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the great beings

the great beings

The Great Beings were distant members of the Glatorian species. Who had a shared, hobbyist love of creating everything. As well, an empowered group of individuals with immense power and moral complexity. Some of their creations include the Matoran Universe, the Element Lords, the Baterra, the Red Star, the Mask of Creation, and the Kanohi Ignika (The Mask of Life).  


"The Great Beings", as was dubbed by the fire tribe Agori chief named Raanu, are villager-type and nomadic Glatorians on Spherus Magna. With their innate access to their scientific knowledge and intellect, as well as their exponential traits given to them, their failing efforts to save the entirety of their known planet resulted into the creation of Mata Nui; in order to save their dying world and resume their lives as former tribe leaders and local scientists as well as retired administrators of the planet. Amongst them are Angonce, Heremus, Nynrah, Destral, Stelt, Daxia, Xia, and Artidax. Some of these beings, however, were therefore named after as islands, regions, and mainland areas within the Matoran Universe. As well as the internal mechanics of the Great Spirit Robot.


Despite of their abilities as well as their stature the Great Beings were purely motivated in saving their planet.


However, not all Great Beings are overtly pure good. Amongst them is a sinister and deceptive Great Being posing himself as a Matoran called "Velika". A disguised and diminutive Po-Matoran. Secretly hell bent on destruction and war over the weak-minded peers of his unique brethren. Believing they should govern their world further with an iron fist and therefore be worshipped or feared as the glorified rulers of the planet.


Unbeknownst to Velika and the others, however, one of them had dreams warning him of an inevitable war. Being pitted between the Great Beings themselves as well as the Makuta's eventual rebellion against Mata Nui. During early beginnings of the Matoran Universe, as well as the creation of Mata Nui and the Great Spirit Robot, and Artahka eventually turning sapient by Velika's programming, the Great Being whom had these real and predictable dreams in addition to his "gifted" powers secretly requested Artahka in forging the legendary Mask of Light. A powerful Kanohi Mask destined for a future Toa of Light and for his ultimate role in ending the event otherwise known as the civil war of the Great Beings .


Despite his decisive hesitation and secrecy, his intentions were pure and good.






The individuals who would become Great Beings were originally members of various Spherus Magna tribes. Early on, the Glatorian would encounter Annona, a glowing and tentacled creature whom tried to feed on their dreams. However, their minds were too strange; strangely because of their pure innocence as well as their passion for making; for her to feed on, and they instead took her energy, using it to feed their creativity. The Great Beings would later become the de facto rulers of the planet. At some point, the Great Beings took five warriors and a Leader Skrall from each tribe and turned them into the Element Lords. Their purpose was to govern the six villages so they wouldn't have to.


When Energised Protodermis began to bubble up and appear on the surface, the inhabitants started to battle for control of the substance. During the Core War, the Great Beings had created creatures that came to be known as "Baterra" to end the war. They were programmed to do so by eliminating any and every combatant carrying a weapon. However, the Great Beings had figured out that the planet would be destroyed anyway, and therefore tried to shut the Baterra down. Their failsafe hadn't worked, however, leaving the Baterra active to this day.


The Great Beings had created a massive robot, to see if such an action was possible. It had succeeded until the robot violently exploded, causing its separated body parts to land across the planet. The power source was therefore hidden in the Valley of the Maze.


Construction of a new robot began soon after. The Matoran, who would inhabit the robot to maintain it, had done most of the construction work, but the Great Beings were known to have laid the foundations of Metru Nui, created and hid the Ignika, and formed the Hand of Artakha.


As aforementioned, two known Great Beings created and hid the Mask of Life. They carved the pedestal meant to hold the mask and the staircase leading to it, and one of them recorded his voice to provide tests for those who penetrated the tunnels. However, they left the creation of guardians to the Mask itself (though they did discuss sending Umbra as a guard). Though they had immense power and could keep surrounding Matoran from noticing them, even they feared the mask's curse.


A third Great Being was known to fall victim to the curse of the Mask of Life, gaining the ability to give life to anything. However, the power was too much to control and everything began coming to life around him, from tools and furniture to even beams of light, and all this new life not only had wants and needs but were able to make such desires known. The Great Being was eventually sealed away to keep anything else from coming to life. He ended up on Bota Magna, and it is rumored he was driven mad. He later was met by Vezon, Helryx, Tuyet, Axonn, Miserix, Brutaka and Artahka.


Some time before their new robot was to depart, the Great Beings thought about the failure of the Baterra, which gave them concern about the Toa. Considering the possibility that something could go wrong upon the return of the robot that would result in the Toa becoming evil, Spherus Magna would stand no chance against them. They used some of the remaining time they had to construct something else, with the purpose to destroy all the Toa. After its completion, it was hidden in a vault in the Matoran Universe.


Construction of the robot had, soon after, completed, and Angonce christened the robot "Mata Nui." After it flew off on its mission, the Great Beings disappeared for 100,000 years. However, they resorted to one of the regions of the planet before it imploded into three separated pieces across the voids of space and into fully-remoulded moons in the due process after the Shattering. One Great Being, Angonce, remained on Bara Magna. Whilst another Great Being, Velika, hid in the Matoran Universe, transferring his mind and spirit into the body of a being inside.


