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heroes and allies

heroes and allies

The Toa 


Heroes who defend and protect the Matoran and other innocent beings and honour the three virtues: Unity, Duty, and Destiny. All Toa seem to have certain things in common, including the ability to use Great KANOHI Masks of Power, control of a single elemental power, and possession of a tool to focus that power.


Toa commonly operate in groups of six, although smaller and larger groups have been known to exist when circumstances dictate. Certain Toa are known to have begun their lives as Matoran, while others may have been Toa for the entirety of their existence. Known means of transforming from Matoran to Toa include via the power of TOA STONES and by donning the Mask of Light; as well as the lightning strike of a Red Star.


Like the Makuta, Toa is also a title as their designation and service.


Toa are said to have a destiny to fulfil. Once they have done so, they will at some point be presented with a great choice. If they choose to sacrifice their Toa Power for the greater good, they then will be transformed into TURAGA; respected leaders of the Matoran. If they choose to retain their power, they can remain as Toa indefinitely. TOA have been active on METRU NUI, MATA NUI, and numerous other lands. Toa have faced numerous foes including the Makuta, the Rahkshi, the Bohrok, the Bohrok-Kal, the Morbuzahk, Karzahni, the Rahi, the Dark Hunters, Roodaka, Sidorak, and Krahka, among others.


Their greatest and most persistent enemies to date have been the Makuta and the Dark Hunters.


Every Toa; Inika/Mahri, Cordak, Metru, Hagah, Mangai, and many other teams and countless types of Toa are all in comparable height and size to the Toa Mata/Nuva. Regardless of their design, mask, and mechanical parts (in shrink flation).

Name given to six Toa who appeared on the island of Mata Nui slightly over 1,000 years ago and battled to save it from the Makuta named Teridax. The six Toa Mata were Tahu, Gali, Lewa, Kopaka, Onua, and Pohatu. They fought Rahi beasts, Bohrok, and Bohrok-Kal before immersion in Energised Protodermis transformed them into TOA NUVA.


When the Great Spirit Mata Nui fell into an endless and dying slumber, the canisters containing the Toa automatically launched from the Codrex in Karda Nui. But something went wrong. Instead of landing in the ocean outside of the domes and immediately making land fall on the island of Mata Nui, they remained floating in the water for 1,000 years with the Toa sleeping inside.


Unaware the Toa were out there, the Matoran struggled to survive during the Rahi attacks organised by the Makuta.


However, a Ta-Matoran named Takua, journeyed across the island to retrieve tools stolen from the Turaga of the six villages as well as Toa Stones. These were rocks with a small portion of Toa power in them, designed to spark the transformation of Matoran into new Toa.



Takua collected all six stones and placed them around Kini-Nui. When he was done, a beam of energy suddenly shot from them, sending Takua flying in the sky. He crashed on the beach of Ta-Wahi, unharmed but with amnesia. He had no way of knowing that the beam of energy had sent a signal to the Toa Mata's canisters, causing them to travel to shore and open to reveal the Toa inside.



After a millennium, the Toa Mata finally arrived on Mata Nui. But they all had badly damaged memories and no idea of where they were or what they were supposed to do. But Makuta Teridax guessed who they were and what their mission might be and set out to test their power.

Tahu, Toa of Fire


Nothing is known about Tahu's history prior to his first appearance on the island of Mata Nui. He was one of six Toa who had been floating in the ocean around that land for 1,000 years. They were inside unique canisters and each was partially disassembled. A signal unwittingly sent by Takua called the canisters to shore.


Tahu emerged on the coast of Ta-Wahi, assembled himself, and headed into the charred forest. There he walked into a Rahi trap set by a Ta-Matoran named Jaller. The Matoran set him free upon realising that this was indeed the Toa whose arrival they had awaited for so long.


Tahu rapidly made contact with the other five Toa- Onua, Pohatu, Gali, Lewa, and Kopaka. Together and separately, they searched for Kanohi masks and battled the Rahi servants of Teridax. Over time, Tahu came to be acknowledged as the group's leader, though that role did not always sit well with the others.


The Toa of Fire led his friends into battle against the Shadow Toa and later against Teridax (in his Matoran guise) himself. He also briefly merged with Pohatu and Onua to form the Toa Kaita called Akamai. During the invasion of the Bohrok, Tahu began to display a recklessness and lack of patience that grated on the nerves of Kopaka.


At one point, Tahu's impetuous nature led to him being trapped in a Tahnok nest. Only by using his powers to superheat the air in the nest and cause an explosion was he able to escape. (It was during this period that Tahu was briefly stripped of his mask and forced to wear a parasitic Krana, but this is an encounter he has refused to speak about.)


Tahu took being a leader extremely seriously. This often caused him to be impatient with the other Toa, too quick to take on dangerous tasks, and not inclined to include his comrades in strategy sessions. While very protective of the other Toa, especially Gali, he had a habit of plunging into risky situations without waiting for a plan. He could be fierce, short-tempered, and stubborn, but was also an extremely brave and loyal Toa.





Tahu was the master of heat and flame. In his time on Mata Nui, he created everything from small brush fires to raging infernos; used his flame to fuse a wall of sand into glass; superheated the air in an enclosed space until it caused an explosion; and created cages and other structures made of flame. Tahu also had in theory the ability to absorb all heat and flame in an area into himself, but never demonstrated this skill. He was an accomplished lava surfer and has a natural resistance to extreme heat.





Tahu carried a fire sword and wears the Kanohi Hau, the Great Mask of Shielding. He was also the only one of the six Toa to ever wear the Kanohi Vahi, the Great Mask of Time.



gali, Toa of water


All that is known about Gali and her past prior to her first appearance on Mata Nui comes from Matoran Legend. She was one of six Toa who had been floating in the ocean around the island for 1,000 years. They were inside unique canisters and each was partially disassembled. A signal unwittingly sent by Takua called the canisters to shore.


Gali emerged on the shores of Ga-Wahi and almost immediately had to act to save Ga-Koro from the rampage of a Tarakava. She soon made contact with the other five Toa- Onua, Pohatu, Tahu, Lewa, and Kopaka. Together and seperately, they searched for Kanohi masks and battled the Rahi servants of the evil Makuta named Teridax.


From the start, she had to spend a lot of time keeping Kopaka and Tahu from arguing. During a fight with the Rahi, Gali hit her head and had a vision in which the two Toa Kaita (fusions of three Toa) appeared and told her that it would be the destiny of the Toa to form those two powerful beings. Later, she would indeed briefly merge with Lewa and Kopaka to form Toa Kaita Wairuha and fight the Manas. During the Bohrok invasion, Gali teamed with Pohatu, Onua, and Kopaka to trap a swarm of Tahnok in Tiro Canyon.


On a Toa team filled with strong personalities, it normally falls to Gali to be the peacemaker. More than once, she has had to get between Tahu and Kopaka to keep them focused rather than fighting. Of all the Toa, she and Pohatu are probably closest to their respective Matoran, taking time to help them and guide them in between adventures.





Gali controls the power of water. She can start or stop tidal waves and floods, draw moisture from the air and hurl it in a devastating water blast, or lash an opponent with fierce rainstorms. She is a strong swimmer and can survive prolonged periods of time at great depths.





Gali carried hooks that allowed her to scale slippery surfaces. Gali wears the Kanohi Kaukau, the Great Mask of Water Breathing.



lewa, Toa of air


As is the case with the rest of his Toa team, little is known about Lewa's history prior to his first appearance on the island of Mata Nui. He was one of six Toa who had been floating in the ocean around the land for 1,000 years. They were inside unique canisters and each was partially disassembled. A signal unwittingly sent by Takua called the canisters to shore. Lewa emerged on the shores of Le-Wahi and had to endure Rahi attacks before making it to the village of Le-Koro. Lewa rapidly made contact with the other five Toa- Onua, Pohatu, Gali, Tahu, and Kopoka. Together and seperately, they searched for Kanohi masks and battled the Rahi servants of the evil Makuta named Teridax.


He began a friendly rivalry with Gali and Kopaka to form Toa Kaita Wairuha and fight the Manas. From the start, Lewa's impetuous nature got him into trouble. Onua had to save him twice, once when he was in thrall to an infected mask and once when his mind was stolen by a Krana. The latter experience made Lewa a bit more serious, as well as straining his relationship with Tahu, who feared Lewa might still be influenced by the Bohrok.


Although all six Toa were the same age, to an outsider Lewa might seem like the youngest of the group due to his boundless energy and sense of fun. Some of that enthusiasm was dampened after he was taken over by a Krana, as if he suddenly realised that being a hero was not a game.





Lewa is the master of air. He can create everything from a light breeze to a cyclone in a matter of seconds. He is extremely agile and nimble, moving through the treetops like a Rahi. He is also a highly skilled flyer.





Lewa carried an axe as a Toa. He is the only Toa to have worn both an infected mask and a Krana at different points in the past. Lewa wears the Kanohi Miru, the Great Mask of Levitation.




Little is known about Kopaka's history prior to his first appearance on the island of Mata Nui. He was one of six Toa who had been floating in the ocean around that land for 1,000 years. They were inside unique canisters and each was partially disassembled. A signal unwittingly sent by Takua called the canisters to shore. Kopaka emerged on the shores of Ko-Wahi and almost immediately encountered Matoro. This Matoran brought Kopaka to Turaga Nuju, who explained that the island was besieged by the forces of the Makuta Teridax.


Kopaka's first act of heroism was saving Matoro from a Nui-Rama. Shortly after, he encountered Pohatu when the Toa of Stone accidentally buried him in a rockslide. The two proceeded to find a Kanohi Hau atop Mount Ihu. Then Kopaka spotted a gathering of other beings, who turned out to be Onua, Tahu, Gali, and Lewa. Despite some misgivings, Kopaka agreed to team up with the other Toa. Together and separately, they searched for Kanohi masks and battled the Rahi servants of Teridax. Early on, Kopaka and Tahu began to get on each other's nerves, a condition that would only grow worse with time. He briefly merged with Gali and Lewa to form Toa Kaita Wairuha and fight the Manas.


During the battle against the Bohrok, it was Kopaka who discovered that the enemy was not alien to the island of Mata Nui, but in fact came from underground. He also prevented Tahu from charging into a Bohrok nest and possibly getting killed.


Kopaka is the least social of all the Toa, preferring to spend time by himself. While he usually recognises the importance of being in a team, he has never been comfortable with it. He has little patience for fools or reckless behaviour. He and Tahu have clashed repeatedly, almost coming to blows once. Of all the Toa, it is only Gali and (though he would never admit it) Pohatu that he considers friends.





Kopaka is the master of ice. He can stop or start blizzards; hurl ice darts; travel via ice slides; and freeze an opponent solid in a instant.





Kopaka carries an ice sword and ice shield and wears the Kanohi Akaku, the Great Mask of X-Ray Vision.


onua, toa of earth


Onua's early history is a mystery. He was one of six Toa who had been floating in the ocean around Mata Nui for 1,000 years. They were inside unique canisters and each was partially disassembled. A signal unwittingly sent by Takua called the canisters to shore. Onua emerged from his canister on the coast of Onu-Wahi and instinctively headed underground. There he met Onepu and Turaga Whenua. Later, he made contact with other five Toa- Gali, Kopaka, Lewa, Pohatu, and Tahu. Together and separately, they searched for Kanohi masks and battled Rahi servants of Teridax.



It was during this period that Onua saved Lewa, who'd had an infected mask affixed to his face and been transported to a Nui-Rama nest. He briefly merged with Pohatu and Tahu to form the Toa Kaita called Akamai and battle the Manas. During the invasion of the Bohrok, he risked his life to help Lewa when the latter's mind was taken over by a Krana.


Onua is arguably one of the wisest of the Toa as well as being the least talkative. This caused problems, for he was too quick to let the others go their own way without speaking up, even when he knew they were making a mistake. He has tried to be the conscience of the Toa, helping them to keep a sense of perspective about their place in the universe.




Onua is the master of earth. He can erect walls of earth in an instant, cause the soil to strike a foe like a battering ram, or make the dirt shift under an enemy's feet so that he sinks into the ground. He is a skilled tunneler, often helping Onu-Matoran to dig new mine shafts. He has excellent night vision, but his eyesight is weak in daylight.





Onua relied on his claws and wears the Kanohi Pakari, the Great Mask of Strength.



pohatu, toa of stone


Nothing has been revealed about Pohatu's history prior to his first appearance on the island of Mata Nui. He was one of six Toa who had been floating in the ocean around that land for 1,000 years. They were inside unique canisters and each was partially disassembled. A signal unwittingly sent by Takua called the canisters to shore. Pohatu's canister washed up on the shores of Po-Wahi. He first encountered another Toa in spectacular fashion, when he accidentally buried Kopaka in a rockslide. Later, the two of them made contact with the other heroes of Mata Nui- Gali, Lewa, Onua, and Tahu. Together and separately, they searched for Kanohi masks and battled the Rahi servants of Teridax.


Pohatu briefly merged with Tahu and Onua to form the Toa Kaita called Akamai and fight the Manas. Following the defeat of the Makuta, he joined the other Toa in battling the Bohrok invasion. Pohatu teamed with Gali, Kopaka, and Onua to trap a swarm of Tahnok in Tiro Canyon in Po-Wahi.


Pohatu has always been the most easygoing of the Toa. His philosophy from the start was that everyone would be better by getting along, and he maintained that attitude even in the face of such extreme personalities as Tahu and Kopaka. He is widely regarded as a loyal and reliable comrade and good being to have beside you in a fight. He rarely took himself or others too seriously. Like most residents of Po-Wahi, he disliked water and could not win.  




Pohatu is the master of stone. He can create rockslides, make stone spring from the ground, bring rock walls into being by his will, and more. His strength is prodigious, particularly in his legs. He is capable of kicking a massive boulder a distance of several miles.





Pohatu initially carried no Toa tool, relying on his own strength. Pohatu wears the Kanohi Kakama, the Great Mask of Speed.


History of the Toa Mata





The Toa Mata were created by Artakha over 100,000 years ago on Daxia in case the Great Spirit ever needed to be awakened, and they first walked on the island of Daxia. At one point, they were trained by Hydraxon. After a series of adventures in Karda Nui, they were put into Toa Canisters, where they stayed until they were needed. Unlike most Toa, they were never Matoran, and were named for their elemental prefixes.



the great shadow

The Great Shadow


The Toa canisters dropped into the sea the moment Mata Nui fell asleep. They were intended to drop in the ocean and land on the island now known as Mata Nui, and from there arrive at Metru Nui, but the canisters were faulty, resulting in them drifting in the sea for the next one thousand years. Takua, an Av-Matoran disguised as a Ta-Matoran on Mata Nui, summoned them by collecting the six Toa Stones made and scattered across Mata Nui by the Toa Metru. They arrived on the island in pieces, but quickly put themselves back together. After floating for so long their organic tissue had decayed into nothing. By fusing their mechanical parts together, new tissue was allowed to grow. Unfortunately, due to the memory-erasing properties of the Toa canisters, they remembered almost nothing of their former lives.



quest for the masks

Quest for the Masks


When the Toa Mata, who were simply called "The Toa" by the Matoran there, arrived on Mata Nui, they made their way to their respective villages. They found that the Matoran had been engaged in a long conflict to hold off the Rahi threat from Makuta Teridax. The Turaga sent them to gather six Great Kanohi and Noble Kanohi, without which the six Toa would have no chance of defeating Teridax, who had taken over the island. During their searches, they battled many of Teridax's infected Rahi. After collecting their Kanohi, they arrived at the Suva Kaita, where they placed the masks on statues of themselves. After doing so, a Golden Kanohi, which granted the power of all six of the Toa's Kanohi, was granted to that Toa.


