, the liquid burned the plant from within. In a matter of moments, the Karzahni was dead.
When the Toa reached the shore of the silver sea around Metru Nui, they realised that they needed a ship to cross it. A Vahki transport was found, but there was nothing to keep it afloat.
Toa Onewa and Toa Matau chopped up the dead plant's trunk and strapped the wood onto the bottom of the craft, making it seaworthy. But Karzahni was not dead. It grew again and allied itself with Teridax as part of a plot to trick Vakama into giving up the Kanohi Vahi, Mask of Time.
However, Karzahni eventually betrayed Teridax and was killed by him as his punishment. Karzahni also claimed to have slain a member of the Order of Mata Nui.

energised protodermis entity
A sapient being that consisted exclusively of Energised Protodermis in a humanoid form. It was encountered by the Toa Metru in one of Makuta Teridax's lairs. It revealed that it had been allied with the Makuta in experiments of mutating Rahi, as well as being a vital part of the creation of the Karzahni plant and the Morbuzakh. The Toa Metru asked for a small portion of its substance to trade for a cure for Nokama's wounds, but the entity refused and engaged them in battle.
The entity fought primarily through surrogates, Rahi creatures mutated by its substance. In the end, the Toa Metru defeated the Rahi and threatened to bring the chamber down on the protodermis pool if the entity did not comply. The entity allowed them to take a vial full of its substance but then attempted to slay the Toa as they departed. Onewa brought down the last pillar supporting the ceiling and buried the entity under tons of rock.
It is highly unlikely the energised protodermis entity was killed in this incident. Since it was capable of appearing wherever any of its substance might be, it probably disappeared before the impact and reappeared at another pool somewhere else. It is no doubt planning revenge for its defeat.
Despite their experiments with Energised Protodermis, the Great Beings did not discover its sentience, as it never assumed its physical form on Spherus Magna. However, it was unknowingly extracting itself from the newly birthed substance; before they had ever enacted with their experiment. Therefore separating its molecules in the due process into a plainly energised substance. With no sentience nor sapience in its final state.
Therefore serving the liquid, as an evolved and plainly energised substance on its own. Whereas the entity itself, however, eventually gained sentience and comes into his own being, and separately.
The substance entity otherwise known as the Energised Protodermis Entity, eventually comes into his being within the Matoran Universe and migrated into an island situated within the Matoran Universe and of the Great Spirit Robot.
The substance (separate from the entity) became their use for creating a camouflage island for Mata Nui whilst having a remaining substance of ordinary molecules as silver liquids during the early stages of the Matoran Universe and the Great Spirit Robot.
The entity itself, however, can even remove and extract a non-sentient portion of the energised liquid separated from his body and therefore cure others for those who are composed of solid protodermis.