After the reformation of Spherus Magna; made by Mata Nui's last remaining power, the Great Beings decisively chose to remain hidden from all of their neighbouring species on Spherus Magna; fearing that their impartial stature as well as their immense power amongst them, would therefore pose a political tide to some of their Glatorian cousins as well as Agori tribe members in their newly re-birthed home world. While others, however, chose to expose themselves secretly under their own risks.


Velika, the evil Great Being disguised as a Matoran, began killing beings of power from the Matoran Universe to eliminate threats to his plan to conquer Spherus Magna and therefore establish his rule over the Great Beings, their planet, and the Matoran Universe creatures otherwise known as the Matoran, Toa, and numerous other species of the Matoran Universe.


After the reformation of Spherus Magna, Angonce knew the abrupt appearance of so many Toa on Spherus Magna would possibly activate Marendar. He hurried to the vault, but he arrived too late; the living weapon had already smashed its way through the metallic protodermis cage containing it and was gone. It would carry out its programming and kill any and every Toa on the planet.


Velika, having posed as an inhabitant of the Matoran Universe for 100,000 years, exited onto Spherus Magna to carry out his plan for world domination by killing all of the most powerful beings on the planet. He would start by stealing Lesovikk's Air Sword and using it to murder both Karzahni and Tren Krom. At one point, he ran into Kabrua while going through Bota Magna and gave him and his Vorox tribe advanced blasters and a device to disable a Toa's elemental powers. He would then come upon the fortress where the Great Being cursed by the Ignika was imprisoned and rigged it to explode, intending to kill the Matoran Universe inhabitants inside.

spherus  Magna

spherus Magna

Spherus Magna was the homeworld of the Great Beings, Agori, Glatorian, Skrall, Vorox, and Energised Protodermis. It was rebuilt later by Mata Nui with unintentional help by Makuta Teridax.


Sometime before 100,000 years before the Great Cataclysm, the Great Beings appeared on Spherus Magna. A glowing, tentacled being named Annona tried to eat their dreams out of them, but the Great Beings managed to take Annona's dreams again, using these dreams as inspiration to therefore create things. Out of fear for the Great Beings, Annona hid underground, eventually finding the Iron Tribe and sapping out their dreams, an event later named the Dreaming Plague. There were few survivors after this, and these few were shunned from the other tribes, since they thought these tribesmen were infected with the disease. 



Energised Protodermis later forced itself from the core of Spherus Magna to the surface. It was discovered by Spherus Magna's inhabitants, some of whom touched the substance and were destroyed. Later, another villager used a tool to investigate it, only to have it transformed into a trident. This made these villagers discover the potential of Energised Protodermis, and a war arose over the possession of it. However, these inhabitants were unaware that the substance were quickly spreading across the planet and was threatened to break the planet up during the war. Glatorian were soldiers in this war. While they fought, the Great Beings began investigating the Protodermis.


The Great Beings kept themselves neutral during the war, and used the Energised Protodermis to engineer a synthetic version simply named Protodermis. This powerless version was used to create a synthezoid named Mata Nui. Before creating Mata Nui, however, they created a prototype, which, due to its instability, exploded, causing its separated body parts to fly across the planet. For five years, the Great Beings' creations, the Matoran, worked in the darkness of Spherus Magna, unaware of their labours. The Great Beings themselves forged the Kanohi Ignika, and then awakened Mata Nui and sent him off to accomplish several tasks.


Trying to stop the war, the Great Beings created the Baterra, meant to attack anything carrying a weapon. However, they only mainly fought the Skrall in the northern Black Spike Mountains. A Skrall named Branar discovered that the Baterra were robots with shapeshifting powers, but, even though they knew this, still lost and were forced to retreat south, eventually finding Roxtus.


Despite the Great Beings' intervention, they were unable to stop the impending disaster. Spherus Magna was stricken by a cataclysm known as the Shattering, cracking the planet into three pieces. The desert area, along with the Great Volcano and some more, became a planet later known as Bara Magna. The ocean of Aqua Magna became a moon of Bara Magna. The jungle of Bota Magna, along with the Northern Frost and some more, also became a moon of Bara Magna (Kiina later blamed this on the Great Beings).


With guilt, rage, and utter neglect, the Great Beings fled to the jungle region otherwise known as Bota Magna as their refuge. In hope of relative safety and brief isolation from all combatants of Glatorian and Agori warriors led by their Element Lords during the full scale tragedies of the Core War. As well as abandoning their underground lab in Tajun during the devastations of their world. Therefore imploding the planet caused by the energised substances known as Protodermis. During the near abrupt ending of The Core War.