They gathered the six pieces of the Makoki stones and entered Teridax's lair through the Kini-Nui. There they combined into two Toa Kaita, Akamai and Wairuha, to defeat Teridax's strongest guardians, the Manas. After defeating the crab Rahi, the Toa Kaita split apart into the six Toa Mata again. Shortly thereafter, they encountered shadow versions of themselves, which had the same powers and strengths. After a futile battle, the six Toa absorbed their shadow counterparts into themselves. They continued on into Teridax's lair. The villain confronted them first as a Matoran, but changed into a swirling mass of tentacles and shadow energy. The Toa only won by combining their powers against him.



The Bohrok War

The Bohrok War


When the Toa ascended to the surface, they were met by a stunned Ta-Matoran who said only a single word, over and over again: "Bohrok." The Toa went to Ta-Koro and found the city under attack by strange new creatures (Kohrak, Pahrak, and their respective Bohrok Va). Once the battle was over, Turaga Vakama told them that they had to collect eight different Krana from each type of Bohrok. The Toa split up to search for Krana. 


Their search for Krana did not come without setbacks. Toa Lewa fell under the control of the Krana for a long period of time. But united, the Toa eventually triumphed. With Onua freeing Lewa from the control of the swarm and Pohatu, Onua, and Gali working together to retrieve the Krana from a group of Tahnok. During this time, Tahu and Kopaka discovered where the Bohrok came from: inside the island of Mata Nui itself.



Defeat of the Bahrag

Defeat of the Bahrag


The Toa entered the Bohrok Nest, in which they overcame illusions and traps and eventually made it to the lair of the Bahrag queens. There they uncovered mighty suits of armour, called Exo-Toa, by putting their collected krana into niches on the ground. They donned the armour and battled the Bahrag, but could not prevail against them. Tahu reasoned that the Exo-Toa armour was inhibiting their elemental powers, so they took them off and combined their powers into a single beam, trapping the Bahrag in solid Protodermis. The act opened up six columns filled with Energized Protodermis underneath the Toa, the properties of the protodermis transforming the Toa Mata into the Toa Nuva (as it was their destiny to be transformed), making them more powerful and giving them greater control over their powers.



toa nuva

Toa Nuva


After their transformation, the Toa Nuva used the powers of the Miru Nuva and Kakama Nuva to "fly" out of the Bohrok nest. Once they had safely reached the surface, they began to experiment with their new powers, leading to the Toa fighting each other and eventually being broken up by Gali.



The Bohrok-Kal

The Bohrok-Kal


By imprisoning the Bahrag, the Toa Nuva had released the Bohrok-Kal. Six Bohrok had been modified with better powers and better Krana, called Krana-Kal. These six were hidden and given a special mission in case the Bahrag were imprisoned: to free the Queens.


As they searched for a means to free the Bahrag, the weakness of the Toa Nuva quickly became apparent: Nuva Symbols had appeared in the villages when the Toa transformed, and when the Bohrok-Kal stole the Symbols the Toa Nuva lost their elemental powers. In addition, the Toa had lost all the Great Kanohi Masks that they had gathered, and now had to collect scattered Kanohi Nuva masks to replace them.


The Toa Nuva rallied together against the Bohrok-Kal, but despite their best efforts they could barely slow the Kal down. The Kal eventually discovered the location of the Queens' prison, only to find the Exo-Toa acting on their own to guard the prisoners. The Bohrok-Kal reduced the Exo-Toa to scrap metal, but were still delayed long enough for the Toa Nuva to catch up to them. As the Kal proceeded to use the Nuva Symbols to unlock the Queens' cage, Tahu attempted to use the Vahi, Mask of Time (which he received from Turaga Vakama earlier) to slow them to a near-standstill, which would give the Toa time to strike.


But being so close to completing their mission, the Kal were completely invulnerable from outside attack. Instead, Gali gambled that the Nuva Symbols could receive power as well as give it, the Toa fed their energy through the Symbols. The gamble worked, as the powered-up symbols supercharged the Bohrok-Kal's own powers beyond what they could control, destroying them. The Toa Nuva were able to reclaim their Symbols and with them, their elemental powers; they then returned to their villages and hid their symbols in places where they could not be stolen again.



Mask of Light

Mask of Light


The next few weeks were peaceful ones, but it wasn't to last. Takua, the Matoran that had gathered the Toa Stones, discovered a powerful Kanohi Mask called the Avohkii, Mask of Light. While he and his friend Jaller went off in search of the mask's wearer, the Toa of Light, the Toa Nuva had their hands full fighting the "Sons of Makuta," the Rahkshi, whom Teridax had sent to intercept the searchers. In the first fight with the Rahkshi, Tahu was poisoned, and later was blasted by Kurahk, the Anger-Rahkshi, causing him to increasingly lose his temper. By the time the Rahkshi got to Onu-Koro, Tahu had given in to mindless rage; only the combined powers of Gali, Lewa, and Kopaka could purge the poison and calm him down. While the Rahkshi searched for the Mask of Light, they also destroyed all of Ta-Koro and some of Onu-Koro.


The next day, Takanuva went to face Teridax, insisting that the Toa Nuva stay behind with the Matoran. When Takanuva summoned the Matoran and Turaga to Teridax's lair, the Toa Nuva went with them and witnessed Takanuva and Teridax fuse into the being known as Takutanuva, who resurrected Jaller and reopened the path to Metru Nui that had been closed for a thousand years. However, reviving Jaller had weakened him--the door crushed him, but Takanuva was revived mysteriously and Teridax was presumed dead by the Toa Nuva.


In the weeks afterward, while the Matoran were preparing to travel to Metru Nui, the Toa Nuva and Takanuva (along with Hahli, the new Chronicler) listened to the Turaga's tales of Metru Nui, the Great Cataclysm, and the Great Rescue. This was also the first time that they learned of other Toa, among them the previous incarnations of the Turaga: the Toa Metru.



Alternate Universes

alternate universes


Dark Mirror


In the Toa Empire of Dark Mirror, the Toa Mata were summoned by Toa Tuyet to help her defeat the Brotherhood of Makuta and Dark Hunters. Since they were never exposed to Energized Protodermis, they did not become the Toa Nuva. Toa Takanuva got to the alternate dimension using Brutaka's Great Kanohi Mask of Dimensional Gates. Toa Takanuva arrived and helped the resistance team stand up against Tuyet. While the Matoran were keeping the Toa busy, Tuyet and Takanuva were swapping possession of Brutaka's mask. Finally, Takanuva made a desperate grab for the mask, and got it, but Tuyet grabbed on too. The dimensional gate closed around Tuyet and she died. Takanuva was then transported to Karda Nui.


The Kingdom


In the Kingdom universe, the team helped the Turaga of Metru Nui evacuate the Matoran universe and the Great Spirit Robot. Though they are already the Toa Nuva, having never gone to Artakha, they didn't receive their Adaptive Armour from its ruler. During one incident where Rahkshi attempted to enter the Kingdom, Pohatu, along with Toa Mahri Hewkii, were killed before Tahu, Kopaka, and Jaller drove them back. By the time Toa Takanuva arrived, the rest of the Toa Nuva are presumably using their powers to help keep the landmass stable.




takanuva, toa of light


The Toa of Light, also known as the "Seventh Toa".


Matoran legend stated that in a time of great darkness, a defender would emerge who would wield the power of light. His coming would be heralded by the discovery of Kanohi Avohkii, the Mask of Light. The mask was discovered by a Matoran named Takua. He and his best, Jaller, were sent by the Turaga on a mission to bring the mask to the waiting Toa. The mission proved to be extremely dangerous, as Teridax sent Rahkshi to find the herald of the Seventh Toa and the Mask. Takua eventually realised that he was the one destined to become the Toa of Light, and putting on the mask, he was transformed. As Takanuva, he helped to defeat the Rahkshi. With assistance of the Toa, he built a vehicle called the Ussanui from Rahkshi parts and used it to travel to Teridax's lair. There light and darkness clashed, until the two powerful beings fell into a pool of Energised Protodermis and were merged into one entity known as the Takutanuva.


After being returned to his individual form, Takanuva used his light powers to help illuminate the newly rediscovered Metru Nui. He returned to Mata Nui with the Toa Nuva to oversee the building of transport craft and is currently preparing for the return to Metru Nui. He believes that he has fulfilled his destiny - defeating the Makuta - but only time will tell if Takanuva has achieved all that he was meant to achieve. He was ordered by Turaga Dume to stay behind when the Toa Nuva went to Voya Nui. Later, he joined Jaller and a team of Matoran in a search party for the missing heroes, but was forced to turn back when he encountered an archway through which no one with the power of light could pass. Takanuva remained in Metru Nui thereafter, guarding the city.





Just as Tahu controls fire and Gali water, Toa Takanuva controls light. He illuminate the darkness, create blinding flares, focus his power into a laser beam, and create holographic images of himself. He has also been experimenting with other potential powers, such as increased speed and the creation of solid light projections.





Toa Takanuva carries the Staff of Light, which he can use to channel and direct his powers. He also wears the Kanohi Avohkii, the Great Mask of Light.



Alternate Universes

alternate universes


Turaga Takanuva


In the Kingdom universe, when Toa Mahri Matoro failed to bring Mata Nui back from the dead, everybody evacuated to the island of Mata Nui. Using the last of his Toa Power, Takanuva created a barrier of light around the Matoran Universe exits to keep the Makuta species out. The Toa then transformed Balta, Kapura, alternate Velika, Defilak, Dalu and Tanma into the next generation of Toa. Afterwards, Takanuva became Turaga as well as the head of the new kingdom's leading council.


After his transformation into a Turaga, Takanuva carried a Badge of Office which doubled as both a cane for his frail body and a symbol of his authority.

The Ussanui


Takanuva's Flying Vehicle


Vehicle constructed by Takanuva and the Toa Nuva for transport to Teridax's lair. The Ussanui was built using Rahkshi part and was powered by a Kraata. The vehicle was wrecked when Takanuva used it to break into the lair. Whether or not it will be repaired remains to be seen.

Name given to six heroes whom defended the Island city of Metru Nui against Teridax, the Morbuzahk vines, Vahki squads, the Visorak Horde, other threats, and the Dark Hunters. The six Toa Metru were Vakama, Matau, Nokama, Nuju, Whenua, and Onewa. It is believed that these six were the first Toa to have this designation, as the previous Toa serving in Metru Nui were not native to that city.


When the Toa Metru arrived on Mata Nui, they brought with them Masks of Power called Kanohi. These masks they hid all over the island, in places that only a true Toa would be able to reach. As Turaga, they told the newly arrived Toa Mata that they had to seek out and retrieve these masks.

vakama, Toa of Fire


Toa Metru of Fire, guardian of Ta-Metru, and later Turaga of Ta-Koro.


Vakama began his life as a Ta-Matoran working in a foundry. Shortly after being promoted to mask maker, he was asked by Turaga Dume (secretly Teridax in disguise) to make the Kanohi Vahi, the Mask of Time. Later, he was visited by Toa Lhikan, whom gave him a Toa Stone and warned him that dark times were coming to Metru Nui. Before he could explain, Nidhiki and Krekka, Dark Hunters employed by the Makuta, attacked Vakama and Lhikan. Lhikan, Toa of Fire, was captured, but not before helping Vakama escape.


Vakama travelled to the Great Temple in Ga-Metru and encountered five other Matoran - Matau, Nokama, Nuju, Onewa, and Whenua, They placed their Toa Stones into the dome-rock mechanism known as the Toa suva and were transformed into mighty Toa heroes. Vakama had a vision that the city was in peril and that only finding the six Great Disks would save it. Despite many dangers, the Toa Metru succeeded in finding the disks, eluding the Vahki, and destroying the Morbuzahk plant that threatened the city.


But when they went to present the disks to the Turaga, he denounced them as impostors and ordered their arrest. Whenua, Nuju, and Onewa were captured, with Vakama, Nokama, and Matau escaping. They survived a battle with Vahki and the Dark Hunters on an Airship, then stowed away on a Vahki Transport into Po-Metru.


There they fought the Dark Hunters again, formed an alliance with Rahi herds known as the Kikanalo, and helped to free their three friends and Lhikan, now a Turaga. Vakama believed they had achieved what they set out to do, and was crushed to find out that Lhikan had wanted them to save the Matoran, not him. Already plagued with self-doubt, discovering he had made such a serious error was a blow to his confidence. Despite this, he led the Toa against the Makuta and the Dark Hunters. They succeeded in rescuing six Matoran, still in the Matoran Spheres in which the Vahki had placed them.


Vakama confronted Teridax, using the Vahi he had made by combining the six Great Disks. During the battle, Vakama's inability to control the Vahi placed him in mortal danger. Lhikan intervened at the last moment, taking a blow meant for Vakama and dying as a result. Vakama and Teridax battled to a stalemate until the other Toa Metru arrived and their combined might trapped the Makuta behind a wall of solid protodermis. The Toa Metru then departed Metru Nui with the Matoran spheres. After a dangerous journey, they reached the island of Mata Nui. 


There, Vakama suggested they create Toa Stones and hide them in places on the island only one with the heart of a true Toa could reach. This, he believed, would ensure that a new generation of Toa would follow the Toa Metru someday.


Vakama has since returned with the Toa Nuva, the other Turaga, and the Matoran back to Metru Nui.



Returning to Metru Nui


On the return journey to Metru Nui to rescue the rest of the Matoran, Vakama grew short-tempered and frustrated. He blamed himself for Lhikan's death and the fate of the Matoran. Eager to prove he deserved to be a Toa, he recklessly led the Toa Metru into the heart of the city where they were captured by the Visorak. The venom of these creatures mutated the Toa into Toa Hordika, half hero, half beast and monstrous mockeries of their former selves. Vakama saw this as another example of his poor leadership and the other Toa, particularly Matau, blamed him as well.


Vakama's mood was not improved by the discovering of evidence that apparently indicated that Nuhrii, a Ta-Matoran, had been destined to become the Toa of Fire. Convinced now that his becoming a Toa Metru was a mistake from the start, Vakama grew increasingly bitter and distant from friends. He eventually allied with Roodaka and assumed command of the Visorak Horde. During this period, he was responsible for an attack on Norik and significant damage to the Great Temple.


During a battle with the Toa Hordika, Matau was able to convince Vakama that his place was with his friends. He turned on Roodaka and ordered the horde to leave the city. Following the battle, Keetongu used his power to restore the Toa Hordika to their former selves, the Toa Metru.


During the evacuation of the Matoran from Metru Nui, Vakama returned to the city on his own to search for the missing Vahi. He was tricked by Teridax into believing the events leading up to his becoming a Toa had never happened and that Metru Nui was still intact. Vakama eventually threw off the illusion, but was forced to ally with the Makuta himself to stop the Dark Hunters from stealing the mask. Vakama prevented the Makuta from taking the Vahi himself by threatening to destroy the mask and unleash the power of time if he made the attempt. The two reached an agreement - Vakama would leave the city with the Vahi and Teridax would not attack the Matoran for one full year, in exchange for Vakama not destroying the mask. Both sides honoured the bargain.


On Mata Nui, Toa Vakama eventually sacrificed his Toa Power alongside the other Toa in order to reawaken the sleeping Matoran in their spheres. And became Turaga of the former Metru Matoran. The Matoran then constructed their six villages, also known as a Koro, as well as the Kini-Nui temple and other landmarks. Rahi also travelled from Metru Nui to this island. Initially, the Matoran were able to travel freely from place to place on the island. But Teridax eventually used infected masks to take over the Rahi on Mata Nui and set them against the Matoran, making the overland travel highly dangerous.





