
kanohi masks
kanohi masks

Matoran word meaning "mask". The Kanohi Masks of Power were vital to the survival of the Matoran and the power of the Turaga and Toa. Kanohi masks were created using Kanoka Disks and were made in Ta-Metru in Metru Nui. There are three known types of Kanohi mask:
matoran masks
Matoran Masks
Worn by Matoran villagers, these masks do not have any extra powers. Wearing them is essential for Matoran, however, as having a mask off for too long can lead to a condition resembling a coma. Matoran masks are fashioned to look like Great Masks and Noble Masks. They are made from Kanoka disks with a power level of 6 and under.
noble masks
Noble Masks
Less powerful than Great Masks, these are commonly worn by Turaga, but also used by Toa. Noble Masks are made from Kanoka Disks with a power level of 7. Noble Masks were stored in the Great Temple of Metru Nui. Noble Masks were brought from Metru Nui to Mata Nui by the Toa Metru. They were later stolen from the Matoran villages by Rahi under Makuta Teridax's command, and remained missing until found by Tahu and the other Toa a thousand years later.
great masks
Great Masks
These masks can be used effectively only by Toa, and are made from Kanoka Disks with a power level of 8. Great Masks were stored in the Great Temple in Metru Nui. An assortment of these masks was brought to Mata Nui by the Toa Metru and hidden in various spots on the island. They were later found by Tahu and his team of Toa. Use of a mask power requires a high level of mental discipline and willpower. For this reason, Turaga are no longer able to use Great Masks despite having once been Toa, and Matoran cannot use mask power at all.
Extremely powerful masks like the Vahi, the Mask of Creation, and the Ignika are considered legendary masks. Known Kanohi include the Pehkui, Kualsi, Hau, Hau Nuva, Kakama, Kakama Nuva, Akaku, Akaku Nuva, Huna, Komau, Mahiki, Matatu, Rau, Ruru, Kaukau, Kaukau Nuva, Miru, Miru Nuva, Pakari, Pakari Nuva, Olmak, Rode, Calix, Elda, Suletu, Sanok, Kadin, Iden, Garai, Faxon, Arthron, Zatth, Tryna, Volitak, Akamai, and the Rua.
However, Great Masks can also be fashioned as lesser-powered Noble Masks worn by Turaga, such as the Kiril. A mask in same design and shape of the Great Mask Pehkui that has the abilities of restoring inanimate objects and buildings to their previous, undamaged conditions.

kanohi hau, great mask of shielding
Protects the most powerful attacks, but not against ambushes. Worn by Toa Tahu when he first appeared on Mata Nui.

kanohi kaukau, great mask of water breathing
Allows the user to breathe underwater. Gali, Toa of Water, wore this mask when she first appeared on Mata Nui.

kanohi miru, great mask of levitation
Allows the user to soar into the air and reach amazing heights. Worn by Lewa, Toa of Air, when he first appeared on Mata Nui.

kanohi akaku, great mask of x-ray vision
Allows the user to see through walls and illusions. Worn by Toa Kopaka when he first appeared on Mata Nui.

kanohi kakama, great mask of speed
Allows the user to move at great speed and pass through solid objects without harm. Worn by Pohatu, Toa of Stone, when he first appeared on Mata Nui.

kanohi pakari, great mask of strength
Increases the strength of the user. Worn by Onua, Toa of Earth, when he first appeared on Mata Nui.
kanohi nuva masks
kanohi nuva Masks
Masks exposed to Energised Protodermis and transformed. Kanohi Nuva were more powerful than standard masks, and granted the user the ability to share the mask's power with anyone in close proximity. Kanohi Nuva included the Akaku Nuva, the Hau Nuva, the Kakama Nuva, the Kaukau Nuva, the Miru Nuva, and the Pakari Nuva. They were worn by the Toa Nuva.

hau nuva, great mask of shielding
The more powerful version of the Kanohi Hau worn by Tahu Nuva. This mask was able to project a stronger force field than the standard Hau, and the effect could be maintained for a longer duration. Like all Nuva Masks, it power could be shared by the user with those in close proximity.

kaukau nuva, great mask of water breathing
The more powerful version of the Kanohi Kaukau worn by Gali Nuva. In addition to allowing underwater respiration, this mask made it possible for the wearer to stay under longer and to breathe at greater depths.

