
Video Spotlight
Visit or subscribe to Ozkabot's Youtube channel and check out his playlist of his amazing Bionicle edits!

Vote Bionicle's comeback for Lego's 90th Anniversary!
The LEGO Group will be celebrating their 90th Anniversary in 2022, and would like the fans to vote for their favourite classic theme to represent their 90th Anniversary as a set!
They have selected 30 classic themes, amongst them the G1 Era of Bionicle, to vote on! The vote will be running until 25th January 2021 and will give each participating fan 3 votes to cast, one vote per theme, so choose your top three!
This is a wonderful opportunity for all Bionicle fans around the world! And I am fairly optimistic it will gain more popularity and attention from the Lego Group.
So what are you waiting for?! Go and vote now!
Fan Art Spotlight
Check out Björn Vantoortelboom's awesome Nui-Jaga art! And for those as Artstation members leave a comment and let him know what you think!

Comics webpage update
The Comics page is complete with every page hyperlinked and is now live! Enjoy!
Bionicle: A Spark Of Hope
Check out RaidmasterProductions' awesome fan film series chronicling the storyline of the Makuta named Octariex on Metru Nui. And subscribe to
his channel for more of his awesome work!
Check out Duck Bricks' Bionicle Retold series on Youtube!
Click on the images below to watch the series
Fan Art Spotlight
Very reminiscent fan art of Turaga Vakama in Bionicle: Mask of Light the Movie! Made by CrunchbiteNuva on Deviantart.

The Legend Reborn!
It seems Christian Faber, one of the original creators of Bionicle G1 (2001-2010) has unveiled the title logo on Instagram with the final two letters "LE". I am honestly ecstatic about his plans for Bionicle! Are you?

"Some puzzels are never ment to be finished. The process is everything. Being active and creative is the destiny." #biovival
Get ready for this year's Bionicle Day 2021 courtesy of
The Beaverhouse and Bionicle's 20th Anniversary!

"Unity, Duty, Destiny. It starts with UNITY."
Become part of a new legend this #810NICLEDay, August 10th, 2021.
Vote for Sakoda's Legend of Bionicle 20th Anniversary set and make it a reality at the Brinklink Designer Program!
Sakoda's unique diorama model reminiscing important key events of the Bionicle 10-year storyline of G1 is now in preparation for the crowdfunding portion of the Lego-Bricklink partnership program coming later this year.

Alternate Toa Nuva Wallpapers
Download some cool Toa Nuva wallpapers courtesy of one of the administrators of the French Bionicle site BIONIFIGS.

Fan Art Spotlight
One of my favourite renditions of Bionicle art: Toa Inika! Made by deviantart.com hobbyist and digital artist BreakerOfSockets!

TTV Podcast Toa Hagah Canon Contest
The TTV Podcast folks are hosting their 3rd Bionicle Canon Contest (my favourite contest) for the Toa Hagah (Kualus, Gaaki, Pouks, and Bomonga). I wish all the fans the best of luck with their Toa Hagah team members!
Happy 20th Anniversary BIONICLE!
Our beloved Lego theme is turning 20 this year! And to celebrate, BZPower has released two videos from one of the theme's prominent faces whom helped made this memorable and unforgettable toy line: Christian Faber and Greg Farshtey!
Revitalise your knowledge of the Makuta species and their organisation the Brotherhood!
Click on the thumbnail above to watch the latest episode
Spiriah's biography is now added on Villains and Mechanoid Threats webpage
I have forgotten to add another Makuta named Spiriah on Villains and Mechanoid Threats page. You can now check it out and learn of this renegade Makuta!
Vote for the official book titles of Biological Chronicle
Cross-Wired Geeks, a Bionicle community fan site, and the folks who compiled the entire Bionicle storyline in the Biological Chronicle online book is offering fans the chance to decide the final titles of the volumes of the official Bionicle storyline (books, serials, podcasts, etc). The titles selected by the poll will be the permanent titles for the foreseeable future and the voting poll opens until June 8th, 2021!

Special teaser of Bionicle: Masks of Power Finalised Legacy Game
The folks at Team Kanohi have released their first teaser of the highly anticipated Masks of Power game. The finalised version of the main game otherwise known as legacy, will be released this May 22nd!
Video Spotlight
Found an awesome tribute video to Bionicle's 20th anniversary!
Favourite Bionicle Day 2021 Highlights
Bionicle: 20 years ago music video by Ozkabot!
The Toa Hagah Canon Contest hosted by TTV Podcast
(Now proceeding for the art portion of the five Hagah with Norik and Iruini!)​
The official forthcoming announcement of downloadable and updated Video Games: Bionicle: Masks of Power, Legend of Mata Nui Rebuilt and Kohlii Champions at Bionicle Direct
Interviews with prominent team members, graphic artists, and founders and writers whom produced the Bionicle brand and the 10-year story arc including flash games and animations of 2001-2004 (Mata Nui Online Game, Mata Nui Online Game 2: The Final Chronicle, and the Vahki Animation Shorts). Hosted by TTV Podcast's Eljay and Lehari of Red Star Games.
Funny parodies and comedies including "Reviving Bionicle"!
Stuart Sayger's Q&A livestream and his awesome drawing of Axonn!
Announcement of Mask of Destiny's The Tryna Initiative!​
Audio drama of fan written Bionicle Stories hosted by Myths and Legacy
Bionicle: the Game Show! Hosted by Bionicle Sector01's webmaster Swert and Vahkiti of the Beaverhouse Twitch channel
Bionicle-inspired Tabletop Roleplaying game based on the fictional world of both Doronai Nui and Barranai Nui. Hosted by Lehari of Red Star Games
EDIT: Minecraft-style Bionicle game Empire of Toa!