Vakama was the master of fire. Among the powers he demonstrated on Metru Nui were the ability to create and absorb heat and flame, to survive for a brief period in molten protodermis, and to turn stone red-hot with just a touch of his hand. He was also capable of creating a nova blast, a massive explosion of flame, but wisely refrained from ever doing so. He was skilled with a Kanoka Launcher and had a natural resistance to extreme heat.





As a Toa of Fire, Vakama carried a Kanoka disk launcher that could also be used as a rocket pack for flight. He wore the Kanohi Huna, the Great Mask of Concealment.



nokama, Toa of water 


Toa Metru of Water, Guardian of Ga-Metru, and later Turaga of Ga-Koro.


Nokama was in the middle of a lecture on the translation of ancient texts when Toa Lhikan gave her a Toa Stone and a map leading to the Great Temple. She travelled there and encountered five other Matoran - Vakama, Nuju, Matau, Onewa, and Whenua. They placed their Toa Stones into the dome-rock mechanism known as the Toa suva and were transformed into mighty Toa heroes. Vakama had a vision that the city was in peril and that only finding the six Great Disks would save it, but not all of the Toa Metru took him seriously. It was Nokama who insisted that as long as the chance existed that his visions might be a message from the Great Spirit, the Toa were obligated to act upon them.


Nokama teamed with Matau to retrieve the disks from Ga-Metru and Le-Metru. The Toa Metru used these disks to destroy the Morbuzahk plant that threatened the city. But when they went to present the disks to Turaga Dume, he denounced them as impostors and ordered their arrest. Whenua, Onewa, and Nuju were captured, with Vakama, Nokama, and Matau escaping. They survived a battle with Vahki and the Dark Hunters on an Airship, then stowed away on a Vahki Transport into Po-Metru. There they fought the Dark Hunters again. Shortly after this battle, Nokama discovered how to trigger her mask power of translation and was able to communicate with the Kikanalo. With her help, the Toa were able to form an alliance with those Rahi and rescue the other three Toa and Lhikan (now a Turaga). 


Nokama helped to rescue six of the Matoran, still trapped in their Matoran Spheres, and aided in the defeat of Teridax. During the initial voyage to Mata Nui, she carved a trident from the bones of a Makuta fish (which would later be her symbol of office as a Turaga). She also carved an image of the six Toa Metru into the side of a tunnel on Mata Nui.



Returning to Metru Nui


On the journey back to Metru Nui, Nokama was seriously wounded in a fight with the dangerous Rahi known as Rahi Nui. The Toa were forced to make a deal with the plant creature called Karzahni in order to get the herbs necessary to save her life.


Along with the other Toa Metru, Nokama was transformed into a Toa Hordika by the Visorak upon returning to Metru Nui. But unlike her friends, Nokama seemed to revel in the new connection she felt with nature and sea creatures as a Hordika. This, combined with her frequent rages, worried Rahaga Gaaki (Former Toa of Water and member of the Hagah), who feared that Nokama might come to like being a Hordika too much and never want to turn back. Nokama joined with the other Toa Hordika in a final battle with the Visorak horde, which the Toa won. The Rahi named Keetongu later used his powers to transform the Hordika back into Toa Metru.


Toa Nokama and her fellow Toa travelled back to Mata Nui by Airships alongside thousands of sleeping Matoran and willingly sacrificed their power to awaken the Matoran, transforming into Turaga in the process.


As Turaga, Nokama supervised the construction of Ga-Koro. When Gali arrived, Nokama stuck to the agreement made by the Turaga not to share any information about Metru Nui and the events there. But of all the Turaga, she was the least comfortable with the arrangement. She went so far as to lead Gali to the tunnel where her carving of the Toa Metru could be seen, though she denied having any connection with the figures in the picture.


Nokama has since returned with the Toa Nuva, the other Turaga, and the Matoran back to Metru Nui.





Nokama controlled the power of water. She could hurl jets of water at a foe, summon everything from a trickle of moisture to a tidal wave, calm raging waters, and survive for prolonged periods at great depths. Combined with a knack for strategy, this made her a formidable opponent. Perhaps her greatest victory was when she singlehandedly defeated three Rahkshi.





As a Toa of Water on Metru Nui, Nokama carried twin Hydroblades that could pull her through the water at high speed. She wore the Kanohi Rau, the Great Mask of Translation.



Toa Matau No2.jpg

matau, Toa of air 


Toa Metru of Air, Guardian of Le-Metru, and later Turaga of Le-Koro.


Matau was in the middle of doing one of his favourite things - testing a new vehicle on the Le-Metru Test Track - when Toa Lhikan gave him a Toa Stone and a map to the Great Temple. Intrigued, Matau travelled there and encountered five other Matoran - Nuju, Onewa, Whenua, Nokama, and Vakama. They placed their Toa Stones into the dome-rock mechanism known as the Toa Suva and were transformed into mighty Toa heroes. Matau was thrilled, believing that being a "Toa hero" was the key to lasting fame. He teamed with Nokama to find two Great Disks in Ga-Metru and Le-Metru, and was part of the successful effort to use the disks to destroy the Morbuzahk plant.


When the Toa went to the coliseum to present the disks to Turaga Dume, Matau was convinced they would be hailed as heroes. Instead, they were branded impostors by Dume, who ordered them arrested. (The Toa Metru did not realise at this point that Dume was the Makuta Teridax in disguise.) Whenua, Onewa, and Nuju were captured, with Vakama, Nokama, and Matau escaping. They survived a battle with Vahki and the Dark Hunters on an Airship, then stowed away on a Vahki Transport into Po-Metru. There they fought the Dark Hunters again, formed an alliance with the Kikanalo, and helped free their three friends and Lhikan, now a Turaga. During the battle, Matau discovered his mask power of shape-shifting and used it to confuse the Dark Hunters Nidhiki (ex-Toa of Air) and Krekka.


Matau participated in the defeat of Teridax, the rescue of six Matoran Spheres, and the trip to Mata Nui. He acted as pilot for both the Lhikan and the Lhikan II. His initial experience on Le-Wahi was not a positive one, as he promptly got lost in the swamp. 



Returning to Metru Nui


On the return journey to Metru Nui, Matau grew increasingly annoyed with Vakama's harsh attitude. His mood was not improved any when the Lhikan II was shipwrecked and Nuju blamed "pilot error". Matau blamed Vakama for leading the Toa Metru into the trap that resulted in their being mutated into Toa Hordika. Of all the Toa, he had the hardest time adjusting to his new appearance and was torn between rescuing the Matoran and searching for Keetongu, a Rahi who might hold the key to a cure. Matau later joined with the other Toa Hordika in a final battle with the Visorak horde, and convinced Vakama (who had defected to the enemy) to ally with the Toa once more. Victorious, the Hordika were transformed back into Toa Metru through the power of Keetongu.


Matau travelled by Airship with the other Toa and the sleeping Matoran to the island of Mata Nui. There, the Toa Metru willingly sacrificed their power to awaken the Matoran, transforming them into Turaga in the process. As Turaga, Matau supervised the construction of Le-Koro, as well as its reconstruction after the Bohrok invasion.


Matau has since returned with the Toa Nuva, the other Turaga, and the Matoran back to Metru Nui.





Matau was the master of air. He could summon a windstorm or cyclone, raise the air pressure in a chamber until the walls burst, or absorb all the air in a room into his body before releasing it in a massive blast. He was also a skilled flyer with the aid of his Toa tools.




As a Toa of Air, Toa Matau carried twin aero slicers that doubled as wings. He wore the Kanohi Mahiki, the Great Mask of illusion.


Toa Nuju_No2.jpg

nuju, Toa of ice 


Toa Metru of Ice, Guardian of Ko-Metru, and Turaga of Ko-Koro.


Nuju was a scholar and seer working in a Knowledge Tower when Toa Lhikan gave him a Toa Stone and a map to the Great Temple. His reaction was annoyance that his work had been interrupted for such a strange gift. Still, he travelled to the temple and there encountered five other Matoran - Matau, Nokama, Onewa, Vakama, and Whenua. They placed their Toa Stones into the dome-rock mechanism known as the Toa Suva and were transformed into mighty Toa heroes. From the start, Nuju regarded being a Toa and saving the city as something of an inconvenience. He once mused that the reason Toa had to be chosen by destiny for the job was that no one would ever volunteer for it. Despite this, he teamed with Whenua to find the Great Disks from Onu-Metru and Ko-Metru and used them to help destroy the Morbuzahk plant that threatened the city. Nuju's stated reason for doing this was that sooner the city was out of danger, the sooner he could go back to worrying only about Ko-Metru.


When the Toa Metru presented the Great Disks to Turaga Dume, he denounced them as impostors and ordered their arrest. (The Toa did not discover until later that this Dume was Teridax in disguise.) Whenua, Onewa, and Nuju were captured and locked up in the Prison of the Dark Hunters. There they encountered a mysterious Turaga who counselled them on what it meant to be a Toa and helped Onewa and Nuju discover their Kanohi Mask Powers. (Later, they discovered this Turaga was in fact Lhikan himself.) Nuju used his mask's telekinesis power to tear stones out of the prison wall, allowing the Toa and Lhikan to escape. Shortly after, they were reunited with Vakama, Matau, and Nokama.


Nuju aided in the subsequent battle with Teridax by using his mask powers to lift Vakama up to a plateau on the great barrier for a showdown with their enemy. He later joined with the other Toa in using their powers to trap the Makuta behind a wall of protodermis. After the Toa's initial journey to Mata Nui, Nuju proved himself a hero on the return trip to Metru Nui. He teamed with Vakama to defeat the highly dangerous Rahi known as the Rahi Nui that had severely wounded Nokama. It was also Nuju who deduced that the plant being Karzahni was dying and therefore could not afford to back out of the deal it had made to save Nokama in exchange for a sample of Energised Protodermis.


Over time, Nuju became the most skilled of all the Toa at solving mysteries, applying careful logic and keen powers of observation.



Returning to Metru Nui


Nuju found his intellect under siege when he was transformed along with the other Toa into Toa Hordika. His rational side warred with the beast inside of himself, and he found his already short temper becoming even hotter and nastier. Worse, he was teamed with the white Rahaga named Kualus (former Toa of Ice and member of the Hagah), who persisted in wasting time talking to Rahi in their own language. Ironically, Kualus would later teach that language to Nuju and it would become the only one he ever spoke. Nuju later joined with the other Toa Hordika in an assault on the Coliseum, which led to the defeat of their leader, Roodaka, and the temporary disbanding of the Visorak horde. Nuju was turned back into a Toa Metru through the power of the Rahi warrior named Keetongu.


After reaching back to Mata Nui, the Toa Metru willingly sacrificed their power to awaken the Matoran, transforming into Turaga in the process.


As a Turaga, Nuju supervised the construction of Ko-Koro. When Kopaka arrived on Mata Nui, Nuju warned him about the threat of Teridax and his Mask controlled Rahi, but said nothing about Metru Nui or past events there. The biggest change in Nuju was his language. After becoming a Turaga, he stopped speaking as a normal being and spoke only the Rahi language taught to him by Kualus. A Ko-Matoran named Matoro served him as his translator. 


Nuju is one of the Turaga who strenuously objects to Vakama telling the tale of the Toa Hordika to the Toa Nuva and Takanuva. He tried his best to talk his old friend out of it, and when that failed, he signalled his displeasure by sitting apart from the other Turaga as Vakama began the story.


Nuju has since returned with the Toa Nuva, the other Turaga, and the Matoran back to Metru Nui.




Matau was the master of air. He could summon a windstorm or cyclone, raise the air pressure in a chamber until the walls burst, or absorb all the air in a room into his body before releasing it in a massive blast. He was also a skilled flyer with the aid of his Toa tools.




As a Toa of Air, Toa Matau carried twin aero slicers that doubled as wings. He wore the Kanohi Mahiki, the Great Mask of illusion.


Toa Onewa No2.jpg

onewa, Toa of stone 


Toa Metru of Stone, Guardian of Po-Metru, and later Turaga of Po-Koro.


Onewa was employed as a carver in Po-Metru when Toa Lhikan gave him a Toa Stone and a map to the Great Temple. He travelled there and encountered five other Matoran - Matau, Whenua, Nokama, Nuju, and Vakama. They placed their Toa Stones into a dome-rock mechanism known as the Toa Suva and were transformed into mighty Toa heroes. After Vakama had a vision warning of the destruction of the city, Onewa reluctantly agreed to join the others to find the six Great Disks. From the start, he clashed with Toa Vakama, whom he derisively referred to as "fire-spitter". Still, he teamed with the new Toa of Fire to recover both disks from Ta-Metru and Po-Metru. Vakama even saved Onewa's life twice, once from a Morbuzahk vine and once when the two of them were about to be incinerated in the Protodermis Reclamation Furnace. Later, Onewa identified Ahkmou as the Matoran who betrayed the city to the Dark Hunters. The Toa used the Great Disks to defeat the Morbuzahk plant that threatened the city.


When the Toa Metru presented the Great Disks to Turaga Dume, he denounced them as impostors and ordered their arrest. Whenua, Onewa, and Nuju were captured and locked up in the Prison of the Dark Hunters. There they encountered a mysterious Turaga who counselled them on what it meant to be a Toa and helped Onewa and Nuju discover their Kanohi Mask Powers. Onewa used his mind control mask power to make Whenua sit down on the cell floor. Shortly after, they escaped the cell and were reunited with Vakama, Nokama, and Matau. Onewa aided in the ensuing battle with the Dark Hunters, Nidhiki and Krekka, by making Krekka attack Nidhiki. Later, he joined his power with that of the other Toa Metru to trap Teridax behind a wall of solid protodermis.


The Toa then departed Metru Nui with the six Matoran Spheres. Along the way, they encountered monstrous sea Rahi and powerful Krahli under the command of a Onu-Matoran named Mavrah. During a huge battle between the Toa, the Krahli, the Vahki, and the Rahi, Mavrah was swept into the underground river by a great wave. Onewa prevented Whenua from sacrificing his life to save Mavrah.



Returning to Metru Nui


After reaching Mata Nui and then returning to Metru Nui, Onewa and the other Toa Metru encountered the Visorak. All six Toa were captured and mutated by Visorak venom into Toa Hordika. As half Toa, half Rahi, Onewa found it difficult to control his rage. Later, he stumbled upon a secret lair of Teridax's that contained evidence that Ahkmou may been destined to become a Toa of Stone. This evidence later proved to be false.


Onewa joined with the other Toa Hordika in an assault on the Coliseum, headquarters of Sidorak, Roodaka, and the Visorak spiders. The Visorak Horde was defeated and the Rahi Warrior named Keetongu used his power to transform the Hordika back to Toa Metru.


The Toa Metru escaped Metru Nui via airship with the sleeping Matoran and willingly sacrificed their power to awaken them, transforming into Turaga in the process.


As a Turaga, Onewa supervised the construction of Po-Koro. Of all the villages on Mata Nui, it looked the most like its Metru Nui counterpart. Onewa became known for his firm and fair resolutions of disputes, earning the nickname "Referee". He also invented the sport of Kohlii. When Pohatu arrived, Onewa informed him of the threat Teridax posed to the island but did not share any information regarding Metru Nui or his life as a Toa.


Onewa has since returned with the Toa Nuva, the other Turaga, and the Matoran back to Metru Nui.




Onewa was the master of stone. He could cause jagged pillars of stone to erupt from the ground, stone hands to grab enemies, or stone walls to form around a target. He also had the ability to shatter stone at will, a power he used effectively during the battle with the Energised Protodermis Entity.




