
Faber's secret plans; Is Bionicle returning in a new way? Or as a Reboot or Spiritual Succesor for 2020?
Christian Faber, a former Art Director for the Advertising Agency Advance and originator of the LEGO BIONICLE Generation One Franchise (2001- 2010) left cryptic messages on his Instagram Account displaying intriguing images and messages regarding the future.

Faber's quotes on Instagram:
"What if there is an undiscovered way back?. A secret path to reset destiny. How many of you would join? #14B2020 🌊The wave of inspiration from one single post is totally amazing. You are the best! This is all the fuel anybody could wish for👍🏼!!!"
"Amazing!!! There is only one thing to do after that responce. This project is “ON” from my side and now comes the hard part and the leap of faith and airtime untill it takes the right shape. One thing is for certain. This thing only got big originally because of your engagement and it is made out of the energy of the fans! #14b2020"
“You have been dreaming for an eternity. Amazing stories of light and darkness. Shaping your mind like a stream carves the rock. You know all and nothing. The moment before waking” #14b2020
"B is a mindset. A quest for mystery and adventure. The future is an open ocean. Everything is out there and you set the course. This is not an attempt to dictate or make a takeover of everything you know from the past. It is to inspire thinking ahead. The future is my client and these are legendary times with great possibilities and I am going to sail the deep waters. I don’t want to tell you the destination. It is already in your mind. #14B2020"
"First came the #mythology. Then the struggle for survival in the middle ages and thereafter the age of discovery when present meets future. Is 3 going to B? When hindsight shifts to foresight. Mind of machines #nexttomachines #14b2020"
"This pod holds all the dreams and knowledge of past legends and the #hibernating hope for the future. Hatching will depend on surroundings and survival options. Evolution, timing and patience are close connected with coincidence and luck nearby. Your interest and comments will power the ignition." #14B2020
"Evolution is a game of chance. Ready for the surface? #14b2020"
"Who am I? #14B2020 ask the question to yourself and look forward instead of backwards."
"A dream in a shell. Working to make it real #14b2020. Everything will be like never before"
“-but the only way of ever finding out is to go there and see for yourself” "#14B2020 will be just like never before!"
"Approaching The Well of Time. Grains of sand are rising from the infinite deep, defying gravity of time. Will you dare to jump in?" #14B2020
"2020 and these are truly surreal times so this might be the time to search for new masks, new knowledge and start to create new legends. We need to restore hope. Life is an adventure and the planet needs real life heroes. So we better start educating the next generation with stories that inspire. You all know who you are, Turaga and vice on the past but heading for the future." #mybiologicalchronicle #14b2020 #2020rebel
"We are at an epic point in time where the sand of time can shift and we can Recover the past. Shape the present. Change the future. 2000B2020. When everything align, great things will happen🤞🏼💪🏼 #14B2020 this is an old 3D rendering from b4 the Bionicle name was created. It is a tribute to the community and symbolize the dream of a new biological chronicle."
"Sketching the past or the future? That depends on the now! #14B2020"
Check out the highly anticipated BIONICLE Role Playing Fan Game; Masks of Power!
If you love and enjoyed the G1 era of LEGO BIONICLE as much as I do,
I would highly recommend this fan made Game!

Also, they have released a side game known as "The Trials of the Great Spirit". A Games Trial that allows the players and the fans the opportunity to bug test the programs of the game by downloading and playing the game itself for free; as well as giving feedback to the developers in order to rebuild and improve the main game, Masks of Power, further.
This allows the developers of the game (a group of fans known as Team Kanohi) new abilities and ideas to improve the program as well as the final product. The minor task game also provides players and fans dungeon-like challenges as you play as the heroic Toa.
In order to download and play Masks of Power, visit:
https://jojordan2.wixsite.com/bioniclemasksofpower or,
for easier and faster patching in downloading the later and updated BMOP games.
For Trials of the Great Spirit, visit https://teamkanohi.itch.io/bmop.
For news and Developers' updates regarding the games, follow their current and recent videos on their Youtube Channel as well as their Twitter page and their Discord Server.
The Developers of the game are also asking fans; experienced or newcoming Programmers and Artists; and members of the Bionicle community in need of:
2D and 3D Artists
Audio and Sound effects producers

If you have any of these skills and talents and would like to help their project moving forward, please click here and submit your application form.
Holy Fudge! An another incredible Fan Made BIONICLE Game! This time, an Open-World Role Playing Game!
Watch this exciting Trailer of an amazing game made by the ambitious fan community! As a massive fan of the G1 era; this game; alongside Masks of Power, will definitely benefit my time! This is flippin exciting!
Hopefully, regardless of their choice of music in the first trailer (which I liked), they would perhaps release another game trailer down the line with its tribal-like music setting.
Also check out their updates and news regarding the game below as well as a 12-minute Gameplay video.
For Further updates, please visit their Youtube channel page.
The movies we missed
Youtubers and members of the Bionicle community has made these incredible animations reminiscent of the Miramax Bionicle films.
Revisit the Golden Era of the legendary Flash Game
Revisit the day where Mata Nui Online Game (MNOG), a point-and-click adventure game made by Templar Studios in 2001, built the legacy of an amazing world coming together.
Amazing Bionicle Vector Art
Check out Instagram User elmike_gca's fantastic vector illustrations of the Bionicle characters!