TTV Podcast Toa Hagah Canon Contest
The TTV Podcast folks are hosting their 3rd Bionicle Canon Contest (my favourite contest) for the Toa Hagah (Kualus, Gaaki, Pouks, and Bomonga). I wish all the fans the best of luck with their Toa Hagah team members!
Bionicle Quest for the Masks Trading Card Game: Recharged is now available to play online on Steam Workshop courtesy of Lightstone Studios and Biosector01!
Click here to learn more and join the Bionicle's fan community The Chronicler's Company and take part with fellow Bionicle fans across the internet!

Click here below to watch the launch trailer
Awesome Bionicle slides and wallpapers
imgur.com user Jorggo has made these wonderful slides and wallpapers and they are free to download as well so go check them out!


Takanuva and Gali Friendship Gif!
Deviantart user Fynamic has made a wonderful animated Gif reminiscent of the Miramax Bionicle Trilogy!

Fan Art Spotlight
Re-envisioned fanart of both Mata Nui and Makuta (Teridax) in 2010's Battle of Bara Magna. Made by Reddit user: u/Disastrous-Nature217!
Click on the image link for full scale imagery
Fan Art Spotlight
Escape from the Toa Empire dimension and Tahu vs Muaka
An awesome scene of the Dark Mirror storyline where Takanuva attempts to take the Kanohi Olmak -Mask of Dimensional Gates- from the hands of the tyrant Toa Mangai of Water and Empress of Metru Nui - named Tuyet. And Tahu facing the mask-controlled Muaka on the Island of Mata Nui. Made by deviantart user gerou100!

Turaga and Matoran webpage now updated with Vican's biography
Vican's biography is now posted on Turaga and Matoran webpage.
Fan Art Spotlight
Bohrok Attack
A beautiful fan art reminiscent of the Bohrok Swarms attacking the Island of Mata Nui in the 2002 era! Made by Twitter artist Jeetdoh!

Video Spotlight
Jocool1231 has made a very funny parody of the Mata Nui Robot with 2006's promotional Bionicle set "Good Guy" from Duracell Batteries back in the day!
Chapter 10 and Epilogue: New Beginnings is now released on Duckbricks
For those who have watched every episode in Bionicle Retold, Chapter 10 and an Epilogue is now available to stream on Duckbricks' Youtube channel!
Click on the thumbnails above to watch the video

Congratulations to all winners and participants of the
Bionicle G1 Canon Contest: The five Toa Hagah at TTV!
Personal congratulations to TTV Message Boards winner specterL and all participants of the Toa Hagah Canon Contest! Well done guys! Cannot wait for next year!

Bionicle Masks of Power 5th Anniversary
Team Kanohi, the team who made their first Bionicle fan game Masks of Power - that is soon coming to Steam as a free online game - has reached their 5th anniversary!

Greg Farshtey, long-time comic book writer and author of the BIONICLE novels will be leaving the LEGO Group after 22 years
Greg Farshtey will be leaving his position as Editorial Editor at the LEGO Group after 22 years. He has been a avid supporter of the Bionicle community and engaged with the fans for so many years as well as a dedicated collaborator with the recent Bionicle Canon Contests at TTV. I want to send my personal thanks to Greg for his love and support for the fanbase and I personally wish him all the best for his future projects.

Behind the Scenes look at the textures of BIONICLE: Masks of Power online game from Team Kanohi
The folks of Team Kanohi has released a behind-the-scenes look of their forthcoming game! The blog spotlights different types of textures for different kinds of LEGO TECHNIC and BIONICLE pieces.
With unique texturing for other parts such as masks, gears, connector pieces, and more. Made by one of Team Kanohi's technical artists, Andrew Jacobs.
Fan Art Spotlight
Takua and Ga-Koro Beach
Check out Liquid Electricity's beautiful digital art of our favourite Chronicler Takua exploring the wilderness and of the village Ga-Koro!

Dissecting the BIONICLE Universe
German artist Ruben Menzel unveils a beautiful interpretation of what the Matoran Universe is inside of its entire augmentation and complexity of the Great Spirit Robot of Mata Nui himself.
Click on thumbnails for full scale image