As a Toa of Stone, Toa Onewa carried twin proto pitons. He wears the Kanohi Komau, the Great Mask Mind Control.


Toa Whenua No2.jpg

whenua, Toa of earth 


Toa Metru of Earth, Guardian of Onu-Metru, and later Turaga of Onu-Koro.


Whenua was working in the Onu-Metru Archives when Toa Lhikan gave him a Toa Stone and a map to the Great Temple. He travelled there and encountered five other Matoran - Onewa, Matau, Nuju, Nokama, and Vakama. They placed their Toa Stones into a dome-rock mechanism known as the Toa Suva and were transformed into mighty Toa heroes. After Vakama had a vision warning of the destruction of the city, Whenua joined with the other Toa to find the six Great Disks. He teamed with Nuju to recover both the Ko-Metru Disk and the Onu-Metru Disk. The Toa Metru used the disks to destroy the Morbuzahk plant that threatened the city. Afterward, Whenua led the Toa into the maintenance tunnels beneath the Archives to stop a possible flood. Whenua was captured by Krahka, a shape-shifting Rahi whom impersonated him to try to capture the other Toa Metru. He was the subject of a failed rescue attempt by Nuju, but both were later saved by the other Toa.


When they emerged from the tunnels and went to present the Great Disks to Turaga Dume, he denounced them as impostors and ordered their arrest. (The Toa did not discover until later that this Dume was Teridax in disguise.) Whenua, Onewa, and Nuju were captured and locked up in the Prison of the Dark Hunters. There they encountered a mysterious Turaga who counselled them on what it meant to be a Toa (Later, they discovered that this Turaga was in fact Lhikan himself). After Nuju's telekinesis power helped them escape, Whenua discovered that his mask lit up the darkness and so led the way. Shortly after, they were reunited with Vakama, Matau, and Nokama.


Whenua aided in the ensuing battle with the Dark Hunters, Nidhiki and Krekka, and the rescue of six Matoran, still trapped in Matoran Spheres. He joined his power with that of the other Toa Metru to trap Teridax behind a wall of solid protodermis.


The Toa Metru then departed Metru Nui with the six Matoran Spheres. Along the way, they encountered mysterious sea Rahi and powerful Krahli robots under the command of an Onu-Matoran named Mavrah. Whenua had once been a friend and colleague of Mavrah and was deeply disturbed by the fact that his old companion was now either badly misguided or insane. During a huge battle between the Toa, the Krahli, the Vahki, and the Rahi, Mavrah was swept into the underground river by a great wave. Onewa prevented Whenua from sacrificing his life in a vain attempt to save the Matoran.



Returning to Metru Nui


After reaching Mata Nui and then returning to Metru Nui, Whenua and the other Toa encountered the Visorak. Although he had once read something in the Archives about these creatures, Whenua did not immediately identify them and was harshly criticised by Vakama because of it. Shortly after, the Toa were captured and mutated by Visorak venom into Toa Hordika. As half Toa, half Rahi, Whenua found the lure of being a full Rahi was strong. It was only the presence of the black Rahaga named Bomonga (former Toa of Earth and member of the Hagah) that kept him from running off and joining the wild pack of beasts that roamed the city.  


Whenua travelled by Airship with the other Toa and 1,000 sleeping Matoran to the island of Mata Nui. There, the Toa Metru willingly sacrificed their power to awaken the Matoran, transforming them into Turaga in the process.


As a Turaga, Whenua supervised the construction of Onu-Koro. When Onua arrived, Whenua informed him of the threat Teridax posed to the island but did not share any information regarding Metru Nui or his life as a Toa. He led the rebuilding of the Onu-Koro mines after they were flooded by a Bohrok attack and aided Onua in his search for the Kanohi Nuva masks.


Whenua has since returned with the Toa Nuva, the other Turaga, and the Matoran back to Metru Nui.




Whenua was the master of Earth. He could cause earthquakes, raise earthen walls, and even make hands of earth reach out and grab an enemy. His time as an archivist left him with an encyclopedic knowledge of Rahi and Metru Nui history. He had strong night vision but his eyes were weaker in daylight.




As a Toa of Earth, Toa Whenua carries twin earthshock drills. He wears the Kanohi Ruru, the Great Mask of Night Vision.

toa hagah

Name given to the six elite Toa whose job was to safeguard the Makuta species. Each Toa Hagah wore unique armour that identified him or her as a member of this special group. The Toa Hagah later discovered that the Makuta was oppressing and enslaving Matoran and turned against both Teridax and the Brotherhood of Makuta. They broke into the fortress at Destral and stole the Kanohi Avohkii, the Mask of Light. They were later turned into Rahaga by Roodaka, but still managed to escape to Metru Nui with the mask.


Six other teams of Toa Hagah had served under the Makuta species other than Teridax. Such as Antroz, Mutran, Chirox, Tridax, and the Makuta of Stelt.


The six Toa Hagah whom served under Teridax were Norik, Gaaki, Iruini, Kualus, Bomonga, and Pouks.

Toa Norik.bmp

norik, Toa of fire 


Former Toa Hagah of Fire; later mutated by Roodaka into a Rahaga. Norik had been the leader of an elite Toa team assigned to the Makuta's personal guard. When they discovered that the Makuta (Teridax himself) was oppressing and enslaving Matoran, they turned on him and attacked the fortress of the Brotherhood of Makuta. Toa Norik and Toa Iruini, the Toa of Air, were seperated from the other Toa but managed to defeat the Exo-Toa and the Dark Hunters and drive the Makuta off. They then want to rescue their friends, only to discover they had been turned by Roodaka into shrunken, twisted creatures with the faces of Rahkshi. Although they saved their fellow heroes, they, too, were turned into Rahaga. Norik later suggested that the Rahaga begin a search for Keetongu, a legendary Rahi said to be able to reverse any affliction.


Although Norik firmly believed that this beast existed, many of the other Rahaga did not share his faith. Still, they agreed to join him and eventually made their way to Metru Nui. There, Norik saved Toa Vakama after he had been turned into a Toa Hordika, but he was unable to keep Vakama from turning away from his friends and succumbing to his bestial side.




As a Toa of Fire, Norik carried a Lava Spear and a Rhotuka Spinner with the ability to slow an opponent. He also wears the Kanohi Pehkui, the Great Mask of Diminishment. 




Toa Iruini.jpg

iruini, Toa of air 


Former Toa Hagah of Air; later mutated by Roodaka into a Rahaga. Iruini had been part of an elite Toa team charged with being the Makuta's personal guard. When they discovered that the Makuta (Teridax himself) was oppressing and enslaving Matoran, they turned on him and attacked the fortress of the Brotherhood of Makuta. Iruini and Norik got seperated from the other Toa but managed to defeat the Exo-Toa and the Dark Hunters and drive the Makuta off. They then went to rescue their friends, only to discover they had been turned into shrunken, twisted creatures with the faces of Rahkshi by Roodaka's mutation spinner. Although they saved their fellow Toa, they too were turned into Rahaga.




As a Toa of Air, Iruini carried a Cyclone Spear and a Rhotuka Spinner with the ability to heal. He also wears the Kanohi Kualsi, the Great Mask of Quick Travel.




gaaki, Toa of water 


Former Toa Hagah of Water; later mutated by Roodaka into a Rahaga. Gaaki had been part of an elite Toa team assigned to be the Makuta's personal guard. When they discovered that the Makuta (Teridax himself) was oppressing and enslaving Matoran, they turned on him and attacked a fortress of the Brotherhood of Makuta. Gaaki was struck by one of Roodaka's Rhotuka Spinners and mutated into a shrunken creature with the head of a Rahkshi. She was later rescued by Toa Iruini and Toa Norik, who also ended up being mutated.




Gaaki carries a Tidal Spear and a Rhotuka Launching Shield. She also wears the Kanohi Great Mask of Clairvoyance.


kualus, Toa of ice 


Former Toa Hagah of Ice; later mutated by Roodaka into a Rahaga. Kualus had been part of an elite Toa team charged with being the Makuta's personal guard. When they discovered that the Makuta (Teridax himself) was oppressing and enslaving Matoran, they turned on him and attacked a fortress of the Brotherhood of Makuta. Kualus was struck by one of Roodaka's Rhotuka Spinners and mutated into a shrunken creature with the head of a Rahkshi. He was later rescued by Toa Iruini and Toa Norik, who also ended up being mutated.




Kualus carries a Sub-Zero Spear and a Rhotuka Launching Shield. He also wears the Kanohi Great Mask of Rahi Control.


pouks, Toa of stone


Former Toa Hagah of Stone; later mutated by Roodaka into a Rahaga. Pouks had been part of an elite Toa team charged with being the Makuta's personal guard. When they discovered that the Makuta (Teridax himself) was oppressing and enslaving Matoran, they turned on him and attacked a fortress of the Brotherhood of Makuta. Pouks was struck by one of Roodaka's Rhotuka Spinners and mutated into a shrunken creature with the head of a Rahkshi. He was later rescued by Toa Iruini and Toa Norik, who also ended up being mutated.




Pouks carries an Avalanche Spear and a Rhotuka Launching Shield. He also wears the Kanohi Great Mask of Emulation.


bomonga, Toa of earth


Former Toa Hagah of Earth; later mutated by Roodaka into a Rahaga. Bomonga had been part of an elite Toa team charged with being the Makuta's personal guard. When they discovered that the Makuta (Teridax himself) was oppressing and enslaving Matoran, they turned on him and attacked a fortress of the Brotherhood of Makuta. Bomonga was struck by one of Roodaka's Rhotuka Spinners and mutated into a shrunken creature with the head of a Rahkshi. He was later rescued by Toa Iruini and Toa Norik, who also ended up being mutated.




Bomonga carried the Seismic Spear and a Rhotuka Launching Shield. He also wears the Kanahi Great Mask of Growth.


toa mangai

A diverse Toa team of eleven heroes on Metru Nui. Led by the Toa of Fire named Lhikan. The Toa Mangai consisted of numerous Toa from islands and regions outside the island of Metru Nui. There they defended the city against various threats such as the Dark Hunters and the Kanohi Dragon.


The Toa Mangai were formed 4,000 years ago on Metru Nui. Lhikan and countless other Toa came to the island city in response to a call for help from Turaga Dume. The members of the Mangai were elected by the city to safeguard the Matoran as its new group of protectors. When Teridax captured Dume centuries later, he impersonated the Turaga of Metru Nui as a scheme to capture all of the Matoran population in the city.


He then dispatched Dark Hunters to kill members of the Mangai outside of Metru Nui; whom was sent there by Teridax himself.


Among the Toa, there is Nidhiki the Toa of Air; and the two Toa of Water named Naho and Tuyet.

lhikan, Toa of Fire


Toa Mangai of Fire, Protector of Metru Nui, and later Turaga. 


As a relatively new Toa, he helped man a Toa tower that contained the Makoki Stones. He was the lone defender to escape an attack of the Frostelus. He first came to Metru Nui 4,000 years ago along with ten other Toa in response to a call for help from Turaga Dume. The Toa encountered and defeated a Kanohi Dragon. Toa Lhikan personally saw the dragon delivered to the island of Xia. Afterwards, he, Toa Nidhiki, and a handful of other heroes elected to remain in the city as its protectors. Lhikan led the Toa to victory in the conflict with the Dark Hunters over the latter group's plan to establish a base in the city. During this struggle, Lhikan discovered that Nidhiki planned to betray the city. Nidhiki left with the defeated Dark Hunters and did not return for hundreds of years.


Over time, some of the Toa left the city for other islands and more adventure. More recently, Turaga Dume (Teridax in disguise) ordered a number of the Toa to close off all the seaways that led from Metru Nui to other lands. No explanation was given for this strange order. Lhikan remained behind in the city while his companions left to carry out their missions. However, none of them had ever returned. Lhikan began to grow suspicious but did not know that Dume was truly Teridax in disguise. Still, he felt it wise to make plans in case the worst should happen.


He stole the Toa Stones from the Great Temple in Ga-Metru and infused each of them with a portion of his power. Then he gave the stones, along with maps to the Great Temple, to six Matoran: Matau, Nokama, Nuju, Onewa, Vakama, and Whenua. Lhikan could not know that the Makuta expected him to attempt to create other Toa. Believing it better for his plans if the new Toa Metru were a contentious and quarrelsome lot, the Makuta planted the names of six Matoran into Lhikan's mind. He believed that Vakama and the others would never be able to get along well enough to work as a team, and therefore would be no threat to him. However, unbeknown to Lhikan and Teridax, the Toa of Fire was ultimately influenced by the Great Spirit himself. Whom deceived Teridax to influence Lhikan in order to choose the true six of the Metru Matoran as the new Toa.


When Lhikan brought the Toa Stone to Vakama, he was followed by the Dark Hunters. They captured him, but not before he was able to help Vakama escape. Lhikan was carried away and placed in the Prison of the Dark Hunters. When the six Matoran used the Toa Stones to turn themselves into Toa Metru, Lhikan met the conditions to become a Turaga: he had fulfilled his destiny (creating new heroes) and he had willingly sacrificed his Toa power. He thus turned into Turaga Lhikan.


After his death, Lhikan was sent to the Red Star and was revived.




As a Toa of Fire, Lhikan controlled heat and flame. He could hurl fireballs, melt virtually any substance, create thermal updrafts to slow falling objects, and had all the abilities of later Toa of Fire such as Vakama and Tahu.




Toa Lhikan carried two Fire Greatswords, which could be fitted together to form a shield as well as a flying board. He also wears the Kanohi Hau (the Great Hau), Mask of Shielding.




nidhiki, Toa of air


Former Toa Mangai of Air, betrayer of Metru Nui, and vicious Dark Hunter.


Toa Nidhiki was one of 10 Toa summoned by Lhikan to help defend Metru Nui against the Kanohi Dragon. He remained in the city for many years afterward, helping to defend it against Rahi and occasionally venturing to other islands. But over time, he began to feel dissatisfied with his role. Turaga Dume and the other Matoran were not, after all, as powerful as he and the other Toa - so why should the Toa serve their interest? Powerful beings should serve only themselves, and lesser beings should obey him, he decided. When the Dark Hunters attempted to create a base in the city, Dume opposed them and the Toa mobilised to defend Metru Nui. Nidhiki secretly made contact with the enemy and offered to betray the city into their hands.


Before he could so, Lhikan discovered his treachery. The Dark Hunters were defeated and Nidhiki went with them when they departed. On the island of Odina, Nidhiki attempted to become accustomed to life as a Dark Hunter, but found he missed the glory that came with being a Toa. He schemed with Roodaka to escape the island, but she betrayed him and used her Rhotuka Spinner to mutate him into an insectoid form. In this shape, he knew he would never be accepted on any Matoran-held island. 




As a Toa of Air, Nidhiki has control over the element of Air. 





As a Toa, Nidhiki wore emerald green armour and carried an Air Scythe. Which allowed him to focus his Air powers. He also wore the green Kanohi Volitak mask, which allowed him to move almost unseen and completely unheard.




naho, toa of water


Toa Mangai of Water, Protector of Metru Nui, and deceased victim of the Dark Hunters.


Naho was among the eleven Toa who gathered and formed a Toa team to defend Metru Nui from the Kanohi Dragon. And remained there to protect the city from further dangers. Later, during the Toa-Dark Hunter War, she managed to seek through the Dark Hunter lines and reach to another island, requesting reinforcements, and returned with an army of a hundred Toa. Later, Lhikan sent word to other Toa, and an army of three hundred Toa arrived and ambushed the Dark Hunters, which stopped Nidhiki's ambush and ended the war. Prior to the Great Cataclysm, Naho and other members of her team, sent by Turaga Dume (Teridax in disguise), on various missions to other islands. However, her mission was a ruse and Naho was killed by a Dark Hunter agent called "Eliminator".