miru nuva, great mask of levitation
The more powerful version of the Kanohi Miru worn by Lewa Nuva. As a Nuva version of the Miru mask, this mask allows a semblance of flight. Akin to the Kanohi Kadin. With a proper head start, a user could rise into the air and remain aloft without having to rely on updrafts.

akaku nuva, great mask of x-ray vision
The Nuva version of the Kanohi Akaku worn by Kopaka Nuva. He used his mask to spot the damage done to Ko-Koro by the Rahkshi. Like all Kanohi Nuva masks, its power could be shared by the user with those in close proximity.

pakari nuva, great mask of strength
The Nuva version of the Kanohi Pakari worn by Onua Nuva. It was capable of increasing his strength and that of those around him to their ultimate.

KAKAMA nuva, great mask of SPEED
The more powerful version of the Kanohi Kakama worn by Pohatu Nuva. This mask not only allowed super speed travel, but also gave the user complete control of the molecules of his body. This allowed someone wearing the Kakama to pass through solid objects without harm by simply vibrating at a different speed than the object.

kanohi huna, noble mask of concealment
Noble version of the Great Huna that allows the wearer to become invisible but in shorter duration. Worn by former Toa of Fire, Turaga Vakama.

kanohi rau, noble mask of translation
Noble version of the Great Rau. The Noble version enabled the user translation of written languages only. Worn by former Toa of Water, Turaga Nokama.

kanohi mahiki, noble mask of illusion
Noble version of the Great Mahiki. Allows the wearer to deceive an enemy by creating illusions. Worn by former Toa of Air, Turaga Matau.

kanohi matatu, noble mask of telekinesis
Noble version of the Great Matatu. Allows the wearer to move objects using the power of his thoughts. Worn by former Toa of Ice, Turaga Nuju.

kanohi komau, noble mask of mind control
Noble version of the Great Komau. Allows the wearer to make others do his bidding.
Worn by former Toa of Stone, Turaga Onewa.

kanohi ruru, great mask of night vision
Noble version of the Great Ruru. Allows the wearer to see in total darkness.
Worn by former Toa of Earth, Turaga Whenua.

kanohi huna, great mask of concealment
Great Mask of Concealment. A Kanohi that allows the user turn invisible, although he would still cast a shadow. Worn by Vakama, Toa Metru of Fire.

kanohi rau, great mask of translation
Great Mask of Translation. A Great Mask version that allows the user to understand both written and spoken languages. As a Toa Metru of Water, Nokama used its mask power to communicate with the Kikanalo herds as well as to translate ancient writings related to the Great Disks.

kanohi mahiki, great mask of illusion
Great Mask of illusion. The Kanohi Mahiki, worn by Toa Metru of Air, Matau, allows the user to shape-shift.

kanohi matatu, great mask of telekinesis
Great Mask of Telekinesis. Nuju, Toa Metru of Ice, wore the Great Mask version of this, using its power to free himself, Onewa, Whenua, and Lhikan from the Prison of the Dark Hunters.

kanohi komau, great mask of mind control
Great Mask of Mind Control. This mask allowed the wearer to make others do his bidding, although it could work only on targets that had a mind (and thus was ineffective against Vahki and some forms of Rahi). Onewa, Toa Metru of Stone, wore the Great Mask version of this as a Toa.

Nuparu's altered Volitak as Toa Mahri of Earth

kanohi volitak, great mask of stealth
A mask that has the combined effect of camouflaging the wearer and deadening sound around him so he cannot be heard. The Kanohi Volitak is worn by Toa Mahri Nuparu and Nidhiki, Toa of Air and member of the Mangai.

kanohi calix, great mask of fate
Kanohi Mask of Fate worn by Toa Inika Jaller. The Matoran version of this mask was given to him during his time in the realm of Karzahni. The Calix allows the wearer to perform at the absolute peak of his natural abilities, making it possible for him to run, leap, dodge, etc. Better than virtually any other unenhanced member of his species.

