
mechanoids and vehicles
mechanoids and vehicles
Regardless of the Matoran Universe species being biomechanical - part organic and part machine - they have their developed ingenuity in building mechanical machines, vehicles, and other such inventions of their own as fully mechanical robots.

A defence vehicle designed by Nuparu, an Onu-Matoran inventor. It was used by the Matoran on Mata Nui to defend themselves against the Bohrok swarms. A Matoran could ride inside the vehicle and manipulate its two arms to fight the invaders. Boxors were later disassembled for transport to Metru Nui.
Boxor were vehicles designed by Nuparu for defense against the Bohrok. Nuparu discovered an inactive Gahlok during the Bohrok siege of Onu-Koro, and thus discovered that the Bohrok were non-living machines meant to work with the Krana. With aid from Onepu and Taipu, Nuparu modified the Gahlok shell into a combat vehicle for use against the Bohrok. The Boxor works by using powerful punches to dislodge a Bohrok's Krana. Boxors were used successfully in the liberation of Onu-Koro and Le-Koro, but were defeated by Pahrak in Ga-Koro (as the Boxors sank in deep water). The Boxors were later used against the Bohrok-Kal, but were not very successful. Nuparu continued to make and modify Boxors until the Rahkshi appeared and the Matoran left the island. Some of the Boxors were brought to Metru Nui as a defence force.

axalara t9
The Axalara T9, along with Jetrax T6 and Rockoh T3, were constructed by Artakha and placed in Karda Nui, inside the Codrex, sometime before the Toa Mata were born.
After entering the Codrex, Lewa, Pohatu, and Kopaka discovered the three battle vehicles. Antroz, however, had sneaked in, and stole the Jetrax when Kopaka was about to claim it. With the combined forces of Lewa's Axalara and Pohatu's Rockoh, they were able to claim the Jetrax for Kopaka.
It was later used to escape Karda Nui, and it helped to defeat the Makuta invading Metru Nui. It was later teleported to the Codrex by Artakha, along with the Rockoh T3 and Jetrax T6.

jetrax t6
The Jetrax T6, Rockoh T3, and Axalara T9 were created by Artakha. They were then placed inside the Codrex, located in Karda Nui, sometime before the Toa Mata were created.
The vehicle was found by Kopaka when the Toa Nuva entered the Codrex, though, before he could claim it, Antroz jumped in and left. Lewa, piloting the Axalara, and Pohatu, in the Rockoh, chased Antroz through the upper and lower Karda Nui until finally the vehicle was claimed by Kopaka.
The three vehicles were later used to help the Toa Nuva escape Karda Nui before the Energy Storms began, and they flew to Metru Nui afterwards. It was then teleported to the Codrex by Artakha along with the other two T-series vehicles.

rockoh t3
Some time after the Matoran Universe's creation, Artakha built the Rockoh T3, Jetrax T6 and Axalara T9. He placed them in Codrex sometime before he created the Toa Mata.
When the Toa Nuva entered the Codrex, Pohatu, Kopaka, and Lewa discovered the three vehicles. However, Antroz, who snuck into the Codrex when the Toa entered, stole the Jetrax T6, forcing Pohatu and Lewa to take the remaining vehicles to pursue him. Pohatu took the Rockoh T3 and used it, with the help of Lewa's Axalara T9, to stop Antroz and claim the Jetrax T6 again. Pohatu later piloted it as the Toa Nuva escaped Karda Nui in the Energy Storm and landed it in Metru Nui. It was later teleported to the Codrex with the other T-series vehicles.