After breaking the planet into three external pieces across the endlessness of the void, the pieces therefore remoulded themselves into three, completely rounded and separated moons. Remoulding them beforehand in its due process. As well as leaving behind two large craters, imploded on both polar opposite sides of the main larger moon; otherwise known as the former desert region as Bara Magna. Each of them bonded and thereby glued and seeped deeper beneath each planet's fragmentary state; made by its internal remnants of the energised liquid.

creations  of  the  great  beings

Creations of the Great Beings

A list of all the known things the Great Beings made (not in chronological order):




Marendar was one of the many creations of the Great Beings, meant to end the Toa in case they turned evil.


Marendar was created by the Great Beings after thinking about the Toa's power and how if something went wrong and the Toa were unleashed upon the return of Mata Nui, the Agori would be powerless against them. It was then they decided to create a new weapon, as a last-resort. They created an extremely powerful robot, which they named "Marendar," and placed it into a vault made from metallic Protodermis.


After Makuta Teridax died, the robot escaped its prison in order to carry out its original programming: eliminate all living Toa.



The Red Star


The Red Star was an enigmatic celestial object that was located in the skies of Mata Nui and Voya Nui. It contained the mechanism that allowed the Great Spirit Robot to travel from planet to planet. The Star also served as a means of resurrecting the deceased beings in the Matoran Universe. As well as lightning strike energies that turns Matoran into new Toa heroes as a fail-safe device.



Thornatus Vehicles


Thornatus were vehicles created by the Great Beings and provided for by Agori and Glatorian. They could be fitted with Thornax Launchers for battle purposes. The Thornatus V9, constructed by the Great Beings, was a specific model of the Thornatus. This model featured four blasters on the sides and a Thornax Launcher mounted on top of the cockpit. Also, the front wheels could be extended outwards to boost the vehicle's speed. Glatorian piloted them in arena matches for the Fire Tribe.



Artakha and Karzahni


Before Mata Nui was sent into space by the Great Beings, biomechanical beings named Artakha and Karzahni were created and given their own realms to guard by the Great Beings. While Karzahni lived in a later horrific and weirdly turned place (made by Karzahni himself) where Matoran were sent to be repaired, Artakha chose to govern a refuge where no evil could enter.


The Baterra



Baterra were mechanical shapeshifters created by the Great Beings. 


After failing to end the war over the Energised Protodermis, the Great Beings created the Baterra and tasked them with killing every armed combatant of the war. After the Shattering, the Baterra became stuck on Bara Magna, but continued to attack armed inhabitants. When the Skrall moved north, the Baterra killed many of the leader class Skrall, leaving only Tuma to lead the Rock Tribe.


The Baterra ambushed their enemies by shapeshifting into a tree or something else that fit into the environment. Then, when an enemy strayed by, they quickly shapeshifted into their default form, killed the victim and shapeshifted back before anyone could see what had transpired.


The Baterra were equipped with scythe-like claws, which could be used in melee combat. The Baterra were also early templates of their creations of insectoid creatures, the Bohrok Swarms.

The Mask of Life

The Kanohi Ignika, Great Mask of Life


100,000 years ago, near the creation of the Matoran Universe, the Mask of Life was forged by the Great Beings on Spherus Magna. It was created so that Mata Nui's life force could be recharged if ever required. The mask was then locked within a box until it could be transferred to the giant robot the Great Beings were building. However, one day a Great Being became curious about the mask and opened the box it was in. The Ignika reacted as soon as the Great Being touched it, granting the Great Being the involuntary ability to give life to everything. But the power was too much, as he couldn't control it, and all he brought to life began to make demands of their creator, which was sufficient to turn him mad. The Great Being was then confined, so he couldn't bring anything else to life. 


The Ignika's creators then hid the mask under Mount Valmai in the 777-steps of the Staircase to the Ignika. Later, they placed Umbra under Voya Nui to guard the Ignika; additionally, the Order of Mata Nui eventually sent Axonn and Brutaka to protect the mask too. 


79,100 years ago, the Great Disruption was eventually caused by a civil war in Metru Nui. Toa Jovan led his team to Mount Valmai, where they reached and used the Mask of Life to heal Mata Nui.


1,001 years ago, Mata Nui fell unconscious from an attack by the Brotherhood of Makuta, causing the Great Cataclysm. Mount Valmai and the surrounding area broke off from the Mainland, stranding all who lived there. Many died in the incident, including Turaga Jovan. This region became known as the island of Voya Nui.

Mata Nui's consciousness and Robot Vessel


Mata Nui was the Great Spirit created by the Great Beings to therefore explore and observe the galaxy; whilst housing the entire primary world, known as the Matoran Universe; created and obtained into his mechanical and armoured body as the Great Spirit Robot. As well as a mechanical spacecraft. His body was constructed by the Great Beings over 100,000 years ago. For a brief period, they set Tren Krom to watch over the Matoran Universe as its temporary ruler and caretaker. Then Mata Nui was born, and he was set to watch over the universe while Tren Krom was eventually exiled to a barren island fused to a rock in a cave.


Mata Nui's mission was to learn about the external universe and then return to the main Solar system and therefore reform a planet known as Spherus Magna. With his consciousness hidden within the Matoran Universe

-as well as the Robot itself- Mata Nui can therefore co-pilot his robot vessel across the endless voids of the original universe.