kanohi elda, great mask of detection
Kanohi Mask of Detection worn by Toa Inika Hahli. She was given the Matoran version of the mask while in the realm of Karzahni. The Kanohi Elda allowed Hahli to detect the presence of the Kanohi Ignika, the Mask of Life. As well as to see the spirit of Matoro when it was free from his body. The Elda was stolen from Hahli by Teridax while that being was in possession of Toa Matoro's body.

kanohi suletu, great mask of telepathy
Kanohi Mask of Telepathy worn by Toa Inika Kongu. The mask was found during the journey Kongu and his friends made to Voya Nui when they were still Matoran. Kongu was able to get it back after it was taken from him during their time in the realm of Karzahni. The Suletu gives its user the ability to read thoughts as well as project them. Kongu used the Suletu to make Vezon hear the Kanohi Ignika's thoughts and realised the mask was prepared to reject him as its guardian. Krakua, Toa of Sonics, also wore a Suletu.

kanohi iden, great mask of spirit
Kanohi Mask of Spirit worn Toa Inika Matoro. He was given the Matoran version of the mask while in the realm of Karzahni. The Iden allows its user to unleash his spirit from his physical body for a limited amount of time. While free, the spirit can move at high speed, pass through physical objects, and observe events in the physical world. The spirit is invisible to anyone not wearing a Kanohi Elda or Kanohi Rode. In spirit form, the user can only communicate with those wearing one of those two masks, and cannot interact with any other physical object.

kanohi kadin, great mask of flight
Kanohi Mask of Flight worn by Toa Inika Nuparu. He was given the Matoran version of the mask during his time in the realm of Karzahni. The mask allows its user to fly under his own power, rather than relying on wind currents. The Kanohi Kadin is also worn by Jovan, Toa of Magnetism, and later the Noble version of the Kadin as Turaga on Voya Nui.

kanohi sanok, great mask of accuracy
Great Mask of Accuracy worn by Toa Inika Hewkii. He was given the Matoran version of this mask while in the realm of Karzahni. The Sanok allows its wearer to use virtually any object as a missile weapon and to hit whatever it is aimed at.

kanohi pehkui, great mask of diminishment
Great Mask of Diminishment, worn by Norik, Toa Hagah of Fire, allows the user to shrink to a minimum height of six inches while still retaining normal strength and power.

kanohi kualsi, great mask of quick travel
Great Mask of Quick Travel, worn by Iruini, Toa Hagah of Air. A mask that allows the wearer to travel by teleportation, although only to a spot that is in his or her sight line.

kanohi rode, great mask of truth
Kanohi Mask of Truth worn by Axonn. This mask allows the user to see through any deception or disguise. It also enabled Axonn to see and communicate with Toa Inika Matoro when the latter was in spirit form.

kanohi olmak, great mask of dimensional gates
A mask which allows the user to open portals to other dimensions and either pass through them himself or force others into them. Brutaka used the mask to send a Tahtorak to Metru Nui at some point in the past. He attempted to use it to thrust Axonn out of this dimension, but instead the Tahtorak and Krahka emerged from the portal. The Order of Mata Nui suspects the Brotherhood of Makuta has access to a more powerful version of the mask, or something similar, and is using it to transport