Powers and Equipment


What masks and tools Naho carried as a Toa, as well as her powers, has not yet been revealed.


tuyet, toa of water


Traitorous and insane Toa of Water and formerly a member of the Mangai.


In Metru Nui, Tuyet joined with ten other Toa to fight the Kanohi Dragon at Turaga Dume's behest.




As a Toa of Water, Tuyet can control, create, or absorb water.




Tuyet wears the Great Kanohi Mask of Intangibility, which let her become intangible in order to pass through objects or avoid physical attacks. She also carried a Barbed Broadsword.


toa cordak

The very first team of Toa heroes banded together. Led by a Toa of Air named Lesovikk. However, they were not the first Toa to exist as solo Toa species, such as Helryx or the Toa Mata, that came before them. After the coming of the Toa Mata, the Toa Cordak came about 100,000 years ago. Consisting of eight members of Toa. They had made their base on an island in the Southern island Chains with one of the very first generation of Turaga living beside them.


There they protected the Matoran village from many threats such as the invading Rahi. One of their number, a Toa of Lightning named Nikila, was later made the tactical commander of the team, under Lesovikk's overall command, and the two grew very close. The Toa had also formed other friendships with the resident Matoran. And were true defenders and champions of their land.


All that had changed, however, when the team clashed with a wandering tribe of Zyglak. During the battle, Lesovikk directly hesitated for a fatal split second. As a result, the Zyglak gained the upper hand and killed all of his friends. Only Lesovikk survived and became a guilt-driven wanderer, convinced that he was not worthy to be a Toa.


After that event, rumours of the Toa's demise were spread around the Matoran Universe, resulting in the term "Cordak" becoming a Matoran slang term meaning "desolation".


Among the Toa Cordak is Lesovikk, Toa of Air; Nikila, Toa of Lightning; a Toa of Iron; a Toa of Fire; a Toa of Water; a Toa of Sonics; a Toa of Stone; and a Toa of Gravity.

Toa Lesovikk.jpg

lesovikk, toa of air


Toa Cordak of Air, Protector of his homeland, and leader of the Cordak.


Originally stationed on one of the southernmost islands, the team clashed with a wandering tribe of Zyglak creatures. During the battle, Lesovikk hesitated for a fatal split second. As a result, the Zyglak gained the upper hand and killed all of the other members of his team. Leaving only Lesovikk. When he returned to his home village to warn them of the impending danger, he found that the local Turaga had gone mad and shipped the entire Matoran population to the realm of Karzahni. These included Lesovikk's best friends, Sarda and Idris. Guilt-ridden, Lesovikk became a wanderer, convinced that he was not worthy to be a Toa. An attempt to rescue his friends from Karzahni met with failure (nor did he realise that those particular Matoran had already been transported to Voya Nui by that time). Lesovikk continued to wander until he learned that Karzahni was planning an attack on an underwater Matoran City, backed by the Zyglak. Seeing the chance to avenge himself on two of his oldest enemies, Lesovikk travelled to Mahri Nui for a final confrontation.




As a Toa of Air, Lesovikk can create, control, and absorb air. This allows him to create windstorms and cyclones, and manipulate air pressure. After entering the pit (Mahri Nui) he became  a water breather.




Toa Lesovikk carries an Air Sword, which could focus his elemental powers. He wears the Kanohi Faxon, which allows him to copy the powers of Rahi that share his enviroment. In Mahri Nui underwater, he rides on a Sea Sled with a Cordak blaster attached to it.


other toa

Within the Matoran Universe, many Toa arose individually, as teams or as solo defenders. As well as those with different powers and natural elements reflecting their Matoran selves as a species. Nevertheless, they protect the Matoran and other species around the universe; as individuals and solo protectors of their homelands. 

jovan, toa of magnetism


Deceased former Toa of Magnetism and Turaga on Voya Nui.


Jovan led a Toa team that recovered and used the Mask of Life some 80,000 years ago. After returning the mask to its resting place on Voya Nui, Jovan transformed into a Turaga and became leader of that region. When Voya Nui split off from its continent during the Great Cataclysm and then rose to the surface of Aqua Magna, Jovan was lost in the disaster.




As a Toa of Magnetism, Jovan could create, control, and absorb magnetic energy. This allowed him a wide range of abilities, which included increasing or decreasing the magnetic field in an area, releasing beams of magnetic energy, as well as manipulating metal and other substances through magnetism. These powers were reduced greatly when he became a Turaga.


Jovan was then teleported to the Red Star and healed, but was trapped there due to a malfunction in the mechanism.




As a Toa, Jovan wears the Kanohi Kadin, the Mask of Flight, and carried a Zamor Sphere Launcher and a Magnetic Bolt Launcher. As a Turaga, he wears the Noble version mask of the Kadin, and his Magnetic Bolt Launcher; a Toa Tool transformed into his Badge of Office.


Members of Jovan's Toa team


Led by Toa Jovan, these team of heroes were the first to reach the Kanohi Ignika during the Matoran Civil War on Metru Nui and the event of "The Great Disruption". They successfully obtained the Mask of Life and then used it in Karda Nui. Healing Mata Nui directly whilst supposedly at the cost of one of the team's members. However, several of the survivors became Turaga serving in other places.


  • Male Toa whom "died" shortly after, while reluctantly using the Mask of Life.

  • A Toa who wore the Kanohi Olmak.

  • A Toa who wore the Kanohi Elda.

  • A number of Toa in Jovan's team became Turaga.





toa of the matoran universe

Toa of the Matoran Universe



  • Helryx - Lone Toa of Water created by the Great Beings, and leader of the Order of Mata Nui.


  • Krakua - A Toa of Sonics and member of the Order of Mata Nui.


  • Varian - Toa of Psionics and member of the Toa Hagah teams.


  • Dume - Former Toa of Fire and leader of a Toa team. Now Turaga and ruler of Metru Nui.


  • "Savage" - Toa Hordika of Earth in the service of the Dark Hunters.


  • "Prototype" - A former Toa of Fire and a former Toa of Earth. Both heroes tragically fused from the Spear of Fusion. Now a mindless beast and Dark Hunter.


  • "Spinner" - A former Toa of Air, now a Dark Hunter on Odina.


  • Zaria - One of the last remaining Toa of Iron whom killed a Makuta.


  • Orde - First male Toa of Psionics created by the Great Beings alongside Helryx and the Toa Mata. His brash actions forced the Great Beings to create all subsequent users of the element being an all female species instead.


  • Chiara - A Toa of Lightning whom previously travelled alone.




Dume's Toa team


A team of Toa heroes Dume once led. Until he and the group eventually became Turaga and ruled over various lands and continents in the Matoran Universe.



Savage's Toa team


A Toa team to which the Toa of Earth once belonged to. Savage was separated from his team and tragically mutated by the Visorak's venom. When he returned, his teammates reacted irrationally and then attacked him. Thinking of him as a highly dangerous Rahi. In the end of the conflict, Savage badly injured his fellow Toa and then fled into the wilderness. 



Spinner's Toa team


A Toa team who fought mutated Rahkshi while travelling abroad and who Spinner blamed for his fall into a deep pit. He was eventually nursed by the Dark Hunters and somehow brainwashed and transformed him into a Dark Hunter.



Zaria's Toa Team


A Toa team to which Zaria once belonged.

Sub Heading No3.jpg

Team of heroes who came into being when lightning from the Red Star struck six Toa Canisters on the shores of Voya Nui, transforming the Matoran inside into Toa. The Toa Inika all had organic Kanohi Masks and elemental powers that were mixed with lightning. When their masks were removed, their faces gave off a blinding glow.  The Toa Inika were Jaller, Hahli, Kongu, Matoro, Nuparu, and Hewkii.


They fought the Piraka, Brutaka, Umbra, the Protodax, Vezon, and Fenrakk in their quest to obtain the Kanohi Ignika, the Mask of Life, and the missing Toa Nuva.


After reuniting with the Toa Nuva, and finding and losing the Mask of Life, they travelled through the cord to reach the sunken village of Mahri Nui. Upon entering the water, a wave of energy from the Ignika transformed the Toa into TOA MAHRI.


jaller, Toa of fire 


Former Ta-Matoran captain of the Ta-Koro Guard on Mata Nui, later Toa Inika of Fire.


Since that time, the valiant Ta-Matoran has helped to oversee the construction of transport craft for the return to Metru Nui. After arriving there and the subsequent disappearance of the Toa Nuva, Jaller grew angry at what he saw as the Turaga's reluctance to share information. He called a city wide strike. Finally, Turaga Nokama told him that the Toa Nuva had been sent to find the Mask of Life in order to save the life of Mata Nui. He assembled a team of five other Matoran alongside Takanuva and left the city in an attempt to find the missing heroes. When Takanuva left the party, as he could not bypass the barrier alongside them that does not allow beings with the power of light, the Matoran and the Toa of Light shared their goodbyes and went on further into the island of Karzahni.


During their adventures, they encountered the evil Karzahni himself, whom took their masks and replaced them with new ones. However, Jaller's original mask has since been recovered by the Toa Nuva. When the Matoran eventually reached to the shores of Voya Nui, their transport canisters were struck by lightning from the Red Star, which transformed all six Matoran into Toa known as the Inika. As Toa, they battled the Piraka, Brutaka, and others in an effort to claim the Kanohi Ignika. Toa Jaller then led the team through the cord, battling the Zyglak creatures and Teridax himself in the guise of the humanoid robot machine called Maxilos, before arriving at Mahri Nui.




As a Toa of Fire, Jaller wore the Kanohi Calix, the Mask of Fate, and carries an Energised Flame Sword and a Zamor Sphere Launcher. 




Like Tahu Nuva, Jaller controls the power of fire.



hahli, toa of water


Former Ga-Matoran Chronicler of the Toa Nuva's adventures, and later Toa Inika of Water.


Following the return to Metru Nui, Hahli was one of five Matoran who accompanied Jaller in search of the missing Toa Nuva. After a number of harrowing adventures, the canisters which they travelled landed on the shores of Voya Nui. The canisters were struck by lightning from the Red Star, which transformed all six Matoran into the Toa Inika. As Toa, they battled the Piraka, Brutaka, and others in an effort to claim the Mask of Life. After reuniting with the Toa Nuva, and the mask found and lost, she and her fellow Toa travelled into the cord underwater and battled the Zyglak creatures and the Makuta himself, before arriving at Mahri Nui. As the Toa entered the water, a burst of energy from the Mask of Life transformed the heroes into TOA MAHRI.





As a Toa of Water, Hahli wore the Kanohi Elda, the Mask of Detection, and carried a Laser Harpoon and a Zamor Sphere Launcher.




Like Gali Nuva, Hahli controls the power of water. Although not as skilled as Gali, she is a quick learner.


Toa Matoro.png

matoro, toa of ice


Former Ko-Matoran translator for Turaga Nuju, later Toa Inika of Ice.


After the Matoran returned to the city of Metru Nui, Matoro was one of five Matoran who joined Jaller on a mission to find the missing Toa Nuva. Along the way, they encountered Karzahni, whom stole their original masks from them and replaced them with others. Matoro also had the bizarre experience of feeling himself holding someone's hand in a dark tunnel, only to find there was no one there (however, what he did not know was that the power of the Kanohi Ignika was reaching out to him from a great distance, testing his courage and his resolve).  Lightning from the Red Star struck the Toa Canisters the Matoran used to reach the island of Voya Nui. This energy transformed Matoro and the others into new Toa. 



Matoro was never entirely comfortable as a Toa, feeling that his background as a scholar did not leave him well-suited for the role. When the Inika encountered a situation where one of them had to willingly sacrifice himself or herself for the mission to continue, Matoro volunteered to die. He ceased to exist but then was immediately reborn, and now truly destined to be the bearer of the Mask of Life.



After the defeat of Vezon, Matoro wrested the mask from him, but then lost it when the Kardas Dragon hurled a blast of energy at him. The mask flew to the surface of the island and then plunged beneath the sea. After reuniting with the Toa Nuva and sharing their goodbyes with them, the Inika travelled through the cord connected to Voya Nui above ground and try to retrieve the Mask. Along the way, Matoro used his mask power to unleash his spirit and scout ahead. During that time, when his body was vacant, Teridax possessed it and attempted to manipulate the Toa into serving his ends. He was eventually driven out and Matoro restored to his true body. As the Toa entered the water, a burst of energy from the Mask of Life transformed the heroes into TOA MAHRI.





As a Toa of Ice, Matoro wore the Kanohi Iden, the Mask of Spirit, and carries an energised Ice Sword and a Zamor Sphere Launcher.




Like Kopaka Nuva, Matoro controls the element of ice.


Toa Kongu.png

kongu, toa of air


Former Le-Matoran hero, and later Toa Inika of Air


Following the return to Metru Nui, Kongu was one of five Matoran who accompanied Jaller in search of the missing Toa Nuva. After a number of harrowing adventures, the canisters in which they travelled landed on the shores of Voya Nui. The canisters were struck by lightning from the Red Star, which transformed all six into the Toa Inika. As Toa, they battled the Piraka, Brutaka, and others in an effort to claim the Mask of Life. Kongu was somewhat dismayed by the fact that Nuparu got to wear the Kanohi Kadin, the Mask of Flight, rather than himself, when he had so much more flight experience. Still, he took it upon himself to train Nuparu in basic flight skills and came to a newfound respect for his fellow Toa. Toa Kongu accompanied with the Toa through the cord. Arriving at Mahri Nui underwater, a burst of energy from the Mask of Life transformed the Toa into the aquatic TOA MAHRI.





As a Toa of Air, Toa Kongu wore the Kanohi Suletu, the Mask of Telepathy, and carries an Energy Crossbow and a Zamor Sphere Launcher.




Like Lewa Nuva, Kongu controls the element of Air.


Toa Hewkii No3.jpg

hewkii, toa of stone


Former Po-Matoran Carver and diskmaker, later Toa Inika of Stone.


Following the return to Metru Nui, Hewkii was one of the five Matoran who accompanied Jaller in search of the missing Toa Nuva. After a number of harrowing adventures, the canisters in which they travelled landed on the shores of Voya Nui. The canisters were struck by lightning from the Red Star, which transformed all six into the Toa Inika. Hewkii was somewhat disturbed that none of the others commented on the fact that the transformation had changed his armour colour from brown to yellow and grey. As Toa, they battled the Piraka, Brutaka, and others in an effort to claim the Mask of Life. Toa Hewkii accompanied the Toa Inika through the cord. It was Hewkii who first realised that Matoro's body had been possessed by Teridax himself. Arriving at Mahri Nui, a burst of energy from the Mask of Life transformed the Toa into aquatic TOA MAHRI.





As a Toa of Stone, Toa Hewkii wore the Kanohi Sanok, the Mask of Accuracy, and carried a Laser Axe and climbing chain.




Like Pohatu Nuva, Hewkii controls the power of stone. He is particularly adept at boulder slinging, given his past history as a Kohlii champion.



nuparu, toa of earth


Former Onu-Matoran inventor and later Toa Inika of Earth.


