
heroes and allies
glatorian and agori

Birth of Bara Magna
As predicted by the Great Beings, Spherus Magna became too destabilised due to the war between their creations, the Element Lords; six individual beings who are chosen to take up their place as rulers of their planet. Whereas resuming their everyday labour and passion for creativity and innovation as shortly retired rulers. And the Spherus Magnan inhabitants - Neighbours and native inhabitants of their home world. The event, otherwise known as The Core War, was a war fought by the Element Lords and many smaller beings over the newly discovered Energised Protodermis. The happenings of this event are known to have caused the Shattering, in which Spherus Magna was destroyed, of which three pieces were the remainder; Bara Magna, Aqua Magna and Bota Magna.
Bara Magna was the largest chunk. As well as a newly remoulded planet due to the internal portions of Energised Protodermis. And a harsh desert planet; that was what remained of as Spherus Magna's former desert region. Most of the planet's population were left on Bara Magna. Struggling for sustenance and resources to give order to the world they have left in. The tribes eventually developed an arena system where the winner of a one versus one duel would win their tribe resources that are simply up for the grabs. The tribes therefore use this system in order to keep the peace as well as protecting their society.

The glatorian
The Glatorian were originally the warrior species on Spherus Magna. They lived with the Agori in the villages. The Skrall were an off shoot of the main Species that lived with the Rock Tribe. During the Core War, they served as soldiers who fought under the Elemental Lords for the control of Energised Protodermis. When the planet was split into three worlds, a large majority of them were stranded on the desert fragment, which became known as Bara Magna.
To avoid conflicts between the tribes that could lead to a second war, Certavus, Tarix and a few other Glatorian came together to outline a new social system. This new society drafted the soldiers as gladiators to decide the outcome of future disputes. Many of these new "Glatorian" were loyal to a single village and would fight solely for that village.
Some Glatorian, however, would fight if hired by a tribe for a reasonable price. Those who did not join the system became nomads and bandits out in the wastelands. The Skrall were at one point drafted into the system, generally going undefeated within the arena. Despite being part of the species, the Vorox were not included in this system, due to their devolution into primitive beasts.
When Teridax arrived on Bara Magna, he began fighting Mata Nui. The Glatorian tried to assist him from down below, firing Thornax in an attempt to puncture the armour of the Matoran Universe. Teridax noticed the Glatorian, and released Rahkshi of Heat Vision by the thousands through a door at the base of his foot. The Rahkshi then began attacking the Glatorian. Some Skrall, led by Stronius, aided Teridax's Rahkshi, along with Nektann's whole army of Skakdi. Eventually, the Glatorian were forced to stop attacking the Teridax robot and defend themselves. Gresh aided Tahu and Takanuva in retrieving the Golden Armour, which was then used to defeat the Rahkshi.
Known Glatorian and other species






The Vorox Species


Skrall species

Stronius warriors (elite Skrall warriors)

bone hunters

Arena Battles
Arena Battles
Glatorian would fight in arenas for the rights to have natural resources, tools, and equipment for the tribe that they fought for. Glatorian were rewarded for their service with first rights to the resource in addition to their payments.
The arena matches were governed by rules. The rules stated that when a Glatorian won when their opponent was unable to fight back, or surrendered. If a Glatorian was to continue attacking their defeated opponent, or kill them, the offender could suffer serious consequences. The violator can be banished from the arena fights, and even their resident tribe. Malum and Strakk were exiled for breaking this rule. A Skrall once tried to kill Gresh after a match, but Tarix intervened.
The arenas held many kinds of fights. These included one on one, aided battles, and vehicle/mount battles. Aided battles were fought by a Glatorian and Agori fighting together. Two Glatorian with vehicles could also choose battle with them in a vehicle battle.
Powers and tools
Powers and tools
Almost all Glatorian weapons were made of natural materials and creature remains. These were formed into makeshift swords, shields, blades, and usually a Thornax Launcher, and primarily relied upon physical strength and tactics. They rode Sand Stalkers and the Thornatus vehicles as transports across the Bara Magna desert, and some used vehicles in battle and/or the arena.
Despite being one of the closest beings to Toa (Matoran / Turaga) they can't use mask powers seeing as they don't use Kanohi, instead they wear powerless helmets. Up until Mata Nui's arrival, they couldn't use elemental powers. However, five of them eventually were given elemental powers by Mata Nui, using the Ignika.

Thornax Fruit and Launchers
The Thornax is a variety of fruit which grows wild in the desert of Bara Magna. It consists of a soft center surrounded by a spiked shell. When they ripen, the shells of a Thornax turn rock-hard. Then the fruit is harvested for use as ammunition in the Thornax Launchers carried by Glatorian, Skrall, bone hunters and others. The spikes of a ripe Thornax are hard and sharp enough to do damage to Glatorian armour.