kanohi AVOHKII, great mask of LIGHT
Kanohi Mask of Light worn by Toa Takanuva.
The Mask of Light was originally forged on the island of Artakha and intended for use by a prophesied Toa of Light. Many thousands of years later, the Brotherhood of Makuta stole the mask from its creators and hid it in one of their fortresses in an effort to prevent this Toa from ever coming to be. Later, after discovering the Brotherhood's treachery, the Toa Hagah raided the fortress and stole the mask themselves. Even after being turned into Rahaga, they were able to successfully spirit the mask away.
The Rahaga hid the mask in the Archives in Metru Nui. The compartment in which it was concealed could only be opened using six Makoki Stones, which the Rahaga hid around the city to keep them from the Visorak. The Toa Hordika retrieved all six stones and found the Avohkii, which gave off a bright glow. Fearing that the glow would attract the attention of the Visorak, Toa Hordika Onewa used his Rhotuka Spinner to conceal the mask in a block of stone. The Toa Metru later transported that stone to the island of Mata Nui and hid it in a lava cave. Legend stated that the Herald of the Toa of Light would have to find the mask, it could not be given to him, and so the location of it was kept secret.
Takua, a Ta-Matoran, would eventually stumble upon the Mask of Light while exploring the cavern. Takua and Jaller were charged by the Turaga with the duty of finding the Toa of Light. Their adventure took them to many places on the island and exposed them to danger from Rahi and Rahkshi. Takua later donned the mask and transformed into Takanuva, Toa of Light. (How the mask was able to trigger such a transformation when normal Great Masks do not has not yet been revealed. It is rumoured that the mask may have been infused with Toa Power during its creation, and so acted like a Toa Stone.)
The Kanohi Avohkii can project powerful beams of light energy and banish the darkness. It also brings understanding, turning anger into peace and enemies into allies.
kanohi kiril, Nobel mask of regeneration
Mask of Regeneration, worn by Turaga Dume. This mask allowed the wearer to restore inanimate objects or buildings to their previous, undamaged conditions. It could not be used to heal living beings. Regardless of its shape and design to the Pehkui mask, Dume used its mask powers to begin repairs on the city of Metru Nui during the thousand years it was abandoned by the Matoran.
The only difference between the Great and Noble versions of the Kiril was that the amount the Noble Kiril could regrow was smaller.
As a Toa, Dume's Great Mask version of the Kiril largely differentiates from the Pehkui Great Mask (worn by Toa Hagah of Fire, Norik). As its own design and shape; before he eventually transformed himself into Turaga.

kanohi olisi, great mask of alternate futures
Great Mask of Alternate Futures, worn by Karzahni. The Great Beings created the first and only Olisi, which Karzahni received after he failed to defeat his brother Artakha for the right to wear the Legendary Mask of Creation.
Karzahni wore the Olisi for the next 100,001 years, until he travelled to Mahri Nui and was exposed to the Pit Mutagen. This then fused the Olisi to his face, although he was still capable of accessing its powers.
After Makuta Teridax (in the body of Maxilos) destroyed Karzahni's sanity, Karzahni used his Olisi's power to trap Toa Lesovikk in a vision of an alternate timeline where his team had never died. Despite the lure of the dream and initially believing it, the Toa of Air eventually realised that he was trapped in an illusion. This realisation was enough to allow the him to force his way out of the Olisi-created hallucination.
After Teridax in the body of the Great Spirit was killed by Mata Nui, Mata Nui used the powers of the Prototype Robot and the Kanohi Ignika to unmutate those affected by the Pit Mutagen. Karzahni was included in its range of effect, reversing the effects of the mutagen upon himself and the Olisi. Karzahni later died in a suspicious manner upon the newly-reformed Spherus Magna, leading to his body falling off a cliff. The Kanohi Olisi was broken and destroyed upon his impact with the ground.
The Kanohi Olisi gave its user the power to project a mental vision of an alternate timeline or a possible future into their and one or more being's minds at once. The user could use their thoughts or thoughts of the victim(s) to create the vision; the user will also share in the created vision.
While the user could place a vision in a target's head and leave it alone, this made it easier to free oneself from the vision. Karzahni tended to activate the Olisi's power through an energy blast aimed at his target(s). It seems that the user does not control exactly what is seen, as several times Karzahni gave visions of events he could not know about. Rather it seems that he simply dictates whether it will be a pleasant vision or a nightmare, and the victim's own mind and memories create the details.

kanohi vahi, great mask of time
Great Mask of Time. This mask was able to either slow down or speed up time around a target. Originally created by Toa Vakama using all six of the Great Disks, it was lost in the ocean surrounding Metru Nui during battle with Teridax. Vakama later recovered the mask and brought it to Mata Nui. One thousand years later, Vakama, now a Turaga, gave the mask to Tahu Nuva. The Toa of Fire used the mask to slow down time around the Bohrok-Kal and prevent them from freeing the Bahrag. Tahu later returned the mask to Vakama's care, where it remains.

kanohi ignika, great mask of life
The Kanohi Ignika was the Legendary Mask of Life, and one of the three most powerful known Kanohi in the Matoran Universe (along with the Vahi and the Mask of Creation).
The Kanohi Ignika could evolve and devolve creatures and objects at will, curse anyone who touched it, shape-shift, absorb life energy or release it in an enormous blast called a Nova Blast, heal, and could use telepathy. It could also grant powers to others. It was impossible to create a Great, Noble, or Powerless version of the Kanohi Ignika, as a weaker mask would not have been able to contain such sheer power within itself. The Vahi, Ignika and Mask of Creation were on the same power level because Time, Life and Creativity were equal fundamental forces of the Matoran Universe.
The mask could bestow itself and others with powers, such as the abilities it gave to Vezon. It could also restore power to a being, such as undoing a Toa's transformation into a Turaga.