Eventually, he was condemned to an eternal slumber, with many Toa going on journeys to revive him. Upon Mata Nui's death after the Toa Mahri failed to save the universe, Matoro sacrificed himself, dying so that Mata Nui could live again. With Mata Nui alive once more, Tahu and his allies journeyed to Karda Nui to awaken the Great Spirit. While they narrowly succeeded in doing so, Teridax took control of the Matoran Universe and trapped Mata Nui's spirit inside the Ignika before blasting it into outer space.


Matoran Universe


The Matoran Universe was an internal system of movable domes housed and interconnected within the Great Spirit Robot. It was made by the Great Beings and therefore watched over by the Great Spirit Mata Nui. Every island, continent, and underground and regional caves that were obtained into Mata Nui's external body, were housed under those great domes whilst endowed systematically with impermanent, gravitational-bending energies. The gigantic dome roofs above them were programmed and disguised: as an underground illusion of skies above the islands and the main lands below it. Reminiscent of Spherus Magna's skyline; before the eventual tragedy of the Core War and the shattering.   


A Makuta, named Teridax, soon took control of the Brotherhood and therefore devised a plan to control the Universe. 300 years before the Great Cataclysm, the Brotherhood infected Mata Nui with a Virus that gradually put him asleep. When Mata Nui finally fell into a slumber, he crashed onto Aqua Magna and as a result of this a great earthquake shook the Universe contained in the mechanical robot. This event is known as the Great Cataclysm.


After the Great Cataclysm, one island inside the robot escaped from the inside and therefore shot to the surface of Aqua Magna--Voya Nui. Mata Nui was also dying and was close to death when the Matoran escaped Metru Nui with the help from the Toa Metru. A thousand years later, six brave Matoran, later known as the Toa Inika, were sent to Voya Nui to recover the Kanohi Ignika, and heal Mata Nui. However, after they destroyed the cord connecting Voya Nui and Mahri Nui, Voya Nui collapsed and crumbled back into the Matoran Universe.

Tren Krom


Tren Krom was a completely organic entity created by the Great Beings long before Mata Nui ever existed. He initially watched over the universe from inside Karda Nui, but was later exiled in order to prevent him from causing trouble for Mata Nui.




Long ago, before the Great Spirit Mata Nui existed, the Great Beings created an entity that was totally organic: Tren Krom. It was his job to keep the universe in order until Mata Nui was ready to take over. He did this, but when his time was over, the Great Beings sent an Av-Matoran to inform him that his duties were no longer needed. This particular Matoran later went mad. However, upon discovering this, they eventually cured the Av-Matoran, therefore regaining his sanity back. As punishment, the Great Beings exiled Tren Krom to a small island and fused it with the rock of a cave so that he could never leave.


Tren Krom was described as having an appearance so horrible that even the Order of Mata Nui member Brutaka had to struggle to maintain his sanity. Tren Krom is also a scarlet, gelatinous mass with tentacles for arms.


In reality, however, the true form of Tren Krom was not indescribably terrifying. He was in fact a typical, gelatinous creature with mental powers; and tentacles lined with almost tiny, sharpened hooks and eyes little more than holes in a small, gelatinous skull. However, he was immensely powerful in his strength as well as his immense power almost akin to Mata Nui's. He also has the ability of linking his mind to those of others, therefore gaining their knowledge and giving them access to his. And even switching minds entirely. He can also erect impenetrable walls of stone around his island, fire beams of energy from his eyes, cure the Toa Hagah of Teridax's illusion effortlessly while being inside Toa Lewa's body, and freeing a Makuta named Miserix from his imprisonment as a picture.

The First Turaga


A Turaga once ruled over the village where Sarda originally lived. However, he eventually went "insane" and shipped all of the Matoran to Karzahni (unbeknown to the Turaga, however, Karzahni was no longer an ally nor a hardworking physician for all Matoran). This Turaga was one of the first Turaga, and so was never a Toa or Matoran.

The First Toa


Helryx, Orde, and the Toa Mata were created as Toa by the Great Beings and were never Matoran beforehand. After fulfilling their destiny, Toa will become Turaga for the rest of their lives.

Matoran Species


The Matoran were the first beings created by the Great Beings for the Matoran Universe. The first to be created served as prototypes for the others - the Av-Matoran. Because they were the first ones, they had abilities to channel their innate light powers and transform into Bohrok. The Matoran were brought into existence even before Mata Nui, and were helping in his construction, though they didn't know what exactly they were building. Some Matoran who showed particular promise, were allowed to go to the Artakha refuge and work in the light. After the Universe was built and Mata Nui awakened, the Matoran spread across the universe.


They made their homes in many different environments and had many different styles of living. Some Matoran came to rely completely on the technology and inventions for work and protection, others grew completely independent, with no help from Toa, Turaga, or other beings. The Matoran's purpose after the universe was built was to do their work, to keep the universe in balance.