Following the return to Metru Nui, Nuparu was one of the five Matoran who accompanied Jaller in search of the missing Toa Nuva. During their adventures, the encountered the evil Karzahni, whom took their masks and replaced them with new ones. The six Matoran eventually made it to the shores of Voya Nui. Their transport canisters were struck by lightning from the Red Star, which transformed all six into new Toa. As Toa, they battled the Piraka, Brutaka, and others in an effort to claim the Mask of Life. Nuparu distinguished himself in battle with Nektann Robots and by single-handedly defeating Zaktan. Toa Nuparu and the Toa Inika travelled through the cord, battling the Zyglak creatures and the Makuta Teridax himself in his disguise of the Maxilos Robot, before arriving at Mahri Nui. A burst of energy from the Mask of Life transformed the Toa into the Aquatic TOA MAHRI.





As a Toa of Earth, Nuparu wore the Kanohi Kadin, the Mask of Flight, and carried a shoulder-mounted Zamor Sphere Launcher and a Laser Drill.




Like Onua Nuva, Nuparu controls the power of Earth.


order of mata nui

Secret organisation devoted to carrying out the will of Mata Nui. The Order was formed very early in the history of the Matoran Universe. With its original members formerly part of the HAND OF ARTAKHA. It was decided from the outset that while Toa would be the public face of order and justice, the Order would remain hidden so that they could do things where possible Toa could not do themselves. As a delineate method for conduct and secrecy. However, despite of their activities of heroism in their prolonging and obscure faction, they nevertheless protected the Matoran, Turaga, and other species across the universe.


Among the actions known to have been taken by the Order, are: the placing of Axonn and Brutaka on Voya Nui as guards for the Kanohi Ignika, the Mask of Life; working with Mata Nui to engineer a six-month Time Slip during which Matoran from Karda Nui (or Av-Matoran) were planted on various islands in disguise; tampering with Ehlek's native species in an effort to create a race that could battle the Brotherhood of Makuta; planting agents in places of importance to monitor events; "eliminating" all members whom directly knew the location of Artakha; planting evidence with Mata Nui's aid, to make it look as if six Matoran other than those who became the TOA METRU were intended to be Toa; and more, still unrevealed.


However, their code of ethics slightly differs from the Toa: the possibility of killing highly dangerous and powerful villains; if necessary; whilst performing their acts of good deeds whilst sometimes in their over-obscure state of secrecy.


The Order consists a diverse team of heroes outside the species of Toa and Matoran. Eventually, a Toa of Sonics named Krakua and a surviving Ko-Matoran named Mazeka eventually joined their ranks.


Among the Order of Mata Nui, there is Helryx, Toa of Water; Axonn, Brutaka, Botar, Trinuma, Jerbraz, Johmak; Krakua, Toa of Sonics; Mazeka; Hydraxon, Tobduk, and countless other agents across the universe.

helryx, toa of water


Helryx was the first Toa of Water, as well as the first Toa brought into her being and therefore never a Matoran. She was a former member of the Hand of Artakha, and after its disbandment, she formed the Order of Mata Nui and became its leader.



Early Life


Helryx was created by the Great Beings. She aided in the construction of Metru Nui and was a member of the Hand of Artakha. When the Hand disbanded, she decided to reform the organisation as the Order of Mata Nui, also devising a rule that other Toa could not join the organisation, as they had destinies of their own.



Order of Mata Nui


Helryx watched the awakening of the Toa Mata on Daxia. She greeted them and informed them of their purpose as Toa. She assigned Hydraxon to train the Toa Mata. At this time, she was designing the Swamp Strider for Mazeka, when she was interrupted by Tahu and Kopaka. She revealed to them their destiny, the Codrex, and of Karda Nui. After the Toa Mata were dispatched to Karda Nui, her history was largely unknown. She was known to protect Artakha's location by mind-wiping her memory of Artakha and the being itself on Daxia following the raid of the Kanohi Avohkii, including of those in the Order. She also wrote a comprehensive atlas for the Order, using carvings and information collected by three Order members: Jerbraz, Tobduk, and Johmak. 


Thousands of years later, Helryx appeared once more. The Toa Nuva had been teleported to Daxia in completion of the Scroll of Preparations for Mata Nui's awakening. As Trinuma placed the Staff of Artakha in a chamber, she spoke to them, saying they had justified the Order. She proceeded to tell them the Staff would now undo the effects of the Great Cataclysm and they had one final task to complete.


Shortly afterward, Helryx departed with Krakua and Brutaka to Metru Nui. The trio rescued an unconscious Takanuva from a Shadow Leech and brought him to the Archives. Helryx placed a "Kratana" on his face, which gave him visions of the Toa Mata's past, including the Energy Storms that plagued Karda Nui when the Great Spirit was awakening. After a while, she ripped it off and sent him through a portal using Brutaka's Kanohi Olmak to send him to Karda Nui to tell the Toa Nuva of their fate. Helryx told Brutaka as they left of a mission that would reinstate him in the Order, which was revealed to be the finding of Miserix.



Order/Brotherhood War


Following the return to Daxia, Helryx decided to order a War against the Brotherhood of Makuta. She first dispatched Krakua and a member of Botar's species to Voya Nui and summoned Axonn. When they returned, she sent him and Brutaka to Zakaz to discuss an alliance with several different Skakdi Warlords.


She also sent a signal to "Ancient" to confront "The Shadowed One", reveal the Order and prevent the Brotherhood from using weapons from Xia. However, "The Shadowed One" defied Helryx and went to destroy the island, so she went with two unknown Order members (one of them being Botar's replacement) to confront him, along with Zaktan. Helryx was able to convince the Dark Hunter leader to follow her commands through debating so prepared to unleash a tidal wave against his armies unless he followed her orders of only occupying Xia. She also gave Zaktan to the Toa Hagah and sent them to find the missing Makuta Teridax.


However, Helryx found the war was much more difficult than she believed, as the Order found strong resistance from Makuta and their armies. She sent two messengers, one to to Metru Nui to send the Toa Mahri to Artidax and use the Heart of the Visorak and the another to the Pit to release the Barraki so they can fight against the Brotherhood.


She then went to Nynrah after the Brotherhood's Rahkshi forces were defeated there. Using her Kanohi Mask of Psychometry, she was able to scan the history of the Rahkshi armor to find sources of Energised Protodermis to destroy so the Brotherhood could not use them to create new Rahkshi. She and her new ally, Keetongu, found a piece that was created by Makuta Chirox. But this source was far from ordinary, for in the middle of the pool, she saw a being made of Energized Protodermis. She and Keetongu travelled to the island where the source was and encountered unusual half Matoran-half Rahi creatures. They saw a huge cave and went into it. Far into the cave, they found Rahi that they had ever seen before. The Rahi let them pass, then grouped up and followed them.


At the end of the tunnel was a chamber, containing a lake of Energised Protodermis. The Energised Protodermis Entity emerged from the lake and, after an argument about its experiments with Helryx, it sent a wave of the lake's substance toward Helryx and Keetongu, saying that they would find out together if their fate was transformation or destruction. Just before striking, a portal opened behind the two beings and they jumped into it to avoid the wave, leaving Vezon, who had accidentally created the portal through testing an Olmak, to be transformed.


The Portal brought them to the Core Processor beneath the Coliseum where the Toa Hagah, Zaktan and Miserix were. Then another portal opened and Axonn and Brutaka emerged from behind the two. Just as the assembled group began to converse about what to do, Teridax revealed himself and destroyed Brutaka's Kanohi Olmak to prevent any escape. Teridax then told her that she would stay there with him after he got rid of Keetongu, Axonn, Brutaka, Miserix and the Toa Hagah.



Reign of Teridax


Knowing that Teridax planned to conquer other universes, Helryx concluded that it would be better to destroy Teridax and, through him, the entire Matoran Universe, than to allow his plan to succeed. She prepared to unleash a Nova Blast, but was interrupted by Tuyet and Tren Krom in Lewa's body, who told her that the universe must be saved. Tren Krom freed Miserix, who was trapped on the wall and Miserix sided with Helryx. Axonn and Brutaka entered, siding with Helryx and Tren Krom, respecively. Seeing that there was no other choice, Helryx, Miserix, and Axonn prepared to fight Tuyet, Tren Krom, and Brutaka. The two sides then battled briefly until Artakha appeared to stop them. However, this caught the attention of Makuta Teridax and he teleported them into orbit around the Matoran Universe.


Luckily, a dimensional vortex opened which transported him and his group to Bota Magna, where they met Vezon and the Great Being that was cursed by the Ignika. The Great Being pleaded the group to release him, resulting in Helryx and the others arguing about whether or not to do so. Meanwhile, unbeknownst to Helryx, Velika, a Po-Matoran who was actually another Great Being in disguise, had set up explosives outside the fortress in order to eliminate her and the others. But Helryx and the others managed to escape the fortress and unbeknownst to them, the cursed Great Being escaped as well.



alternate universes

Alternate Universes


The Kingdom


In this universe, Matoro hesitated with the Kanohi Ignika and the Great Spirit Mata Nui died. In response, Helryx revealed the Order's existence to assist the migration to Mata Nui and assisted the Toa in barring the Makuta from making it to the island. When Takanuva from the main universe arrived there 10,000 years later, she helped him to talk to the Turaga Takanuva. His counterpart.



Powers and Equipment


Helryx carried a spiked mace and a shield. As a Toa, she could create tidal waves and water blasts. She had honed her control over water to exceed that of an ordinary Toa of Water. She also wore a Mask of Psychometry, that allowed her to learn the past of an object by touching it. Among all agents, she is also equipped with a mind-wiping mechanism created and provided for by Artakha.








Member of the Order of Mata Nui and former member of thee Hand of Artakha. After the hand was disbanded, Axonn wandered for some time, using his powers for petty conquests. He was eventually recruited by the Order, whom offered to put his talents to good use. Axonn was assigned to Voya Nui, to guard the Kanohi Ignika, the Mask of Life, and was there when the landmass split off from its continent and rocketed to the ocean surface of Aqua Magna. Axonn and his partner, Brutaka, defeated a number of enemies who attempted to claim the Mask of Life, until the Piraka arrived. Brutaka betrayed Axonn and allied himself with the Piraka, forcing a confrontation between the two. In the battle, Axonn defeated Brutaka and destroyed the vat containing the Antidermis. Later, Axonn opened the way to the cord so the Toa Inika could travel to Mahri Nui.





Axonn wears the Kanohi Rode, the Great Mask of Truth, which can pierce any disguise and spot any deception. His axe can fire energy blasts and cleave virtually any substance.




In addition, Axonn has massive strength and a number of special powers, among them the ability heal insanity with a touch of his hand.


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Former member of the Order of Mata Nui who turned against that group and was banished to the pit. Brutaka began his life as a lieutenant in the army of the Makuta, but rapidly grew dissatisfied with the regimented existence he led. He was recruited by the Order and turned into a roving troubleshooter, achieving many great things but also causing his share of trouble (such as using his mask power to transport a Tahtorak from its home island to Metru Nui). The Order finally decided to partner him up with Axonn and assigned them both to Voya Nui. They spent most of the next 100,000 years there. At some point, Brutaka suffered a crisis of faith. Convinced that Mata Nui had either deserted the universe or died, he began to question why he should spend his time guarding a mask intended for the Great Spirit's benefit.


When the Piraka invaded the island, Brutaka allied with them and used hi power to defeat the Toa Nuva. He intended to let them steal the Kanohi Ignika and then take it from them. He survived an attempt by Hakann and Thok to steal his power, but was eventually defeated in combat by Axonn. He was banished to the pit by Botar and there offered to ally with the Barraki in an effort to claim the Mask of Life. The Barraki rejected him and he was last seen being dragged off by a giant squid. His fate remains unknown.





Brutaka carries a twin-bladed sword and wears the Kanohi Olmak, the Great Mask of Dimensional Gates.




The extent of his powers has never been revealed, but he has enormous strength, the ability to shoot energy from his sword, and was formidable enough to have defeated Axonn in past combat.




A nine-foot tall warrior and member of the Order of Mata Nui.


Many years ago Trinuma joined the Order of Mata Nui. Much later, while on a mission with Botar, they were ambushed by the Makuta named Icarax, who became suspicious after noticing the pair. He witnessed Icarax crush and kill Botar somewhere near the Tren Krom Peninsula. He was to give weapons to Brutaka's team, before they went to free Miserix. He managed to escape Icarax and reported back to Daxia. When he found Vezon locked in a cell, he released him, gave him a dagger and went to Destral, informing Vezon that his task was to "betray" the Order (by informing the Brotherhood of their coming assault on Destral, leading them to activate the island's teleportation technology, which the Order had sabotaged). After this, he returned to Daxia.

When Teridax destroyed the island Trinuma managed to escape to Stelt and contacted Kopaka from there.





Trinuma has two Nynrah Ghost Blasters mounted on his back. They grant him the ability to take control of any mechanical object they strike. He carries a shield and wears the Great Mask of Charisma, which allows him to convince others to become loyal to his cause. Trinuma also possesses tools that can emit kinetic energy, allowing him to fly. 




Trinuma can also use them to fire bursts of kinetic force. Trinuma has a serious, no-nonsense attitude. He is nine feet (2.7 meters) tall. Like all other Order members, his mind is shielded from telepathy and other forms of mental probing or attack.




An invisible member who provided information for the Atlas.


Jerbraz was an Order of Mata Nui member who was accidentally rendered permanently invisible. Jerbraz's early history is unknown. Sometime in his life, he joined the Order of Mata Nui. However, when he was experimented upon by the Order to give him additional powers, the experiment went haywire and resulted him being turned invisible. During an unknown time, Jerbraz also provided information and carvings to Order leader Toa Helryx so she could write an atlas. Five years ago, Jerbraz was sent to the Tren Krom Peninsula. There, he sought out a heroic Ko-Matoran, Mazeka, who had seemingly killed Vultraz. Jerbraz told him that as a result of his perceived initiative against evil beings, he offered him to become an Order servant. Jerbraz then gave him a mission--find and protect a De-Matoran named Krakua. From there, he accompanied Mazeka to the village where Krakua lived, De-Koro, where they found him.





It is unknown if Jerbraz wore a Kanohi or had any powers of his own. However, Jerbraz carries a Protosteel sword that was turned invisible with him.




Roughly 8.5 feet (2.55 meters) in height. Jerbraz is completely invisible as a result of a failed experiment. He thinks very highly of himself, and once described himself as being considerably handsome prior to turning invisible.





Mazeka is a heroic Ko-Matoran who once lived on the Tren Krom Peninsula. He was recruited by the Order of Mata Nui and works as a spy.


Mazeka was a Ko-Matoran who was trained by the Order of Mata Nui as an elite spy. He was the archenemy of a Shadow infected Ta-Matoran named Vultraz. For a time, Mazeka resided on the Tren Krom Peninsula as a scholar, until his teacher was killed, and some tablets were stolen by Vultraz. Mazeka battled him, knocking him down a cliff seemingly to his death. A female Makuta named Gorast, disguised as a blue warrior, told Mazeka to spread the word of Vultraz's death. Later, while sitting in his hut, he met the invisible Jerbraz, who told him to help him find a De-Matoran named Krakua. Mazeka and Jerbraz went to the De-Matoran village, where they saw a Ta-Matoran use a sonic weapon to knock out all the De-Matoran in the village, except Krakua, whose audio receptors had been covered by Mazeka's hands. The Ta-Matoran then attacked Mazeka, knocking his mask off, at which point Mazeka realized the Ta-Matoran was Vultraz.


He was later trained by the Order of Mata Nui as an elite spy. Wanting information on the location of Karda Nui, he went to Helryx's chamber on Daxia, only to see Tobduk in there. Explaining his quest to the assassin, they reached a deal: If Mazeka could prove himself a brave warrior as a killer, Tobduk would give him the location of the Universe Core. While Tobduk was busy dealing with a Makuta named Tridax, Mazeka was given the task of killing Vezon. However, he instead helped the Skakdi escape. 