great mask of psychometry
The Mask of Psychometry, worn by a Toa of Water named Helryx, was a Kanohi that gave its user the power to see the past history of an object simply by touching it. However, the user has no control over what they see, and the mask's power cannot be used on living targets or multiple targets at once.
great mask of clairvoyance
The Mask of Clairvoyance was a Kanohi that gave its user the power to see into the near future. Using the mask was very debilitating; the mask used the wearer, in a sense, rather than the other way around. This was because the wearer had no control over what they would see or even when they could use the mask. While a Mask of Clairvoyance-wearer could foresee the future, they could not do anything to change it.
This mask was always on at a low level; despite this, the mask's power could not contact the wearer's consciousness if they were trapped in a very powerful mental illusion.
Toa Gaaki's Mask of Clairvoyance showed her the coming of the Dark Hunters to Xia. She later foresaw that Zaktan would die (or at least appear to) during the Toa Hagah's hunt for Makuta Teridax.
great mask of growth
The Mask of Growth was a Kanohi that gave its user the power to grow larger, up to a maximum height of 60 feet. The user's strength grew directly in proportion to their enlarged size, but did not give them strength equivalent to a Pakari-user. The user's tools/weapons also grew larger.
Masks of Growth were carved out of Enlarge Kanoka on Metru Nui. Bomonga, Toa Hagah of Earth, used his Mask of Growth to enlarge himself to 40 feet tall in order to effectively battle the Tahtorak of Metru Nui.
great mask of rahi control
The Mask of Rahi Control, worn by a Toa of Ice named Kualus, was a Kanohi that gave its user the power to control one or more of any type of Rahi at once. Most Rahi cannot resist the effects of the mask's power, with the possible exceptions of Krahka and Keetongu. The Mask of Rahi Control's power is not nearly as effective on insects and insectoid Rahi as it is on all other types of animals.
great mask of emulation
The Mask of Emulation, worn by a Toa of Stone named Pouks, was a Kanohi that gave its user the power to analyze and replicate a power from another being. The length of the replication process varied, depending on the power. When copied, the ability became like a temporary mask power. The Mask of Emulation could not copy Rahi powers, or weapon powers. If the user deactivated their mask, they would have to recopy the duplicated power, but the process would be quicker.

great mask of charisma
The Mask of Charisma was a Kanohi that gave its user the power to subtly alter the perception of one or more targets to make them agree with the user's views. The more the user spoke with their target(s), the more they would favour the user until they served the user's cause. This mask was used by the Order of Mata Nui if they needed disposable fodder; the mask was also a powerful tool in infiltration.However, the mask could not make anyone believe something that they would not normally think.

kanohi arthron, great mask of sonar
The Kanohi Arthron was the Mask of Sonar. It gave its user the power to sense the movements and positions of targets through echolocation. This mask power could detect beings, but could not identify details about the target. The powers of this mask also allowed its user to perceive Huna and Volitak users and see through illusions. An Arthron is always on at a low level.

kanohi faxon, great mask of kindred
The Kanohi Faxon was the Mask of Kindred. The Great Faxon gave its user the power to duplicate the powers and abilities of Rahi that shared their general environment. However, the Noble Faxon only allowed its user to replicate the powers of Rahi that shared their specific environment (e.g. a jungle Rahi, as compared to just any land Rahi).

kanohi zatth, great mask of summoning
The Kanohi Zatth was the Mask of Summoning. It gave its user the power to mentally summon animals to them for help. The user had no control over what animal(s) were called, or any other control over them when they arrived. Only animals compatible with the user's environment could be summoned. The user could not use a Zatth to send the summoned animal(s) away.

kanohi tryna, great mask of reanimation
The Kanohi Tryna was the Mask of Reanimation. It gave its user the power to give artificial life to and control one or more dead beings as long as they concentrated. The amount of concentration needed to raise and control the corpses increased with the number of corpses controlled.