maxilos robots
Maxilos (stylized as MAXILOS) was the name of a robot model designed by Artakha and used by the Order of Mata Nui as guards. The most notable Maxilos was later taken over by Teridax in order to keep an eye on events going on in Mahri Nui and The Pit.
Maxilos robots were originally built by Artakha, to be used by the Order of Mata Nui as guards for the Pit and on Daxia.
It is unknown how many robots were built, or when exactly they began to serve the Order. They were placed in the Pit in order to help Hydraxon guard the prison. When the Great Cataclysm struck, the cells collapsed and the prisoners escaped into the sea. Hydraxon had been badly injured by the earthquake and was subsequently killed by Barraki Takadox. The inmates then managed to get past the remaining robots and flee. The guards pursued them and were separated as they went after their targets. Only one remained in the area around the Pit, and presumably spent the next one thousand years trying to capture the escapees that were still nearby.
Teridax's Maxilos
Shortly before the Toa Inika were transformed by the Mask of Life, Teridax floated down to the Pit in his Antidermis, found a Maxilos, and inhabited its body.
When the Mask of Life transformed the Matoran Dekar into Hydraxon, the new jailer began to chase down the escaped prisoners of the Pit. Unfortunately, he assumed that the Toa Mahri were fugitives as well, and so captured Matoro. He was locked inside a cave, and introduced to Maxilos and Spinax. After Hydraxon left, Makuta revealed his identity to Matoro. However, he assured the Toa that they were on the same side.
The other Toa returned to Mahri Nui, wondering where Matoro was. He soon rejoined them, explaining to them that Maxilos and Spinax were their new allies. Maxilos suggested that they split up. He and Matoro then encountered Pridak and Takadox at a Takea hunting ground, but thanks to the unwitting help of Ehlek, they were able to slip away.
Later, Teridax informed Matoro that in order to awaken Mata Nui (Being), the stone cord connecting Voya Nui and Mahri Nui would have to be broken, even if it would kill all of the Matoran in those places in the process.
As the Toa Mahri evacuated the Matoran and engaged the Barraki in a fierce battle, Makuta came across Hydraxon, and the two began to fight. Hydraxon eventually managed to bury Teridax under a rockslide, defeating him for the time being. He later freed himself and went to stir up the main battle.
After a fight with the Barraki, the Maxilos body was badly damaged and Teridax was forced to leave it. As the situation began to wind down, Hydraxon discovered the now-liberated robot and picked up its parts, planning to repair it. However, seeing that it was beyond repair, Hydraxon decided to discard it.
Powers and Tools
The only Maxilos seen carried a Twin-Bladed Black Fire Sword that could be used to channel its internal electrical energies, and had a Cordak Blaster mounted on its shoulder. While inhabited by Teridax in his brand new body, he carries the robot's power sword as well as his retained access to all 40-plus of the Makuta's powers.

The initial attempt to create an order-enforcing machine in Metru Nui was the Kralhi, designed by Nuparu under orders from Turaga Dume. The Kralhi was able to launch an energy bubble from its tail at a target. The bubble would then envelop the target and drain a percentage of his energy. Unfortunately, this system proved inefficient as it left the Matoran lawbreakers too weak to work. Dume decided to have the Kralhi retired, but the machines refused to be shut off. Some hid in Ko-Metru, some in the Archives, and others ended up in the tunnels connecting Metru Nui to Mata Nui. The latter group allied with an Onu-Matoran named Mavrah against the Toa Metru and were destroyed as a consequence. The Kralhi were replaced in Metru Nui by the Vahki.

Armoured suits capable of enhancing the powers of the beings that wore them. The Exo-Toa were constructed under the orders of the Brotherhood of Makuta, both as a fail-safe against a possible rampage by the Bohrok and as automated guardians of the Brotherhood's many fortresses. Exo-Toa made up part of the Brotherhood army that defeated the Barraki. Later, a number of Exo-Toa were destroyed by the Toa Hagah during their attack on a Brotherhood base.
Centuries later, the Exo-Toa were stumbled upon by Tahu and his team of Toa while attempting to stop the Bahrag. They donned the armour and used its advanced equipment, including electro-rockets, to challenge the Bohrok queens. However, the armour inhibited the Toa's elemental powers, making them as much of a hindrance as a help. Later, the six Exo-Toa suits, again running on automatic, challenged the Bohrok-Kal as they tried to free the Bahrag. The Kal destroyed the Exo-Toa. Unknown to anyone, Nuparu salvaged some of the armour and was hoping to study it, but events forced him to leave Metru Nui before doing so.

A specialised version of a Vahki designed by Nuparu for use against Rahi stampedes and in other emergencies. Unlike the standard Vahki model, the Kraahu's knowledge centers are scattered thoughout its structure. This allows the Kraahu to actually split apart and have its various pieces act independently. Kraahu parts give off an electrical charge that is triggered on contact. When intact, the Kraahu can emit clouds of stun gas.

A specialised version of a Vahki designed in secret by Nuparu and built by a select team of Po-Matoran engineers. Its intended purpose was crowd control, particularly mass Rahi breakouts from the Archives in Onu-Metru. The powerful and bulky Kranua was capable of transforming its body into animated grains of protodermis, allowing it to flow through narrow openings before re-forming. The Toa Metru encountered a Kranua on their initial journey back to Metru Nui. After a brief but furious battle, Vakama used his fire power to fuse the sandy grains of the Kranua into glass. Matau later tipped the crystalline Kranua over, shattering it.