Thornax were harvested by Agori traders and sold them to each village. When allowed to become over-ripe, Thornax become explosive. While use of explosive ammunition is allowed in arenas only in special cases, Glatorian who need to travel the desert often carry a supply for protection. The Thornax is safe to use as long as the shell is not ruptured. Once it is launched and strikes an object, it explodes with a force powerful enough to shatter rock.
Mechanism of the Thornax Launcher
A light, simple weapon, the Thornax Launcher has been in existence for more than 100,000 years. Originally, it was thought a crude device and mainly used by members of the Sand Tribe. After the Shattering, and the subsequent steep drop in the technological level of society, the Thornax Launcher became one of the more sophisticated mechanisms in use on Bara Magna. The launcher consists of two metal rods constructed parallel to each other, which grip the Thornax fruit. A trigger mechanism squeezes the rods together, forcing the Thornax out at high velocity.
The launcher is specially designed so that its use will not crack the shell of the fruit, which would cause it to explode prematurely. Thornax Launchers are given to a Glatorian when a village hires him or her, for use in the arena. They are also carried by Skrall warriors, bone hunters, Vorox, and some Agori traders. Reliable and easy keep in repair, they are the only ranged weapon in use in the desert.
Matoran Universe
The Great Beings placed two members of the Glatorian species within the Great Spirit robot's brain mechanics to act as co-pilots for the giant machine alongside Mata Nui himself. While they were typically kept in stasis, the two warriors were eventually killed in the Great Cataclysm. Their bodies were later discovered by the Toa Hagah and Miserix when they were tracking Teridax.

Tribes of Bara Magna
Jungle Tribe
The Jungle Tribe was a Tribe on Bara Magna that resided in Tesara, in an area with more vegetation than usual for the desert planet. The Jungle Tribe had two main Glatorian who were hired to fight in the Arena; one of them was Gresh and the other Vastus. All members of the Jungle Tribe were either Agori or Glatorian of Jungle. Their tribe wore armour primarily in shades of green, occasionally with a little black.
The Jungle Tribe originated in the Bota Magna region of Spherus Magna. The Great Beings created the Element Lords to lead the six tribes, and the Element Lord of Jungle led the Jungle Tribe. The Core War soon started, and the Element Lord of Jungle led the Jungle Tribe during the war. The Shattering then occurred, splitting the planet into three fragments, and the tribe was on Bara Magna. The tribes then created a social system in which warriors, called Glatorian, from two tribes fought for their tribes over property disputes.
Mata Nui then convinced the Jungle Tribe to unite with the other tribes. This caused each of the villages to come together as one large village, which turned out to be a prototype of Mata Nui's former body. Mata Nui later used to fight Teridax. The Jungle Tribe members are now on Spherus Magna.
Fire Tribe
The Fire Tribe was a tribe that resided in the village of Vulcanus. All members of the Fire Tribe were either Agori or Glatorian of Fire. The latest known leader of the Fire Tribe was Raanu. Their tribe wore armour primarily in shades of red as well as orange, orange-yellow, and occasionally grey.
When the Great Beings created the Element Lords to rule the planet for them, the Element Lord of Fire was assigned to lead the Fire Tribe.
When Agori discovered Energised Protodermis in the Northern Frost, a war broke out, which would lated be called the Core War. The Fire Tribe took part in many battles, until The Shattering eventually occurred, shattering the planet into three pieces. At least a part of the Fire Tribe took refuge in Vulcanus. They chose an Agori to lead the tribe. Eventually, their leader died, and they chose a new leader, Raanu.
Water Tribe
The Water Tribe was one of several tribes on Bara Magna and Spherus Magna. Its members lived in the village of Tajun, near the Skrall River. All members of the Water Tribe were either Agori or Glatorian of Water. Their tribe wore armour primarily in shades of blue, occasionally with additional gold or black.
On Spherus Magna, the Water Tribe resided in the desert region of the planet. The Great Beings created the Element Lords from a member of each tribe, and the Element Lord of Water led the Water Tribe. During the Core War, the Water Tribe was led by the Element Lord of Water. After the war, the planet split apart, and the Water Tribe was on the desert fragment, later known as Bara Magna. Eventually, the Water, Ice, Jungle, and Fire Tribes were able to create a social system, involving each village's best warriors duelling to settle disputes, to prevent a second war.
Over 100,000 years later, Mata Nui, after arriving on Bara Magna, convinced the tribes to unite, eventually causing the Fire, Water, Ice, and Jungle tribes to form a mega-village. The Water Tribe is now on Spherus Magna again.