The known jobs that Matoran performed are listed below:


  • Acolyte


  • Adept


  • Airship Pilot


  • Architect


  • Archivist


  • Astrologer


  • Attendant


  • Carpenter


  • Carver


  • Chronicler


  • Crafter


  • Disk Maker


  • Engineer


  • Flax Maker


  • Forest Navigator


  • Fruit Stand Keeper


  • Guard


  • Hewer


  • Icesmith


  • Inventor


  • Lab Worker


  • Lava Farmer


  • Mahi Herder


  • Mask Maker


  • Messenger


  • Miner


  • Musician


  • Navigator


  • Prospector


  • Protodermis Farmer


  • Quarry Master


  • Rahi Tender


  • Sailor


  • Sentinel


  • Scholar


  • Scribe


  • Shipwright


  • Stonemason


  • Teacher


  • Test Driver


  • Toa Canister Builder


  • Trader


  • Tree Keeper


  • Ussal Rider


  • Warrior


  • Weapons Maker


  • Weaver



Takua was the first Matoran to be created. He came from Karda Nui and was one of Tanma and Solek's best friends. Upon meeting Toa Mata Gali, he told her that, one day, he would be a great hero. He lost his memory during the Time Slip, and was taken away to Metru Nui by the Order of Mata Nui.





The Prototype Robot


The Prototype Robot was a giant robot made by the Great Beings and was later used by Mata Nui to defeat Teridax on Bara Magna. Long before the building of the Great Spirit Robot and the Matoran Universe; the power source inside the prototype caused the robot to violently explode due to its instability, therefore separating the pieces of the robot across the entire planet. The pieces of the robot were then spread over the desert of Bara Magna, and were later used as shelters by the Agori.

Element Lords


The Element Lords are seven extremely powerful beings created by the Great Beings. Until the Shattering, each of them led their respective tribes. While the Great Beings were the leaders and rulers of the planet of Spherus Magna, they eventually wished to withdraw from the regular tedium of administration and governing. 


In an attempt to relieve the pressure on themselves and free up time to continue with their creating, the Great Beings devised a solution. Selecting a leader-class Skrall and six other members of the Glatorian species (each from their respective tribes), the Great Beings brought them to the Cavern of the Elements, a part of their underground lab in Tajun. There, the Great Beings were successfully able to alter the prospective Element Lords, giving each great power and control over their individual element. The Element Lords each retained their identities and names, although the transformation had affected every part of them. 


The Great Beings gave the newly-created Element Lords armour and weapons fitting their Elements, and then placed them in control of their corresponding tribes on Spherus Magna. Until the discovery of the Energised Protodermis spring, the Element Lords ruled together in relative peace for thousands of years. After the discovery of the spring near Iconox, the other Element Lords expected the Element Lord of Ice to share the newly-discovered Energised Protodermis with them. However, greedy for more power, the Element Lord of Ice refused to share any part of the substance with the others, and in fact began to barricade the region from them. 


Enraged by this, each of the other Element Lords gathered their forces and began to fight the Ice Tribe and each other for the chance to seize control of the Energised Protodermis spring. Thus the Core War began, a planet-wide vie for power that not even the Great Beings could stop, and ultimately saw the destruction of the entire planet and the creation of the Matoran Universe.


During the war, the Great Beings continually tried to reason with the Element Lords, and attempted to make them come together and negotiate a truce in order to end the war. However, the Element Lords refused to obey their creators, and therefore continued the war. 


Among them, the Element Lords consisted of six beings as the former Glatorian:


The Element Lord of Fire  - Former ruler of the Fire Tribe. Ruled over the Great Volcano and the surrounding area.


The Element Lord of Water - Former ruler of the Water Tribe. Ruled over the Aqua Magna region of Spherus Magna.


The Element Lord of Jungle - Former ruler of the Jungle Tribe. Ruled over the Bota Magna region of Spherus Magna.


The Element Lord of Sand - Former ruler of the Sand Tribe. Ruled over the Bara Magna region of Spherus Magna.


The Element Lord of Rock - Former ruler of the Rock Tribe. Ruled over the Black Spike Mountains, the White Quartz Mountains, and the Skrall homeland.


The Element Lord of Ice - Former ruler of the Ice Tribe. Ruled over the Northern Frost.


The Element Lord of Earth - Former ruler of the Earth Tribe.


Mask of Creation


The only Mask of Creation ever crafted was forged by some of the Great Beings, including Heremus. Artakha won the right to wear this mask after he physically fought for it against his brother, Karzahni. Despite this, the Great Beings did not give Artakha the mask in person.


As a Legendary Kanohi, if the Mask of Creation was damaged within the Matoran Universe, its powers would begin to slowly leak out and affect its surroundings; If it were to be destroyed while in the Matoran Universe, the inhabitants within would lose all of their creativity.

Spirit's Wish


The Spirit's Wish was an ornately-decorated archway, created as a teleportation device by the Great Beings, was situated at the head of the River Dormus in Northern Bara Magna. It was designed to scan the minds of beings passing under it and send them to whatever destination they desired.