Afterward, he was sent to Karda Nui following Vultraz's trail. Where Vultraz had been summoned there on the orders of the Makuta named Icarax.





It is unknown if Jerbraz wore a Kanohi or had any powers of his own. However, Jerbraz carries a Protosteel sword that was turned invisible with him.




Roughly 8.5 feet (2.55 meters) in height. Jerbraz is completely invisible as a result of a failed experiment. He thinks very highly of himself, and once described himself as being considerably handsome prior to turning invisible.


Toa Krakua.png

krakua, toa of sonics


Former De-Matoran; Toa of Sonics; and member of the Order of Mata Nui.


10 years ago, Krakua, a De-Matoran, lived in a secluded village located in the Tren Krom Peninsula. His village despised noise and didn't allow Toa, since Toa were "loud and noisy" and attracted even louder and noisier creatures to fight, creating even more noise. Krakua was different, though, since he apparently liked sound, he usually hummed to himself. Because of his "noisy nature", he never interacted with the other villagers. 


Five years ago, Krakua met Mazeka, a servant to the Order of Mata Nui, who tried to help him. After a moment of hurried interaction, Vultraz appeared and attacked his village with a sonic device, felling the other De-Matoran. Jerbraz arrived and saved him while Mazeka was busy battling Vultraz. After this, Krakua was trained by the Order in fighting and learned how to control the Sonic power he would soon be able to use as a Toa.


Around the time the Toa Inika were transformed into the Toa Mahri, the Order of Mata Nui, badly needing new allies, arranged for Krakua, who was still a Matoran, to become a Toa. He then served the Order and, at some point, met Toa Lesovikk, who was hunting down the tyrant Karzahni. He gave Lesovikk information about the Pit and told him that if Karzahni was defeated, someone would come to take him away. 


At some point, he traveled with Helryx to Metru Nui to inform Takanuva of the Energy Storm that would occur in Karda Nui. In the battle between the Order and the Brotherhood in Metru Nui, Krakua became a full member to aid in the war between the Order of Mata Nui and the Brotherhood of Makuta. He used his sonic powers to create a pitch that would awaken the Bohrok, which distracted the Rahkshi long enough for the Toa and Order to destroy the ones that had broken through the defenses. 


At some point in the future, he will defend an unknown fortress. Krakua will then be able to communicate across time with Toa Metru Vakama, who was having a vision of the future. Krakua will tell Vakama that if he failed his mission, Krakua would never exist and that, to succeed, Vakama would have to be willing to destroy the future to stop evil from spreading. He also will tell him that Vakama would one day have to send a group of heroes into danger and not be able to do anything about it. It is known he will be referring to Vakama indirectly, causing Jaller, Kongu, Hahli, Matoro, Hewkii, and Nuparu to become the Toa Inika.





Krakua also wore a Kanohi Suletu, the Great Mask of Telepathy, which enabled him to stay one step ahead of his enemies by listening to their thoughts. His Sonic Vibration Sword can deliver devastating sonic vibrations capable of shattering mountains.




Like all De-Matoran, Krakua had very acute hearing. However, despite this, he had a habit of humming to himself, which caused many of his fellow De-Matoran to avoid him.


As a Toa of Sonics, Krakua is able to create, control and absorb sound. This allows him to create sound waves or concentrated beams of sound, use sonic waves to disrupt a structure's integrity, and absorb all of the sound in an area to create a field of silence. As with other Order operatives, his mind is shielded from mental assaults.




Senior member of the Order of Mata Nui.


Sometime after 80,000 years ago, Tobduk resided on an unnamed island that was later renamed Visorak. Peaceful except for Rahi threats, Tobduk's life there and everyone else's were disturbed by the arrival of Makuta Chirox. Chirox created the Visorak, and tested them on Tobduk's village on their capabilities. The hordes destroyed the village leaving only a few, including Tobduk, to flee to Nynrah and subsequently Stelt. Afterward, he was recruited into the Order of Mata Nui, but by then, his personality had changed greatly, and the Order renamed him "Tobduk," meaning "survivor" in the Matoran language. Since he joined the Order, it can also be known that Tobduk was experimented upon to be granted additional powers and went through training to shield his mind from telepathy.


Tobduk went onto becoming an assassin for the Order. 2,500 years ago, he became the mastermind behind the execution of all who knew the location of Artakha, after the Brotherhood's theft of the Kanohi Avohkii. This included a Makuta named Kojol, who at the time was on Xia. Tobduk went there and took possession of his armor-disintegrating Virus that Kojol had planned to make into a weapon and used it to kill him. Also, during an unknown time, Tobduk also provided information and carvings to Helryx so she could write an atlas of the Matoran Universe.


Five years ago, Tobduk was involved in the training of Mazeka by battling with the Matoran. In the present, Mazeka attempted to sneak into Daxia and find Helryx for information about Karda Nui's location, he found Tobduk in her place. Tobduk offered Mazeka the knowledge of Karda Nui's location if he would accompany him on a hunt, which Mazeka agreed to. They then went to Destral and ambushed Makuta Tridax, using the armor-disintegrating Virus once more. This destroyed Tridax's armor, and Tobduk used his staff to incinerate his Antidermis essence, killing him.


Tobduk was very lean and ten feet tall. Despite his lean appearance, Tobduk was all muscle. He was in a continual rage to increase his strength, and was often intimidating and deceptive as a warrior hungry for battle.



Equipment and Powers


Tobduk had a great amount of brute power which came from rage; he fed off of the anger of himself and his opponents and as a result it increased his own power. He was a talented fighter, often having been assigned the worst Order assignments. He once utilized a dagger he found on Helryx's desk and placed it into a sheath on his thigh. He also carried a Doom Serpent head-tipped staff, with Matoran lettering scrawled across the shaft. The staff could shoot out a white-hot stream of energy.


Tobduk also wears the Great Kanohi Sanok, the Mask of Accuracy. Its abilities allowed him to use any inanimate object as a projectile and accurately aim it at a target.





Member of the Order of Mata Nui. 


Botar was a member of an unknown race. He became a member of the Order of Mata Nui, transporting the threats of the universe to the Pit. At some unknown point in history, Botar became a member of the Order of Mata Nui. He was given the job of transporting criminals, threats, traitors, and enemies to the pit. After Teridax's surprise assault on the League of Six Kingdoms, Botar appeared to Teridax, saying that he was to take the six Barraki to the pit. The two then began to argue over who had jurisdiction over the Barraki until Botar teleported away, taking the Barraki with him. When Tuyet tried to use the Nui Stone to become extremely powerful and was defeated, Botar, using a Kanohi Olmak that once belonged to a Toa of Jovan's team, transported her to an alternate dimension in which no Toa existed so that the Order could find out about the Nui Stone.


After Axonn defeated Brutaka, Botar appeared to take Brutaka away while Axonn wanted Brutaka to be given a second chance, but Botar warned that challenging Brutaka's sentence meant risking his own banishment. Axonn conceded, but vowed that he would free his friend one day; Botar simply laughed. He then stayed long enough to have a conversation with the Toa Nuva before teleporting away. 


After its victory over the Kardas Dragon, the giant Tahtorak began to threaten the Matoran of Voya Nui. Axonn summoned Botar back to the island. Showing a rarely displayed sense of humor, Botar teleported the monstrous creature to Xia, where it immediately started fighting the Kanohi Dragon, destroying parts of Xia.


Botar was proven wrong about Brutaka when Brutaka stole the Staff of Artakha from Teridax. Botar acknowledged Brutaka's good deed by giving him a thank you nod. He then transported the staff away to Daxia. He also brought the Toa Nuva to Daxia so they could witness the healing of the world. When Karzahni was captured by Lesovikk, Botar took him to Daxia.


Botar was eventually killed by Icarax's magnetic power, when he and Trinuma went to meet Brutaka's team. However, his body was teleported to the Red Star, where the Kestora implanted his consciousness inside a new body. However, the Red Star's teleportation systems were damaged and thus could not return him.



Equipment and Powers


Besides teleportation, Botar's powers were unknown. He was unaffected by the Pit's mutagen because he only stayed for a split-second, not staying long enough to get wet.


Botar wielded a large Protosteel double-bladed axe-like weapon. He also had large, sharp blades attached to his arms.




Member of the Order of Mata Nui and the jailer of the Pit.


Long ago, Hydraxon was a member of the organization called the Hand of Artakha. When the Hand disbanded, Hydraxon, along with several other members, joined the newly-formed Order of Mata Nui. One of his early jobs was to train the newly-born Toa Mata in combat. He was a rough teacher, but his methods proved effective, even though the Toa resented him somewhat. 

Some time afterwards, he was assigned to be the jailer of the Pit, where the Order of Mata Nui kept the most dangerous beings in the Matoran Universe. Hydraxon served in this role for years until the Great Cataclysm, during which the prison was destroyed and the prisoners escaped. Hydraxon fought to stop the inmates from fleeing, but was badly injured by the earthquake, and was killed by Takadox, one of the prisoners.


Like all deceased beings of the Matoran Universe, Hydraxon was teleported to the Red Star and given a new body. However, due to the Star's return function not working, he remains trapped there.





Centuries later, the Mask of Life drifted down into the Pit, where it eventually wound up in the hands of a Po-Matoran named Dekar. Seeing some of the dangerous prisoners of the Pit (namely the Barraki and Brutaka), the Mask of Life, needing a guardian, used its power to transform Dekar into a reincarnation of the late jailer. This second Hydraxon fully believed he was the original, but Dekar's memories were still buried deep within him. While this Hydraxon believed that he was a member of the Order of Mata Nui, only the original was considered to actually have had Order membership. After being "revived", Hydraxon set out to re-capture all of the escaped prisoners. Unfortunately, he thought everyone in the Pit was a prisoner, and so captured Toa Matoro. After imprisoning him under the watch of Maxilos (who, unknown to Hydraxon, was possessed by Teridax) and Spinax, he departed to round up the other prisoners.


Soon after, he fought Nocturn, who was on his way to find Ehlek and ask him about his new "death touch", granted to him by the Mask of Life. After defeating him, Hydraxon realized the Mask of Life was cracked and on the way to self-destruction. Deciding the mask was too dangerous to be left in the Pit (and that the mask was damaged anyway), Hydraxon took aim with his Cordak Blaster and fired. Toa Hahli redirected the Cordak mini-rocket with a riptide and began a fight with him. Their fight concluded when Mantax came into possession of the Ignika, and both Hahli and Hydraxon went to fight the warlord, but Hydraxon sank to the bottom after coming within 50 yards of the Barraki due to the Mask of Life´s curse over Mantax.


Mantax then told them to tell the other Barraki to meet him at the Razor Whale's Teeth, Hydraxon responded that he makes no deals with runners, but Mantax got away with his army of rays. Afterward, Hydraxon immediately looked for Nocturn; only to discover that he had escaped. He then glared at Hahli and grumbled at her about interfering, and after Hahli´s vain attempts at finding out who Hydraxon was, Hydraxon left the scene for Mantax.


Hydraxon later met with Maxilos in an undersea mountain overlooking the Barraki´s meeting place. During this time, Maxilos attempted to persuade Hydraxon to chase after the remaining five Barraki and six Toa Mahri instead. When Hydraxon refused to do so, Maxilos revealed that the armor was being possessed by Teridax. After the brief shock of realization, Hydraxon summoned Spinax, who attacked the Makuta. When Spinax was defeated, Hydraxon, knowing the amount of power a Makuta held, attacked first by digging wrist blades into Maxilos' legs. In response, however, Maxilos unleashed a power scream, which knocked Hydraxon down. Hydraxon, refusing to be defeated, aimed his Cordak Blaster at the undersea mountain and fired, burying Maxilos/Teridax in a pile of rubble.


Hydraxon then proceeded to Jaller, who had retrieved the mask. Unluckily, Hydraxon was suddenly attacked by Spinax. After pushing the beast off him, Maxilos came forward (Now freed from the rubble) and knocked Hydraxon unconscious.


Later, Hydraxon encountered the Toa Mahri. When he demanded the mask, Matoro simply stated that if Hydraxon wanted the mask, then he could have it and save the universe with it, instead of Matoro. Hydraxon listened to the words, "read" Matoro's eyes, and decided that Matoro wasn't lying, and something was indeed fundamentally wrong with the universe.


He agreed to let the Toa Mahri go with the Ignika, as long as they keep out of his way in the future. As he departed, Hahli stated that while Hydraxon was attempting to recapture the lost prisoners, he was actually the one who was lost. Following the revival of Mata Nui, Hydraxon came across the damaged body of Maxilos. He retrieved the robot, now freed from Makuta's control, and took it away in order to repair it. Hydraxon then went back to recapturing escaped prisoners, aided by Spinax, while his true identity was still hidden from him.


Hydraxon recaptured Ehlek and Kalmah. After that, he was then confronted by Pridak and his army of Takea sharks. The Barraki leader called him a fake, though Hydraxon stated that others have told him the same. Hydraxon defeated the Sharks and allowed Pridak to tell his story. Pridak told him how a Matoran named Dekar had gone missing around the time of Hydraxon's reappearance, claiming that the Ignika had to have created a new Hydraxon out of the Matoran.


Hydraxon insisted on his identity and defeated Pridak. He then met Lesovikk and Sarda, and formed an alliance with the mutated Toa and Matoran. However, he eventually received a message from Helryx ordering him to send the Barraki into the Order of Mata Nui's war against the Brotherhood of Makuta.



Equipment and Powers


Hydraxon had no powers of his own, and did not wear a Kanohi mask. He carried a Cordak Blaster, a pair of wrist blades, and explosive boomerangs.




Order of Mata Nui member.


Johmak is one of the three Order of Mata Nui agents who gave information for the atlas the organization keeps. At some point Johmak became a member of the Order of Mata Nui. Her life and activities prior to and after this event are unknown up until 1001 years AGC (After the Great Cataclysm). Not long after the Toa Hagah left under the Coliseum, Johmak appeared and told the Toa Mahri that they needed to take the Heart of the Visorak to Artidax and destroy the Visorak. Hahli, Jaller and Nuparu chose to go to Artidax, leaving the other two to watch over the city. Johmak, however, wanted all of the Toa Mahri gone so that the Toa would not interfere with them putting up huge defenses, and knocked Hewkii and Kongu out. When they woke up she explained all of this to them, and told them to stay out of trouble. After she left, Hewkii strongly expressed how much he disagreed.



Reign of Shadows


Johmak fought in the ensuing war, which Metru Nui won. However, Teridax took over the universe shortly after. Johmak soon became part of the rebellion force fighting against him. She found herself in Karzahni with Tahu, Kopeke, "Guardian", Krahka, and Lariska. She witnessed "Guardian" leaving the team and promptly being killed, and the team was then discovered by Exo-Toa.



Powers and Equipment


Johmak is armed with a shield, but peculiarly, no other weapons. She has the ability to divide her body into crystal shards and reform her body at will, much like the power Zaktan had. She also shares this power with the rest of her species.


Johmak wears ebon-coloured armour in her standard form, and also wears a helmet.


hand of artakha

Hand of Artakha


Organisation dedicated to the will of Mata Nui and the pursuit of Justice, which predated the formation of organised Toa teams. The Hand operated for more then 200 years, challenging threats to the new universe created by the Great Beings as well as stopping a number of natural disasters. The Hand named itself after Artakha himself. As he made many fundamental things in the universe. Former members of the Hand include Axonn, Hydraxon, and "Shadow Stealer". After a time, the group's leaders realised that its members were too undisciplined and their battles caused more damage than they prevented. It was decided to disband the Hand in favour of the more efficient Toa teams that had started to come into existence. 