Ice Tribe
The Ice Tribe was one of the tribes of Bara Magna. Prior to the Shattering, the Ice Tribe lived in the Northern Frost. They would migrate to Iconox at the edge of the White Quartz Mountains. All members of the Ice Tribe were either Agori or Glatorian of Ice. Their tribe wore armour primarily in white, as well as shades of blue and grey.
The Ice Tribe was one of the many tribes situated on Spherus Magna. The Great Beings, in need of assistance in leading the planet, created the Element Lords to help them, and the Element Lord of Ice soon gained control of the Ice Tribe.
After the discovery of Energised Protodermis, the Element Lord of Ice organised the warriors of the tribe into an army, and sent them into battle to defend the substance. Surel, one of the warriors, was assigned to train the Iron Wolves in combat. He was badly injured in battle, and later took refuge in the White Quartz Mountains. The Shattering occurred amidst the war, and the Element Lord of Ice was trapped as a result. In the wake of the disaster, the Ice Tribe warrior Certavus banded together with several other warriors and Agori and developed a new social system.
Certavus eventually died from natural causes, and the Glatorian Strakk was promoted to the position of prime warrior. Gelu, the secondary Glatorian of Iconox, recently retired to become a convoy escort, leaving Strakk the only Glatorian of the tribe.
Strakk was eventually exiled due to cheating and Gelu took his place as the Ice Tribe's only Glatorian.
The villagers in the Ice Tribe developed a proficiency in mining, owing to the highly desirable nature of Exsidian.
The villagers were also very social, being very adept at trading with villages, as well as advertising their matches. They were skilled Glatorian trainers; Metus was one of their best recruiters. Another known profession was selling Sand Stalkers to travellers.
The leader of the Ice Tribe also had a council of elders, which the Agori turned to for advice.
Rock Tribe
The Rock Tribe was one of the elemental tribes of Spherus Magna and later Bara Magna. They inhabited the city of Roxtus. It was led by Tuma and made up of Skrall and Rock Agori. They were closely related to the Bone Hunters. The Skrall wore spiky armour in black and various secondary colours, while the Rock Agori tended to wear black and grey.
When Bara Magna was struck by a world-wide disaster and split into three parts, the Rock Tribe was separated from their homeland. The Rock Tribe settled in the northern regions of Bara Magna until they were attacked by shape-shifters who killed many Skrall, and killed all members of the leader-class Skrall except Tuma. The Rock Tribe then moved to the south, and settled in Roxtus. It was at this point that the Rock Tribe started participating in the social system involving Glatorian matches in arenas.
Under the Great Tournament soon after their arrival to Roxtus, the Skrall attacked Arena Magna, starting their plan to conquer Bara Magna. Soon after, Mata Nui landed on Bara Magna, and fought Tuma at the Roxtus Arena. All the members ended up fighting, and losing, at the Battle of Roxtus Arena.
Sand Tribe
The Sand Tribe was made up of Zesk and Vorox. After a planet-wide disaster, the Zesk regressed to being little more than beasts, and were sometimes forced to fight by the other Agori. Unlike the other tribes, the Zesk did not live in villages. The Zesk spoke a primitive version of the Agori Language. The tribe wore armour in tan and black, occasionally with some brown accents. One pack of Vorox and Zesk was led by Malum.

agori villagers
The Agori are villagers on Spherus Magna. There are eight types of Agori: the Fire Tribe, Water Tribe, Ice Tribe, Jungle Tribe, Rock Tribe, Iron Tribe, Earth Tribe, and Sand Tribe. After the disaster that hit Bara Magna 99,000 years before the Great Cataclysm (100,000 years before the awakening of Mata Nui), the Sand Tribe reverted to primitive, bestial Zesk. Similar to the Agori but a separate species were the Bone Hunters. The Agori are very similar to Matoran; in fact, the Great Beings modeled Matoran after Agori. However, the Agori have no innate elemental power and all of their tribes had a mixed amount of males and females. Agori can live to be as old as Matoran or even older, but can eat like humans do. It is unknown how they reproduce, but it is known that they do, unlike Matoran. Agori are also fully organic when they come into being, and would choose whether to receive biomechanical implants, and most usually do.
The five tribes mainly stayed separate in cities such as Vulcanus, Roxtus, Iconox, Tesara, Tajun, and Atero. They fought with each other for resources with the use of Glatorian, but friendships between tribes were not frowned upon. Before the disaster, Agori were much more advanced, but post-disaster, they were only good at fixing things, not creating new things. Agori like Tarduk and Berix looked for leftover remnants of ancient Agori technology buried in the deserts of Bara Magna.
Following the Battle of Bara Magna and the collapse of the Great Spirit Robot, the Agori united with the Toa and Matoran to begin new lives on the reformed Spherus Magna.