Underground Lab in Tajun


The Great Beings' Laboratory was a cave-like structure located in Tajun. And it was used to design Mata Nui's body 100,000 years ago. After planning and construction were completed, the Great Beings evacuated Spherus Magna, leaving the lab behind. The Great Beings also created the Element Lords here. When the Shattering occurred, the lab ended up on Bara Magna.


Thousands of years later, Kiina, a female Glatorian, discovered the lab. When Tajun was attacked, Gresh was in the village and was injured. Kiina then led Ackar and Mata Nui to the lab with Gresh so he could be healed. At this time, they learned that Berix had also discovered the cave.


The lab's walls were covered with Matoran letters shaped like hexagons. Inside the cave were pictures of the resources that were plentiful on Bara Magna at one time. A staircase also led to the plans used to construct Mata Nui's body. The Ignika then opened a door-type structure, revealing a staircase. They went down it to find a room filled with the plans for a giant robot. This told Mata Nui a little about his past.



Umbra was created by the Great Beings as the first guardian of the Ignika's staircase by the Order of Mata Nui, though he was not and never was a member of the Order. 

Krana Masks


The Original Krana were created by the Great Beings by exposing the remains of the process that created the first Matoran to Energised Protodermis. This procedure resulted not only in Krana, but also Zyglak. Each Bohrok contained the Krana which acted as its brain and gave it its power. The Krana, besides controlling the Bohrok, provided the intelligence to the swarms.



The Bahrag were the twin Bohrok Queens, Cahdok and Gahdok. They each had all the powers of the main six Bohrok breeds, plus the ability to cast illusions that seemed real and solid until one stopped believing them. The Bahrag's powers grew stronger the closer they physically were to each other. They could also create Krana by dipping an unknown object into a pool with an unknown substance.


The Bahrag were driven by a single goal: to "clean it all". They cared little for anything else, unless it got in the way of their mission. When Teridax woke them, they assumed it was time for "cleaning" and immediately sent out the swarms, regardless of the fact that there were still inhabitants living on the island. The Toa Mata tried to fight the Bahrag with their new Exo-Toa armour, but the armour proved little help as it blocked the the use of their Elemental powers. The Toa instead removed the armour and combined their Elemental powers, encasing the Bahrag in a Protodermis cage and ending their control over the swarms.

The First Bohrok and the Bohrok-Va


The first Bohrok were created by the Great Beings. They were brought to being as a Bohrok without being an Av-Matoran beforehand. As well as the first six of the mechanical breeds. The Great Beings also created the Bohrok-Va and the Bahrag and placed them in a series of tunnel networks underneath the island of Mata Nui. More Bohrok were later followed when an Av-Matoran life-span ends.



Protodermis was an artificial substance created by the Great Beings to make up the Matoran Universe. It was based off of Energised Protodermis, which came from the core of Spherus Magna. Everything in the Matoran Universe is made of Protodermis. Protodermis exists in multiple states and forms, and could be refined and/or reshaped to have many uses.


These are the known forms of Protodermis:


Solid Protodermis


  • Unrefined: Raw solid Protodermis found in the ground in the Matoran Universe and resembles rock. This was mined by Onu-Matoran and shaped by Po-Matoran. Can be manipulated by a Toa of Stone.


  • Metallic: Refined Protodermis in the form of metal. It is very strong and durable, and makes up all metal in the Matoran Universe, from the mechanical parts of the inhabitants to robots to buildings. Can be manipulated by a Toa of Iron.


  • Protosteel: An allotrope of Protodermis, it is one of the strongest materials in the known universe. It is used in Makuta armour, Order of Mata Nui weapons, and other extremely strong tools.


  • Frozen: Cooled Liquid Protodermis. Can be Manipulated by a Toa of Ice.


  • Crystalline: Diamond-like Protodermis that is incredibly strong. There are only two known methods of making this, the Shadowed One’s staff, and by six Toa combining their elemental powers. The Toa-made type creates a Toa Seal and is nearly indestructible; the only way to destroy it is for the Toa to use their powers on it again.


  • Organic: The Protodermis used to make the organic components of the Matoran and other inhabitants of their Universe, as well as the plants. It is nearly identical in nature and properties to natural organic material.



Liquid Protodermis


  • Unrefined: Found in the Silver Sea around Metru Nui and all across the Matoran Universe. It is silver in colour. Can be manipulated by Toa of Water.

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  • Purified: After being purified in Ga-Metru, liquid Protodermis becomes clear in colour. It can then be used in the creation of objects such as Kanoka and tools, or used of the Chute system.


  • Molten: Super-heated Protodermis with properties that resemble lava or liquid metal. Used in Ta-Metru for the creation of tools, and pumped underground to heat homes.


  • Energised Protodermis: The original form of Protodermis found in the core of Spherus Magna. This form will either transform any object or being it touches, often giving powerful mutations and enhancements, while the other portion that was later separated; completely destroys the object or being, depending on its destiny.



Antidermis was created by the Great Beings, in which they created a pool to contain it. Mata Nui used the Antidermis in the pool to create the Makuta species. Over time, the Makuta's Antidermis evolved into a gaseous state that didn't need a body. Bitil was the first one to realise this change. Chirox studied some of Kojol's Antidermis to see what had happened and confirmed this.