The Hand eventually reorganised itself as the Order of Mata Nui, with many former members returning, and it continues under that name today. 



protecting the island of Artakha

Protecting the island of Artakha


After the island's raid from the Makuta named Kojol and the loss of the Mask of Light, Artahka asked the Order of Mata Nui to remove every trace that would directly expose his foreign homeland. So Helyrx commissioned Tobduk and all her participant agents on the island and  elsewhere from across the universe. To return to their island base and therefore erase their memories whom share his location. As well as destroying all their existent maps exposing the island. Tobduk, amongst all her agents, used a specialised device that was crafted and built for by Artahka that temporarily removes his memories of ever meeting Artakha and of his existent location and hereafter. Without ever causing a prolonging side effect of amnesia. However, the design of the device was also a small, pen-sized mechanism. A spider-like device that attaches to their forehead. And was equipped and provided for in every agent or member within the Order. The Matoran residents on Artakha then destroyed a large, uninhabited island alongside the land-bridge that used to connect them.



rules of the order

Rules of the Order


However, if solo Order members reveal their existence to long-time friends or to allies and companions of other species outside of the faction as well as a plural means of risk and violation to their oath; the Toa of Water or her agents would therefore erase his or her memory over their existence as well as erasing their public record. And therefore sending them back via teleportation to their original homeland or elsewhere (if their species or their society were deceased by their enemies). With no personal memories of that organisation and hereafter.



time slip

time slip


Av-Matoran were spread across the Matoran Universe by the Order of Mata Nui. The reason to execute this was the Order feared the Makuta species, as beings of Shadow, could one day threaten them, as the Av-Matoran were a dangerous threat to them. This process involved teaching the Av-Matoran to alter the way others saw their armour, instead of white and gold. This was specifically taught to participants of the Time Slip, such as Takua himself. When this ended, the Order then erased all records and some remnants of their memories from the past six months from everyone, save for non-participating Av-Matoran and Order members.


the pit

the pit


Ages ago, the Order of Mata Nui established a domed prison for the very worst criminals in the universe. Guarded by Hydraxon and the Maxilos series of robots, it was believed that no one could escape from it. The Order named the place "the Pit" and over time, it held the Barraki warlords and others.


One thousand years ago, a terrible earthquake rocked the entire universe. It split open the roof of the pit, allowing water from the ocean outside to flood in, and damaged the prison cells. The inmates escaped, overwhelming and killing Hydraxon and making their way to the ocean above. What they did not realise was that the disaster had resulted in the waters becoming charged with an energy that could cause mutations in anyone exposed to it.


Most of the escapees found themselves transformed to water-breathers, and many suffered shocking physical changes. Now trapped in the ocean due to their inability to breathe air, the escaped prisoners called their new home "the pit" as well.  




Artakha was Karzahni's "brother" and the ruler of Artakha, the Great Refuge.


Before Mata Nui was sent into space by the Great Beings, Artakha and Karzahni were created and given their own realms to guard by the Great Beings. While Karzahni lived in a horrific place where Matoran were sent to be repaired, Artakha chose to govern a refuge where no evil could enter. For a long time, they were both believed to be simply legend, but Karzahni and his realm were recently discovered to be real, proving that the legends (or at least those concerning Karzahni) were true.


He crafted the Kanohi Kraahkan thousands of years ago, its powers though were countered after he created the Kanohi Avohkii around the same time period, as a way to stop the Brotherhood of Makuta if they ever betrayed Mata Nui. At some point, Artakha created four creatures known as Crystal Serpents. He later released them, as he couldn't control them and wouldn't destroy them.


After having the Avohkii stolen from him, he pleaded with Helryx to remove any record or memory of his homeland. And so they did by mind wiping themselves of this memory and destroying maps and possible records exposing his island and whereabouts.


After journeying from the island of Voya Nui, the Toa Nuva encountered the voice of Artakha and received new Adaptive Armor and adaptive weapons from him, then sending them to Karda Nui so they could find out their true destiny and take part in the final battle.


Powers and Equipment


Artakha is one of the most powerful beings in the Matoran Universe. He has been shown to have incredible powers of teleportation and telepathy, being able to pierce even the shielding of Karda Nui with them and capable of using them over long distances. Artakha has also displayed an almost omniscient knowledge of events in and close to the Matoran Universe. In addition, Artakha once used a spirit transference ability.


Artakha wears the Legendary Mask of Creation, a Kanohi that allows him to envision what he plans to create and how to make it before he actually crafts it. It can also create objects which Artakha knows how to make. He is one of the few beings capable of fully harnessing the power of Legendary Kanohi.



A powerful Rahi previously unknown on Metru Nui and believed to be a myth by the populations of other lands. After the Toa Metru were mutated into Hordika, Rahaga Norik told them Keetongu was their only hope for a cure. Legend states that Keetongu's single "eye" can see the good or evil in any being, and that he will grant his cure only to those who are noble of spirit. His rotating shield array can absorb any power used against him and his blade claw can cleanse a being of Visorak venom as well as reversing all other mutations (such as reversing Pit mutagens effecting the Barraki in Mahri Nui). Keetongu's power is said to come from his armour and his spinners. The armour channels the power absorbed by the shield array, and the spinner can then send that energy back at his attacker. In this way, Keetongu can counteract any attack made upon him. The Toa Hordika and Rahaga launched a search for him in Metru Nui, in hopes that he would cure the Toa of their affliction.


Keetongu was eventually discovered and he joined the Toa Hordika in an attack on the Coliseum. During that battle, Keetongu killed Sidorak. He later used his powers to cure the Toa Hordika. Keetongu was badly wounded in a later clash with Teridax, but recovered. He now travels the universe, seeking to help other victims of the Visorak and of those of Roodaka's mutation spinner.


Keetongu also has the ability of water breathing; and is immune to all mutagens, within or outside the Matoran Universe.


the rahaga

Name given to six former Toa Hagah who were transformed by Roodaka into shrunken, bent creatures with the heads of Rahkshi. The name was coined by Roodaka as a play on the words "Hagah" and "Rahkshi". Rahaga were partially Rahi and had enhanced sense and agility as a result. Each carried a staff and had a Rhotuka Launcher as part of their anatomy.


After their transformation, the Rahaga began to despair, thinking they could no longer do anything useful. Norik, however, inspired them to be hopeful, and they set about helping the lands invaded by the Brotherhood's Visorak hordes. They also began searching for a legendary Rahi called Keetongu.


The Rahaga eventually traveled to Metru Nui and met up with the Toa Hordika in order to help free the Matoran.


The Rahaga continued to oppose Roodaka and the Visorak, making every effort to rescue Rahi before the Visorak could capture them. The Rahaga acted to save the Toa Hordika from certain death and to educate them about their new forms, new powers, and hopes for a cure for their condition. 


The six Rahaga were Bomonga, Gaaki, Iruini, Kualus, Norik, and Pouks.



Former Toa Hagah of Fire.


Norik suggested that the Rahaga begin their search for Keetongu, a legendary Rahi said to be able to reverse any affliction. Although Norik firmly believed that this beast existed, many of the other Rahaga did not share his faith. Still, they agreed to join him and eventually made their way to Metru Nui. There Norik saved Toa Vakama after he had been turned into a Toa Hordika, but he was unable to keep Vakama from turning away from his friends and succumbing to his bestial side.


As a Rahaga, Norik specialised in capturing Rahi reptiles and other crawling creatures, such as the Furnace Salamanders. He carried a Rhotuka Spinner with the snare power, which tangled the limbs of a target. His staff could be used to distract his intended target until he was ready to strike.





Former Toa Hagah of Water.


As a Rahaga, Gaaki specialised in capturing Rahi swimmers, such as the Takea and the Makuta Fish. She carried a Rhotuka Spinner with the floater power, which attached to its target and carried the Rahi to the surface of the water. She also carried a staff that she used to bait Rahi by striking the water with it.





Former Toa Hagah of Air.


As a Rahaga, Iruini specialised in capturing Rahi climbers, such as the Brakas and Cable Crawlers. He carried a Rhotuka spinner with the snag power, which attached to its target and tangled up limbs like a net. He also carried a staff, the movements of which could hypnotise Rahi.





Former Toa Hagah of Ice.


As a Rahaga, Kualus specialised in capturing flying Rahi, such as Ice Bats and Gukko. He carried a Rhotuka Spinner with the boomerang power, which would adhere to a flying target and then bring it right to him. His staff could be used to send a high-pitched signal to Rahi, summoning them or warning them of danger. Kualus was capable of speaking a strange language that was evidently understood by some Rahi, and of understanding some of their language. He later taught this skill to Toa Nuju, who eventually abandoned speaking Matoran altogether in favour of this Rahi dialect.





Former Toa Hagah of Earth.


As a Rahaga, Bomonga specialised in capturing Rahi hiders, such as Fireflyers and Blade Burrowers. He carried a Rhotuka Spinner that could fly in absolute silence and then adhere to and paralyse a target. Bomonga was known for his patience and his ability to remain motionless for long periods of time while waiting for a target to pass nearby.  




Former Toa Hagah of Stone.


As a Rahaga, Pouks specialised in capturing large land Rahi, such as the Kikanalo and the Muaka. He carried a Rhotuka Spinner with the lasso power, which skimmed just above the ground and then wrapped around the legs of a target, bringing it down and immobilising it. He could also carried a staff that could be used to make an invisible mark on Rahi so that they could be tracked. Pouks was familiar enough with the natural movements of Rahi that he could spot impersonations by Krahka. He persuaded Krahka to side with the Toa Metru against the Visorak, and later rode with her and Toa Onewa on the back of a Tahtorak.


An intelligent, shape-shifting Rahi. One for years made her home in the tunnels beneath the Archives of Onu-Metru in Metru Nui. Krahka was able to take on the form and powers of any living thing she had seen, as well as combine those forms and powers. She also gained knowledge with the transformation, enabling her to master the Matoran language among others. Krahka first encountered the Toa Metru when they went into the maintenance tunnels to stop a leak that threatened the Archives.


After capturing Whenua, she impersonated him to lead the others into a trap. Believing the Toa and Matoran a threat to her domain, she intended to lure the Matoran into the tunnels and trap them, then claimed the city for herself. She was defeated after using her power to take on aspects of all six Toa, when the mental strain proved too much for her. Turning herself into a lava eel, she escaped, with Vakama making no effort to stop her.


She resurfaced after the Visorak took over Metru Nui, challenging Roodaka to single combat. Roodaka won and used Krahka as part of a plan to undermine the confidence of the Toa Hordika. Krahka later turned on Roodaka and sided with the Toa and Rahaga against the Visorak horde. Summoning the Tahtorak, Krahka rode it into battle against the horde and the Zivon. During the struggle between the Tahtorak and the Zivon, Krahka spotted a Kahgahrak about to unleash a spinner that would send the Tahtorak into the zone of darkness.


Knowing she could not save him, Krahka slammed into the Zivon, forcing it into physical contact with its foe. When the spinner hit, all three - Tahtorak, Zivon, and Krahka - were transported into the zone.


Krahka and Tahtorak later escaped through the use of Brutaka's mask, the Olmak, and made it to Voya Nui. Krahka transformed into a flying Rahi and left the island, heading for Metru Nui.


Krahka believed that she was the only member of her species, Rahaga Pouks revealed that many more had once existed in another land. They were overrun by the Visorak and are presumed lost.


The Krahka species, however, were shunned creations of the Makuta.



Reign of Shadows


After the awakening of Mata Nui and Teridax's takeover, the Toa Metru-turned-Turaga located Krahka on Metru Nui, where she agreed to aid them in their fight. She later found herself in the barren land of Karzahni as part of a team with Toa Nuva Tahu, Kopeke, the Dark Hunter "Guardian", Johmak, and Lariska. She witnessed "Guardian" leaving the team and promptly getting killed, and the team was then discovered by Exo-Toa.



Personality and traits


Krahka had a very distinct personality, considering they are Rahi. They were very defensive of their territory, and would protect it at any cost. A Krahka was capable of speaking and understanding Matoran (although only after learning it from another being, not instinctively), forming complex strategies, and deceiving virtually anyone.


Powers and Equipment


She had the unique ability to change her form into that of any living being she had seen. In the process she gained the powers of those she imitated, could mimic their voices perfectly, and even gained some of their knowledge. However, only the Rahaga and standard Toa brought to being, such as the Toa Nuva or Helryx and Orde, can simultaneously pierce their disguises.


the vorikiia

Earlier prototypes of the Toa species long before Axonn, Brutaka, Hydraxon, Helryx, Orde, and the Toa Mata. The Vorikiia were earlier species of warriors created by the Great Beings predating all Toa. 

They protected the Matoran against various menaces during the construction of the Mata Nui Robot and the Matoran Universe.


Many of them migrated into the Southern regions of the Matoran Universe. Located further south from the Southern Continent. Building their own society there whilst protecting the Matoran and other species. However, most of these heroes were wiped out or even mutated by the Visorak Horde led by the female Makuta named Gorast.


A member of this species joined the Hand of Artakha, consisting of Axonn, Hydraxon and Helryx, before it shortly disbanded. Unlike his brethren, the Vorikiia himself whom eventually grew jealous of all Toa as champions of the Matoran, abandoned his kind and then defected to join the Dark Hunters; as the evil-turned combatant "Shadow Stealer".


The Vorikiia are fan-made/fanon species and characters of the Bionicle Universe. They are not part of the storyline, lore, nor  official canon.


The Vorikiia; in twisted mutation state made by the Visorak. Giving them long receptors and a prolonged horizontal blade on its tail. 

mata nui


Mata Nui was the Great Spirit created by the Great Beings to explore and observe the galaxy. For a time, he was condemned to an eternal slumber, with many Toa going on journeys to revive him. As the Great Spirit, he was designated to enact as its conducted ruler; by giving the Matoran and other species the Three Virtues (Unity, Duty, and Destiny) in their AI genetic programming. So that these "beings" could play their roles; in saving a dead planet. Long before "Velika" however, a sinister and deceptive Great Being whom tampered their intelligence into an almost highly advanced, yet over-sophisticated work culture.


Upon Mata Nui's death after the Toa Mahri failed to save the universe, Matoro sacrificed himself, dying so that Mata Nui could live again. With Mata Nui alive once more, Tahu and his allies journeyed to Karda Nui to awaken the Great Spirit. While they narrowly succeeded in doing so, Teridax took control of the Matoran Universe and trapped Mata Nui's spirit inside the Ignika before blasting it into outer space.


The Ignika eventually landed on Bara Magna, where it unleashed Mata Nui's spirit and created a body for him. Now a physical being, Mata Nui earned the trust of the Glatorian, warriors similar to the Toa, and together they allied with the inhabitants of the Matoran Universe to combat Teridax and his forces of Rahkshi, Skakdi and Skrall. Using an ancient Prototype Robot, Mata Nui fought Teridax before finally managing to kill him. With the threat extinguished, Mata Nui used the last of his power to make Spherus Magna whole once more, and this caused his spirit to return to the Ignika. As he said goodbye to Tahu and those surrounding him, he encouraged them to begin a new life on Spherus Magna. 



Powers and Equipment


After being cast out of the Matoran Universe, Mata Nui wore the Ignika. When he landed on Bara Magna, the Ignika created a body for him. After touching the Ignika, the Scarabax Beetle, Click, gained the ability to transform between the Scarabax Shield and its former form. Later, he defeated a Vorox by smashing the tip of its tail off and later took the stinger to use as a weapon, which was eventually transformed into a Sword.





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