Agori Villagers
Known Agori and other species



Zesk species
Rock tribe Agori and bone hunters
Bota Magna inhabitants
Bota Magna inhabitants
When the Shattering occurred, some Agori were trapped on the chunk of Spherus Magna that was later known as Bota Magna. The Agori that inhabited this moon wore armour made from metal and plants. Their weapons were made mainly out of rocks and wood. For unknown reasons, they dislike the mention of the fortress containing the imprisoned Great Being on their planet, as they threatened Lewa with spears when he said he came to them from there.
Iron Tribe
The Iron Tribe was a tribe living in Bota Magna mountains. Thousands of years ago, Annona, a glowing creature starving for dreams, found the Iron Tribe and ate theirs. This caused them to go insane and somehow killed them. Eventually, this became known as the Dreaming Plague.
The few that survived changed their armour colours and tried to go to live in the other tribes, but were shunned, as they were thought to carry the disease.
Before they were struck by the plague, the members of the tribe worshipped the Skopio Creature.
The members of the Iron Tribe originally wore Grey and dark blue armour. However, those who survived the plague used minerals to change the colour of their armour to be mostly orange or yellow-orange.
Bota Magna Vorox
After the Shattering, some Vorox ended up on Bota Magna, where the good living conditions there kept them normal.
This tribe was led by an intelligent Vorox named Kabrua.
locations of bara magna
locations of bara magna
The world of Bara Magna consists largely of a vast desert, bounded on the north by mountains. Its sole sources of water are scattered oases and run-off from the snow-capped peaks. It is home to six tribes of Agori living in five villages and the wastelands
Vulcanus is home of the fire tribe and one of the oldest villages on Bara Magna. It is located in one of the most dangerous and inaccessible regions of the desert. Despite this, it is home to the second largest population of settled Agori on Bara Magna, behind only the rock tribe. (While some believe the sand tribe may be the largest, their nomadic and hostile nature makes it impossible to get anything like an accurate count of their number.) To the east of the village is Iron Canyon, site of a devastating Core War battle, a maze of rock that is an ideal site for ambushes and traps. A lava flow travels from the outskirts of the canyon into Vulcanus, providing heat for the cold desert nights.
To the south is the dreaded Sea of Liquid Sand, a mire of quicksand. While there are safe paths through the Sea, they are few in number and difficult to spot. Virtually anyone or anything that enters this region never emerges again. North of the Village is territory frequented by the bone hunters, and so very risky to travel through. The village consists of one massive shelter and a number of smaller ones. These smaller buildings are made from volcanic rock whenever possible, although materials acquired in trade from other villages are also used. Like all villages, one of its major features is an arena for Glatorian matches.
The Great Volcano
A power source and a fortress disguised as a huge volcano at the centre of the Valley of the Maze. While it has not erupted in living memory, those Agori who have ventured close to the valley say that smoke and ash can be seen from its mouth. Some believe that the volcano may be more than it seems, possibly even concealing some secret of the Great Beings. Many have tried to penetrate the maze to investigate over the years, but failed.
Glatorian and Agori Villagers of Vulcanus
The fire Agori are well known as crafters, particularly in the field of metalworking. The heat from the lava flow allows them to melt ore and reshape it, or repair existing weapons or tools. Glatorian were fortunate enough to obtain some exisidian brought there to have it melted down and used as plating for their weapons. The fire Agori often trade their services for goods from other villages especially water from Tajun. The prime Glatorian, former tournament champion, and a Core War veteran is Ackar. And the former Second Glatorian and exile named Malum.
Once one of the wealthiest villages on Bara Magna, Tajun has suffered terribly in the war with the Skrall. If the water tribe somehow survives the conflict, they will have a long period of rebuilding ahead of them. Located to the southwest, Tajun is built around the largest oasis in the desert. Its shelters are largely wood and plant fibre received in trade from Tesara, although some are made of stone as well. The presence of the oasis means Tajun Agori are never without water, but they do lack for other resources - most notably, metal, ore, wood, and even food (most of the plants that grow by this particular oasis are not editable). This means they have to trade with other villages or win resources in Glatorian matches to keep their village thriving.
Glatorian and Agori Villagers of Tajun
As a result, most water Agori are very skilled traders, even better at it than the ice tribe members. A popular saying is that water Agori are "sharper than a rock steed's tooth" when it comes to making a deal. Unfortunately, the Tajun dependence on trade also made them vulnerable. Prior to Skrall attack on Atero, bone hunters attacks on trade caravans going to and from Tajun had increased significantly. With trade no longer an option, Tajun was forced to challenged in the arena for whatever it needed. Their Glatorian were forced to fight many additional matches, eventually exhausting them. Meanwhile, the bone hunter raids continued after war broke out between the villages and the Skrall. At one point, when both Glatorian were away from the village, a mixed force of bone hunters and Skrall attacked and burned Tajun. The water Agori escaped and hid in the desert, with their village largely destroyed.