After Takanuva defeated Teridax in Mangaia, Teridax's antidermis was bodiless, and needed to find a body soon, or else he would disappear. When six Piraka raided Mangaia, Teridax influenced them to find the Kanohi Ignika, which was on Voya Nui. They all wondered how they thought of that, but their leader Zaktan also gained knowledge of the mysterious "Antidermis virus" and how to collect and use it.


Antidermis seems to have different effects on different beings. Matoran infected with the virus become mindless slaves, blindly obeying any command given to them; this applies also to Toa and Turaga. The Toa Inika, however, were exceptions to this, as their lightning-charged bodies counteracted the virus. The cure for Antidermis in this case is Energized Protodermis. When an infected Matoran is hit then the virus is destroyed, but the Antidermis-infected Matoran is not because the virus is blocking them from achieving their destiny.


Brutaka, however, reacted quite differently to Antidermis; when his body absorbed the virus he became stronger, angrier, and more aggressive. As stated above, he also began to refer to himself in the first tense plural "we" and gained knowledge of things such as Spherus Magna and Mata Nui.


Axonn on the other hand was impervious and the Antidermis had no known effects on him.

Kini Nui


Kini-Nui was a temple in the centre of Mata Nui and considered to be the most sacred spot on the island. This was somewhat ironic, because Mangaia, the very lair of their enemy (Teridax) lay directly beneath it, and could be accessed by a large tunnel. Regardless of its design, form, and slighter reminiscence of the Arena Magna - a Glatorian stadium on Spherus Magna; as well as the indoor spires within the very centre of the underground lab in Tajun; the Kini-Nui is an internal mechanism installed into the head of the Great Spirit Robot. As well as an entire remnant of machinery and software as a planetary exploration system. Crafted in solid metals made of Protodermis. 


The Kini Nui was also located far above ground from Metru Nui's physical dome; as well as the machinery banks known as the Core Processor, far below-ground in the Metru Nui island. Whereas infra-structured, within the entirety of the robot's external head.


When the Great Cataclysm caused the accidental deployment of the Great Spirit's camouflage system, the spires of Kini-Nui were deployed, piercing through the centre of the newly-formed island of Mata Nui.

Iron Wolves


The Iron Wolves were created by the Great Beings to aid in the Core War. They were originally used by the Ice Army and were trained by them. If members of the Ice tribe get badly hurt in the War, the wolves would protect them from harm and give him food.

Skopio creatures


Skopio were giant, scorpion-like creatures that lived on Spherus Magna, and later Bara Magna. The members of the Iron Tribe used to worship the Skopio creatures. They were modified by the Great Beings to be biomechanical, giving them a Thornax Launcher and other changes.




Accidental creations of reptilian Non-Rahi creatures made by the Great Beings. The Zyglak are embittered and dangerous creatures, brooding over their hatred for all those who honour Mata Nui.

The Golden Armour


The Golden Armour fragments were originally designed and thought of by the Great Beings. It was their attempt to ensure that the Toa would not be defenceless if a time came where the Matoran would be in danger. However, rather than store the Armour away in the Matoran Universe and risk somebody other than Tahu Mata finding it, they stored their designs inside the Kanohi Ignika.


During Teridax's reign, Tren Krom, in Lewa's body, sent a message to the Ignika, telling it that it would soon be time to create the armour, for Tahu to bear in his original form.


​After the Teridax-controlled Matoran Universe landed on Bara Magna, Toa Tahu exited the robot to find himself in an illusion created by the Ignika. The mask told him that he would need to be what he once was in order to use the Golden Armour. The Ignika then transformed Tahu back into a Toa Mata. While the Toa complained that he needed as much power as he could in order to fight the Rahkshi, Skakdi, and Skrall armies, the Ignika created the six pieces of Armour for Tahu to wear. However, Makuta saw this and sent a burst of energy at Tahu, which blew him aside and scattered the armour.

Valley of the Maze


The Valley of the Maze, also referred to as the Maze Valley, was a location on Bara Magna. In the centre was a fortress created by the Great Beings serving as their headquarters. Near the end of the Core War, the Great Beings had the Baterra construct the actual Valley of the Maze hereafter.


At one point in history, the fortress in the Valley of the Maze on Spherus Magna operated as the headquarters for all known Great Beings. Here, the Great Beings forged the Kanohi Ignika, as part of the failsafe for the Great Spirit project, therefore using the immense heat of the fortress's forges.


During the last stages of the Core War, the Great Beings ordered the Baterra to construct an impenetrable labyrinth around their fortress complex, designed to keep the Element Lords from acquiring the power source housed inside.


The fortress was abandoned by the Great Beings immediately before the Shattering, after which it became part of the planet known as Bara Magna. Former location and desert region of Spherus Magna.



The Keystones were six pieces of a tablet detailing the way that the Great Spirit Mata Nui was to be awakened that was kept with Av-Matoran. They also acted as the key to disrupting the field around and opening the Codrex.