Having trouble explaining to your friends or family about BIONICLE? No problem, they got you covered!
Youtuber Lavapasta explains in-depth about the history of the franchise as well as the story lore itself. The perfect way to share or explain about these awesome plastic building action figures!
Fan Art Spotlight
A very touching fan art of Matoro, Toa Mahri of Ice. Made by artist Zenna Jorra.

Fan Art Spotlight
A set accurate fan art of 01' Tahu made by Artist and Blogger
Matt vanLieshout .

Fan Art Spotlight
Cool G2 iterations of the Toa Mata as well as other memorable characters of the Bionicle G1 universe. Made by Twitter Artist

Fan Art Spotlight
Fan art of the Matoran characters of 2001's Mata Nui Online Game. Made by Tumblr Artist Swoletergeist.
Click on the image above for full size.
Video Spotlight
Stunning animation and visual redesigns of the 2008 Toa Nuva and Brotherhood of Makuta members; made by Youtuber and animator Vrahno!
Catch up with Bionicle Day; an Online Fan Community Event celebrating the Franchise of G1 and G2 (Lego Bionicle 2015-2016).
For those whom possibly missed out, Bionicle Day is an Online Fan Community Event celebrating everything Bionicle. Hosted by The Beaverhouse, Biosector01, MaskofDestiny.com, Litestone Studios, TTV Podcast, Red Star Games, BZPower, Bionicle Maskposting, Wall of History, Team Kanohi, and r/BionicleLego. There they host MOC Spotlights, special previews, interviews, live gaming, and watchalong animations!
Bionicle Day will be hosted every year on August 10th on the Beaverhouse Livestream on Youtube.
Click on the image below to watch the recorded livestream and enjoy!

Congratulations to all winners and participants of the
Bionicle G1 Canon Contest at TTV!
I would like to share my congratulations to this year's winners, Perp3tual; TheUnderscoredDouble; Mister-N; Connor_Hoffman; and all participants of their fantastic set builds as well as their art depictions of Toa Helryx and Artahka!
Click on the images below to view a full size image on the TTV Page.
Or click on these three links to view an image gallery of the winner's conceptual art for Artahka and Helryx!
Toa Helryx MOC, made by contest winner TheUnderscoredDouble.
Artahka Art, made by contest winner Perp3tual.
Toa Helryx Cover Art, made by contest winner Mister-N.
Artahka MOC, made by contest winner Connor_Hoffman.
Please check out and subscribe to The Bionicle Chick's YouTube Channel as well as her take on remoulding and resizing every Bionicle set!
Video Spotlight
Check out Billiam's memory lane with Bionicle and subscribe to his channel for more of his content!
Comics Page and other updates
The Comics page is apparently under construction due to unfinished hyperlinks and thumbnails but will be completed soon.
Artefacts and objects page is open.
Anybody excited for BIONICLE: Quest for Mata Nui? I am!
The epic fan project of a free-to-play, open world roleplay game; has released another video with a familiar collaborator whom voiced all the current Toy Adverts of the G1 era Bionicle Toy line in the late 2000s as well as their seal of approval from the LEGO Group in their current update video!
For those who didn't know, Tony Wedgewood was the narrator for some of Lego's toy adverts of the G1 Bionicle line such as the Toa Mahri and Barraki wave, and the 4-minute Retrospect video. A special video looking back at all the years of the toy line since its launch in 2001.
When worlds collide
Please take this with a grain of salt. If you are a subscriber on Disney Plus and have seen a recent episode of Star Wars: The Mandalorian, you might recognise something very familiar as a reference.
Please leave a comment on Duckbricks' Youtube video, or subscribe to his channel for more of his amazing content.
This would be old news but hey!
Found a cool remix piece edit made by Linus Otis! MNOLG indeed Lives on!
Listen to the official soundtrack of Bionicle: Quest for Mata Nui!
Video Spotlight
Watch these amazing 3D and stop-motion animations made by Lhii Studios and AlexNo Animations!