The fall of Tajun has somehow struck fear into the hearts of other Agori even more than the sacking of Atero. Therefore leading them to focus more on their own defences against them. But Mata Nui and the Glatorian convinced them that it was necessary to fight back, and Tajun became a rallying cry for the resistance to Skrall attacks. The prime Glatorian of Tajun is Tarix, an experienced fighter and one of the creators of the Glatorian system. He is the current overall champion among Glatorian. The second is a female Glatorian of the water tribe named Kiina.
The western most village in Bara Magna, Iconox is home to the ice tribe. Its location in the White Quartz Mountains range means the climate is colder there than in any other Agori village. Iconox was the first of the new villages founded on Bara Magna during the Core War, as the ice Agori moved south to find refuge from the conflict and wound up stranded there after the Shattering. As with other villages, Iconox consists of a single large structure which serves as an overall shelter, an assortment of smaller, cruder shelters, and a Glatorian arena. Here, the Agori shelters are made from slabs of crystal cut from the surrounding mountains. These are then supported with pillars of crystal and the roof and walls fitted together so they do not collapse on their inhabitants.
The key to Iconox's ability to thrive as a village is the metal ore called exsidian. An especially durable metal, exsidian suffers much less rust and erosion from exposure to the desert climate than other metals do. Due to that property, it is highly prized by Glatorian and Agori alike as plating for their weaponry or tools. It gives Iconox a valuable item for trade, as well as to stake on Glatorian matches. (Recently, two Glatorian and two Agori undertook the dangerous task of trying to find a new route from Iconox to Vulcanus to deliver exsidian won by the fire tribe in a match.)
Glatorian and Agori Villagers of Iconox
The Agori of the ice tribe are skilled miners (by necessity), as well as traders and merchants. They have also made a name for themselves as Glatorian trainers and match promoters. A popular joke is that an ice Agori would trade his best friend, then make a quick deal to get him back, then plate him in exsidian and swap him again for 100 gallons of Tajun water. The prime Glatorian of Iconox at its founding was Certavus, whose skill and incredible record in the arena has made his name a legend. Certavus was one of the founders of the Glatorian system and the author of the famed Book of Certavus, which contains a record of his fighting moves and strategies. This book was hidden in the ruins of an old arena in the desert and later found by Gresh and Berix.
Certavus perished of natural causes some years ago, leaving Strakk as the new prime Glatorian and Gelu as the second Glatorian of the ice tribe. Gelu's recent retirement from the arena has left Iconox short-handed. An ice Agori named Metus is actively trying to recruit a new Second Glatorian.
The "twin villages of Tesara sit in the middle of a rare area of jungle on Bara Magna. Once there was a vast, green area there, but the climate changes caused by the Shattering led to much of the plant life dying off. Only the heartiest trees and shrubs survived, living on the trickles of water that come down from the peaks of the Black Spike Mountains. Tesara got its nickname shortly after its founding.
The jungle tribe had been deeply divided over the Core War, with some supporting it and some opposed to it. When a large number of them became stranded on Bara Magna after the Shattering, they did not want to live together. Realising that unity among the tribe was important, but rivalry could be put to immediate use, the village elders issued a challenge - whichever part of the tribe built the best settlement the fastest would be allowed to live in the jungle. The losers would have to relocate south to the desert. Both sides worked hard and long constructing their villages. But the elders had purposely arranged things so that neither side had everything they needed to get the job done. The two factions had to turn to each other for help, and by the time the building was done, the rifts in the tribe had healed. Later, the Tesara arena was constructed in between the two settlements.
Glatorian and Agori Villagers of Tesara
The Agori of Tesara spend much of their time up in the trees, gathering plant life for food or for herbal remedies. As a result, their limbs have altered over time to be better suited to climbing. This sometimes causes them to look awkward when walking on the ground. They are known as skilled healers, treasure hunters, and historians. Their primary export is food and they trade with Tajun for water, Vulcanus for tools, and Iconox foe exsidian. The Prime Glatorian of Tesara is Vastus, with Gresh as Second Glatorian.
After the Skrall attack on Tajun, Tesara was their next target. Mata Nui, Ackar, Kiina, and Gresh were able to convince the jungle Agori to suspend Glatorian matches due to the crisis. When the Glatorian later decided to leave Tesara and take the fight to Roxtus, the Agori protested, claiming they were being left undefended. In the end, Mata Nui decided to go on his own to Roxtus, leaving the other Glatorian to defend the village against the unexpected attack.