The Keystones were originally created by the Great Beings. Over the years, the tablet was broken and the pieces were lost. According to what Kopaka could read after obtaining three of the pieces, the Keystone said that the secret to reviving Mata Nui was in the swamp below Karda Nui.


The Toa Nuva, while in Karda Nui, were able to retrieve the six Keystones, enter the Codrex, and use them to awaken Mata Nui.



The Codrex was a massive sphere located deep in the swamp of Karda Nui, built by the Great Beings. It was the structure in which the Toa Mata entered their Toa Canisters to await the day they were needed, and was where they had to go to reawaken Mata Nui. The Codrex was protected by an energy field that not even the power of a Toa Nuva or a Makuta could penetrate. The only way to enter was to place the 6 Keystones into a special niche in the field. Unlike other locals in Karda Nui, the Codrex was unable to be destroyed by the Energy Storms.

The Kanohi Olisi, Great Mask of Alternate Futures


The Mask of Alternate Futures. The Olisi was originally made by the Great Beings and worn by the island ruler named Karzahni. The Olisi was originally created as an ordinary and unique mask amongst many Kanohi. However, the Olisi was eventually transformed and mutated and therefore made into his image by the mad ruler himself. Making the Mask look nearly distorted with tied up stitches and horns attached.

The Toa Stones


Toa Stones are normal stones originally created by the Great Beings. The stone can be imbued with an amount of power made by a Toa. When activated on a Suva, a destined Matoran will become a Toa and the Toa whose energy was in the stone becomes a Turaga. These stones were specially made to unlock their Toa Power as former Matoran regardless of their element. Therefore transforming them into Toa. With new masks, armour, tools, and elemental powers.


No matter what the Element of the Toa who created the Toa Stone, the Matoran will become a Toa of the Element they were as a Matoran. Toa Stones do not infuse Matoran with Toa Power, but rather awaken Toa Power that is already dormant within the Matoran: thus, if a Matoran is not destined to become a Toa, they will not.


A Matoran would not be transformed into a set form by a Toa Stone, but rather would transform the Matoran into what he or she thought a Toa would look like.


However, a Toa can therefore imbue a portion of his/her power into the Toa Stone (s), without ever becoming Turaga in the due process.

The Scroll of Preparations


The Scroll of Preparations was a scroll placed in the Great Temple in Ga-Metru. The Scroll was originally created by the Great Beings, as a list of tasks that needed to be preformed before Mata Nui could be awakened. After leaving the island of Voya Nui, the Toa Nuva were told to go to the Great Temple by Axonn and Botar to retrieve the scroll.


List of Tasks


Below is a list of known items on the list (not in the order of listing on the actual scroll):


  1. Release the Bohrok swarms on Mata Nui.

  2. Retrieve the Staff of Artakha.

  3. Destroy a series of active volcanoes in the Southern Islands.

  4. Retrieve the Heart of the Visorak.

  5. Look through the Great Telescope on Mata Nui and record the Red Star's location.


The scroll is one of the few items in the Matoran Universe not made of Protodermis, and is written on a scroll of paper rather than being one of the stone carvings typically used to transcribe ideas.


Another task the Toa Nuva had to accomplish, although it was not mentioned on the list, was to retrieve the Great Sundial from Mata Nui, and place it in the Archives. This task was communicated through a strange voice in Lewa's mind.



An ancient creature living in the Bara Magna mountains. Annona is a large, red sun-like object with tentacles covered in spines and had a similar appearance to Tren Krom. She is also a native inhabitant of her only species alongside the Great Beings, the Glatorian, and the Skrall and Agori on Spherus Magna. She is also responsible for feeding the creative minds of nomadic-type Glatorians. Cousins of warrior-type Glatorian whom would evolve almost physically, as well as mentally in their primary state. Therefore turning them into leader-class breeds of Glatorian species. (otherwise named by the Agori as "the Great Beings").  Failing in her immense efforts of feeding on her victims' dreams. Whereas the Great Beings however, aggressively shielded their minds from her mental attacks as well as physically; unknowingly sapping her feeding abilities in the due process. Bestowing them back forth with exponential traits and immense (non-feeding) abilities. Melding it into their minds and their bodies from Annona's power (therefore giving them sheer creativity and great power as well as newfound intellect and shared passion; instead of losing their dreams). However, regardless of an accidental transformation and backfire, they physically retained their altered stature as well as their natural sanity due to Annona's failure. Annona then fled cowardly and hid underground within the desert sands of the Bara Magna region.


Many years later, and starving for dreams, Annona eventually found and began to feed off the dreams of the Iron Tribe Agori, which eventually killed them or rendered them insane. This was soon known worldwide as the Dreaming Plague.


Powers and Equipment


Annona had capability of sapping the dreams out of beings for nourishment, which would eventually result in the deaths of those she stole dreams from. Annona could also create illusions, teleport, and was capable of speech. She could also give beings powers, as this was demonstrated when she gave the Sisters of the Skrall their Psionic powers.

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