kanohi garai, great mask of gravity
The Kanohi Garai was the Mask of Gravity. The Great version gave its user the power and range of a Toa of Gravity; namely to increase or decrease the effect of gravity on one or more targets. However, its power cannot be used by the wearer on themselves. A Noble Garai would grant its wearer Turaga-level strength and control over gravity. The Garai was one of the few elemental Kanohi seen in the story. Despite this, it did not increase the user's powers if they already had Gravity powers, such as a Toa of Gravity.
great mask of intangibility
The Mask of Intangibility, worn by Tuyet, Toa Mangai of Water, was a Kanohi that gave its user the power to lower their density to become intangible. This allowed them to pass through solid objects or avoid attacks. The user could also control how low they lowered their density.

great mask of possibilities
The Mask of Possibilities, worn by Nikila, Toa of Lightning, was a Kanohi that gave its user the power to alter probability within a given situation. The user could thus make a potential incident more likely or less likely to occur.

great mask of elemental energy
The Mask of Elemental Energy was a Kanohi that gave its user the power to quickly recharge their store of Elemental Energy. However, each Mask of Elemental Energy could only be used once. Additionally, the mask did not restore the user's full supply of Elemental Energy; instead, it merely acted as a quick boost.

noble mask of scavenging
A Noble version worn by a Shadow Matoran and servant of the Makuta named Vultraz. The Noble Mask of Scavenging, also known as the Mask of Vulture, was a Kanohi that gave its user the power to mentally reach out and drain residual life energy from the bodies of any recently deceased nearby beings. The siphoned life force(s) then made the user stronger and more physically able.
The Great Mask Version of the Mask of Scavenging was formerly worn by Makuta Icarax. Later exchanged it for the Kanohi Kraahkan.

mask of creation
The Mask of Creation was a Legendary Kanohi, and one of the three most powerful known Kanohi in the Matoran Universe.
The only Mask of Creation ever crafted was forged by some of the Great Beings, including Heremus. Artakha won the right to wear this mask after he physically fought for it against his brother, Karzahni. Despite this, the Great Beings did not give Artakha the mask in person.
Since he won the Mask of Creation, Artakha used it many times to aid him in the designing of his creations. As Artakha wore and constantly used the Mask of Creation for over 100,000 years, he mastered the immense amount of willpower and mental ability to effectively use it.
The Mask of Creation allowed its user to imagine a finished product from its raw component materials and learn how to construct it. The mask could also create an object if its user already knew how the object could be made. As mentioned earlier, since Artakha used the Mask of Creation for over 100,000 years, he mastered the immense willpower and mental discipline to use it. Artakha wore the Mask of Creation when he teleported to Metru Nui to confront the combatants in the Core Processor.
As it was a Legendary Kanohi, if the Mask of Creation was damaged within the Matoran Universe, its powers would begin to slowly leak out and affect its surroundings; If it were to be destroyed while in the Matoran Universe, the inhabitants within would lose all of their creativity.
It was impossible to create a Great, Noble, or Powerless version of the Mask of Creation, as a weaker mask could not contain such an immense amount of power within itself. The Vahi, Ignika and Mask of Creation were on the same power level because Time, Life and Creativity were equal fundamental forces of the Matoran Universe.
makuta masks
makuta masks
After the Makuta's rebellion against their leader and fellow Makuta, named Miserix, they eventually use small remnants of liquid mutagens and energised protodermis. To experiment and endow their Great Masks with newly added or replaced mask powers to their original masks. However, each and every mask beforehand were also made of a rare material of metals known as Protosteel. And as a side-effect of being worn by shapeshifters, whenever the Makuta shapeshifted, their Masks would therefore change with them. As their preeminent choice of changing their newly-fashioned masks.
Teridax succeeded in convincing the fellow Makuta and therefore took command over the entire Brotherhood. He then sentenced Miserix to his death with Spiriah and Krika carrying his orders (However, Krika secretly imprisoned Miserix on the island of Artidax instead) .