Long before the Skrall came to inhabit this city, Roxtus was already a name shrouded in mystery and fear. No one knows who first inhabited this place, or why they disappeared. Some Agori will tell you the inhabitants of Roxtus headed north during the Core War, for reasons unclear, and were stranded on another chunk of the Shattering. Others say the residents of Roxtus were slain by Vorox or some other desert menace. And still others say they never left, that Roxtus is home to evil desert spirits who delight in the misery of others. Whatever the truth, Roxtus was empty when the Skrall had been dwelling in fortresses to the north, but they were driven out by shapeshifting mechanical beings they named "Battera" (a Skrall term meaning "silent death"). The Skrall and Agori rapidly went to work building new walls better fortifying the city.
Shortly after this, Tuma, leader of the Skrall, banned inhabitants of other villages from visiting Roxtus unless specifically invited.
This self-imposed seclusion sparked a whole new series of rumours among the other Agori. Tales grew of Agori villagers being kidnapped from other villages and forced to work as slave labour; of Vorox captured and forced to undergo brutal training as attack animals; of Glatorian stolen from the desert and made to fight Skrall warriors in the Roxtus arena, to the death. The most frightening part of all this is that all these tales are true. On any given day, Roxtus is a hive of activity. Skrall patrols enter and leave the city, heading both north and south. Bone hunters arrive to sell captive Agori and Glatorian for the best price they can get.
The air is filled with the mournful cries of caged Vorox. And everywhere there is Tuma, watching over his troops and planning his new strategies. As well-defended as Roxtus is, it is not impossible to break into the city - or out of it. Gresh and Strakk snuck in with a supply caravan to steal a sword belonging to Ackar, and then broke out again. Later, a captured Malum escaped the Skrall by freeing some of the imprisoned Skrall, setting off chaos in the city. When Mata Nui wished to enter the city, though, he just walked right up to the gate and demanded entrance.
Roxtus is located on the southern edge of the Black Spike Mountains, not far from the headwaters of the Skrall River. The area to the north is mainly mountains and valleys, but the Skrall only travel there now on scouting expeditions to search for signs of Battera. The Skrall claim the southern mountains as their territory and will not hesitate to capture or kill anyone who trespasses there.
The Wasteland
The desert area between the villages is collectively known as "the wasteland". It is a desolate and dangerous place, home to natural hazards and vicious creatures. Despite this, Glatorian and Agori cross the wasteland every day, by sand stalker or by wagon, for they have no choice.
Any traveller across the desert must first deal with a few basic challenges. There is precious little plant life and virtually no water among the dunes, so anything needed must be carried along. (Some desert dwellers, like the bone hunters and Vorox, have learned to make do with native plants others might find inedible.) During the day, the temperature soars to extreme heights, then plunges at night to bone-chilling levels. Daytime travel is safer, for one can see threats before they get too close, but it also makes it easier for the traveller to be spotted by bandits.
Each geographic area also has its own hazards. Travellers who cross the Dunes of Treason risk running into Vorox colonies, known for killing anyone who comes into their territory. Go too far south of Vulcanus and one ends up in the Sea of Liquid Sand, a massive bed of quicksand few ever escape. The northern desert, close to the Black Spike Mountains, is home to bone hunters and Skrall patrols. Dangerous creatures can also be found all over the wastelands. Some of these include:
Sand bats
Large, winged serpents, sand bats live underground due to their dislike of direct sunlight. They erupt out of the sand to attack prey, then dive back under again. Mata Nui drove a sand bat off by forcing it to stay above ground, and another that attacked Gresh was devoured by scarabax beetles.
Dune snakes
Another underground-dwelling serpent, dune snakes live in nests beneath the sand and respond to any vibration above. They can quickly surround even a large animal and kill it with multiple bites.
Rock steeds
With sharp jaws and stinger tails, these reptilian beasts are good ones to stay away from. But bone hunters and sometimes Skrall often use them as mounts, due to their toughness, loyalty to their rider, and fierce combat skills. Rock steeds had enhanced senses of vision, hearing and smell, making them able to detect enemies from miles away. Mata Nui and Ackar battled a rock steed on the way to Tajun.
A huge, crab-like creature that dwells underground, at least one of these creatures was fitted by the Great Beings at some point with mounted blasters. Even without them, its size and sheer power makes it the most feared creature in the desert. Mata Nui, Kiina and Ackar fought a Skopio on the way to Tajun and barely survived.
the core war
the core war

The Core War was a war fought by the Element Lords and many smaller beings over the newly discovered Energized Protodermis. The happenings of this event are known to have caused the the Shattering, in which Spherus Magna was destroyed, of which three pieces were the remainder; Bara Magna, Aqua Magna and Bota Magna.
Each of the Element Lords had their own army, with the soldiers' weapons and armours associated with the elements of their Element Lord.
The ice tribe was the first to discover the Energised Protodermis, and shortly after they gained control of it. The Iron tribe did not participate because of being wiped out by the plague. The other tribes coveted the Energised Protodermis and began fighting over it. The Great Beings knew that if the war continued, the planet would shatter. After attempting to end the war in a peaceful way, the Great Beings created the Baterra to kill every armed combatant.