kanohi jutlin, great mask of destruction
Worn by the Makuta Antroz and Spiriah, the Kanohi Jutlin was the Mask of Corruption. It gave its user the power to break down lifeless/inanimate objects within their range of view and cause the target(s) to rust or decompose. As a side-effect of being worn by shapeshifters, whenever Antroz and Spiriah shapeshifted, their Jutlin would change with them.
The Jutlin could be crafted from Weakened Kanoka Disks. However, as a Noble Mask, the Jutlin would possibly have a restricted mask power as a minimum range. The Noble version of the Jutlin was also worn by Radiak; replacing his old mask the Kanohi Hau.
The Jutlin was also considered as an immoral mask by Toa. As such, they would not usually wear one. However, unbeknownst to all species in the Matoran Universe, the Jutlin was amongst these masks specifically made for the Makuta species. Long after their eventual mutiny against their original leader, Makuta Miserix. As well as building their devious schemes in overthrowing Mata Nui.

kanohi avsa, great mask of hunger
Worn by the Makuta Vamprah. The Kanohi Avsa was the Great Mask of Hunger. It gave its user the power to drain light, physical energy, or positive emotions from a single target over a distance. Physical energy stolen by the user will increase the user's physical abilities. Avsa can be used to make completely lightless beings by draining all of a target's light and then placing a "mind barrier" in the target. However, a Klakk can break this barrier, allowing light to return.
The Noble version of the Avsa was worn by the Shadow Matoran named Gavla. Replacing her old mask, the Kaukau. The Avsa was considered an immoral mask by Toa. As such, they would not usually wear one. However, unbeknown to all species in the Matoran Universe, the Avsa was amongst the masks specifically made for the Makuta species. After their eventual mutiny against their original leader, Makuta Miserix. As well as building their devious schemes in overthrowing Mata Nui.
Vamprah used his Great Avsa on Kopaka to quickly drain his energy. Vamprah also used his Avsa to drain Radiak's light, turning him into a Shadow Matoran.

kanohi shelek, great mask of silence
Worn by the Makuta Chirox and Mutran. The Kanohi Shelek was the Mask of Silence. It gave its user the power to temporarily make a target simultaneously deaf and mute for as long as the user maintained their concentration. The Noble version of the Shelek was worn by the Shadow Matoran named Kirop. Replacing his old mask the Pakari; and Vican, a former Le-Matoran.
The Shelek was also considered as an immoral mask by Toa. As such, they would not usually wear one. However, unbeknown to all species in the Matoran Universe, the Shelek was amongst these masks specifically made for the Makuta species. After their eventual mutiny against their original leader, Makuta Miserix. As well as building their devious schemes in overthrowing Mata Nui.
Chirox used his Shelek to make Takanuva both deaf and mute so he and Makuta Bitil could attack the Toa without fear of discovery or raising alarm.

The Kanohi Mohtrek. Re-mutated by swamp waters in Karda Nui.
kanohi mohtrek, great mask of time duplication
Worn by the Makuta Bitil. The Kanohi Mohtrek was the Mask of Time Duplication. It gave its user the power to summon one or more past versions of themselves to the present. If any of the past selves were killed, the user would cease to exist, and an alternate timeline where the user died would be created.
When the past versions were sent back to their time, their memories of the future were erased. However, any damage to their bodies remained. Bitil chose not to summon copies of himself prior to when he entered the Karda Nui swamp, fearing that they might be mutated also. The amount of concentration needed to keep the past selves in the present increased with the amount of selves summoned.
The Mohtrek was also considered as an immoral mask by Toa. As such, they would not usually wear one. However, unbeknownst to all species in the Matoran Universe, the Mohtrek was amongst the masks specifically made for the Makuta species. After their eventual mutiny against their original leader, Makuta Miserix, as well as building their devious schemes in overthrowing Mata Nui.
Bitil used his Mohtrek against Toa Nuva Onua to summon a small army of his past selves.

The Kanohi Crast. Re-mutated by swamp waters in Karda Nui.
kanohi crast, great mask of repulsion
Worn by the Makuta Krika. The Kanohi Crast was the Mask of Repulsion. It gave its user the power to repel whatever they wanted for offence or defence. By repelling the ground, the user could achieve a limited type of flight. The user can only affect one target at a time, and can control how hard they repulse the target.
The Crast was also considered as an immoral mask by Toa. As such, they would not usually wear one. However, unbeknown to all species in the Matoran Universe, the Crast was amongst these masks specifically made for the Makuta species. After their eventual mutiny against their original leader, Makuta Miserix, as well as building their devious schemes in overthrowing Mata Nui.
Krika used his Great Crast to repel Makuta Gorast, sending her into a nearby stalactite with enough force to stun her.

The Kanohi Felnas. Re-mutated by swamp waters in Karda Nui.
kanohi felnas, great mask of disruption
Worn by the female Makuta Gorast. The Kanohi Felnas was the Mask of Disruption. It gave its user the power to cause one of another being's natural powers to go out of control. The mask could only affect one active power at a time; the mask-user also had to be touching the target to use the Felnas.
The Felnas was also considered as an immoral mask by Toa. As such, they would not usually wear one. However, unbeknown to all species in the Matoran Universe, the Felnas was amongst these masks specifically made for the Makuta species. After their eventual mutiny against their original leader, Makuta Miserix, as well as building their devious schemes in overthrowing Mata Nui.
Gorast used her Felnas on Krika to make his density control to go out of control, causing him to fade out of existence.

great mask of mutation
Worn by Miserix and other unknown Makuta. A Great Mask of Mutation gave its user the power to permanently mutate another living being to suit the user's liking; the user could mutate the target from over a distance. The mutation caused by the mask was permanent, unless it was undone by the mask user. Or from Keetongu's removal of his mutation powers.
The mask-user could undo changes and mutations not committed by the user, but without knowing how the target was originally mutated, it will make it harder for the user to fix the changes. Additionally, the mask-user cannot mutate themselves. The mask was unable to reverse mutations caused by Energised Protodermis.
The Noble Mask of Mutation had the same powers as the Great, except on a weaker level and could not be done over as great a distance.

kanohi kraahkan, great mask of shadows
Worn by Teridax. The Kanohi Kraahkan was the Great Mask of Shadows. Like its polar opposite, the Avohkii, only one Kraahkan was ever created.
The Kanohi Kraahkan was created out of protosteel in Artakha by the island's ruler. It was then worn for the next 100,001 years by Makuta Teridax. When Teridax confronted the Toa Mata for the first time, he shapeshifted into the form of an infected Matoran; as a side effect of being worn by a shapeshifter, the Kraahkan changed with Makuta into the form of an infected Hau.
When Teridax and Toa Takanuva merged to form Takutanuva, the Kraahkan and Avohkii also merged, forming a mask with the powers of both Light and Shadow -- the Mask of Light and Shadow. However, the two beings and their masks soon split apart, reforming the Kraahkan.
When the Piraka entered Mangaia (Teridax's lair beneath the island of Mata Nui), Reidak attempted to claim the Kraahkan from the shattered remnants of Teridax's armour, but it automatically pummelled him with shadow blasts until he threw it into the Silver Sea.
Sometime after this, Makuta Icarax dove into the sea and emerged with the Kraahkan. He then replaced his mask with the Kraahkan. However, the Kraahkan, along with Icarax, was dispersed into atoms throughout the universe when Gorast and Vamprah killed Icarax, who had been trying to use his powers over teleportation, in Karda Nui.
Teridax later altered the position of the "stars" above Metru Nui into the shape of the Kraahkan when he announced the success of his Plan to the entire Matoran Universe.
The Mask of Shadows allowed the user to control the shadows and feed fear and/or anger into those affected by its power. It could also let the user see the evil in others. It could also strike non-Makuta who attempted to take the mask with blasts of Shadow, analogous to a car alarm. As a side-effect of being worn by shapeshifters, whenever Teridax and Icarax shapeshifted, the Kraahkan changed with them.
Alternate Universes
alternate universes
Dark Mirror
In the Toa Empire alternate timeline, the Kraahkan was stolen from Teridax by the Toa Empire and displayed unguarded in the Metru Nui Archives. It was warded, so that if anyone touched it, the Toa Empire would know.
The Kingdom
In 'The Kingdom' alternate timeline, the main dimension's Takanuva knocked the Kanohi Kraahkan off that timeline's Teridax during the Battle at the Light Barrier. Toa Tanma then destroyed the mask.
The Melding
In this alternate timeline where the Makuta were good, Teridax wore a gold Mask of Shadows, but its power was not associated with evil.