The battle of the field of mist raged first in the Great Jungle with Tarix and the water tribe against Ackar and the Fire tribe. Afterwards was The Battle of Iron Canyon. Due to Iron Canyon's treacherous landscape, participating Glatorian were easily ambushed by each other. They frequently had to hide and seek each other out.
In the Campaign of the Ice tribe Tunnels Certavus's platoon had just defeated a Vorox legion. On the way back from the battle, the Skrall ambushed the now weakened Ice tribe. The Water tribe went to finish off the Ice tribe but met with the Jungle tribe, who was trying to do the same. Tarix and Vastus's armies made a truce, and the Water and Jungle tribes travelled through a forest trying to get to the secret Ice Tribe tunnels and use them as a strategical advantage. They encountered Malum and the Fire tribe in the forest and duelled them.
The war ended with the Stone tribe attacking the Ice tribe and weakening it. The Fire tribe battled the Ice tribe and drained some of the Protodermis. This resulted in the planet structurally weakening and exploding.
Enemies of Bara Magna
Enemies of Bara Magna

The Skrall
The Skrall are a species of warriors led by a leader class Skrall, particularly Tuma, that lived in the northern parts of Bara Magna. They are a closely related species to the main Glatorian race. The Skrall fought in many arena battles, proving themselves to be dangerous and relentless enemies to the Glatorian.
The Skrall were formerly soldiers in the Core War on Spherus Magna under the Element Lord of Rock. A large number of them ended up on Bara Magna after The Shattering, and settled in the northern parts of the planet and establishing a massive fortress city.
Thousands of years later, the tribe was attacked by the Baterra, shapeshifting beings who killed many Skrall including most of all the leader class Skrall. Only Tuma survived the attacks. They then moved south to avoid extinction. However they used the chaos to abandon the female Skrall who later formed their own separate tribe. The male Skrall then occupied the abandoned city of Roxtus and were later employed as Glatorians. One year later, Tuma, leader of the Skrall, ordered them to attack the Arena Magna during the Great Tournament, killing many Glatorian and Agori. An ice tribe Agori named Metus later convinced the Skrall and the Bone Hunters to join forces. After uniting, they destroyed Tajun, leaving its inhabitants refugees. Mata Nui entered the arena, and challenged Tuma to a fight for his friends' freedom. Tuma accepted the challenge and was eventually defeated by Mata Nui.
Metus, who revealed himself as a traitor, later arrived in the city, and ordered all the Skrall and Bone Hunters to attack. Before they could launch their assault, a massive creature arose from the sands (greatly resembling Malum). The Skrall believed it to be a Baterra attack and panicked, fleeing the arena. They encountered the Glatorian, and fought them. Five of the Glatorian, who had elemental powers, were able to defeat the army.
With the defeat of Tuma, the Skrall abandoned Roxtus and began following elite soldiers.
When Makuta arrived on Bara Magna, he released Rahkshi and Skakdi on Bara Magna to battle the Glatorian. A few Skrall, led by Stronius, took advantage of the situation, and attacked the Glatorian for revenge. When the Rahkshi were finally destroyed by the powers of the Golden Armour, and Teridax had been defeated by Mata Nui, the Skrall and Skakdi surrendered to the Glatorian and Toa.
Bone hunters
Bone Hunters are the name given to a nomadic tribe on Bara Magna. They resemble the Rock Tribe Agori from Roxtus and rely greatly on their Rock Steeds. They used to be sworn enemies with the Skrall until Metus, an Agori of the ice tribe, brought them together to destroy the other tribes. This plan was foiled by Mata Nui, Kiina, Ackar and Gresh as they led a force of other Glatorian and Agori.
Sisters of the Skrall
The Sisters of the Skrall were the female members of the Skrall species, driven away from the male members of the Rock Tribe. The female Skrall were long ago given psychic abilities by Annona, an ancient inhabitant of Spherus Magna who would later feed off of the Iron Tribe's minds, causing the Dreaming Plague, and they absorbed knowledge beyond that of the male Skrall. Due to this, the female Skrall were shunned and excluded by the males.​
When the Baterra appeared and the Skrall were forced to migrate south, the females were abandoned and left to survive alone. Eventually, one managed to rally the others together for survival, and they survived throughout the time that the male Skrall were advancing into Bara Magna.
Creatures of Spherus Magna
Creatures of Spherus Magna
Before the separations of the planet, Spherus Magna was also inhabited by many wildlife creatures alongside the Great Beings, the Glatorian, and Agori tribes. As well as non-sapient organisms whom were not specifically created to reside within the Matoran Universe and the Great Spirit Robot as the Rahi.
Skopio Creatures
Skopio were giant, scorpion-like creatures that lived on Spherus Magna, and later Bara Magna. The members of the Iron Tribe used to worship the Skopio creatures.
Desert Leech
Creatures that nest on the roofs of caves, dropping down on any intruders and sucking out their life energy.
Dune Snakes
Dune Snakes were creatures that lived on Bara Magna. They were known to live in nests, just underneath the surface of the desert, making it look like ocean waves.
Dune Spiders
A creature that uses spikes as a natural defence.
Dune Wolves
Dune Wolves were a species of wolf-like creature native to the Bara Magna desert. They were distantly related to Iron Wolves.
Giant Scorpions
The Giant Scorpion was a creature that lived on Bara Magna. The Giant Scorpion was known to live in caves, such as in the Black Spike Mountains.
Gravel Hawk
Gravel Hawks were a type of bird native to Spherus Magna. choosing to live around mountain peaks. Glatorian and Agori ate them, considering them a rare delicacy.
Reptiles that sun themselves on rocks.
Mountain Strikers
A bird with a five-foot wingspan that has claws that can penetrate armour.
Mountain Worms
A worm creature encountered near Iconox.
An ordinary rodent.
Rock Dragons
A dragon-like creature.
Rock Jackals
A jackal creature.
Rock Steeds
Rock Steeds were bipedal, reptilian creatures with large jaws and stingers, native to the desert of Bara Magna. They were used as beasts of burden by the Skrall and the nomads called the Bone Hunters.
Sand Bats
Sand Bats were creatures that lived in the deserts of Bara Magna. They were 15 feet long and was known to pop out of the sand to both get a view of its surroundings and to hunt. The Sand Bat couldn't stay in sunlight for too long at risk of being incinerated.
Sand Dragons
Sand Dragons were creatures from Bara Magna who had the ability to shed their skin.
Sand Fleas
A desert insect whose colonies have been known to be scattered by sandstorms.
Sand Foxes
A small canine creature that inhabits the deserts.
Sand Mites
A microscopic desert creature; used as an insult by Glatorian towards Agori.
Sand Stalkers
Sand Stalkers were a species of creatures on Bara Magna. Glatorian used them as transportation across the deserts. The Sand Stalkers were usually purchased in the village of Iconox.
Sand Worms
Desert creatures.
Scarabax Beetles
Scarabax Beetles were a species of small insectoid creatures that roamed the deserts of Bara Magna.
According to most Agori, they were considered very nice to have around, while to other Agori and the Skrall, they were considered 'pests'.
Spiked Worms
Spiked Worms were creatures native to Bara Magna. All that is known about them is that its larva burrowed inside a creature, eating it from the inside out.
Spider Beetles
Insect creatures.
Spikit creatures
Spikit were an animal species on Bara Magna. They were rather vicious and the Skrall assigned to feed them were often eaten by the Spikit. Even though they had two heads, they only had one mind shared between them.
Sun-Rock Dragons
Sun Rock Dragons were creatures native to Spherus Magna and later Bara Magna. It was once mentioned that a Bone Hunter's jaws could bite down harder than a Rock Dragon's.
Sun Serpents
Serpent creatures.
Talon Snakes
Talon Snakes were a species of snakes commonly found near Tesara. They possessed large talon-like blades on the tips of their tails, as well as venom powerful enough to paralyse a full-grown Glatorian. The Glatorian called Vastus extracted venom from Talon Snakes for use in his weapon.
Wasteland Wolves
The Wasteland Wolves were a species that lived in the Bara Magna desert. Their paws had evolved to be able to travel across the loosest sand and they were highly effective trackers.
Biomechanical Dinosaurs
Giant biomechanical reptiles modified by the Great Beings.
Biomechanical Sauropods
Humongous, long-necked herbivores.
Giant Predators
A forty-foot-high reptile with a laser targeting system and impact vision.
Giant Lizards
Large organic reptilians.
Small Reptile
A small and fast reptile.
Cave Shrike
Cave Shrikes were a species of predatory birds on Spherus Magna.
The Cave Shrike was a bird on Spherus Magna before the Shattering, and afterwards it was one of the few animals to still thrive on the newly created planet of Bara Magna. Cave Shrikes hoard food in stockpiles, but do not fight for them unless eggs are in the stockpile.
They are known to glide over the sand dunes for days in erratic patterns to escape notice while in search of food. They hunt small animals, and catch them by diving swiftly down at them; should they miss, they immediately flee, for their thin bodies cannot withstand most counterattacks. They have a habit of twitching their wing in the direction that they will fly in.
While on the way to Tesara during Mata Nui's training, Ackar pointed out a Cave Shrike to him and was able to predict which way it was going to turn by watching the Shrike closely. He tried to use this observation as a lesson to Mata Nui in reading his opponent's moves in battle.
A desert animal that lives in the unstable terrain of the Sea of Liquid Sand.